February 24, 2025

My Beloved


You’re My beloved, you’re My bride
To sing over you is My delight
Come away with Me My love

Under My mercy come and wait
Till we are standing face to face
I see no stain on you My child

You’re beautiful to Me
So beautiful to Me

I sing over you My song of peace
Cast all your care down at My feet
Come and find your rest in Me

I’ll breathe My life inside of you
I’ll bear you up on eagle’s wings
And hide you in the shadow of My strength

I’ll take you to My quiet waters
I’ll restore your soul
Come rest in Me and be made whole

 Singer/Songwriter: Kari Jobe along with Klaus Kuehn

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Have you ever been to a wedding?  The way the groom looks at his bride is beautiful…almost like he is seeing her for the first time, and she is his. She has left her old life behind and is now stepping into a new one with him forever. A ring is given, a circle with no beginning and no end.

God has no beginning and no end.  Did you know that He looks at you just like the groom looks at his bride?  With so much love and affection…unconditional and forever.  Jesus is the Bridegroom and we are the Bride.  When we accept Him into our lives, we leave our old life behind and take His hand and walk with Him into a new life forever.  He is beautiful and so is the life He will give us.

He takes all our worries and cares and bears them for us.  Nothing is too much for Him.  He says to us,

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:26

He rejoices over us with singing,
Zephaniah 3:17

We are His beloved and He is ours. This is truly a beautiful love story.

He doesn’t see our sin anymore for we have been forgiven.  Psalms 23: 2 says,”He makes me to lie down in green pasture; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His names sake.” Oh, the places He leads us. Peaceful, beautiful places where we are washed clean by His blood and free.  We are living a life of abundance and blessings fall down like rain.  Don’t you want to come with Him?

As you listen to this song, just imagine being with your Savior.  Picture yourself in His arms safe from everything.  Peace is yours because He has already won the battle.  And today, remember that you are His and He loves you!

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Let us pray: Dear God, You are worthy to be praised.  Thank You for loving us so much and for taking our lives and making them so beautiful.  You really do rejoice over each one of us.  You love each one of us and nothing we can do will make You love us less.  We are forgiven and free.  Be with the ones who don’t know You yet or who haven’t given their lives completely to You.  Gently nudge them and bring them to You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Yes in Christ


For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.
And so through Him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 1:20

( I urge you to read verses 12-22; click here.)

As children of the King, let us ask ourselves a really hard question—are we known by the things we don’t do or the things that we do?   When I was a teenager, I definitely was known for the things that I didn’t do.  I didn’t go to bars, I didn’t go places alone with a boy (so  no one would get the wrong idea), and I didn’t drink.  I was so busy saying what I didn’t do that I forgot to live a life that said ‘YES!’ to Him.  Oh I did do a few things like visit nursing homes, and talk to the school new kid.  But if there was gossip, I was in.  I’m so thankful that my life now is about so much more.

As Christians there are things that, of course,  we shouldn’t do.  And most of us have the common sense to know what those things are.  But if we really want to influence those around us, then we should show Jesus in all things that we DO do!  Do we have a servant’s heart?  Is it obvious to those around us that we love them and all of His people?  Or are we living in judgement, making it our business instead if God’s.  My pastor said it perfectly:

It’s our job to love them…it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict them.  It’s Jesus’ job to lead them and God’s job to judge them.

If we could remember that, there wouldn’t be a person on earth that felt lonely or unloved.  And we would attract others that want what we have.

God’s Word says that Jesus is the “YES’ of God!  After all the laws of the Old Testament—all the ‘do nots’, and after all the sacrifices that we made—He sent His Son to be the ultimate sacrifice.  He tore the veil and the chasm was closed that stood between us and our Heavenly Father.  Now we can go directly to God Himself and ask whatever we need to.  God is now known for His positives.  Are there still things that are ‘NO’ in His Book?  Yes!  He says ‘no.’  to many things but He says it in love.  We are to say ‘no’ to the cravings of our flesh. And say ‘yes’ to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to fill us up.

When we are a new creation in Christ, God wants to be known to us as a ‘YES’ kind of Father.  ‘YES’ to joy even in the hard and difficult  times in our lives. Even when we have nothing, we still have everything in Him that we need, and we are to praise Him.  And He wants us to live out this ‘YES’ so that all will see and know that we have something amazing and life changing—We have Him!!!  And He gives us the ability to love the unloveable, to reach out to those in need, and accept rejection from others with grace.

So today I challenge you to answer this question:
What does your ‘YES‘ look like?

(If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, I urge you to do so.  Are you ready for peace? Joy? Unconditional love?  He is all those things!  He is waiting with open arms!  Pray the prayer below.)  Let’s all pray the sinner’s prayer today…

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner.  I need forgiveness.  I am tired of living life this way. I surrender my life to You.  I believe that You sent Your Son to die for my sins and He rose again so that I could spend eternity with You and live my life free from sin and condemnation.  Send Your Holy Spirit today to guide and direct me.  I love You and I thank You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Ruth, Naomi, and Grace

The Book of Ruth was written to help us all see God’s grace in our lives and to help us trust His grace even when the clouds are so thick that we can’t see the road.  We also see how, in our own lives, God acts to turn our setbacks into stepping stones for joy and that God is always working on our behalf…for our good.

Naomi’s gift in Ruth: Naomi’s whole life caved in when she lived in Moab and God gave her Ruth.

And Ruth said, Urge me not to leave you or to turn back from following you;
for where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge.
Your people shall be my people and your God shall be my God.
Ruth 1:16

Ruth has a commitment and a love for God. Because of that, she had a deep commitment to her mother-in-law, Naomi.  Ruth 2:12, Ruth goes to Judah with Naomi to take refuge under the shelter of God. She left her own home and family to serve her mother-in-law.  God was turning Naomi’s setbacks into joy—even when she didn’t see His grace.

Ruth 1:12, Naomi suggests that Ruth will not be able to remarry but little did they know that God was preserving a wealthy man after God’s own heart, named Boaz.  In Ruth 2:20, Naomi realizes that God is behind the meeting of Boaz and Ruth.  God’s lesson is this—in every loss we endure, God is already plotting our gain.

See, God was always at work in Naomi’s life and in her setbacks.  She loses her husband and sons…God gave her Ruth.  No children?…God gives her Boaz (Ruth and Boaz meet and they give Naomi grandchildren.)   So many lessons in this story show how God replaces the losses we endure, and He is so loving and faithful to do so.  Our lives, as we serve Him, may not go along perfect and straight, but God sees that we do get there.

The Book of Ruth wants us to learn that God’s purpose for our lives is to show us something far greater than ourselves and our circumstances.  As well as a life full of joy and peace and love abundant.  He wants us to know that when we follow Him, our lives have meaning; and that everything we do in obedience to Him, no matter how small, is significant.  He also wants us to know that the best is yet to come.  Stay the course, follow Him always and hang on for the greatest adventure of your life!  It’s gonna be wild, it’s gonna be great, and it’s gonna be full of Him!

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Do you know Him?  He loves you and wants the best for you.  He has a life planned for you that is full of blessings and is to give you joy and so much more. If you do want to know Him, then pray this prayer with me:

Dear God, I know I am a sinner and I need You.  I believe that Your Son, Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins.  I want You to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior.  I trust You and I love You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

{If you prayed this prayer, let us know in the comment section below.  We would love to talk to you about this decision you’ve just made.}

Before The Morning


Do you wonder why you have to
Feel the things that hurt you
If there’s a God who loves you
Where is He now

Maybe there are things you can’t see
And all those things are happening
To bring a better ending
Some day, some how, you’ll see, you’ll see

Would dare you, would you dare, to believe
That you still have a reason to sing
‘Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling
Can’t compare to the joy that’s coming

So hold on, you got to wait for the light
Press on, just fight the good fight
Because the pain you’ve been feeling
It’s just the dark before the morning

My friend, you know how this all ends
And you know where you’re going
You just don’t know how you get there
So say a prayer

And hold on, ’cause there’s good for those who love God
Life is not a snapshot, it might take a little time
But you’ll see the bigger picture

Once you feel the way of glory
All your pain will fade to memory
Once you feel the way of glory
All your pain will fade to memory
Memory, memory, yeah

 Singer / Songwriter: Josh Wilson with Ben Glover

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There are times when I question God. In my sinful nature, I say, “If He is good, why is this happening and why does it feel so bad?”  (Are you with me?)  And “If He loves me so much, why would He allow me to hurt?”

The answer is that there is sin in the world.

The Lord saw how great man’s sin on the earth had become,
and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.
Genesis 6:5

But He didn’t leave it this way, He sent a Savior so that joy could replace sorrow.

See, in our minds, we can only see the picture up close.  Our problems seem so big, and at the time they are.  It feels sometimes that the mountain that is in front of us will be there forever.  But God is still writing our stories.  He knows the ending and He sees our lives with a different view.  He is trustworthy and good. He loves you so much that He can’t get enough of you.

The hope in this song is this: You can dare to believe that you still have a reason to sing — to sing His praises!  ‘Cause the pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that He has for you.  You’ve got to wait for the light…press on and keep fighting the good fight because the pain you’ve been dealing with is just the hurt before the healing and the dark before the morning.

As God promises in Psalm 16:11, “You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your Presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  He will fill us with joy and He will give us flickers of light when we are in a season of darkness and He will bring us out victoriously.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 40:5

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Let us pray: Dear God, You are so good.  You wrote each one of our stories with a beautiful ending.  Thank You for Your grace and mercy and patience when we doubt Your perfect plan.  We only see what is in front of us, so we ask that You increase our faith and endurance.  Give us the strength to keep on fighting the fight and give us the willingness to stay on the right path.  And most of all, we thank You for the Joy that comes in the morning all because of Your precious Son saving us from ourselves.  We love you.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hosea and Gomer-A Story of Redemption

encouragementbloggraphicromans15Then the Lord said to me, “Go and love your wife again, even though she commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the Lord still loves Israel, even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them.”

Hosea 3:1

We all have battles.  Sometimes we may want to give up.  Fear becomes too much.  His Word is where I go to get through.  There you find hope in the ones who have gone before us and we see where God was faithful over and over again. The story of Hosea and Gomer is a portrait of God’s faithfulness toward His people who go astray.

Hosea had a lot of knowledge that he probably wished he didn’t have.  See his wife, Gomer, had been unfaithful (to say the least).  Actually, she had sold herself into bondage and Hosea had to buy her out at a huge price.

So I bought her back for fifteen pieces of silver and five bushels of barley and a measure of wine.

Verse 2

Gomer did not love herself enough to believe that anyone else could love her. She didn’t think she was good enough to have a husband, especially one who loved her so much.  She eventually left him, believing a lie from the enemy that she wasn’t loved.  Hosea couldn’t have been really happy about the fact that she didn’t accept his love and trust.

Don’t you feel like you are looking at the face of God while you read this story? Don’t you hear Him saying to His people that no matter where they have been or how far they’ve gone away from Him, that He desperately wants them to return to Him?   Just like Hosea didn’t leave his wife in bondage, God never leaves us alone for too long in our desperate situation.

At that time I will plant a crop of Israelites and raise them for myself.  I will show love to those I called ‘not loved’.  And to those I called ‘not my people’, I will say, “Now you are my people, and they will reply, “You are our God!”

Hosea 2:23

Don’t we serve an amazing God?  There is no one in the world like Him. No one gives chance after chance.  No one will work so unceasingly hard to show us affection after affection.  God is God and I am not…His very name calls for us to bow down and worship Him for always loving us.  Even in our sinful nature, He understands and has mercy on us.  Patience and grace and unfailing love are ours and it’s unconditional.  We can’t do anything to make Him love us any more or any less.  And He uses our own shortcomings to quiet our souls.  He uses any means to take our worst decisions and turn them around for His glory and our good.

This I know for sure—there will be battles today.  Anxiety may creep in and we may have some tough times ahead.  BUT we will NOT be left in that place for long. God never leaves us even through our anger and fear, and repentance.  And when we hit our bottom, He gives us His hand that reaches us wherever we are and pulls us out.  He places our feet on a firm foundation.  He is faithful and true FOREVER and He will lead us through mountains and valleys and He will always take hold of our hand…Hosea’s and Gomer’s, mine and yours!

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Let us pray: Dear Lord, You are a loving God. You know us through and through, and You have an amazing plan for each one of us.  Thank You for Your grace and mercy that You so freely give.  And when we are going through the valley, You never let go of our hand.  And just like Hosea and Gomer, You give us chance after chance!  You, too, bought us with a huge price—the death of Your Son Jesus.  We will forever live with You because of Your sacrifice.  Help us Lord, to have the same love for each other.  And that we will go to any lengths to share the good news of You with all who will listen.  And if a friend has gone astray, we will never give up on them.  We love You and we praise You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where Is God?


You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.
Psalm 56:8

There has been so much heartache this past week. I have heard many question where God has been lately and has He taken a vacation? And He reminds us in His Word that He is sovereign and He is to be trusted in all things. “He gives and takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).

In my little hometown of Jackson, Mississippi, a precious young athletic football player lost his battle and passed away.  One minute he is running down the field, the next in a hospital, and his parents and friends are devastated.  No one expected it, but His Creator knew.  In the town of Birmingham, Alabama another precious young woman is visiting home, doing laundry, and eating one last meal with her family before she heads back to school.  Her parents say it was a joyful occasion and full of laughter.  In a blink of an eye, she is with Jesus.

In Jackson young people from rival schools are coming together to pray. Across town, a young person plans a prayer vigil at a public school. The kids come voluntarily at 6 a.m. to pray for this family that they do not know.  In Birmingham, the girl’s father says that we will not call her accident a tragedy but a triumph because she is with Jesus now.

And when the question is asked, “Where is God?” the answer will be—He is exactly where He was when His own Son died on the Cross.  He is watching His children hurt; and the Holy Spirit is moving and comforting all those who lost someone and all those who don’t understand.  God is in the young people who are gathering for prayer vigils.  He is with the parents who are devastated and He will carry them when they can’t put one foot in front of the other.  He is with the family of that young woman who was taken too soon…yet…right on time. He was there when the young man’s parents donated his organs and a 14 year old got a heart.  And He is with us now.

Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.

Psalms 23:4 and 6

As His Word proclaims, He really does bottle up our tears.  The Creator of the universe keeps track of all our sorrows.  That’s how much you matter to Him.

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Do you know this Lord, the Creator of the universe?  Do you have His hope to cling to?  If the answer is no, then I ask you to pray a prayer with me and ask Him to be Lord of your life.

Let us pray: Dear Lord, I know that I am a sinner and I need a Savior.  I believe that Jesus is Your Son.  I believe that He died on the Cross to save me from my sin.  I ask You today to come into my heart and walk with me daily.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.


psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvI’m feeling so small
Standing here weeping
As I’m coming clean
Of the secrets I’m keeping
I’ve caused so much pain
To the ones I love the most
And I’m falling apart
As I carry my heart to Your throne

I am completely surrendering
Finally giving You everything
You’re my redeemer, I run to the cross
Because You are more than enough
Lord, complete me
‘Cause I’m Yours completely

I’m letting go
There’s nothing I own
The treasures I held
Just weighed down my soul
And there’s nothing left
Inside of me
But a longing for You
And a longing to be the man that You need

I am completely surrendering
Finally giving You everything
You’re my redeemer, I run to the cross
Because You are more than enough
Lord complete me
‘Cause I’m Yours completely

I let Your gifts take the place of You
But You pulled up my selfishness from it’s roots
I am a broken and fragile me
But I’m where You want me to be

Among The Thirsty/ Songwriters: Ryan Squitieri, Stephanie Lewis

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I am at a place in my life where I have no other choice but to surrender totally to His will and plan for my life. As some of you may know, I entered into the season of children moving away…and dorms…and tuition, etc.  I can tell you that I wasted many mornings this past summer waking up entirely too early to worry about things that I had no control over. I worried about bank accounts and clothes for the kids and school and cars and gas money. I could have been relaxing, reading His Word with my cup of coffee, totally dependent on my Creator—Who knows more about life than I do and knows that all is going to work out the way it is supposed to. And it will work out to my benefit because He loves me so much. If I had only surrendered….

He is our Redeemer and He paid the ultimate price for us—the Cross.  He is more than enough and He satisfies our every need.  The empty places that we sometimes dwell on are so easily filled with Jesus.  He is always waiting on us to invite Him in.  We were created with a desire for a relationship with God and we are not truly satisfied until we walk with Him and He lives in us and through us.

What are you thinking that you need to hand over to Him today? As you listen to this song, ask God to reveal to you the places that you have not totally surrendered.  Then pray for the courage and the strength to give it all to Him. Then, and only then, can He complete you.  He wants you to have peace and blessings and abundant life with Him.  Do you know how free you will be? You will have peace and joy, and you will be able to sleep at night knowing that God never sleeps and He has you in the palm of His hands.

Yes, God is powerful enough to simply just take your problems away…without any help from you.  However, He wants us to hand it over, truly and totally surrender it all.  Then you will be resting in Him, and there is  no better place to be.

Surrender your heart to God, turn to Him in prayer,
and give up your sins—even those you do in secret.
Then you won’t be ashamed; you will be confident and fearless.
Job 11:13-15 CEV

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Let us pray: Dear Precious Lord, You are all-knowing and all-powerful. You know what we need and when we need it. You are ready to take all our worries away—if only we will let them go and surrender them to You.  Holding on to problems and worries only keeps us from the life that You died for us to have.  Give us the courage and increase our faith so that when we encounter trials, we are ready and willing to hand them over and surrender.  Thank You for Your Word, that we can cling to it and, through You, can change lives when we share it.  We love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

For This Child I Have Prayed


Hannah was strong.  So strong that God knew she could handle a really big struggle.  Hannah was not able to have a child.  (Hannah’s story can be found in 1 Samuel, chapters one and two.)  Oh, how her husband loved her though.  However in those days, having a child was extremely important, especially having male children to carry on the family name.  She longed for a baby to love.  Not to mention that a woman’s identity back then was based on child bearing.

It wasn’t long until her husband, Elkanah, took a second wife named Penninah.  She was able to give him many babies.  The house was full of children but none of them were Hannah’s.  Penninah constantly talked about her ability to have children in front of Hannah and taunted her and mocked her.  Can you imagine the pain that she felt?  Her arms aching to hold her own little one and her feelings crushed under the constant berating of the other wife.  Her depression was overwhelming.

She decided to fast and pray for a child.  She made a vow to the Lord that, if He gave her a son, she would give him back to Him.  Hannah knew that the source of her being able to get pregnant was not her husband but her amazing, faithful, powerful God.  She prayed from the depths of her soul and named exactly her desire…and He heard her.

And she made a vow, saying,”O Lord Almighty, if you will only look
upon Your servant’s misery and remember me,
and not forget Your servant but give her a son,
then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life,
and no razor will ever be used on his head.
1 Samuel 1: 11

The Bible says that she didn’t pray out loud so men could hear; she simply moved her lips to the Lord.  He heard her and answered her prayer and gave her a son.  His name was Samuel, meaning “heard by God.”

So in the course of time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son.
She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”
Verse 20

God hears us, too.  He understands us and our pain and He longs to take it away. He loves us so much and always does what is best for us. I will admit that I don’t always understand the ‘why’ of what I am going through; and I sometimes get really frustrated.  But I remind myself that He is sovereign and knows the bigger plan that will give me the blessed life that He has in store for me.

Hannah trusted God. And she remembered her promise to Him.   When she had weaned her little boy, she fulfilled her promise to God.  I’m sure it was painful to pack his little bags and take him to the tabernacle and leave him there with the priest.

And she said to him (Eli), my lord, I am the woman
who stood here beside you praying to the Lord.
I prayed for this child and the Lord granted me what I asked of Him.
So now, I give him to the Lord.
For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.”
And he worshipped the Lord there.
Verses 26-28

Samuel grew up to be one of the most influential leaders in Israel’s history.  All because Hannah was a great mother and she was totally devoted to her Heavenly Father.

What are you asking God for?  Do you need provision?  Are you struggling to have a baby?  Healing from an illness?  What are you believing Him for?  Nothing is impossible for our God.  He is the God of the impossible.

For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Luke 1:37

I have seen and experienced so many miracles that would have been impossible—if not for Jesus.  God wants you to believe that He can and He will answer your prayers.  He also wants you to name them specifically.  Yes, He knows what you want…but He wants to know that you know what you want.

And last, He wants you to thank Him for what He is going to do in your life. Ah, that is showing that you have faith that He will do what He says. He will come through for you. It will be in His time, but He will!

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Let’s pray: Dear Lord, what an awesome privilege to come to You in prayer, knowing that You are hearing us when we seek You.  We believe that You will answer us and will give us exactly what we need.  Lord, when we are weak and doubting, help us to remember all the times that You have been faithful and answered us and given us what we need.  Forgive us when we take our eyes off You and we put our doubts in place of You.  Thank You for being in charge of us and for each blessing that You have planned for us.  We love You and we praise You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Your Love Never Fails

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvNothing can separate
Even if I run away
Your love never fails

I know I still make mistakes
You have new mercy for me everyday
Cause Your love never fails
Oh No No No

You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning

The wind is strong and the water’s deep
But I’m not alone here in these open seas
Cause Your love never fails

The chasm is far too wide
I never thought I’d reach the other side
But Your love never fails
Oh No Oh No…Yeah

And when the oceans rage
I don’t have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails

You make all things work together for my good
(God, You never fail me)
You make all things work together for my good
(No, You never fail me)
You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes

There may be pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning
And when the oceans rage
I don’t have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails
Cause Your love never fails 

Sung by Newsboys  /  Song written by Anthony Skinner, Chris McClarney

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I led the community group that I am a member of this past week. My pastor’s wife had something for her kids so she asked me to do a devotional that would encourage the women. I based the lesson on Romans 8:38 and 39, “…nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.”  Sometimes our human minds cannot comprehend just how much He loves us and that there is nothing that we can do to make Him love us more or less.  We are just His and He loves us.

Nothing can separate, even if I run away..Your love never fails….”  Just think about that.  I know I have run my own way before and I have felt so far from God. I remember thinking that there was no way that He wanted to hear from me. Guess what..He does want to hear from you and me!  Always, every day, non-stop talking to Him.

I know I still make mistakes, You have new mercies for me everyday….”  One of my favorite hope verses is Lamentations 3:23.

“Great is HIs faithfulness, His mercies begin afresh each morning.” (NLT)

To me, this means that today we may not be equipped for tomorrow’s problems but He will give us what we need when the time comes.  It also means that if today was just awful and you are at the end of your rope, He will refresh you and give you the grace and mercy you need to start again.  Don’t you just love how He loves?

You stay the same through the ages, Your love never changes.  There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning….

You know the verse—

For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lets a lifetime!
Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5

To me,’ night’ can mean a hard season in life.   For my family, the ‘night’ was about seven years of hard.  But God is so good and He sustains us even in the dark places and when the ‘morning’ comes, we are strengthened and ready for whatever His plan may be.

There are so many good phrases in this song; so, I will let you listen and take notes on the ones that really hit home with you.  Maybe there are some Bible verses that come to mind when you are sitting still. I challenge you to journal them and to memorize them. His Word is a lifeline for you…it is His love letter to you.

There is no space between us and Him.  You can go to Him whenever and wherever.  Let us go to Him today in prayer and praise Him for Who He is.

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Dear God, We praise You for Who You are. You are all-knowing, all-loving, full of mercy and grace, close to us always, and faithful to answer us when we call. Thank You for new mercies and joys in the morning. You sustain us through the hard, dark times and bring us out refreshed and stronger than before and ready to share how You came through.  We love You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Eve: The Life-Giver


As Eve opens her eyes, she hears a voice echoing an elated response. “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called ‘woman’ for she was taken out of man.”  Her strong husband took hold of her and their laughter could be heard all throughout the garden. (Can’t you just hear it?)

They took walks together and had many long talks and they were naked and unashamed. They were in paradise and they were in fellowship with the Creator, their God. There were no shadows in Eden, no disorder and no discord or fear. Until the day that changed it all.

Enters the serpent, the enemy.  He said to Eve,”Did God really say that you can’t eat from any tree in the garden?”  He goes on to say,”You won’t die. God knows that your eyes will be opened and you will be like Him, knowing good and evil.” Eve listened closely. She remembered how God’s voice brought her joy. Could she possibly be like Him? It didn’t take her long to challenge what the serpent said. She took a bite of the apple and then shared with her husband. Darkness filled their souls and order was now disorder and trust was now fear. This was not what she expected.

Then they hear the voice of their Creator. They ran and hid. “Where are you?” God called. “I heard You and I was afraid, and so I hid from you because I was naked.” Sin had formed a separation between them and God.  And God, with a heavy heart, had to banish them from the garden.

But God is still a loving God and, even in the punishment, He promises Eve children! I can only imagine that Eve was at her lowest point…the life she had known was totally gone—they were now having to toil land and look for food instead of the fresh fruits of the garden. But God is a God of grace. He is now and He was then. He never stopped loving them. Yes He judged them but His grace was abundant.

Where are you today? Maybe you are at your lowest. You’re in a great position to get on your knees before God and soak in His love for you. Maybe you are in the garden with Him right now. Your relationship with Him has never been better and you are walking so close with the Creator. Relish this time. Listen to Him. You’re in a great position to hear from His heart. Maybe you don’t know Him and He is not Lord of your life. Would you like to? If so, then I invite you to pray with me at the end.  I want to close with His Word.

From the fullness of grace we have all received one blessing after another.

John 1:16

But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 5:20-21

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And now, if you are one of those who do not know this Lord and Savior, I invite you to pray this prayer with me:  Dear God, I know that my life isn’t what it should be and I know it is because You are not in it. I know I am a sinner and I need Jesus. I believe Jesus is Your son and He died to save me from my sins. I ask forgiveness. I want to know You more. Come into my heart and be my Savior. Thank You for what You are about to do in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.