February 22, 2025

A Model of Love


This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.
And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need
but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:16-18

One of the hardest lessons I ever learned was that of selfless giving.  It happened when I was in middle school. My mother used to make these shirts. She would cut patterns from fabric, iron them onto shirts, and paint outlines around them. She had this pretty candy cane pattern that she put on a sweat shirt for me. At a family Christmas dinner, my great-aunt’s mother was there, and she liked the shirt. (I just happened to wear her size.) My dad told me to give her the shirt. I refused, and I said that I had dropped food on it. (Yes, I lied to my father.) My mom gave her shirt to her aunt’s mother, and both of my parents were disappointed in me. My mother could have easily made me another shirt. My great-aunt’s mother was old, and she had arthritis and other issues that would not have allowed her to make the shirt herself. I could have been generous and given the shirt to a lady who loved it and probably needed it more than I did to make her holiday a little bit brighter.

My father has taught me many valuable lessons over the years, like this one. There are always going to be people in need. If you can’t give them the shirt off your back (not literally) then you try to find some way to help them. He taught me that not everyone is as blessed as I am or could possibly be.

Jesus gave in the same way, but He took it to a bigger need—the biggest need we would ever have. We needed someone to save us from our sin and to bring us back to God. Jesus knew our need before He came here. He saw it while He was walking here on Earth. He set the perfect example of love by sacrificing Himself on the Cross so that we could go to Heaven. Yes, Jesus preached love, but He also showed it through His actions here on Earth and on the Cross.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You for showing Your love to a people who most desperately needed it. You are the perfect example of showing love through action. May we also model that example. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jesus’ Love IS


Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

How these verses ring true!  My husband and I have known each other for 10 years and, in April, we will have been married for 8 years.  I was patient in waiting on God to show me the right one.  We have both helped each other overcome some things and issues that were holding us back—be it in the realm of love or just life in general.

Now my husband and I try to be patient with each other.  We try to please one another, but there are some days when that just does not happen.  One of us will get over whatever we are arguing about, and the other will hold a grudge for a while.  Yet, we get over it.  Our parents have been married over 30 years—somewhat of a rarity now days.  They have been there for one another when bad things happened.  They have weathered the rough storms, and they have come out stronger on the other side.  We pray that our marriage will be as strong.

Jesus’ love is the same way.  It is patient and kind.  Jesus’ love is slow to anger, and it keeps no record of our wrongdoings because we are forgiven by that love.  We are saved by that love.  It protects us from evil, and it always perseveres.  This is why Jesus’s love will win in the end.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You for Your patient and protecting love.  Thank You for the protection that Your love provides.  Thank You for the healing and strength that it provides.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

In The Hands Of God


We have raised our hopes and our cities high
We have followed fragile dreams
But only One could take the measure of our goals
And we’ve stumbled over the trials of life
And we’ve wrestled the unseen
But only One can calm the storm inside our souls

In the hands of God we will fall
Rest for the restless, and the weary
Hope for the sinner
In the hands of God we stand tall
Hands that are mighty to deliver
Giving us freedom

When our strength gave way to the weight of guilt
‘Til we strained for every breath
Only One could lift our shame and make us well
And when all is finished and we face
The fearsome power of death
Only One has overcome the gates of hell

You’re amazing
You’re amazing, You are
And we praise You, Lord
For what Your hands have done

 Steve Taylor, Jeff Frankenstein, Peter Furler  ~~ Newsboys

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You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand, high Your right hand.
Psalm 89:13

The hands of God are huge and His reach is long.  He created the universe, the Earth, and all that live and breathe.  His hands are the only ones strong enough to defeat evil and bring victory to us all.  Yet these hands are gentle and comforting.

There is a movie that my kids and I got for Christmas; we watch it a couple of times each week.  “Wreck-It Ralph” is that movie.  In the movie, Ralph (the main character) is the villain of an arcade video game.  He is huge—600 pounds, tall, and his hands are huge.  He uses those hands to destroy things in the arcade game.  Yet, in the movie, he and his huge hands become a hero by helping to rescue another a game.  For once, Ralph is not the bad guy but the good guy.

When I watch that movie, I imagine God’s hands as infinitely bigger than Ralph’s.  They can build or destroy anything.  That is how strong God is.  He can be fierce enough to destroy but loving enough to create or fix.  He is the only One that can lift us up and save us.  He is bigger than Ralph. Because of God, we have a solid base and an endless love.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You for taking us into Your loving arms. Your reach is infinite and huge. This reach is what brings us back from the depths of despair. It brings us joy and eternal life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Strong Faith


Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them.
Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd,
they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it
and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man,
“Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Mark 2:3-5

Faith is one of the strongest weapons we have as humans when it comes to facing the different trials of the world.  It can carry us through the toughest times and can give us joy during the good times.  Faith is the best tool we have to face evil in a world that is changing before our eyes. Faith is what gives us the strength to keep on searching for answers.

Many people are sick and dying.  Other are living in constant pain or even unable to move.  Yet, for many in this world, medical advances are the only hope that they see as a way to keep living.  They put all their faith in hoping that the medical community will find a cure.

Others, though, put their faith in God. Through prayer to God and their belief in God, some who are sick or disabled have faith strong enough to live their lives while fighting their trials.

The paralyzed man and his companions (mentioned here in Mark chapter 2) had great faith in Jesus.  The four men had to have faith that Jesus would heal the disabled; otherwise, they would not have been willing to bring the man to be healed by Jesus.  Jesus recognized that the men had faith that he would heal the disabled man.  By the power of their faith in Jesus, the paralyzed man was healed.

Jesus can see if we have faith in Him.  He lives in our hearts providing us with the strength to go through good and bad days.  Jesus is the pillar of our faith.  Without Jesus we cannot have faith in God.  As long as we are in a relationship with Jesus, our faith will only grow stronger.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You for Your healing powers and for allowing us to have faith in You.  Without you…we are nothing.  The stronger our faith, the stronger we are.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tomorrow Is Another Day


Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34

“Tomorrow is another day!”  For those of us who have watched Gone with the Wind (…watched it several times), how often do we remember hearing Scarlett O’Hara utter those words?  Whenever she is faced with a problem she can’t solve right then and there, she says she will think about it tomorrow.  She pushes it off until the next day.  She refuses to face it right then and there.  She knows that she has other problems to face during the rest of the day, and that tomorrow is another day.  It must be nice to put things off until tomorrow.  Scarlett was always putting her faith in what the next day would bring.

We should be thinking about what is in front of us today.  We should not be putting it off until the next day.  We are not promised tomorrow.  Our last moments could come at any time.  Our unfinished problems become someone else’s to handle when we don’t take care of them ourselves.  We have enough to worry about in one day.  We should not pile today’s worries onto tomorrow.  That will only make tomorrow, which should be a better day than the one before, worse.

Scarlett, however, is a fictional character.  A character in a book and a movie.  She can place her worries on the next day and the next and the next.  Through the words on the page and pictures on a screen, she will never die.  Yet, we are mortal.  We will die one day.  Worrying about tomorrow does not help us enjoy life.  Trying to shove our worries for today onto tomorrow will only makes the problem worse and dampens the next day.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

For those of us with strong faith in God, we do not have to worry about today or tomorrow.  God has everything in control.  We cannot see what tomorrow will bring.  We do know what will happen tomorrow if we have an appointment or something else scheduled.  However, we do not know what will happen around those planned parts of our day. We cannot control what will happen during the day.  Only God can.  Through faith we know that tomorrow will be there. Through faith, we hope and pray that we will see tomorrow. Faith gives us the certainty that what we can’t see or touch really does exist.  Unlike Scarlett, we do have to live in the here and now.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You for worrying about tomorrow for us.  Thank You for being our Rock and Foundation.  With You we can tackle whatever is thrown at us today and prepare for the next day.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Healing Power


But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it.
Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her,
came and fell at His feet and, trembling with fear, told Him the whole truth.
He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.
Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
Mark 5:32-34

There are many families around us that are dealing with diseases and lasting injuries. These diseases and injuries drain the life out of many people.  The make life miserable, and they can make people wish for a better life.  These traumas also make people wonder… ‘Why did this happen? What is the reason?’  Only God knows, but it is up to us as humans to persevere through it.

One of our church members was involved in a bad car accident this week.  He was in very bad shape.  He was paralyzed from the neck down and was having trouble breathing.  The family asked for prayers.  Prayers went through the church.  As of the last update, he was being moved to another hospital, and was off the ventilator and breathing better.  However, he is still in critical condition.

The power of prayer and faith in God has helped this follower of Jesus to improve. What is so moving about this is that he had just challenged church members about their giving and tithing; then two days later…he is in a car wreck.  Through the prayers of family and church members he is improving, though still in critical care.

Faith and prayer is hopefully going to bring this family through this season in their life.  They are prepared for the Lord’s decision, and they are praying for the best for their loved one.  They have a long road ahead of them if improvement continues. However, I believe that they have faith like the woman in this record in the Gospel of Mark.  They have been praying, and he is slowly starting to improve (at last update).

To have faith strong as this is a blessing to any family.  Faith this strong can bring the healing power of God to anybody.  This is what Jesus wants from us—full faith in Him.  He wants us to rely on Him.  He died for us…we should all be able to rely on Him no matter the season or the trial ahead of us.

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Dear Heavenly Father:  Thank You for Your love and healing.  Our faith in You keeps us strong and heals our hearts.  Without You, we would not be healed, and we would remain broken.  Thank You for fixing us and being in a relationship with us.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

No Denial


Then He got into the boat and His disciples followed Him.
Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat.
But Jesus was sleeping.
The disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”
Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this?
Even the winds and the waves obey Him!”
Matthew 8:23-27

This past weekend Dish Network gave their subscribers a free weekend of HBO and Showtime.  I woke up early and watched half a documentary.  I was able to watch the whole film later that night.  The film was “Terror at the Mall”—a documentary about the terrorist attack that occurred in 2013 at an upscale mall in Nairobi, Kenya.

After the attack, 60 people lay dead, including 12 children.  The Muslim attackers were targeting Kenyans and Christians.  They basically killed anything that moved. People hid in fear, and many prayed to make it out alive.  The last civilian killed, a thirty-something aged woman, answered her captors that she was a Christian when asked.  They killed her immediately.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith:
2 Timothy 4:7

The woman kept her faith even though she probably knew she was fixing to die.  She was not afraid to tell the gunmen that she was a Christian and followed Christ.  She had great faith—a faith that carried her home as she admitted she followed Christ.  She was probably afraid, but she had faith.  She obeyed her Lord and did not deny Him.  Amid great turmoil she still put her faith in Him.

Many people today are losing their faith and turning from God.  They are giving into the world’s demands and losing their way.  But for those who do not lose their faith, there is a great reward.  They will one day be living eternally with Christ and not suffering or living in terror anymore.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Our world is crumbling, and many of our brothers and sisters are losing their faith.  Please help us show them the way back.  Strengthen our faith and give us hope of Jesus’s return.  We are the light, and we burn brighter because of Your faith in us and the strength You give.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Being The Light


In the same way, let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

My kids love to play with flashlights—mainly my son.  He and his sister can come up with some of the most vivid imaginative uses for the flashlights.  Flashlights have become an every year stocking stuffer either at our house, my parents’ house, or my in-laws’ house.  They have gone looking for monsters, camping, and acting like the lights are out just to be able to play with a flashlight.  When they shine the light into your eyes, it is blinding.  Thankfully, I am usually in the living room when they do this to me.

Here is the point: think about how bright the light projected by a flashlight can be….  It can be so bright it can blind someone for a moment.  However, if it is dim (because the batteries are getting weak) then it is easier to look into.  Now think about yourself and your walk with Jesus.  Our daily lives should be shining examples of Christ’s love for us.  Like a flashlight, we should shine bright with Jesus’s love.

Our world is growing darker and diving deeper into chaos every day.  We need to be a flashlight now more than ever.  We can’t count on other people to be the ultimate flashlight.  Yes, people can be a flashlight.  They can shine bright for the people in this world, especially if they have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  By accepting Christ, we can bring light to an ever-darkening world.

There are many ways that we can bring light to the world.  We can serve in local and foreign ministries.  We can serve our church by volunteering our time. We can help our neighbors when they need it.  We can watch out for one another.  By being a light for God, we can show others that God loves them too.  By shining our light, we can show others that Jesus loves them, too, and help lead them to God.

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Dear Heavenly Father:  Thank You for being our flashlight.  Your light brings hope to a world that is darkening.  Be with those that serve You and bless those who are in a relationship with You already.  Give them the strength to carry on Your work.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

2014 — A New Year

Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been remembering what it has been like the past year, and over the past years as well.  I think about all the busy times and down times my family has had, and I remember many things that happened in my childhood. Needless to say, our children’s childhood is turning out much different.

Technology has evolved.  I had cassettes, records, and saw the birth of CDs.  My children have CDs and mp3.  Computers have always been here for them.  Pay at the pump has always existed.  Debit cards have always existed.  Technology has changed but so has the world.

Growing up, Jesus was a more prominent part of most people’s lives.  The Nativity wasn’t attacked.  The Ten Commandments weren’t under attack either.  You hardly ever heard about anything like the current persecution that is occurring today.  About the only thing people couldn’t do was pray in school.

The world is changing before our eyes. More and more people are losing their way and not following Christ. They are living in the world. Many people are starting to ignore God and refuse the good news of Christ. Our world is starting to crumble.

I think of all this, and I do realize that this is all part of Biblical prophecy.  We are living in the end times.  The best thing I can do is to follow Christ with all my heart and try to live as He expects me to do—day in and day out.  Maybe by doing this I can be an example to those who are living in the world but want something that the world cannot give them.

As the New Year approaches, I hope that I can grow closer to Jesus as the world continues to live in chaos.  Life will be busy and hectic.  Time will go by as quickly as it always does, but God comes (as He always should) first.  I will continue to pray.  I hope that all out there can do the same.

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Dear Heavenly Father: As we begin a New Year, please be with all of us as we continue to go about our busy lives.  We rely on Your strength to keep us going through the good and bad times.  Thank You for Your love and grace.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God’s Love Abounds


Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.
Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7

In the last week, many parts of the world have been in turmoil.  Terror has stricken many people in our Allies across the world.  The world is in chaos, and it is going to get even more chaotic as the prophecies of the Bible come true.  However, as the world starts to wither, there are people out there who are still showing love during the thick of the trouble.

When Jesus was born, the world was a whole lot quieter than it is now.  The only real chaos that was facing Mary and Joseph was the fact that they had to report to Bethlehem as Jesus’ birth neared.  They were required to be counted as part of the Roman census.  Just Mary being pregnant by the Holy Spirit had already made life chaotic!  Joseph loved Mary, but he was going to divorce her because of the pregnancy.  However, God’s love and Joseph’s love for Mary saved Mary and Jesus. Jesus was given an earthly father—one that God approved of from the start.

As the world continues to live in chaos, there are people who are following Mary and Joseph’s example.  They are showing God’s love through the turmoil of life in today’s violent and noisy world.  In Australia and across the world, people are praying for and helping those who have been effected by this week’s tragedies.  People here in the United States are trying to help those that are less fortunate through donations and sponsoring families to help them have a good holiday season.

God loved us so much He sent His son to live among us and to die for us. If we love God then we should show that same love to our neighbors. We should be helping our neighbors when trouble hits as well as during the good times. This is showing godly love.

Loving God means knowing God.
Knowing God means showing it through prayer and service to others.

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Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for showing us Your love through the birth and death of Jesus.  Without Him, we would not know You or be able to show Your love to others.  We would not have the ability to love. In this season of hope, peace, joy, and love, please bless those who need it the most and show Your love in ways that we can’t imagine.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.