February 22, 2025

God Loves Our Brokenness


O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
Psalms 139:1-3

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God loves our brokenness. Why? Because it is through our brokenness where He can begin to ‘FIX‘ us. God will

  • F ocus on what is right in us, He will help us build our character to be a reflection of Him
  • I ntends to heal us and will use us as
  • eX amples of His great love and mercy

God will make our sins as if they were not and will use our new life for His glory.  We need to be willing to walk in His ways without fear (Romans 3:21-31).  God will be with us and guide us along His path to righteousness.  Paul tells us that he was ready for the end of his life when he would receive his crown.

in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day;
and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.
2 Timothy 4:8

Paul lived his life for God and knew it would be hard.  He did not falter from his path in order to show and tell people of Jesus’ great love. 

God will heal us from our past wounds, our past experiences. Some of those may be a result of a curse in our family history. Or it could be a result of our own disobedience to one of His commandments. An example would be if we have not honored our parents. We do not have to agree with how they live, or what they do, but we still have to give them honor for who they are in our lives.  Through grace God can restore those relationships to ones of tolerance and acceptance of who our parents are. 

Also, God can use our past to help others to see Him as our Redeemer.  We can know that God will soften our hearts to forgive ourselves and use our lives to win others with similar situations to Him.  We just have to be willing.  We have to allow ourselves to be molded and shaped into what God can use. We will not be perfect; we are human.  But God can use our humanity to reach those who are unsaved.  Just as we have the example of Samson and David, we will be able to reach others with our lives and how God redeemed us from our path of sin and unrighteousness. 

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Father, thank You for loving my brokenness. I ask that You continue to take away my sins and use me for Your glory and to further Your kingdom. Thank You for not tossing me aside as dross and for choosing to use me to tell others of Your great love. Thank You!  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

Ain’t That Good News


I got a robe up in that Kingdom
Ain’t that good news, Ain’t that good news
I got a robe up in that Kingdom
Ain’t that good news, Ain’t that good news

I’m gonna lay down this world,
Gonna shoulder up my cross
Gonna take it home to my Jesus,
Ain’t that good news, ain’t that good news

I got a crown up in that Kingdom
Ain’t that good news, Ain’t that good news
I got a crown up in that Kingdom
Ain’t that good news, Ain’t that good news

I’m gonna lay down this world
Gonna shoulder up my cross
Gonna take it home to my Jesus
Ain’t that good news, ain’t that good news

I got a Savior in-a that Kingdom
Ain’t that good news, Ain’t that good news
I got a Savior in-a that Kingdom
Ain’t that good news, Ain’t that good news

I’m gonna lay down this world
Gonna shoulder up my cross
Gonna take it home to my Jesus
Ain’t that good news, ain’t that good news

~  Sing this song with me as our prayer and worship today.  ~

DSA Concert Choir / Traditional Negro Spiritual
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Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day
—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing.
2 Timothy 4:8 NIV
If you’ve read any of my blogposts, I’m sure it will come as no surprise that music was an integral part of my life growing up.   My parents were careful to guard what my sister and I listened to when we were younger, and the radio was not on often.   We did, however, have a treasure trove of records (some of you probably don’t even know what records are…) of some of my parents’ favorite music that we listened to often.  Many of those albums I now have on CD or in a digital music file on my computer!

One of the records I dearly loved was of a college gospel choir, who sang many gospel classics and Negro spirituals.  This song, “Ain’t-a That Good News” was one of my favorites from that album, and always made my heart rejoice.   Imagine being a small child (or anyone, for that matter) and hearing that you had a robe and a crown awaiting you—in a kingdom!  I was royalty!  That was, indeed, good news!  I may not have understood salvation when I first heard that song, but I could still feel the joy of being a princess.

Some of us still don’t truly understand the full measure of what it means to be saved.  We don’t realize that, yes, we ARE children of God, the ultimate King!  We ARE royalty, by the love and sacrifice of Jesus. We have a robe, a crown, and our Savior in that Kingdom, awaiting our arrival.  Ain’t that good news??

In Romans 8:16-17 the apostle Paul writes:

The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ,
if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory.

So if we look at this verse, it also tells us in order to share His glory we will also share in His suffering.  We’ve all tasted that, haven’t we?  All of us have been touched by sickness, sorrow, death, discouragement—but this beautiful song says that “I’m gonna lay down this world, gonna shoulder up my cross, gonna take it home to my Jesus….”

At the feet of Jesus I will lay all the burdens, trials, troubles, and my own cross where He daily receives me!  And when my short time on this Earth is finished and I get to go home, I get my robe, my crown, and the Presence of my Savior!  Hallelujah!  Now ain’t that good news?