February 22, 2025

Ten Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program #5 – Make it a Priority

Last week, I suggested scheduling your workout and putting it on the calendar as one of the ways to stick to an exercise program. But let’s be honest, exercise may not always be an appointment that is important enough to keep.  Before you can actually stick to your program, it has to become a priority.

As we move halfway through our top list, this is where the rubber meets the road. Have you ever said, “Exercise is important to me, but I just can’t find the time.”   The truth is where you spend your time demonstrates what is important to you.  If you want to really know what is important to you, look at where and how you spend your time each day.

Does My Time Equal My Priorities?

There are times in my life when things get so hectic, I have to stop and evaluate if I am putting my time toward what I say is a priority to me.

Am I being truthful if I say God is important to me, yet do not take time each day to spend quiet time with Him?  Can I say my husband is a priority, yet, our only spoken words each day are good morning and good night?  What if I never spent quality time with my children just to play and talk?  What would they benefit from me as a mother? And can I honestly say, my health is important, yet never take at least 30 minutes for myself to get in a little exercise.

Determine Your Priorities?

Here is a little challenge that takes courage.  Spend a few minutes and make a list of the top five most important things to you.  Now make another list of how you spend your time from the moment you wake up until you go to bed.  Don’t forget things like checking email and Facebook, watching the news and favorite TV show, or talking on the phone.  All of which can be beneficial, educational and/or helpful, but do they support your priorities and are you using your time wisely?

The Bible gives us guidance on how to use our time in Ephesians 5:15-16: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,  making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

If you are ready to make yourself a priority, be wise with your time and eliminate or alter those things that are unnecessary at this time in your life.  You may discover you have an extra 20-30 minutes to design a program that you can stick with and actually fits your lifestyle.


Number 5 on our list of ways to stick to an exercise program:


Is it for you?

In Good Health,


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About Crystal Breaux

Crystal Bush Breaux -- Blog Contributor -
As a Wellness Coach and Fitness Designer, Crystal work’s with busy women to design an exercise and eating plan to fit their personal schedule and lifestyle. With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Crystal has worked in commercial fitness as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, an educator in corporate wellness, and in an executive leadership position in a hospital wellness center. She has a passion for teaching and encouraging women to have balance in their life physically, mentally and spiritually.

Married for 17 years to her wonderful husband Tim, she has two children, Hannah 9 and Zach 5. She and Tim serve in their church as small group leaders and in marriage ministry. Crystal loves spending time with her family and friends, running, teaching and coaching her daughter’s softball team.

To learn more go to www.yourfitnessdesigner.com and/or follow her on www.facebook.com/yourfitnessdesigner . For a personal Fitness and Food Design, you can email her at crystal@yourfitnessdesigner.com to schedule a free telephone consultation.


  1. You are so right Crystal…in my own jouney, I had to finally decide first of all that I WORTH being put on my calendar as a priority …. IMPORTANT! I knew that…but I didnt KNOW that….know what I mean?? Thank you so much for this series!!!

  2. I have been trying to make exercise a priority in my life for over two years. I have tried to convince myself that I need to do this so that I can be a healthy senior, that I can keep up with my grandchildren and do the things I want to do. So far, I have failed. I will be really good for a while then something will get in the way of my appointment and then the next day I will forget or allow something else in. I am so bad! Like eating, exercise is a mind game with me and I am going to attempt to win this time around and not allow things to get in the way.

    Coming up with a plan is going to be the challenge for me. Walking everyday will NOT keep me motivated to continue on.

    Thanks Crystal ~ loving this series.

  3. Jackie, Yes, it can be a mind game for all of us. 🙂 I understand that walking may be old after a while and why I suggest to find at least two things that you enjoy or can tolerate… so that you will have a back up on those days you do not feel like walking. You can do it.

    • I walked two days in a row. I was in so much pain during the night with my lower back (no disc in my L5 S1) and my hip that today I am just going to do stretching exercises. I have to admit that I had a ton of energy yesterday and probably over did the rest of the day. Thanks Crystal for the motivation.

  4. so true, crystal, “If you are ready to make yourself a priority, be wise with your time and eliminate or alter those things that are unnecessary at this time in your life.” appreciative of your insight and guidance, crystal! <3

  5. Good Job Jackie, Remember you have to also listen to your body to know when to stop. Glad to hear that you are stretching. A lot of people leave that out of their program which can lead to injury and pain. Keep going.

  6. It can seem like making ourself a priority is selfish. But in reality Not making our health a prioity is selfish. When we take care of ourself, we can be better for others and physically and mentally.