March 31, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 14 – Living Swords (pgs 220-222)

page 222


I am back!  If you were wondering where I was the last two weeks, it was India.  I was working with young girls who have been rescued from human trafficking to put on a retreat for other young girls who have been rescued from brothels, where their mothers have been trafficked and are still currently living and working.  To say the trip was the most amazing experience I could have ever imagined it would be is a huge understatement.  God is good!  I am so glad to be back with you ladies for the last blog post of our study.  HUGE shout out to the amazing Kim Spring for filling in for me while I was away, thanks dear!

Of all of the things I have always thought of myself as, sword has never been one of those things.  In Zechariah 9:13 we find God telling us He will make us like a warrior’s sword.  I personally contend that this realization is a perfect way to end our study.  We are no longer just carrying God’s sword to church each Sunday, or meditating on God’s sword each Easter when His cross is displayed on stage.  God is carrying us, His swords, each day we follow Him in His will for our lives.  As God’s warrior swords we put Him on display each morning as we begin our day letting His love shine through our imperfect human flesh.

Daughter of God, turn from your reflection, deny its limitations, and reflect Him. (Page 221)

This is one of my favorite things Lisa tells us to do.  In our imperfect selves we sure do have limitations.  Thankfully though, we have a perfect Savior who gives us His strength to do all things (Philippians 4:13).   Stop looking at your reflection.  Start living your life how God intended it to be and I promise you, your eyes will be open to seeing Jesus’ love and beauty pouring through your soul.  This look is not just for you to see in the mirror, it is for the entire world you pass by for the rest of your life to see so they can see Jesus in you.

The last sentence of this book has hit me the hardest; I cannot read it without crying.  Live like a hero, and you will strike a sure blow to the enemy, and captives will be set free.  (Page 222)

Even more than a sword, I never ever thought of myself as a hero.  I feel uncomfortable with that sentence even as I type it.  We need to realize though what a hero is.  Being a hero is getting rid of yourself, and filling up your life with Jesus.  When we let ourselves be God’s sword, we become His hero as well.  Being a hero has nothing to do with us, it has everything to do with what we let flourish inside of us—Jesus!  When we are being God’s hero, we will not be found; only Jesus inside of us will be found for all the hurting to see.

While in India, it became time for me to share my talk with the girls.  It was about the weapons of our warfare.  After the talk, I decided to share my testimony with the girls.  This is something I did not want to do, but I was simply following the Holy Spirit’s lead to do so.  In that moment, I truly disappeared.  The Holy Spirit filled me, and what came out of my mouth was all Him…I was nowhere to be found.  As each of His words fell out of my mouth, the room became filled with His presence.  And GOD MOVED!!!  (If you would like to hear more about Diane’s trip to India, please join us on our next Girlfriends Coffee Hour Conference Call on July 16th.  Details will be posted soon on our Facebook Community page)

I share this because I want you to understand the importance of being sensitive to and being obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life.  As He leads you, I promise you, Satan will be cut by the living Sword you have let flourish and lost, lonely, hurting captives will be set free, and you, my dear, will be nowhere to be found but living as a hero in Christ!


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,

I praise You, and thank You, Lord.  I have no words right now, only tears.  I know You know the words expressed in each and every one of my tears right now.  I pray that the women reading this today will be touched by Your mighty power.  I pray that whatever is holding us back from being a hero for You would be demolished.  Help us, Lord, to live as Your limitless sword and not a reflection of our limitations.  Lord, it doesn’t even feel right that You would give us the title of hero-but let us never forget that without “in Christ” after the word hero, we are nothing.  You are what makes the word ‘hero’ true in our lives.  Let us never ever keep You out of our lives.  Keep us out so You can fill up inside of us.  I pray all of these things with thanksgiving in Your Precious Holy Name.  Thank You, Jesus!

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About Diane Meyers

Diane Meyers – Blog Contributor
Diane lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She is surrounded by a ton of family and loved ones God has given her to share life with. To the world, Diane may be single, but to her she has the best date of all… Jesus! Diane is very involved with the children’s ministry at her church, and is also a spiritual coach for a ministry aimed toward the youth.


  1. “From now on people are my swords.” READ on–“Then God will come into view, His arrows flashing like lightning! Master God will blast His trumpet and set out in a whirlwind. God-of-the-Angel-Armies will protect them–all-out war, The war to end all wars, no holds barred. Their God will save the day. He’ll rescue them. They’ll become like sheep, gentle and soft, or like gemstones in a crown, catching all the colors of the sun. Then how they’ll shine! shimmer! glow! the young men robust, the young women lovely!” Zech 9:13-17.
    God will never leave us or forsake us! He will see to it that as His swords we will have victory! We are His sheep, we are His gemstones, we are lovely in His sight!!!!
    “Victory in Jesus”–I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!!
    Amen and amen to your prayer, Diane!

    • Thank you for encouraging us to “read on” This passage in the message version really opens up your mind, I can picture in my mind what is described!

  2. to think…we’ve been enabled and equipped to be ambassadors, ministers, light-bearers, lovers, and heroes! hard to fathom but accepting and believing because our God has stated it! love you, my sister! <3

    • You are right Coleen, HARD TO FATHOM! This just goes to show how much we need to be constantly depending on God for everything!

  3. With every step we take, we carry Jesus with us. We can let Him shine through and be glorified or we can choose to cover Him over with ourselves. Heroes let Him shine.

  4. It is all hard to soak in – -but that’s what His word says we are. Great points, Diane, and I know you were a blessing to many in India.

    • Thank you Martha, only because of HIM! God gets all of the glory forever and ever. To see though in India, just a speck of the glory He receives in Heaven, was one of the moments in my life I will never ever forget!

  5. What a blessing you are, Diane, to us, and to those young girls you witnessed to in India. God has so much planned for you, for all of us. I have learned so much through this study and the wonderful blogs all of you ladies have written. I thank each of you and look forward to Martha’s big send off tomorrow as I say thanks for all the blessings!

    • I also have learned so much through this study, it has helped me get back the confidence I need to have in God. It has helped me dig deeper into God’s Word. Thank you so much for your kind words!! I have enjoyed your comments and thoughts throughout the study:) I am so encouraged to write alongside of amazing women of God!

  6. Thank you my dear, for all you have done for GCH!! I have truly been blessed by your writing, your heart for Jesus, and your heart for spreading the gospel. God BLESS you and ALL that you put your hands to! I cant wait to read your first book!!!! 😉

    • Christi, I cannot begin to describe to you how GCH and YOU have blessed me so much. I know God brought you into my life just when I needed you! The studies have been influential in my walk with the Lord. I feel so special being able to share God’s gift He has given me with amazing women of God. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity:)