February 22, 2025

Love Letters from God by Diane Meyers

Today, we want to introduce you to a new blog by Diane Meyers.  Diane was a part of our Singles Ministry during the last bible study that we shared, and then decided she needed to focus on the Teens ministry instead; but her heart was still with the Singles.  She shared with me some of her personal journaling, and throughout that the idea of “Love Letters from God” developed.

Diane will share her letters once a month on the Singles blog.  I hope you enjoy her writing, and these awesome letters, as much as I have!  ~~ Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour


My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read, I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.


Dear Precious Daughter,

Did you know that you are beautiful?  No matter what you see when you look in the mirror, my beauty is there for you to hold onto.  Do you know what I see when I look down and see your face?  I see my princess, the one I have chosen to love and care for.  I care for you with the most perfect love you will ever experience.  Such love will bring joy to your face.  What is this shame you are hiding yourself in?  This was never intended for you to carry.  I desire so strongly to take the shame you hide your face in every day away from your hands.  I pray that you will see MY beauty that radiates through you from your heart.

When I think of you I think of our beautiful story we have together.  The times where you cannot see me are the times you refuse to get rid of this shame.  Do you know the beautiful story we have together?  I want you to embrace me.  The shame in your life is bringing us further apart.  It is your choice, you can choose shame or you can choose my embrace.  I pray you choose my embrace always.

Love Continually,


Love Letters from God

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for bringing your beauty to every part of my life-even the most shameful parts.  It comforts my heart incredibly that where shame once was in my life it is no longer found.  All that is there is your beauty!  I cannot believe you love me enough to wait patiently every moment of every day for me to hand over to you all that is keeping me from your loving embrace.  I have learned true love waits.  I have learned true love brings beauty to every detail and rejoices in imperfections.  Those imperfections are true examples of your PERFECTNESS!  I find in my imperfections more and more of your perfect beauty!

Please hold onto my heart and let me sway in the direction you want me to walk in every moment of every day-there I will find no shame or burdens, just YOU.  I thank you that I do not need to feel shame; I can choose to feel your love.  That is a choice I pray I have the strength to make every day over and over again.


Your Shameless Daughter all because of YOU


Questions for Reflection

1.        Do you carry around shame from past experiences or bad choices in your life?

2.       Believe that you are not intended to carry around shame, worries, anxieties, or burdens.  God has died for you to live a life free of burdens in HIM.  1 Peter 5:7 Cast all of your anxieties on GOD for HE cares for you.  Memorize this verse and practice giving God all of your anxieties-even if you have to do it multiple times a day!

3.       Spend some time talking with God today.  What does He want to tell you?  I pray you hear his still small voice.

With Love,


copyright_diane meyers