February 23, 2025

Are You Trying to Be Perfect?

crystaldaughter0108“Mom, I‘m done with my room; does it have to be perfect?” These are the words coming from my nine-year-old daughter as she cleans her room. I suddenly realize that I have affirmed her with the word perfect when completing a task “I” felt was how it should be done.  What am I saying to her? Does she have to be perfect before I think she has done a good job?  If her grade improved from an 80 in math to 90, is that good or will she feel it needs to be a 100 to be accepted?  Increasing her grade by ten points is progress that needs to be celebrated and is a big accomplishment. I now speak to her differently because I want her to celebrate progress not perfection; something I have learned in my own life.

Perfect is such a common word used by women today and there seems to be a need to achieve it.  Then, when perfection is not acccomplished, feelings of failure, guilt, and insecurity can happen.

This year instead of setting unrealistic expectations, let us all focus on where and how we can grow instead of striving for perfection. Celebrating progress builds confidence with a life of wellness and balance.

Over the next few weeks, I want to get real and discuss the areas of life, we as women, can put undue pressures on our selves such as our health and fitness, spiritual life, career and as a wife and mother. Let’s talk about how we can grow and be better, not perfect.

I want my daughter to grow up feeling proud of her successes and good about her accomplishments.  I want her to have a mother who spends time and celebrates with her instead of working hard to have everything just perfect.

In Good Health,


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Interested in joining us for our next Online Bible Study that starts on January 13, 2014?   Click HERE for more details!

Why Do Resolutions Fail?

january 2014

It’s the New Year which usually brings weight loss goals, new exercise plans and sometimes crazy expectations of what we “should” do to improve our life. I must confess, I started the New Year by jotting down a few things that I was going to do in my personal life and business.  As I started writing them, I realized I lacked motivation and excitement to do any of them.  They were not me.  I was attempting to do what worked for others or what was “expected.”  I knew I would fail miserably.  I see many women doing the same thing to lose weight or improve their health. Their New Year resolutions consist of the latest fad diet, exercise regimen or programs that worked in years past and then wonder, “Why do resolutions fail?”

Once I admitted my “goals” would not work, I spent the morning revisiting the vision of my life I created just a few years back.  A vision that describes who I really am and who I want to be.  The person that brings a smile to my face and motivates me to set realistic goals with confidence that I can succeed.  The same applies with health and fitness resolutions. Trying to do what works for others but is unrealistic for your lifestyle will only leave feelings of failure and defeat.  Creating a healthy vision will dictate the type of diet and exercise plan to follow.

What’s Your Healthy Vision of Yourself?

Have you taken a little time to reflect, and write a health and wellness vision for what it is you want to be, look like and do?  For example,

“At my best level of health I am at peace with my body.  I have energy and balance in every area of my life and I am taking the time to eat healthy and exercise 3 days a week.”  

At YOUR very best, what would you say?

Do Your Goals Support Your Vision?
Often time resolutions fail because they do not really support who a woman is or truly wants to be.  Do the goals you set support that vision of who you want to be.

For example:

  • Do you desire energy…yet attempt to follow a fad diet that will drain your energy level?
  • Are you working to have life balance…yet have committed to new projects and committees for the year?
  • Do you really want to eat healthy…yet have purchased the new diet supplements you read about in the grocery line?
  • Are you hoping to exercise consistently…yet try to follow a new exercise plan that will never fit your lifestyle and schedule?

This year instead of trying a list of things you think you should do, I encourage you to take the time, even mediate and pray, and write  a  vision that describes a realistic, healthy you.  Then take the appropriate steps that support that vision.

Habakkuk 2:2-3, says,

And Jehovah answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.

Why do resolutions, sometimes, fail?  There is no vision—just things to do.

In Good Health,


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

May you feel God’s Presence this season.

Christmas family 2013

Christmas Strawberry Spinach Salad

It is no secret what I will bring when asked to provide a salad for any social gathering.  It is a party favorite, delicious AND a nice change from your standard salad.  It has actually been a staple for me this holiday season and provides a little color and healthy option to fill your plate and leave room for a few treats. Not only is it a great option for dinner parties, but this Strawberry Spinach Salad is my favorite for weekday lunches with leftover grilled chicken.

There are no specific measurements—just throw in the amount of your favorites depending on the  number of servings you have planned.

  • Bunch of Mixed greens or Spinach
  • Sliced Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Avocados
  • Dried cranberries
  • Sliced almonds or pecans
  • Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing

Mix all together and top with cheese such as mozzarella or feta (optional).

straberry salad

If you want to use for a quick lunches, prepare all ingredients ahead of time without the nuts  and add a couple of tablespoons of them right before eating.  The Raspberry Vinaigrette is not only delicious, but does not need to stay refrigerated so it is easy to pack and carry with you for a lunch to go.

salad dressing

To avoid extra pounds this Christmas, bring this as your healthy option to any gathering.  Fill your plate with this delicious, low-calorie salad to save a little room for those not-so-healthy options that you might choose to indulge in. Allow the salad to be your filler and enjoy smaller portions of your favorite holiday treats.  But I have to warn you, this Strawberry Spinach Salad may just become your favorite!


In Good Health,


Stay in Control and Conquer Anxiety

You have been doing well by eating healthy and exercising.  You feel good about yourself because you are in control and know what to eat and then……. THE PARTY! Now what do you do?  The feelings of control have now been replaced with fear and a sense of powerlessness.  You wonder if you will have the will have the will power to stay in control overcome this anxiety.

To make things worse, it’s not just one party, but its party after party. The holidays are not just two days, but six weeks of continual celebrations that, of course, bring lots of treats and goodies to eat. There is the office and family party for you and your spouse, the church function and festivities for each child.  Then at the last minute, a group of girlfriends decide you need to go out after work for a gift exchange. To feel confident, determine your party eating  strategy.

Knowing how to handle these situations can be crucial in maintaining your weight and avoiding the average weight gain of five pounds during the holiday season.  There are so many tips and strategies to avoid the holiday weight gain, but I have found two that may be the most helpful. To stay in control and not let the stress of all the food get the best of you, I have two simple strategies.

1. Use a Small Plate     

The number one rule, in my book, when attending a party with a buffet is to pick a small plate. A smaller plate means less food. Choose the dessert plate to use for your main course and only fill it once.

2. Fill Your Plate Wisely   

Second to fill that plate wisely, choose only the things that are important to you. There are certain desserts and dishes that are my favorites and only get during Christmas or special occasions.  I am not going to waste my calories and take up room on that small plate with items that are available to me at any time. 

Right now you are busy planning all of your holiday gifts and festivities; make a plan that will enable you to have control of your eating.  Don’t worry. You can be just as successful maintaining your weight as you are with everything else in your life.  You can stay in control and conquer anxiety.

 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication

 with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

In Good Health, family 2012


Avoid Holiday Weight Gain With Some Family Fun

For me, Christmas came quickly this year and too close to Thanksgiving. You may be like me and feel like we are now in fast motion to get everything done. I find myself with the need to slow down and stay focused on what is important. If not, the hustle and bustle of baking, shopping, and organizing holiday events will bring stress for any busy woman, which can lead to emotional eating, extra calories and feeling as though there is no time for exercise.  It can be especially difficult to keep an exercise routine or maintain a healthy diet when the kids get out of school or when hosting out-of-town guests. Allowing the stress and a lack of time to control what you eat and when you exercise can quickly bring on those holiday pounds. Instead of focusing on all of the interruptions, you can avoid the holiday weight gain with some family fun.  Try incorporating them into your exercise and holiday “to do’s.’


I don’t know about you, but I am definitely tempted to snack more if I am baking alone.  However, if someone is watching such as my kids or houseguests, I am more likely to quickly put the bowls in the sink without even a taste. It may feel like more work, but have some fun with the family and save your holiday baking to do together.



If you have been on a regular exercise schedule and find there’s just no way to get in a workout during the holidays, get creative and find ways to move for you and the family.

  • Forget about looking cute when out shopping. Wear you tennis shoes and walk as much as possible. See who can walk the fastest with a few extra laps at the mall. Take the stairs when possible and park in the back of the parking lot.
  • Just sitting around watching TV or playing video games can bring on a little chaotic stress which leads to more eating. Bundle up and get everyone outside with a game of football, tag, or hide and seek. Decide to take a family walk or volunteer to walk the dog.
  • If the weather is an obstacle, take a 15 minute break and get the kids together for a quick workout.  Do push ups, squats, lunges, and crunches as a family.  Make a competitive game out of it, which is always a crowd pleaser

outdoor run

This holiday season, don’t look at your to-do’s, out-of-town guests, and no school for your kids as an interruption. Throw out your normal routine and have some family fun that can help you avoid the holiday weight gain.  Get them involved in all of your baking and get them out moving with you.

turkey trot 2013

turkey trot 2013 2In Good Health,


Entertain Without the Holiday Weight Gain

christmas tableI am a true southern girl who loves to entertain. I have to admit, holiday and party foods are my favorite. However, to entertain without the weight gain, during the holidays, can be a challenge. With the average weight gain for Americans of 7-12 pounds from Thanksgiving to Christmas, it is crucial to have a plan to avoid those extra pounds.

Planning how to eliminate the temptation to indulge is just as important as planning the party itself.  Here are a few of my strategies.


  • Eat healthy the day of the party

Don’t let the time get away from you with all of the baking, cooking, cleaning, decorating and errands and forget about eating.  To avoid starvation and overindulging by the time your guests arrive, be sure to budget time during your day to eat a healthy nutritious meal.

  • Prepare healthy options

Have healthier options available and fill most of your plate with foods that are lower in calories to give yourself less room on your plate for the higher calorie treats.

  • Prepare your staple items

If you entertain regularly, you probably have those recipes that are a crowd favorite.  Stick to them and maybe try one new thing. Attempting all new recipes can lead to taste testing all day…which leads to extra calories all day. I have a couple of desserts that I know will work every time. No need to sample.


  • Focus on your guests

If you have eaten properly during the day, you will be ready to give all of your attention to your guests.  Enjoy your food, but don’t make it your focus.

  • Have smaller plates available

To accommodate all of your guests, having different plate sizes available is a way for every person to control their own portion sizes.  Decide ahead of time that a smaller plate will be your choice.

  • Have ‘to-go’ boxes ready

As the hostess, my biggest fear is running out of food so I tend to prepare too much and end up with plenty of leftovers.  However, having them remain overnight can be disastrous. If you can relate, have cute ‘to-go’ boxes ready for anyone who may wish to take some home and get them out of your house.

Don’t fall into the weight gain statistics this year.  Just as you must plan the food and decorations, be sure to plan your strategy to avoid the holiday weight gain as you entertain.

In Good Health,


Quiz Your Thanksgiving Attitude

It is the week before Thanksgiving, what is going through your mind right now?

  • Who will be at your house?
  • All you have to do.
  • Who you plan to avoid?
  • How will you get it all done?
  • You fill in the blank….

For me, I am thinking how will I get it all done, especially when I have planned to be out of town the weekend before Thanksgiving. I have to put it all in perspective and focus on what is important…my time with family and friends and truly being thankful for all God has blessed me with this year.

What has Thanksgiving been like for you?  Not having the right perspective can send you into a tizzy—not to mention out of control eating.  To stay in control and actually enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I focusing on what is important (or worrying about the wrong stuff)?

Make a list of the things that are really important to you.  Then make another list with the things that worry you or consume your thoughts.  Do the lists match?  We spend so much time worrying about things that just do not matter in the long run.  If still unsure, ask yourself if that “worry” will matter next year, or the next, or the next?

  • Do I get mad easily?

Life is too short to let every little thing upset us. Let this year be the year to LET IT GO.

  • Am I willing to ask for help when I need it?

Never think you have to do it all yourself.  I am sure there are others who can do just as good of a job and want to help. What can you delegate today or ask for from a friend or family member?

As we begin the week, I pray that we all keep a perspective on what is really important and not focus on the food, everything that has to be done, or worrying about the wrong stuff.  A good reminder for me is Colossians 1:1-2

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

No matter what is going on in our life, we can see God’s blessings all around us if we stop long enough and meditate on His goodness.

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

In Good Health,

Crystalfamily 2012


Simple Dinner to Avoid Holiday Stress

I can get myself in a pickle in my attempt to do too much at one time, especially during the holidays.  I forget that I should probably omit some of my normal day-to-day  “to do’s”  with the additional list during this time of the year. I want to get it ALL done.  One thing I have learned is that I need to give up trying to do too much in the evening for dinner and have a simple dinner recipe to avoid additional stress for the next few weeks. 

It’s not too early to start putting together an eating plan to avoid stress and the average weight gain of 5-7 pounds during the holiday season.  Planning to have simple dinners for the next few weeks can help in two areas.

  1. Reduces Stress and Time

You may like preparing elaborate meals in the evening.  However, that time may be needed to get your other jobs done.  Don’t try and do it all.  Eliminate the stress of meal planning and focus on your holiday lists.

  1. Eliminates the Impulse for Fast Food

When things get busy and stressful, it can be a trigger to eat whatever is the first thing available.  Deciding to prepare a quick healthy meal, nothing fancy, will help in managing your weight through the season and reduce the stress that can happen with extra weight gain.

Cooking healthy does not have to be elaborate and there does not have to be a need to grab fast food. Plan to have a simple fruit and vegetable each night to make dinner quick.  Learn what you can easily throw in the CrockPot in the morning.  It’s not too early to get your holiday plan for a simple dinner to avoid holiday stress.  Try this to get you started.

 Simple Saucy Parmesan Chicken *

 4 small boneless chicken breast halves

1/4 cup Kraft Light Zesty Italian Reduced Fat Dressing

¼ cup Kraft 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese

  1. Place all ingredients in large sealable freezer-weight plastic bag; seal bag.  Turn bag several times to evenly coat chicken with remaining ingredients.  Lay  flat so chicken pieces do not overlap
  2. Refrigerate chicken 30 minutes to marinate
  3. Arrange chicken on foil-covered baking sheet; and bake for 20 minutes at 425 degrees

Serves 4

Calories – 182

Fat – 6gms

Protein – 27gms

*adapted from Kraft Foods

My tip:

Prepare chicken right when you get home from grocery store with marinade and freeze in storage bag.  This will make it simple to pull out and cook on busy night.  Serve with salad and vegetables and cook extra for next day’s lunch.

In Good Health,



Confessions from a Control Freak to Avoid Holiday Stress

With the holidays right around the corner, I can quickly go into my “control mode” to have everything perfect for the next 8 weeks. I will have the perfect holiday menu, plan numerous activities, make elaborate crafts for my kids to take to school, despite not having a creative bone in my body, and please EVERYONE’S wishes to attend every holiday function. Yes, I confess, by nature, I am a CONTROL FREAK. I will attempt to do it all which is not a way to avoid the holiday stress that can happen during Thanksgiving and Christmas time.

For me, I have learned that I can’t do it all and maintain my sanity. I know I have to make exercise a priority when all of the hustle and bustle kicks into high gear.  It may not be with the time and intensity I have at other times of the year, but it is the key to avoid the stressful holiday demands, not to mention the extra pounds. When I am tempted to forego a workout because of everything I HAVE to do, it is usually more about what I THINK I have to do or undue pressure I have put on myself.

Have you ever felt or done this?

  • Added tasks to your plate without taking something off
  • Said yes to someone or something before evaluating your schedule or responsibilities
  • Skip exercise because you think you do not have time

Have you tried this?

  • Before agreeing to take on something new, put something else on hold that does not need to be a priority.
  • Instead of quickly saying ‘yes.’ respond with “Can I get back to you on that?”
  • Stick with your favorite family traditions that are special and memorable and don’t add more.
  • Forget thinking you have to spend a lot of time exercising.  Get a “holiday” modified workout.  The key is maintenance for the next couple of months.

Decide today that exercise will be a priority and schedule it each week, even if is 20 minutes each day. Remember that you are no good if you are not taking care of yourself.  Focus on what is really important and ask God to direct your time with all you have to do.

When this “control freak” slips into thinking all plans have to go according to my time frame and way of doing things, I stop and say this simple prayer to our Heavenly Father.

Psalms 31:14-15
But I trust you, O Lord,
I say, You are my God,
my TIMES are in your Hands.

Think about it.  Is it stressful or do you bring it on yourself?  Take some time to evaluate your plans this season with a little walk.  Get some exercise and avoid the holiday stress.

In Good Health,

Your Wellness Coach and Control Freak,
