January 11, 2025

A Pure Heart


A Pure Heart

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

I’m sure you’ve all heard this verse, and maybe you even know the song… But what does this really mean? And how do we achieve a pure heart?

In Proverbs 4 verse 23 it says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.” When it says “heart”, I think it means to be cautious of your thoughts, words, and the things you seek after. Notice in the verse in Psalms that GOD is the one who is creating the pure heart. Apart from the Lord, we are anything but pure. But because of JESUS, we have the privilege and the opportunity to walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. We can walk in righteousness and purity, because we have been made righteous and pure through Jesus’ sacrifice.

This also takes some work on our part. Hear me when I say this, you do NOT have to work for Jesus’ love. You have NOTHING to earn. But it is our responsibility, as believers who have been made new, to walk in freedom from the enemy. It is our responsibility to live a life that is holy, so that people will see Jesus in our actions and will want to know Him.

Here are some things you need to think about….

The movies & television shows you watch:

  • Do they portray things that are pleasing to the Lord?
  • Or do the story lines and actions that take place in the movie reveal things that are impure?

The music you listen to:

  • Do the songs exalt the name of Jesus?
  • Do they celebrate the things He has done?
  • Or do the words of the songs reflect the things God asks us to stay away from?

The words you use:

  • Are they encouraging?
  • Or are they sarcastic and intended to hurt people?

Girls… we HAVE to be realistic here. We must take practical steps in order to FEED our spirit and STARVE our flesh.

In order for the Lord to reveal to you what it means to have a pure heart, you have to spend time with Him. I know that life is busy, especially in junior high and high school. I promise you, it will NOT kill you to wake up an hour early to spend time with Jesus. Here are some other things you can do throughout the day to spend time with our Lord and Savior:

  • Whenever you have a free minute in class, pull out your devotional book.
  • Say little prayers throughout the day.
  • Be in communication with Jesus. He LOVES to hear from you, and He LOVES to speak to you, too.
  • Find some good worship music. I listen to worship music all the time. It helps you fix your gaze on Jesus, to fix your heart on Him.
  • Get in the habit of reading your Bible every day.
  • Put notecards inside your locker with lyrics to a worship song or a Bible verse so you can be encouraged throughout the day.

The more time you spend doing things that remind your spirit to worship, and the more that you do to fix your heart on Him, the more you will see your heart beginning to transform into a pure one.

Pray with me~

Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice. Thank You for redemption, and thank You for allowing me to have a relationship with You. I ask, Lord, that You would begin to change my heart, and that You would reveal the things in my life that I need to lay down in order to be more like You. Give me wisdom and discernment to know what You say is best for my life. I love You, and I worship You. Amen



Our secret fellowship group on Facebook  is OPEN, so join us to make some new friends who love the Lord!!!! :)

Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st! We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.

Resolution for Women: Choose Wisely

Ladies…. if you have read today’s resolution you know that it is imperative that you ask yourself the following questions…

  • Are you making today’s decisions with tomorrow’s impact in mind?
  • When you’re arranging your priorities and forming your habits, do you think about your children, your grandchildren, about the kind of character they’ll remember about you and inherit from you?
  • When you spend your money, or sport your fashion sense, or speak your piece, or spare your time, does it ever occur to you that you;re not just making a choice for yourself, in the moment?

The types of resolutions you choose to make each and every day not only matter RIGHT NOW, but they keep on mattering because they are your LEGACY!

Proverbs 13:22

A good (woman) leaves an inheritance.

Last Sunday my family and I were having dinner and my 14-year-old daughter Vicky announced to everyone that *I* am her God story.I was blown away. She said that through watching me, she has learned how to have an intimate relationship with the Lord and she doesn’t think she would be this close to Him if I was not in her life.

I am not her biological mother. I have been her mother for the past 10 years and have been walking with Jesus for only that last 6 of those years. I have yelled, I have screamed, I have been mean, I have gotten frustrated and I have not always been the best example. I HAVE BEEN HUMAN.

BUT….. that isn’t what she credits me for. By the grace of God, she chooses to credit me for teaching her to pray and walk with our Lord and Savior. I can’t think of anything more humbling…. can you? I can only pray that her brothers will one day be able to say the same thing. They have all seen me INTENTIONALLY spend my time every day working to be BETTER in all that I am and all that I do.

They see me serve. They see me pray. They see me say “yes” to God when I want to say “no.” They hear me encourage and they see me be a good steward of my time and other resources. They see me work hard. They see me mess up and they see me repent. They see me give and they feel my love.

I am telling you all of this for you to see that leaving a legacy does not mean that you are perfect by any means. It means that you purpose to be your BEST and live intentionally with the future in mind. It means that it’s not about YOU… and if it has been in the past, you can change that NOW and be a difference maker for you and your children… and every other life you make contact with. It is not too late. Please, let your legacy begin now <3

Let’s pray:

Lord, I ask that you be with each and every one of us as we determine to start this day anew with a fresh heart and spirit and intentionally look to the future in all our actions. We want to be difference makers, Father, and we desperately need your help in order to impact our children the way you intend us to. Help us leave a legacy like only we can, God! We thank you for this perfect provision! In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3


Don’t forget!!! Our next Women’s Online Bible Study starts next week on October 1, 2012!!  We will begin an awesome study by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller, “Winning Him Without Words…10 Keys to Thriving in a Spiritually Mismatched Marriage“.  We are VERY excited about this study!!  This study will end on December 13th.  I hope you will join us!!  To sign up for this study, please email us at


We will send you all the details to get registered.  All you will need is a copy of the book, a pen/pencil, your bible, and a journal (if you like).  Each day, Monday through Friday, we will blog about this study RIGHT HERE on our website!  Then you will go to our Facebook Discussion Group, where we have set up a SECRET Facebook Group, so you can share your thoughts privately with just the women in that group.  The Facebook Groups are an awesome way to let your hair down, be yourself, be real, and not have to worry about the whole world reading your thoughts!  Plus, it’s a GREAT way to meet other Christian like-minded women and build friendships all over the world!  Give it a try!

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

The End of the Resolution: Leaving a Godly Legacy


I can’t believe this is the last chapter!  This study has gone by so fast!  I have enjoyed every single chapter; every blog post about these chapters; the prayers that have gone forth; the wisdom revealed; and so much more!  This has truly been one of the best studies I’ve done!

To close this study, the last chapter is about “Leaving a Godly Legacy…A Resolution to live today with tomorrow in mind.”

With the recent passing of my step-father, attending his funeral reiterated for me just how important it is to leave behind a good legacy.  But what about leaving behind a godly legacy?  I had to think about that for a minute.   When my life ends, will my children know without a doubt how much I loved Jesus?  Have I been a godly example to them?  Have I been Jesus with “skin 0n” to them?

Or not.

It’s the “or not” that I am sure all of us never wants to happen.  So let’s take this last chapter and learn exactly what it means to leave a godly legacy.  Let’s learn how to live today with tomorrow in mind.  And let’s don’t ever forget what we will learn.


Your Reading Assignment:

Monday: Read Choose Wisely  — Megan blogging

Tuesday: Read Unexpected Legacy AND Set In Stones – Beverly blogging

Wednesday: Introducing Donna Day — NEW Blogger for Women’s Ministry

Thursday:  Introducing Jennifer Mlcenzyski — NEW Blogger for Women’s Ministry

Friday: Introducing Sarah Boyer — NEW Blogger for Women’s Ministry


I hope you will join us in welcoming our brand new bloggers for the Women’s Ministry!  I’m very excited to see them on board with us.  We won’t be seeing Megan blog here for the Women’s Ministry anymore because she has started a brand new TEENS Group for Girlfriends Coffee Hour, and will be very busy heading that up!  I hope you will stop in and drop her a line every now and then.  You will see our “TEENS” link the top part of our webpage.  I’m sure she would love it if you stopped by!

Don’t forget!!! Our next Women’s Online Bible Study starts next week on October 1, 2012!!  We will begin an awesome study by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller, “Winning Him Without Words…10 Keys to Thriving in a Spiritually Mismatched Marriage“.  We are VERY excited about this study!!  This study will end on December 13th.  I hope you will join us!!  To sign up for this study, please email us at


We will send you all the details to get registered.  All you will need is a copy of the book, a pen/pencil, your bible, and a journal (if you like).  Each day, Monday through Friday, we will blog about this study RIGHT HERE on our website!  Then you will go to our Facebook Discussion Group, where we have set up a SECRET Facebook Group, so you can share your thoughts privately with just the women in that group.  The Facebook Groups are an awesome way to let your hair down, be yourself, be real, and not have to worry about the whole world reading your thoughts!  Plus, it’s a GREAT way to meet other Christian like-minded women and build friendships all over the world!  Give it a try!

That’s it for today!

We’ll see you tomorrow!

God Bless!! 🙂

Are YOU God’s daughter?


In preparing our hearts for our Bible study we will be beginning next week, we thought it would be good to take this week to talk about all the things that make us a daughter of the most-high King! THIS  is the schedule for our blogs this week….

I’m excited for you to read what Diane will be sharing with you tomorrow here on our blog about how being a godly girl isn’t about doing a list of things… it is about being obedient to Christ in everyday life and showing His love through every interaction!

Right now you can be obedient to Christ by doing things like obeying your parents and other authority in your life. Teresa will be sharing more with you about that on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Jordan will be talking with you about having a pure heart. What Does it Mean to Have a Pure Heart? Well, purity means cleanness from foulness or dire and Daniel 12:10 says, “Many will be purified, made spotless and refined.” Purity really begins in our hearts and thoughts. Pure daughters must learn to control their thoughts. Sometimes, it will be hard. To control your thoughts, it helps to focus on God by praying, thinking of Bible verses and hymns. This is a time when the Bible verses you’ve memorized really help; think of Psalm 19:11: “Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”

Tonya can’t wait to share with you on Thursday about your attitude! Is your attitude right, or are you just going through the motions? How we act reflects the attitude of our hearts. “As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man. ” (Proverbs 27:19, ESV)

On Friday, our new blogger, Edwina, will be sharing with you about beginning anew! Let’s start this Bible study with open hearts and fresh eyes ready to hear from our Lord and Saviour!

And on Saturday…. Coleen will be continuing our series on prayer. I hope you enjoyed her 1st post in this series yesterday! I really loved it! 🙂

Friends, I am so excited to see how God is going to work though each and every single one of us through this study! Have you signed up yet? There is still time!!! All you need to do is email us at Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com and let us know you’re interested! THEN… we will give you access to our super safe and secret Facebook groups where you can meet and hang out with other teen girls who love the Lord just like you do!

You can like our public Facebook community page here:


Let’s pray…

Dear Lord, thank you for each and every one of your daughters reading this blog today. Father, we are believing You for BIG things in their lives through diligently seeking You in such an intentional way through GCH:decaf. We pray that You bless every household and every precious heart involved. We love you, Lord, and we thank you! In Your Son’s mighty name we pray, amen <3

Resolution for Women: Sabbath Spaces

Today’s blog is brought to you by Donna Day.  Donna is new to our Women’s Ministry Blogging Team, and will become a full-time blogger when our next study “Winning Him Without Words” begins on October 1st.  I hope you enjoy her post today, as much I do!! <3 Christi  



I remember as a little girl growing up in Wisconsin, the snow days like the one Priscilla talked about in this part of our study today. Of course we had a lot more snow days than Dallas would have had. We wished for them so we could get out of school and go sledding or ice skating. Snow days here were not a day of being stuck in the house with nothing to do. All the kids in the neighborhood would gather and have a great time in the snow.

Our dilemma would have been the stormy days when the electricity would go off and we were forced to a day of solitude indoors with no radio or TV. I hated those days then, but now I love them! A chance to get caught up on reading a good book or just meeting with God for some quiet time.

Isn’t it humbling to know that we have a God who wants to meet with us? The God of the universe, the creator of everything desires my presence with Him! Out of the hustle and bustle of our world our Father wants us to know that he desires to be with us and spend time together.

That’s why I love this “14 challenge” that Priscilla has given us. Our world today is so pushy and intrusive. With all the internet, cell phones and television we can’t live without, sometimes it’s overwhelming. Society tells us that we have to constantly be busy achieving and going to the next level to accomplish all-even if it takes 7 days a week! To teach our children that we need this 14 minutes of carved out, purposely planned time with God is a gift to them. Teaching them how to listen and pray and hear from God helps them know how to plan for the day and for life.

My husband recently remodeled our bedroom and added a balcony on to the back. I have always tried to find a quiet place and time everyday to meet with God and during nice weather days, that balcony is where I meet with God. It’s a tangible place I can go to and know it will be quiet and peaceful.

My children have always known that Mom has a quiet time everyday. They are grown and gone and have their own lives now but I pray that I have instilled in them the pursuant of peace, a sabbath rest from which to draw on for the day.
May I suggest some  practical tips you could use to make your “Sabbath Rest” a success?

* Decide during the day what time can be easily set aside for this. Whether it’s morning, nap time, or evening when everyone is quiet. Whether you have to get up earlier or stay up a little later.

* Find a peaceful spot so that you are not distracted by anything around you.

* Turn off all phones, TV and radio, so you are not distracted by them. It won’t hurt for this small amount of time and it says you’re serious about taking the time to meet with God.

* Set everything out the night before, if possible, so that when you are ready it’s all there and you don’t have to go hunting for it.

* Go in with an attitude of prayer and be ready to let God speak to you.

Now that you have done all this in preparedness, purpose to take time everyday-it will change your life!!! If it’s 14 minutes or half an hour, you will not regret it. In fact you will look forward to it and God will meet with you. You will find that “Sabbath Rest” we all need on a daily basis!

Let’s pray: God we want to meet with you. Help us make it a priority in our lives. Help us carve out time to make this happen-even if it’s only a few minutes a day. so that we can teach our children and be an example to them of this important time. teaching them that it is necessary to be able to live grounded in You. Thank you so much  that you desire time with us. In Jesus name Amen
Your assignment:Share in the comment section below, how you do or will carve out that necessary Sabbath rest time with God. Be honest and share and be creative too, sometimes we need to be creative to make it happen!


Donna lives in Southeast WI, with her awesome husband Ronald.  Together they have 3 children and 2 grandchildren.  She went to school in the Brodhead WI area, and met her husband in the 5th grade!  He told her years later that when he first met her, he knew he was going to marry her!!  How sweet!!

Donna attends Rock Assembly of God, where she is active in coffee ministry, Worship team and heads up their Women’s Ministry, as well.

She loves to read, sing and listen to some talk radio.

She became a born again Christian when she was 12, but didn’t really get discipled until she had been married for 2 years. Then she and her husband both gave their lives to Christ and they’ve never looked back.

We are so blessed to have Donna on our Leadership Team.  She is such an encourager, and a joy to be around!


Reminder… on October 1st, we will begin our brand new Online Bible Study, entitled “Winning Him Without Words” by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller.  If you are in an unequally spiritual marriage, you won’t want to miss this study!!

To sign up for this study, please send an email to: Womens@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and we will send you all the details you need to get started!

Now jump on over to our Facebook Group for the daily activity!! If you do not yet belong to this group, and would like to, send us an email atGirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with FB GROUP in the subject line, and we’ll be glad to add you!

Resolution for Women: Off Broadway


For the law was given through Moses,

grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

John 1:17 


If you didn’t read today’s chapter, you’re probably wondering what in the world a can of WD-40 is doing in our blog today!!  If you did read it, you will know exactly what it’s meant for!  Read on…..

When I read the script Priscilla mentioned in the first part of this chapter, I have to admit that I was feeling a bit uneasy.  Why?  Because I felt like she was talking about the script that was written about my home a few years back.

The Lord is really working in me the last couple of weeks.  Last week, we talked about loving our kids; and the difference between loving them and being their friend.  This week, we are talking about grace in the home.  This chapter, we are talking about expectations / grace within the home.

I admit when I first moved into this home, I had no experience being a step-mom.  I have been a step-child before, but never a step-parent.  I had good and bad experiences as a step-child.  I learned, or rather I thought I had learned, what to do…and what not to do.  But, as life would have it, I realized very quickly that I hadn’t learned anything about step-parenting.

I had it in my head what I thought my new home was going to be like.  My husband and I talked a lot about what my responsibilities would be.  I thought I was going to just walk in and everything would just be peachy-keen!  Not!!

I can go back now and see the reason why things didn’t go so smoothly.  I was bullheaded.  My expectations were extremely high, especially when there had been NO expectations prior to me living in our home.  ANY expectations that I would have had would have been considered too high because of the lack of expectations before me.

To me, I wanted the kids to understand that I was just doing what their dad wanted me to do.  To the boys, they just wanted me to go away, and leave them to do whatever they wanted, as they had been doing for almost two years.

I was an intruder.  I was a spy.  I was a tattle-tale.  I was the enemy in their little world that had been so rudely interrupted!

Grace?  We didn’t know that word back then.  None of us did.  We were one of the most dysfunctional families in the neighborhood.  Neighborhood?  Nooo, in the whole town it felt like!

I expected the fairly tale setting.  I would move in.  We would all love each other.  We would all get along.  We would all have a great time.  And so on…..  WRONG!!!

I and everyone else in this family found out rather quickly that was not to be!

My expectations were to have respect for each other.  You did what you were told to do.  You didn’t bad-mouth each other.  You, in no way, showed violence.  You kept peace in the home.

Some may say that doesn’t sound like my expectations were too high.  But in this home, it was, only because it had never been reinforced before.  Now I come into the home and I was reinforcing these things, and the troops were not happy, at all!!  I was truly the enemy.

I admit now that I blew it.  My expectations should have been adjusted to a lower level, until we learned about each other.  Instead I just marched in and laid down the law.  Wrong way to go about things.  That blew up in my face, and it caused a lot of heartache for all of us.  I take the blame for that.  If I could go back and do it all over again, I would totally do things differently.

The lesson I learned is that each individual in your home has certain capabilities.  The expectations of that person should be based on what that person is truly capable of giving.  No individual should be forced into doing something they are not capable of doing, no matter what.  It should begin with teaching that individual first.  No one can do what they have not learned.  How can they?  They have yet to learn what is expected of them.  They Will Fail!!  And so will YOU, if you insist on them performing something they have yet to learn!

Re-evaluate your expectations of those in your home.  Re-evaluate how you can adjust your expectations to what is capable for each person in your home.  Don’t set the expectations so very high that no one will be able to reach it.  If you do, YOU will be hurt, disappointed, and more!  You will not achieve what you hope to if your expectations are not attainable.  Yes, I agree that we sometimes have to stretch our expectations to help our self and others strive for success.  But, what I am talking about here is setting the expectations so high, that no one can attain them …. To YOUR Satisfaction!

If you want peace, fun, laughter, acceptance, love, and a well oiled family unit, whip out the WD-40 (GRACE) and start spraying the areas where the expectations are too high, so you can loosen up a bit!  Don’t be a drill sergeant like I was!


Be a woman resolved to show grace in your home! 


Grace is the smile that everyone in your home is waiting to receive from you.


Truly if you use the grace card in your home, you will see much better results that I did when I first moved in here.  Today, we still struggle with past hurts because of how high the expectations had been set, and unmet.  We’re a work in progress, but by the grace of God, we are much better than we were back then!!  Praise God!!




Let’s Pray:

Lord, I lift to You each person who is reading this today, and maybe struggling with expectations that are too high in their home, or their work environment.  Maybe they are the ones with the high expectations.  Maybe they need to loosen up a bit.  Maybe they need to learn how to use grace in their home or workplace.  Father I ask You to give them wisdom and discernment on how they can show grace to each person in their life, or how they can set the right level of expectations for their home, or workplace.  Lord, forgive us for the times that we have expected way too much from others.  Forgive us for the times that we have tried to force our expectations onto others.  Help us give grace to those who need to learn from us.  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.


Your Assignment:

Tell us about an area of your life where your expectations need adjusting.  How will you go about changing them, and why?



Reminder… on October 1st, we will begin our brand new Online Bible Study, entitled “Winning Him Without Words” by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller.  If you are in an unequally spiritual marriage, you won’t want to miss this study!!

To sign up for this study, please send an email to: Womens@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and we will send you all the details you need to get started!

Now jump on over to our Facebook Group for the daily activity!! If you do not yet belong to this group, and would like to, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with FB GROUP in the subject line, and we’ll be glad to add you!


Living Intentionally to Show God’s Grace,

Resolution for Women: Ok

“For the law was given through Moses,

grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

John 1:17


Some of you know that my oldest son James (who I CANNOT believe will be 21 this month!!!) has Asperger’s Syndrom. One of the characteristics typical to Aspies is that they tend to not show a whole lot of emotional about things and can even have a robotic-type of sound to their voice when they speak.

My Aspie is no different and it used to drive me crazy when I would be really upset with him about something and the only response I would get from him would be “ok.” You see, I am an extremely passionate person… when I am happy, I am super happy. When I am upset, I am super upset. SO, to have someone simply say “ok” in response to one of my epic rants would just drive me insane…… but it always instantly got me to calm down and it diffused the situation.

I know I say this all the time, but it’s true…. EMOTIONS ARE DECEIVING!!!! Ladies, we don’t always HAVE to be right, or get the last word in, or be in the driver’s seat for every conversation. We need to just STOP and simply say…


That’s it.

Proverbs 15:1

A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.

On page 235, Priscilla writes:

“Truly the wise woman doesn’t always seek to be heard or validated but sometimes- in order to protect and preserve relationships, in order to invite peace back into her home- chooses a soft, delicate, gentle response in place of one that’s harsh and explosive, harmful and wounding. She is resolved not to tend the fire of quarrelsome conversations, knowing she’ll only be covered in ashes long after the embers have burned out… she is patient. She brings calm to the storm.”

Choosing to respond in this way, and NOT react makes you wise and graceful… not a pushover or a doormat. I cannot think of a more intentional way to show grace, respect and honor in conversation than to be so careful with your words. God calls us to this, but it is up to us to obey and show this grace.


Let’s Pray:

Lord, help us to temper our tongues and show grace in every conversation today. We need you to work within us from the inside out to get out-of-the-way be graceful in all circumstances. Help us to model this in our homes, in our work places and in our communities. Help us be difference-makers, Father! Give us the courage and wisdom to know when to be silent or only mutter the tiny word “ok.” We thank you for this provision, Lord! In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3

Your Assignment:

Prayerfully consider how you can apply the message of these verses in your life today:

  • A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4)
  • Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones.” (Proverbs 25:15)

Resolve to respond with “ok” as much as you can in the next 48 hours in order to begin to make this a habit. Take note of the impact it makes in your closest relationships <3


Reminder… on October 1st, we will begin our brand new Online Bible Study, entitled “Winning Him Without Words” by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller.  If you are in an unequally spiritual marriage, you won’t want to miss this study!!

To sign up for this study, please send an email to:  Womens@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and we will send you all the details you need to get started!

Now jump on over to our Facebook Group for the daily activity!! If you do not yet belong to this group, and would like to, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with FB GROUP in the subject line, and we’ll be glad to add you!

Be a blessing,

Megan 🙂

Tonya’s Journey to GCH:decaf!


GCH: decaf blogger Tonya Elliott

I have always known who God was. I can remember as far back as 4 years old, kneeling beside my bed, with my mom and dad on each side of me, teaching me how to say my prayers…you know how it goes: “Now I lay be down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep…”. If my mother and father didn’t do anything else, they made sure that my sisters and I had some form of concept of who God was. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.

You have to understand that my mother and father weren’t avid church goers, but my mother would consistently place my sister and me on the church bus every Sunday to go to church. In a way, I am so glad that she did that, because those wonderful ladies helped introduce Jesus to my sister and I more and more…more seeds were planted…”I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6). Thank you Jesus for the lovely women of Christ who took time out to plant seeds, while others watered and I can now definitely see God’s increase! God is awesome like that!

I spent most of my elementary and middle school years traveling back and forth between Germany and Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. Ft. Campbell, Kentucky was my father’s home base. He was a Sergeant First Class in the Army…a Mess hall Cook. I LOVED my life growing up on the many military bases. What my sisters and I didn’t know was that our father’s drinking problem was starting to affect his work, and he was making more mistakes with his cooking.

I can remember coming home from school in the 8th grade, to my mom packing our belongings. I was used to packing and moving, but I knew that my dad was not scheduled to be transferred anywhere else, so I asked her what was going on. She replied that we had to move because my dad was being discharged because of his drinking. I was devastated! My world as I had always known it was coming to a complete halt!

How does a person…a young teenage girl comprehend all of that? To be honest with you, I had a difficult time trying to adjust to the news. I was angry, I was frustrated, sad, confused, all of the above. We ended up moving to Memphis, Tennessee, which was where my parents were from. We moved with my mother’s family and the saga began. I won’t go into details about all of that, but I will say that it was a very emotional time in my life. We went from having everything we wanted, to not having anything at all…well; at least we still had each other, right?

During this time, I met a lady who changed my WHOLE life around! She was my Young Life leader who would take the second baton of my Christian  growth and help me to run with it. She took the time to get to know me, share with me in my time of hurt, frustration, confusion, and anger, through the love of Jesus Christ. She took what was a horrible time in my life and helped me to refocus everything in my life towards Jesus. She loved me in spite of what was going on in my life.

Did my dad ever stop drinking, I am sure that you are asking? Unfortunately no, he did not, but our relationship got better. I loved my dad unconditionally, even through all of the hurt and disappointments. I learned to see him through the eyes of Christ…and believe me, once I truly became a Christian, that wasn’t hard to do at all! My dad passed away in November of 1998 and I miss him so much, but I know that God has him in His care. I have learned so much since then.

Today I am a Young Women’s Coordinator for a ministry called Red Zone, which is under the Memphis leadership Foundation umbrella, here in Memphis. I work with youth in the inner city Memphis area. I work primarily with middle school aged youth, but I have been working with the youth in that particular area for such a long time, that I have youth who are now grown and some married. I know that this is what God was calling me to do. He wanted me to go through what I went through, so that I could see that trying Jesus really does work and that He could work for the youth too.

I was married for 14 years and I have been divorced for 2 years, and I have 4 AWESOME children of my own, who have faced all kinds of odds, which I will share with you a later date. Trinicia (19), Jonathon (15), Justin (14), and Carlia (12).

Smiling is my thing! It is one of my ways of encouraging others. I am crazy enough to believe that if you share your smile with others, especially those who may be having a bad day, you just might brighten up their day!

I found Girlfriends Coffee Hour and it has been the BEST thing that I have ever done! GCH has brought life back into my world, and I feel alive again! My desire is to come alongside teen girls through this new ministry and walk with them and mentor them and share with them the love of Christ.


Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.


Tonya Elliott is a 40 year old Memphis native…  but she was raised all over the world, Germany, Kentucky, Tennessee, etc…Her father was in the military for 16 years. She has 4 beautiful children, Trinicia (19), Jonathon (15), Justin (14), and Carlia (12).

Tonya met Christ when she was 7 years old and really began to walk along beside Him when she was 14 years old. She has always had a heart for youth ministry! She currently works for a faith-based organization called Memphis Leadership Foundation as a Young Women’s Coordinator, working with middle school aged girls, and she loves it!

She was married at 23 and divorced at 37 years old, but she is thankful for that part of her journey because it has helped to shape her into the woman of God that she is today.

She loves to read, read, and read!! Tonya also loves to learn new things and is currently seeking her degree in Human Services. She is eager to see where God is leading her.


we just LOVE that Tonya is serving with us on our Leadership Team AND with your precious daughters! Please take a moment to leave her a comment and let her know how happy you are that she is answering God’s call eith GCH:decaf!!

Coleen’s Journey to GCH:decaf!


GCH: decaf blogger Coleen Hayden

I love this J.J. Heller song.  Take a listen…or sing along.  Wait!  Maybe you should get a tissue or two first…you ARE going to cry.


Who will love me for me

Not for what i have done or what i will become

Who will love me for me

‘Cause nobody has shown me what love

What love really means


<Big sigh!>  wiping away the tears that have splashed onto the keyboard, I pray, “Please, Lord, help me to love ’em!  Please give me YOUR heart!  Lord, please show me how!”

…and I struggle, wondering how I can possibly help a girl living in Montana trying to maintain her purity. “What can *I* really do,” I thought, “for a teenager in Texas who really doesn’t think she is smart enough to pursue honors classes and go to college?”  How can I even begin to be Jesus’ hands and feet to a young lady in Virginia whose parents are divorcing and her heart is being torn apart?  I don’t know how to even start to help a girl in LA see her beautiful self through God’s eyes not the world’s viewpoint… and what do *I* possibly have to say that could bring peace to the heart of a teenager in New Jersey, where gangs and violence make her scared to go to school?


Then I remember… I can PRAY!!! For them, with them, over them, and I can show them in the Scriptures that THEY have access to their heavenly Father.  I can teach them how to lay down their worries, fears, cares, and concerns at the feet of Jesus.  I can help them to recognize that God is always listening. I can inspire them to believe that God hears and answers.  I can encourage them to voice their own prayers…simply and with faith.  And, even from a distance, I can pray with them and show them God’s love. This, THIS is why I have committed to GCH: decaf.


Thousands of girls all over the world have hearts that yearn to feel safe; to be cared for and wanted ‘just because’ They want to be filled with peace & joy, they desire to feel pretty, and they need to know that who they are is enough.  I know Who knows exactly how to meet their need—my Lord, Jesus Christ. All that they need, want, yearn for, and desire can be met through Jesus Christ. He is the only Way to His Father, the Almighty God.  GCH: decaf is a place to come and meet my Savior, to learn about Him and His Father, to find a relationship with Jesus.  And, if you are privileged to already know this awesome Jesus…to build on and grow in and thrive in your relationship with Him!


Perhaps GCH: decaf is the place where you, if that is your heart, can come and be encouraged.  Maybe Girlfriends Coffee Hour is the place where moms and daughters can have a meeting place where they can grow together.  Possibly GCH: decaf is where you will learn about God’s love and all that He provided when He sent His Son to die for all mankind.  GCH: decaf, for me, is where love and compassion and acceptance are found.  Come visit us at GCH: decaf and see if you agree.


My name is Coleen Hayden and, with God in Christ in me, I will…


Love you for y.o.u…..

Not for what you have done…or have not done

Not for what you will–or won’t–become

I will love YOU just simply because you’re YOU

and, by God’s grace,

we will each be reminded of what love…what love REALLY means.

God loves you…and I do, too. <3


Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.


Coleen Hayden enjoys the privilege of being a housewife.  She and Robert have been married for 18 years and currently live in the Capital District area of New York state. They have one beautiful daughter, Kassia, who is married to the best son-in-law, Matt, and their marriage has produced 3 sweet grandchildren—Elijah, Kaylie Joy, and Levi.  They thankfully live close to these sweethearts and spend much joyful time together.  Her extended family includes 7 siblings and their spouses, 19 nieces/nephews, her mom, dad and step-mom, and her step-granny.

Coleen has a testimony of God’s awesome grace & mercy towards her when Jesus captured her heart 31 years ago.  She was an unwed soon-to-be mother with little hope, but God had a plan for her life and made a way for her and drew her to Him.  She is still growing and changing and, by God’s grace, becoming more like the image of God that He made her to be.

The Haydens have led a home Bible fellowship each week for over 5 years.  The folks who join them share a meal, Bible study, sing praises to God and pray for one another. Coleen also facilitates a womens’ small group which meets in her home.

Coleen has been blessed by God with gifts of intercession, hospitality, and encouragment.  There is not too much that makes her happier than living out Titus 2:4. Well, maybe her grandbabies…. 🙂

Coleen and Robert are thankful that God has allowed them to minister together through praise & worship.

Coleen’s hobbies include sewing, cooking, and playing the piano…. and if you need someone to pray with, she would love to do so!


As you can imagine, we are so happy to have Coleen working with us on our Leadership Team AND with your precious daughters! Please take a moment to leave her a comment and let her know how happy you are that she is answering God’s call!

Resolution for Women- The Encourager

1 John 3:18

“We must not love with word or speech, but with truth and action.”


The Intentional Encourager

 In our chapter, Priscilla was amazed that a very young 22-year-old Solomon – when given the opportunity to gain health, wealth, prosperity, and prestige – asked God simply for WISDOM to lead the people he was made king over.  This amazed me as well.  I have 4 children ranging in age from 17-26 and if given the opportunity to gain health, wealth, and prosperity OR wisdom – my crowd would certainly choose health, wealth, and prosperity. What child this age today wouldn’t?  Once again, like Priscilla, my initial thoughts were the same – King David certainly must have raised his child the right way ~ a way different from what I raised my own.  Do you see the similarities of this situation with times today?  They really aren’t any different.  We all have character defects or deficiencies, we all make errors in judgement and King David did as well.  Priscilla says, ‘He made some colossal mistakes in both his personal life and his parenting’; as we all have done and continue to do.

  ‘My son Solomon – God has chosen him alone – is young and inexperienced. The task is great, because this palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God.’            Chronicles 29:1-2

Solomon has been instructed to build God’s temple – did you get that?  God’s temple!  That is HUGE! …..and although he recognizes that his son is “young and inexperienced”, he also realizes that he is the chosen one.  That God chose Solomon to be king, to lead his people, to get His temple built.  Now it is his job to support, encourage, and most of all BELIEVE and have faith in his son to accomplish this undertaking. David does just that.

Like most parents, I have high expectations for my son and daughters.  I want them to have wisdom, health, wealth, prestige and all the blessings God promises in His word.  Unfortunately there have been many choices made by my children that were not in their best interest, that go against God’s instruction – that have caused me to lose faith in them, that have caused me to stop believing in them in many areas.  Shame on me.   I certainly was not perfect growing up and only in the last 4-5 years have built a relationship with Jesus Christ that has given me the desire and conviction to make my life’s decisions based on my Heavenly Father’s desires, the desires found in His word.  God didn’t give up on me.  God believed in me.  However, it remains very hard difficult to give my children that same gift (virtually impossible! – although we know with God all things are possible!)

As God’s child,  He was with me every step of the way growing up.  I know this because I should have been a ‘street kid’.  As a teenager my brother and I were being raised by my father.  He left our house to move in with his girlfriend and we had free reign.  Our dad wasn’t there giving us parental guidance, he wasn’t cooking for us or taking care of us.  I remember living in that mobile home (our home), just me and my brother (who was only 18 months younger than me) wanting to take care of him. There was no desire to ‘party’ as many teenagers do today. There was no desire to stay out until all hours or to do drugs or drink. God delivered us from what could have been a disastrous young adulthood.  He gave us wisdom.

The lesson being taught to us today is that we MUST be INTENTIONAL (and we have heard this word throughout many chapters n our study) with our children.  We must INTENTIONALLY encourage them, we must INTENTIONALLY provide them support (and I’m not talking about financial support or treasures), we must INTENTIONALLY believe in them.  We have to trust that our Heavenly Father has them – after all, they are His children.  We are simply here to give them earthly guidance and support until such day that they are reunited with their Father in heaven.  They are on loan to us.  We must never give up providing them with the spiritual food they need to get to know their daddy.  We must believe that they are going to do GREAT things in the course of their lives, that they too will build a relationship with God that will allow them to give their children what David did to Solomon.  This is a hard task ladies – a tough, tough task.  It is for me anyway – maybe it’s easier for you guys.  Perhaps you are in a different place in your life than I am in mine.  However, the lesson remains the same.  BE INTENTIONAL with your children.  As we have read in the past chapters, our jobs as parents don’t end when our children become adults.  Even with our grown children we must be INTENTIONAL in our actions towards them and continue to ‘train them up’ in the ways of the Lord. We must believe in them, encourage them, and support them – Intentionally. What incredible life gifts for them!

Let’s Pray:

Father, work in our lives.   Work in my heart Lord and in the heart of every reader here.  Allow us to become convicted and determined to be INTENTIONAL with our children AND the children of this world – those in our churches, in our communities, in  other cities and countries we visit.  Especially those father that do not have a parental figure in their lives.   You know every situation Father – for every parent and every child.  Provide us with the wisdom, guidance, and gentle nudges OR large pushes necessary to give our children the gift of belief in them, of encouragement, and the desire to continue spiritually feeding them regardless of where they are today in their personal lives.  May we be more like David in our daily walk with our children.

Your Assignment:

List some of the immature actions and temperaments in your children that may discourage you.  Keep this list in a place where you can always be reminded to pray regarding them, and consider who you can enlist to encourage your child in these areas (along side of you).  Carefully consider how you can make the overarching tone of your relationship with your child one of encouragement.  Please comment and let us know how we can pray for you in your walk, attempting to be more like David with Solomon.  or God with us.

[My note:  It is very difficult for me personally, psychologically, to see the roses over the thorns many times with my children.  This prohibits me from giving them the encouragement that I need to.  Especially with my son, who is covered in thorns.  This lesson has challenged me.  I will be praying for each of you in your own lives and request you cover my family in yours. Thank you for this.]__________________

Don’t forget, on October 1st, we will begin our brand new Online Bible Study, right here, entitled “Winning Him Without Words” by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller.  If you are in an unequally spiritual marriage, you won’t want to miss this study!!  It is AMAZING! (as a personal note, I have read this book – I have communicated with these authors over the past year and they are amazing.  Their personal stories changed my life.  Their words confirmed what my own pastor said when he counseled me in my own marriage.  I pray that you will join us for this study as well!)

To sign up for this study, please send an email to:  Womens@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and we will send you all the details you need to get started!

Don’t forget to stop by Craig’s blog to see what the guys are up to with The Resolution for Men.


Be sure to jump on over to our Facebook Group for the daily activity!! If you do not yet belong to this group, and would like to, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with FB GROUP in the subject line, and we’ll be glad to add you!

 With the greatest love ever and many hugs,

<3 Kelley