February 22, 2025

Esther – Chapter 2:21-23


I would like to believe that I would be like Esther.   Although, I cannot promise I would.  If my own life  was on the line, would I be willing to stand up for my people, God’s people?  Of course, as a mom, I would lay down my life for my children and family.  But what about His kingdom? What would you do?

Esther, chapter 2, is a story about redeeming grace and like us, the king is searching vainly for something or someone in this case to fill the vacuum of his life. We are always seeking something to fill our hearts. Here is where Mordecai and Esther enter in:

Mordecai’s most important. His name means “little man,” humbled and laying aside his glory to save the king’s life.  Does he remind you of Someone else?  Jesus maybe?

Philippians 2:5-8

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God
something to be used to His own advantage;
rather He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,
He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death.

Mordecai resembles the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, whose task is to exalt the One Who came to redeem man.  His specific work is to restore our fellowship with God, which has been lost. Mordecai does this throughout the story.

Our verses for today are Esther 2: 21-23.   This chapter closes with the account of how the king’s life is about to be spared because of Mordecai and Esther being brought into his life.  He is then delivered from a plot to end his life.

Evil enters the picture, as it does often from time to time.  It invades the minds of men.  This betrayal is a perfect example of how the enemy is at work, trying to impress evil into our thoughts and into our minds.  All the while, completely trying to destroy the glory of God’s purpose in man’s life.  We all know this force too well, unfortunately.  This force is at work right now in your kingdom and in mine.  Aren’t our souls the prize in this spiritual warfare?  The enemy tries to strike, but Mordecai hears about the plot and the ones who had planned it are carried out and hung on a tree.

Colossians 2:12-14

For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized.  And with Him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, Who raised Christ from the dead.  You were dead because of your sins and because  your sinful nature was not yet cut away.  Then God made you alive with Christ, for He forgave all our sins.  He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.

We know the evil one threatens to overcome us—and we know how this will end for him.  We are all Christians and we’ve all known what it’s like to live restless and to live without God.  We have all searched for something to make us happy and to satisfy some need or emptiness.  And now we know, He alone satisfies and He alone breathes life back into us.  We, too, have been delivered, just like the king.  Our lives have been spared because the One was nailed to the tree and was made a public example for all of us. We, too, will begin to experience the deliverance that God has intended for our lives.

Have you begun to experience this yet? If so, would you be so courageous as to share?


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this study and for the work You are doing in each of our lives.  We thank You for delivering us from our own death by sending Jesus to die on the Cross in our place.  He took the fall for us.  Lord, keep revealing to us anything that may divide us from You and keep us from clearly hearing Your voice.  Bring to the light whatever it is and may we lay it at Your feet and be free, so that we may not have any distractions.  We love You and we praise You.  In Jesus’ name we pray.


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About Kim Spring

Kim Spring - Blog Contributor
Kim lives in Pensacola Beach, Florida with her husband of 22 years and four children ages 20 to 8 years old. She’s been a Cheer Coach, a Personal Trainer, and a full-time mom and wife. She loves writing, exercising, loving on her family, and loving Jesus. She has a heart for spreading the hope that’s in Jesus Christ! Her message to others is that no matter what, there’s nothing impossible when God is your driver.


  1. Tonya Ellison says

    Amen to your prayer. 🙂 great words today!

  2. this morning, this truth breathes such peace and comfort into my heart: “We have all searched for something to make us happy and to satisfy some need or emptiness. And now we know, He alone satisfies and He alone breathes life back into us.” we are so very blessed! now to live like it today! thank you, kim…you (and God!) blessed me! <3

    • we are so very blessed to know what fills the empty space and to know the searching is over and we found HIm and we have Him. I cannot imagine my life without Him. Peace and grace and mercy are all ours because He lives.

    • Paula Eslick says

      I agree with what Coleen said about your blog, how well do I remember the searching, the emptiness. Nothing could fill it and boy did I ever try! When I finally heard the truth about Jesus, about having a relationship with Him, about having a life that was centered around Him it was like WOW! I want that, I need that. I knew in my heart the searching was over, and peace which surpasses all understanding flooded me! Thank you Kim for a beautiful blog and a beautiful reminder of His never ending love & grace.

      • thank you Paula! For sharing your heart and being so honest. I love hearing stories of redemption and aren’t all of our stories that way? The searching is over and He is ours forever! PTL we are free!!

  3. I became aware in the study of how Mordecai always seems to be in the right place at the right time. When I like you, Robin, recognize that he represents God’s Holy Spirit in our lives, I’m so thankful that HE is with us always in the right place at the right time.
    Excellent study this morning, Robin, thank you. I too am echoing your prayer with my Amen.

    • OOPS, I”m sorry KIM when I accidentally said Robin–twice! My coffee definitely isn’t strong enough this morning!! I really knew you wrote this. Now I’m embarrassed. :-{ <3

      • Clella, you are too funny! I too want to be at the right place at the right time and that is the Holy Spirit working in him. I want to be a vessel for Him to use and always be willing to step out and do what is uncomfortable. Im sure it wasnt easy telling on his comrades. You have done such a great job writing! Glad to have you on board!!!

  4. Talking about looking for another way to feel the gap—-I once had a prophesy that said: you have looked for your security and your happiness, too, in the lives of others, but that’s not my plans for you; I am freeing you today to free you for me.” Sometimes, the Holy Spirit, jars us so gently to realize that. So glad to be free. Great words you wrote today, Kim. Enjoy your blogs.

    • wow Martha! I think as women, we all have been guilty of that in one way shape or form. I have looked for security in other’s opinions of me, the patting on the back. You are free and we all are free, the chains have been broken by His death on the tree. Thank You for being so courageous and speaking truth and honesty!

  5. Great blog, Kim. I love the comments, too. So thankful for the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. So thankful for God’s love, mercy, and grace. Adding my AMEN to your prayer. <3