March 31, 2025

Heaven is Home


But our citizenship is in Heaven,
and we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians 3:20

Days are long here and sometimes so hard to bear.  As His children, on those hard days, we think and dream of another place.  We long for our other home, with Him. Jesus is our real desire, to just stand at His feet and worship Him.  Can you imagine? I’ve known Him for a long time, and dreamed since I was a little girl, about what my home would look like. Are there streets of real gold and pearls…and is Peter really standing at the gate? And then there’s Andrew, James, and John!

But what about the things we have grown to love here on earth?  I do love a walk on the beach, to feel the breeze and smell the ocean.  I love when my husband holds my hand and tells me he loves me; and when my sweet children sit close and watch a movie with me.  All those things are dear to me!  I am sure you have some things, too, that you want to hold on to.  Do you picture trading this familiar setting for the unknown Paradise?  Are you riding in chariots?

In Heaven, we will feel ground beneath our feet and we will have touchable bodies. However, we will not have wings and become angels.  In Heaven, we will finally be complete.  We will be perfected and we will be truly His and in His Home.  Heaven is a place where everything becomes clear—no more trials and tribulations and no more confusion between what is right and wrong.  W will fellowship together and  worship together like never before. I don’t think we can even fathom just how joyful it will be. And those things that we do love about our earthly homes will be way better in Heaven.  We aren’t giving up anything!  Well…except sickness, sadness, hard seasons, and stress, that is!

In John 14:2. Jesus said,”I am going to prepare a  place for you.”   He is preparing a home for you and me.  A place where we all belong and feel good enough.  We will sit at the feet of Jesus and, because of His death and resurrection, we will be worthy.

Do you know about this place?
Do you know about Jesus Who died so that you could go there when you die?
Do you know that God loves you enough that He wants you there with Him?

Oh, He does love you!   He wants all to know Him and to love Him and worship Him. He wants to bless you beyond measure.  Your real home is with Him.  If you are ready to know Him then I urge you to pray this sinners prayer with me:

  *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~   ♥   ~   *

Dear God, I know I am a sinner.  I know I need forgiveness.  I believe that You love me and You sent Jesus, Your Son, to die for my sins.   Because of this, I will spend eternity with You in Heaven.  Fill me with Your Spirit.  I don’t know everything there is to know about You…but I trust You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Life’s Healing Choices: Week 1 -The Consequences Of Our Problems

“No! I do it by myself!” Awe the famous phrase of a toddler. Unfortunately I still use this phrase at times today as an adult. I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand to be told what to do! I don’t like not having control, and truthfully I rebel a lot of times and completely do the opposite of what’s being asked of me, even though I know it’s not the right thing to do.

Every one of us struggle with circumstances in life that we know are not good for us, but we still do them anyway. I have struggled with insomnia ever since childhood. There are many ways my doctor tries to help me by giving suggestions to help with falling asleep. However, I don’t always do them. For example, no caffeine after 3pm. (Honestly, I never listen to this one.) When I go out to eat, I order that coke with my meal because I think my meal is much better with one. I will drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee with my husband in the evening because it’s a special moment together we share. Yes, there are non-caffeinated drinks, but who cares! I want the real stuff! As a result of doing wrong, I suffer the consequences of being up late at night, not getting enough sleep, and SO cranky the next morning.

If the cause of most of our problems is our efforts to control everything, then what are the consequences of playing God? Isn’t that exactly what we are doing? There are 4 consequences listed in this book:

1) FEAR: When we try to control everything we become afraid. In my life I felt so out of control and scared inside that I faked being happy. In high school I acted like I was so happy and I smiled all the time. I was a good actress and thought that if I could get others to believe I had it all together, than maybe I too would somehow convince myself it was true. But truth was, I was hurting and so scared of people finding out this was not true. I was scared they would not like me and wouldn’t want to be my friend. I have remained in fear this would happen to me my whole life. Do you ever feel like this?  What is it that you fear today?

2) FRUSTRATION: Although I tried my best to hide my problems, a new one would arise. It never seemed to fail that I never stop with one pop up, I would have numerous ones and they never went away. I felt so frustrated all the time! Are you walking around today pretending your God thinking you can handle all your problems yourself, and you don’t need anyone’s help? Here are two examples of people in the Bible talking about feeling frustrated. Apostle Paul felt frustration: “It seems to be a fact of life that when I want to do what is right, I eventually do what is wrong…There is something else deep within me… that is at war with my mind and wins the fight and makes me a slave to sin.” (Romans 7:21-25 commentary)…David also felt frustration: My dishonesty made me miserable and filled my days with frustration.” (Psalm 32:3 LB)…Are you Too feeling frustrated today?

3) FATIGUE: I feel so tired all the time when playing God and pretending everything was ok when it definitely was not. Every day I felt weak and tried faking how I was feeling with everyone I came into contact with. I started feeling like I couldn’t keep up my lies much longer. I felt like my strength was almost gone. David experienced fatigue: “My strength evaporated like water on a sunny day until I finally admitted all my sins to you and stopped trying to find them.” (Psalm 32:3-4)

4) FAILURE: I always fail at playing God. Every one of us will fail at doing this and that’s a guarantee! The wisdom of Proverbs tells us, “You will never succeed in life if you try to hide your sins. Confess them and give them up; then God will show mercy to you. Are you being honest and open about your weaknesses, faults, and failures?


Psalm 32:3-4

Psalm 32:3-4

Father God, I come to You because I’m weak, so tired of trying to handle everything on my own. I’m afraid to let others know what’s going on inside of me. Lord I give to You my hurts, my failures, my faults. I’m tired of running and I’m going to let YOU be GOD. Thank You Lord for Your amazing love
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


ASSIGNMENT: Review these 4 consequences and list fears you have right now and how they cause you to react and feel. Share with us what you have been trying to control that have you tired today.


If you would like more information about this online Bible study, please email us at:

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GCH: Victorious Healing – Are You Living the Abundant Life?


Scripture tells us that Jesus has come to give us life, an abundant life!  Are you living that abundant life?  Or are you bombarded by past hurts, hang-ups, and habits, so much that you don’t even know what an abundant life looks like?

Beginning January 6, 2013, Girlfriends Coffee Hour will introduce a brand new online Bible study ministry: GCH:Victorious Healing.  We believe that Jesus Christ is THE answer to not only an abundant life, but to victorious healing!

This 8-week study, “Life’s Healing Choices” by Pastor John Baker of Saddleback Church, has been used in Celebrate Recovery groups nationwide.  Thousands of people all across America, who have gone through this study, have learned about the healing grace that comes through knowing Jesus Christ intimately, and allowing Him to work in their heart.

We are so very excited to invite you to join us for this amazing study of victorious healing!  The study will be done online, so it’s available to you at YOUR convenience!  We will have a ministry team available to you on Facebook, that will walk with you through this study, so you will never have to walk alone.  We’ll be beside you all the way!

This study isn’t for the weak at heart, or for the person that isn’t serious about seeking God for healing!  It is going to take some work on YOUR part to get to the abundant life that is promised through Jesus Christ.  But, we promise if you stick with it, you will see some results!!  What have you got to lose?

So register today to reserve your spot!  While you’re at it, invite someone else to join you and do the study together!  To register, click HERE.  Once we receive your registration, you will be contacted with further details!

Until then, we hope you will enjoy this song….
