February 24, 2025

Captivating: Week 2 Reading Assignments

Well Ladies, have we settled into the ebb and flow of the new bible study?  Are you enjoying the book? We hope even if tough to read, it is something that will grow you to be the woman God intended.  This week we take on Chapter 2: What Eve Alone Can Tell.  We will look at her life, her choices, and see what God intended for her.

Here are our reading assignments for the week:

 Monday: Jackie – What Eve Alone Can Tell through Crown of Creation

Tuesday: Tonya – What Does Eve Speak to Us through God’s Heart for Relationship

Wednesday: Carissa – An Adventure to Share through Why Beauty Matters

Thursday: Michelle – But Why a Beauty to Unveil through In Closing

Friday: Jackie – Weekly Review


Father we stand in expectation for what You have for us as we begin week 2. If we are struggling, help us to let our fears go.  We know that You love us with an amazing love.  We strive to live completely for You.  Show us the lessons we can learn though Eve and grow us in ways we can’t even imagine.  In Your Name we pray.  Amen.

If you are interested in joining us for this amazing online Bible study, please click HERE. Once we receive your registration, we will email you with further details.

If you are interested in sending a private message to Michelle in regards to this email, please email her at: Michelle@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

Seeking Him by Coleen Hayden


Each Saturday for the next four weeks, we will look in-depth at a few of the most important aspects of having a dedicated, purposeful quiet time.  Last week I had the privilege of sharing with you a few thoughts from some friends about their own quiet time.  Gathering from their experiences, there seem to be a few basics which include:

Bible reading
Praise Songs
Seeking the Lord

This week in our current series, Seeking Him, we are focusing on one of the most important building blocks of a devotional time—spending time reading the Bible.  If we are to come to know God, we must begin to seek Him where He has made Himself known…and that is in His written Word, the Bible.

I would venture to say that almost every single one of us owns a Bible (at least one).  Did you know that the Bible continues to be the best-selling book in the world?*  One reason the Bible is so popular is that it is God’s Rule Book. He reveals Himself within the pages of the Bible.  In the words of His written Word, we find that:

The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.
They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them Your servant is warned;
In keeping them there is great reward.
Psalm 19:7-11

So, we learn that the Bible—which contains the Lord’s law, testimony, precepts, commandments and judgments—is to be desired!  It can be, as the Psalmist wrote, more desirable than gold and sweeter than honey!  And, in keeping (obeying) the words of the Bible (the Lord’s law, testimony, precepts, commandments and judgments) there is great reward!  Such encouragement then to spend time reading the Bible, wouldn’t you agree?

One of my oh-so-very favorite Scripture passages is Psalm 119.  (And, yes, it directly correlates to the psalm we just read—Psalm 19!  You noticed that, hmmm? Watch, you’ll see!)  Psalm 119 is the longest chapter of any of the 66 books of the Bible; it totals 176 verses.  Each of these 176 verses communicates a truth about the Lord’s law, testimony, precepts, commandments and judgments along with His ways, statues, and ordinances.  I find it so amazing (our Lord IS so amazing!) that every single verse tells us something new and different!  Reading and considering and meditating upon the dynamic truths contained in this ONE chapter could be a continuing study for your quiet time.  Perhaps these three verses would be a good place to start:

With all my heart I have sought You;
Do not let me wander from Your commandments.
Your word I have treasured in my heart,
That I may not sin against You.
Blessed are You, O Lord;Teach me Your statutes.
Psalm 119:10-12

Our desire, our intention, our focus, our goal, our purpose, our heart is to seek God!  He is what we yearn for…being with Him!  And these three verses express that desire so simply.

Here is a link to a cd that I think you will find a useful tool for your devotional time.  It is called Psalm 119 in Song by Susie Kimbrough,  a compilation of the 22 songs from Psalm 119 all of which are original musical compositions.  Listen to each of the selections and meditate on the Scriptures being sung.  http://www.shepardmusic.com/ps119cd.php

Keep Seeking Him and enjoy your quiet time with your Lord!  As you do, He will keep you from wandering, help you not to sin, and will teach you His statutes.

Praying for each of you!  I know that the Lord will answer your heart’s cry as you are Seeking Him with all your heart!

<3 coleen

*The Bible is the best-selling book in the world:



If you are interested in more information about GCH:decaf, email us at: GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

If you would like to send a personal message to Coleen concerning this series, you may email her at: Coleen@girlfriendscoffeehour.com


Crazy Love – Week 1/ Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” Weekly Review


Can you believe the first week of the incredible study is coming to a close? I am in shock! What an awesome week! Not only have the blogs been amazing, but I have enjoyed reading all of your comments and insight so much! God is so good! Please join me as I take a brief look back on week one…

Monday you and I were urged to stop praying and start exploring how we are coming to God in our quiet time. Mr. Chan asked us to take some time to dig deep and really take a look at our posture as we come into the presence of Our Lord and Savior.

Martha took a deeper look at God’s vast creation with all of us on Tuesday and she also had us think back about our relationship with our earthly father. We were asked to meditate on God’s greatness and wonder.

Donna took us on quite a journey on Wednesday as we explored the many attributes of God. We were asked to take a look at what holds us back from acknowledging God for who He is.

On Thursday, Jennifer worked through with us how so many aspects of God are bigger than anything we can even comprehend. We read about Isaiah and John and we were urged to again to be quiet and still before our Creator as we focus on His greatness in awe.

Francis Chan has a video for you as we complete chapter 1. I would love for you to watch it now….

In this video, Mr. Chan talks about asking God to create something new for you… not to repeat great quiet times you have had with Him in the past but a NEW awesome time with Him and in His presence! A new fire… a new passion! Let’s take a hard, real look at our prayer life where it maybe has become routine and breathe new life into it TODAY!

Let’s Pray….

Lord, thank You for all of the wonderful insight given to us this week about our prayer time with You. Thank You for so faithfully meeting us right where we are, and Father we thank You for breathing new life into our souls today! Help us to be contagious, spreading your light to all the lives we interact with today and may our passion for You be evident to every life we touch. We love You in a crazy way, Father, and we ask You to keep stoking this fire that is growing within. We crave to be forever changed by You and Your Word. In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, Amen <3

Your Assignment:

Remember yesterday when Jennifer asked you to really think about what the first words out of your mouth would be when you are in the presence of God…. if you literally saw Him right in front of you?  You KNOW it is TIME to fall CRAZY in love with God, ladies……. How will you NOW incorporate THIS new posture and language into your prayer time with God? Leave me some comments below all about it!


Megan 🙂


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Megan in regards to this blog, please email her at: Megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

Captivating: By Way of the Heart

As I was reading through Chapter 1, I related to so many things the author was talking about.  My highlighter was working overtime, and the tears were flowing.  This is actually the second time I am reading through this book.  A friend recommended it to me not long after I became a believer.  I read it, and I did a lot of eye rolling and doubting, and I may have let a “whatever” slip once or twice J  Obviously I was not at the right place to receive this message then!  Because of that I was a little nervous opening this book again, but the difference is mind blowing to me this time around.  As I read the words it feels like Jesus is wrapping His arms around me, telling me how much He loves me and that everything is going to be ok.  And when we break it all down, isn’t that all we really need?


It is amazing to me, when I really stop to think about it, how amazing our God is.  How He has worked out every detail, not only of my life, but your life, and not only your Great-Great Grandparent’s lives, but your Great-Great Grandchildren’s lives.  He has it all under control and He hasn’t missed a detail.  Look at how he has designed us, man and woman.  Men want a battle to fight, adventure, a beauty to rescue; women want to be romanced, to play a role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty.  It can be a beautiful fit when we realize these desires of our heart.  I think of a key fitting into the lock, and releasing what God truly intended our relationship with a man to be.  A woman in the presence of a good man, a real man, loves being a woman.  His strength allows her feminine heart to flourish.  His pursuit draws out her beauty.  And a man in the presence of a real woman loves being a man.  Her beauty arouses him to play the man; it draws out his strength.  She inspires him to be a hero. Would that we all were so fortunate.” God is so good.  This can seem like things fairy tales are made of, but as we have talked about this week, isn’t there a part of each of us, whether big or small, that longs to be that princess?  God knows this, and we are all His princesses.  The question is, are we living in a way that shows we believe and honor this?

We have talked a lot about these desires of our heart, how God has created us, and what these things actually look like this week.  The reality of all this is that many of these desires haven’t been met, hopes or dreams have been broken.  And that is ok for now.  This is why we are here.  This is why we draw close to God.  We don’t want to live that double life where everything is fine on the surface, in front of your friends, family, and church; but when you go home and are alone it doesn’t feel fine.  It feels like something is missing.  God doesn’t want us in this place.  He will meet us there, and He will bring us to where we are meant to be.  Through the study of this book we will take a journey towards the restoration and release of the woman you always longed to be.  Isn’t that what we all want?  To be the woman God created us to be?



Lord, we will never be able to truly comprehend Your magnitude.  You know every hair on our head and every detail of our lives.  Thank You for loving us so completely and with such grace.  We are all in different places in our lives.  I ask You to meet each woman in this study where they are.  The broken, the brokenhearted, the newly healed and fully healed.  Meet us and take us on a grand adventure to where You want us to be.  We are Your Princesses and You are our Hero.  We trust You and love You and pray for the will and discernment to always follow You where we need to go.  In Your Heavenly Name we pray.  Amen.


What do you think it means to live in a way that shows and honors the fact that we believe we are God’s princesses?  Are you in that place?  If not, what do you think you need to get there?  Is there anything we can specifically pray for you?

If you are interested in joining this online Bible study, please click HERE to sign up. Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

 If you are interested in sending a private message to Michelle please email her at Michelle@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” pgs. 29-34

I love what Francis Chan says on page 29 of our study today: “Most of us know that we are supposed to love God; that we are supposed to read our Bibles and pray so that we can get to know Him better; that we are supposed to worship Him with our lives. But actually living it out is a challenge.” I was so blessed when I read that! To actually have that said, out loud, was a relief to me, because some days it IS a challenge. Life just seems to get in the way:  husband, kids, school, job, dishes, just everyday life. Hard things we can’t understand too, like divorce, betrayal, death. Wow! Those things pull us away from reading, praying and worshiping. That “amnesia” flares up and we forget!

Let’s go over the defining attributes of God that Francis Chan pointed out to us in this section.

God is Holy: In Exodus 3:14 we read: “God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am’.” No one can change that. And yet it is so hard to fathom! So, in other words, He is everything. He is our all. We just can’t brag on Him enough because He IS all that and even more!

God is Eternal: Francis points out that we would probably all agree to this, and yet we don’t really comprehend it because we are limited to time, beginnings and endings. God has always been and always will be. Psalm 102:12,17 says “But you, O Lord, sit enthroned forever, your renown endures through all generations….. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.” We, however, are here only for a short time.

God is All-Knowing: YES in the deepest part of me that I hide from everyone else, God knows me! Hebrews 4:13 says “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.” That is sobering. I like that “He doesn’t have to know us so well, but He chooses to.” In spite of my sinfulness. So why do we question? Do we know more than the One who created us? He sees the whole picture from beginning to end. He is not obligated to explain Himself, we just need to trust Him.

God is All-Powerful: Psalm 115:3 says: “Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever pleases Him.” If He wanted He could destroy us in a second. He could create a whole new world and not even blink an eye. And He can take care of every little thing we have on our plates if we yield it to Him.

God is Fair and Just: One definition Of justice, Francis tell us, is reward and/or penalty as deserved.  God never excuses sin. We must let God decide and mete out justice and judge what is fair. He is always consistent. And thank God He does it!  I don’t want that responsibility!  As Francis Chan says, When you get your own universe you can make your own standards.

Let’s put it all into perspective as much as I can: When life gets in the way, when the hard times come, when we struggle sometimes to just keep it together – remember God. Don’t let the amnesia take over or you will miss out.

God is Holy and you can’t change that. Even if you think He’s far away, He’s not. And He is working it out for us.

Because He is eternal, He is not limited by anything.

Because He is all-knowing He sees us and knows the deepest parts of us that we keep hidden from everyone else. He knows your doubt and your lack of faith. He chooses to know us well.

Because He is all-powerful He’s got it under His control; we need not question, we just need to trust.

Because He is just and fair He has to punish sin. But because He loved us, chose to know us, and is concerned for us, He made a way. He sent His son to be spit on, laughed at, beaten and killed to pay the penalty of our sin that we could know Him.

Because He is GOD He knew it was the only way.

He loves you – worship, praise and adore this God who is our Father and loved us that much.

When you can’t see His hand, trust His heart.


Let’s pray:

Father we are so humbled that You love us. We thank You that you have all of these attributes that we can count on. Help us to trust You. To keep in perspective that You are GOD. Let us not forget to worship and pray and adore You. Be with every woman today reading this. Pour Your love out over them and let them bask in your Holiness. In Jesus name we pray-Amen

Your assignment:

Name some of the things that hold us back from acknowledging God for who He is? What steps can you take to not let the amnesia set in and live a full life in Christ? Then let us pray over these for you and bless you.

In Christ,


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Donna in regards to this blog, please email her at: Donna@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.




GCH:decaf – Meet Diamond

Meet my beautiful




I have been a fan of this young lady for several months now.  I have been watching her…  not in a creepy way (I hope), but really watching to see what she is made of.  We began this online teen ministry and this girl named Diamond signed up.  She was very quiet, at first.  Then one day out of the blue (to me anyway) Diamond posted the most mature, profound question and response I think I have ever seen.  While we were studying “A Daughter’s Worth” we were talking about dating and how that fits into our lives.  One day this awesome girl posted a statement that blew me away with her insight and maturity.  After I did this interview I realized that Diamond was 12 when she got this revelation from God to her heart.  I was immediately drawn to her.  I can’t wait for you to “meet” my friend Diamond.

This sparkly beauty is 15 years old and lives in Lexington, South Carolina.  I have family in South Carolina so I can’t wait to go for a visit and see Diamond on the way.  Look out girl!

We talked a little about music and she brought up this band that I keep hearing about:  One Directionor something like that.  I have seen the pictures of these guys and they are rather unfortunate looking.  I really hope they can sing.  LOL  There are several girls in our group that like these boys!!!!  Hmmmm  I may need to check them out a little better.

NOW, when we got to Christian artists, Diamond and I think a lot alike.  She loves  tobymac and so do I.  I have seen him in concert several times and I plan to see him again in February when he is in Nashville.  Diamond has pretty good taste in her tunes!!!

We talked about TV and movies a little.  She loves, loves, LOVES the movie Grease (I’m sure the original one with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John) and she goes “old school” Will Smith with the Fresh Prince of Bel Air for her favorite TV show.  I have to admit that I have seen Grease more times than I probably should and I have seen ALL of Fresh Prince (even when it was new, LOL).  Those kids sure did get into some crazy trouble.

Diamond’s favorite thing to do with friends is just to spend time.  I love that.  Time is monetarily free, but is priceless.  It doesn’t have to cost you money to have friends.  They want your time and attention, so just hang out.

On this next topic of food, I must say Diamond surprised me.  I know she is from South Carolina and I know my family in South Carolina can COOK.  I love South Carolina Barbeque (especially the mustard sauce) and macaroni cheese pie.  When I asked Diamond what was her favorite food she said…  Chinese (and more specifically at China House restaurant).

So then I got this funny picture in my head of Diamond at China House in NERDY glasses listening to tobymac and I just had to laugh.

Our pastor shared a scripture with us and I thought about Diamond again.

It was 2 Peter 1:5-9, “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.  For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  But if anyone does not have them, he is NEARSIGHTED and BLIND, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.”

Then that brings us to the Bonus Question:  “What is one thing that changed your life?”

To that Diamond answered a very mature “The one thing that changed my life is when I realized that dating isn’t everything. God showed me this 3 years ago.”  That is what Diamond shared with the GCH: Decaf group back in the beginning of our first Bible study together.  This one statement told me that Diamond was listening to what God had to say to her about her life.  She took it to heart and applied that truth to her relationships.  Diamond doesn’t need a boy to make her feel complete, she has her relationship with God in first place.  Not only did she hear what God said, she was willing to share that knowledge with the other girls in the study group.  I love that!  Every experience is useful if we share it with others and help lead them to the truth of Jesus.

Thank you Diamond for being a light in our last study!!!  You are one very special young lady.  I can’t wait to see how God uses you in our “not a fan” study that begins in February.  I can already tell that you are not a fan.  Keep on teaching us how to be committed followers of Jesus.  Love you girl!!!

Mama T


We begin our next study on the book by Kyle Idleman, “not a fan”.  We will be working from the red, Teen Edition book and the Follower’s Journal.  Get your books now and be ready to start the study on February 4th.

If you are interested in more information about GCH:decaf, email us at: GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

If you would like to send a personal message to Teresa, you may email her at: Teresa@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” (pgs. 25-26)


Were you shocked by Mr. Chan’s 1st chapter title…. STOP PRAYING?

I think it is one majorly BOLD statement….. so you KNOW I love it! 😉

I pray with all my heart that it made you stop for a minute or two in order to fully understand why THAT would be the first thing he would ask you to do.

The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing,” but Francis wants us to STOP praying. So what does he mean??? Well….

For some of us, our relationship with God has turned into only coming into His presence when we have a grocery list of demands from Him. Ouch. Now is a good time for a heart check and really understand the place we are in with our relationship with Him. Are we just wanting to take and take and take but not give Him our time and devotion in return?

I urge you to stay with this thought for a little while today and really dig deep into your heart and soul to see what your heart condition is like as we begin this journey to be OVERWHELMED by our relentless God.

Francis Chan asks us to view this video from his website. If you haven’t been able to view it yet, please do so now…

Our God is sooooo big! This presentation is certainly overwhelming and awe-inspiring! I know that I have been through seasons where I have been so boastful as I have come to the Lord…. full of “me me me” talk and so conceited in my language to our Creator. If that sounds like you today, please repent and quickly make this right. Your heart condition is so important and we all need this reminder now and then…….

We are here to serve God…. He is not here to serve us. He loves us and truly wants us all to have the desires of our hearts, but we need to strive to want those desires to line up with His. The more we grow closer in our relationship WITH Him, the more our will and His will fall in line together. So awesome! What an incredible promise from our Lord and Savior!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning asking for forgiveness if we have come to You in any way at all except full or awe and adoration. Search our hearts today, Father, and help us to see where we need Your supernatural cleansing in our souls. Help bind any condemning thoughts but give us a strength in our spirit that can only come from You to know that we will be changed from this day forward. We love You, Lord, and we thank You for bringing us together for this study. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen <3

Your Assignment:

In the grand scheme of life, you ARE insignificant…… but to God, you are EVERYTHING and you are VITAL to fulfilling His purposes on this earth. Let’s begin today exploring in a deep way HOW we really are coming to God. Is it with humility or entitlement? Are we BOLD or timid? Is it with adoration and thanksgiving or pride? Please share your thoughts with us in a comment or two here on our blog…


Megan 🙂


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to send Megan an email in regards to this blog, please send it to: Megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

GCH:decaf — Meet Miss Amber!


Has anyone started a countdown for the start of our new study, not a fan??  I love countdowns but always mess the days up somehow — so someone help me out here please  —  how many days till our next study begins??!!!

Anyway, this past week I have absolutely loved reading the blogs.  Getting to know you all is so much fun!  I am so glad that we have a whole month of these blogs!  More excited that we have an entire study coming up where we will have such amazing opportunities to not only get to know one another but get to know our God in Heaven even better!

I am so excited to introduce you to Miss Amber.  This young lady is pretty amazing.  We did the last study together and through that study I have learned that she and I have/ had similar experiences in life.  It is nice because you know there is someone else out there that can relate with you and understand where you are coming from.  I appreciate Amber so much because through her opening up in our last study, I was able to realize this — The more you share with others the more you can relate!  I hope going into our next study as we learn more about each other and grow in our relationships, we are all able to open up, relate to, encourage, and love one another.

Now, here is some info on Amber…she is totally a lady after my very own heart (when we get to favorite clothing apparel you will see why!)  Amber is twenty years old and comes to us from Hendersonville TN.  Her favorite Christian band is Tenth Avenue North, which also happens to be my favorite band!  Her favorite singer is Mat Kearney.  Amber’s favorite movie of all time is Titanic.  That brings me back to days of laughing with my girlfriends repeating, I’ll never let go….I’ll never let go!  Honestly though that movie is one of my personal faves and just oh so sad.  When it comes to television it is Grey’s Anatomy all the way for Amber.

When it comes to fashion, I feel like we could share a closet…a very large walk-in closet filled with pink sparkly shoes (ummm…what size shoe do you wear Amber??).  In fact I bet Amber’s closet looks a lot like mine!  Her favorite style of clothing is sweaters.  As for shoes it’s her pink sparkle ones, and accessories is her birthstone necklace.

When Amber is with her friends her favorite thing to do together is play the battle of the sex’s game.  I have never played that game before but she assures us it is super fun!  Her favorite restaurant is Logan’s Roadhouse, never heard of it; they do not have that here in Pittsburgh!

This is by far my favorite question we are asking.  I am blown away by the responses to this question that we are getting from you all.  The question is: What is one thing that changed your life?  Amber’s answer: One thing that changed my life was getting the believer baptism, for the right reason. I felt like that was a moment where the time stood still and things finally seemed real to me, and I opened my heart, mind, and soul, to God and only God.

Ah!  My heart is smiling, is yours?  I am so so happy for that moment in Amber’s life.  The moment where believing in God and having a relationship with Him finally makes sense and you do not know how you have been doing it up to that point without Him; and you do not want to live one second of your future without Him!  I know God has HUGE things in store for Amber and I am excited to stand alongside of her.  Praying for her, encouraging her, and getting to know her more and more!

Much love to all of my decaf friends!

Love, Diane


If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please email GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information.

We’ll be starting our next online Bible study soon! So be sure to keep checking back for sign-up details to be posted soon!

If you are interested in sending a private message to Diane in regards to this blog, please send it to:  Diane@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


Crazy Love: Week 1 Reading Assignment

Hi there friends! Are you as excited as I am to journey through this Crazy Love study?! The time is finally here!

This book was very difficult to section off into daily reading assignments. So if you have any questions about what to read and when, please leave a comment or email me at Jennifer@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

On tap for today is reading the Foreword written by Chris Tomlin and the Preface written by our author, Francis Chan. There are so many convicting things just in these few pages. I practically highlighted every word! I thought about sharing some passages here with you, but I want you to read it for yourself first and soak in every word. Read through the foreword and preface a couple of times. Let it marinate. Ask the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and speak to you. Be open and willing to change; to think differently. This book very well could change your life.

So, without further ado, here is the rest of our week one reading assignment!


Sunday, January 6th: Foreword/Preface/Chapter 1 Reading Assignment (Jennifer)

Monday, January 7th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 25-26 (Megan)

Tuesday, January 8th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 27-28 (Martha)

Wednesday, January 9th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 29-34 (end at Before the Throne) (Donna)

Thursday, January 10th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 34-38 (start at Before the Throne) (Jennifer)

Friday, January 11th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” Weekly Review and Chapter 1 Study Video from YouTube (Megan)

Let’s pray: Father we bow before you, hearts and minds open and alive in hopeful expectation for what You have for us in this study. Please reveal to us each, individually, the crazy, powerful, immense love that You have for us. Help us to release our doubts and fears to You and receive this love that You so freely give. Show us how to live boldly for You and allow You to do amazing things in and through us. We are at your feet, Lord. In Jesus holy and precious name we pray, Amen!

Your Assignment: Tell us one part of the Foreword or Preface that tugged at your heart. It can be one line, one paragraph, or more. I’d love to know what the Lord brought to  your heart as your read these pages. Once you comment here, head on over to our Facebook group and let’s talk some more!

Captivating: Week 1 Reading Assignments

The time is here! We are ready to start! I consider myself blessed to be able to share this journey with you. I have faith that God is going to work in this group over the next few months and we are going to see big things happen!

Here is our reading assignment for the coming week.  Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you are still not quite sure how this whole online study works.  We are here for each other and we want you to get the most out of this study.  Don’t be shy!  We were all new once 🙂


Chapter 1: The Heart of a Woman

Sunday:  Michelle – Reading Assignment

Monday:  Jackie – The Heart of A Woman (Intro) through A Woman’s Journey

Tuesday:  Tonya – Unseen, Unsought & Uncertain through The Heart of a Woman

Wednesday:  Carissa – To Be Romanced through Beauty to Unveil

Thursday: Michelle – The Heart of a Man through By Way of the Heart

Friday: Jackie – Weekly Review


Father God, as we begin this study I ask You to join us.  We are all in different places in our walk, but You know the heart’s of each and every woman here.  Meet each of us where we are and take us on an amazing journey of growth, love and grace.  We thank You for Your blessing on this study.  We are grateful for Your mercy.   Thank You for loving us.  In Your holy name we pray.  Amen.

In Him,


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If you would like to send Michelle an email in regards to this blog, please send it to: Michelle@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.