February 23, 2025

Message Balloons

Message Balloons:  A great way to remember your lost loved ones on the anniversary of their death.


My dad died in 2009.  When the next year came around, my family and I wanted to get together in honor of our father.  So we began something that has become an annual tradition. The grandkids especially enjoy it.

We get about a dozen helium balloons and take them out to the cemetery. We chose purple and white balloons in honor of pancreatic cancer research which is what my dad died from.

Each  person was given a balloon and a black sharpie in order to write a message to Dad or to Grandad on them.  After everyone has finished, we say a prayer then we release the balloons together at the same time.  We tell the kids that the balloons are going up to heaven and that granddaddy will get their message.  They think that is the neatest thing ever. I hope you give this a try.
This can be done anywhere.  My sister lives in Florida and they have gone to the beach and let balloons off there.  And now, on my son’s birthday, he always wants to give a balloon to Granddaddy. It really is a sweet way for them to connect with someone that they don’t even see anymore but definitely someone that we want them to remember.

Below are instructions on how to do this and what you would need. It is  very simple actually.

Items needed:
Helium balloons — the amount needed depends on how many people will be there.

Sharpie™  –any color

Write your message on the balloon with a Sharpie™.  Example: “Dad, I love you and I miss you!  Rest in peace.  Your daughter, Amy.”

After everyone has written their message on their balloon, gather around and take a moment of silence and/or say a prayer in honor of your lost loved one.
Release all the balloons at once.

I LOVE watching them drift off into the air and taking pictures of them.



This a very special tradition for me and my family and I’m honored to share it with you.


With love,
Amy 🙂