February 22, 2025

An Exercise Plan that Gets Results


Last week, I talked about finding the right motivation when starting an exercise program.  But let’s be honest, we still want an exercise plan that gets results, either physically or mentally.  It can be easy to quit if you feel defeated and it is important you follow a program that is right for you.  Everyone has different goals, schedules, and fitness levels.   Once you have established your motivation and made exercise a priority, it is  time to develop an exercise plan that gets results.

Establish the following for your program:

Type: Choose the right type of exercise (walking, jogging, yoga, strength training, Zumba, step class, etc.) to meet YOUR goals whether it is to gain energy or strength, maintain a healthy weight or increase flexibility.  Find something that you actually enjoy and determine if it is appropriate for your fitness level and physical limitations.

Intensity:  Determine how hard you will work and include the appropriate working heart rate. As a certified instructor with American Council of Exercise, I guide my clients with the following heart rate zones when designing a fitness program.

Duration: Set the appropriate length of time for your workout. Do you need 20, 30, or 60 minutes to achieve your desired results?

Frequency: Decide how many days a week are needed and what you can commit to give.

Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to the advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty. At the beginning of the week, take a few minutes with your weekly calendar and pencil in your exercise for the week.  Be sure to include the type, intensity, duration, and frequency.  With a plan and a goal,  you are less likely to quit a few minutes into it.

Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do; and your plans will succeed.”  Give that plan to God as a way to honor Him and commit to stick with it.  With commitment and the right program for you, you will have an exercise plan that gets results.


If you have questions for Crystal, please email her at: Crystal@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

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About Crystal Breaux

Crystal Bush Breaux -- Blog Contributor -
As a Wellness Coach and Fitness Designer, Crystal work’s with busy women to design an exercise and eating plan to fit their personal schedule and lifestyle. With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Crystal has worked in commercial fitness as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, an educator in corporate wellness, and in an executive leadership position in a hospital wellness center. She has a passion for teaching and encouraging women to have balance in their life physically, mentally and spiritually.

Married for 17 years to her wonderful husband Tim, she has two children, Hannah 9 and Zach 5. She and Tim serve in their church as small group leaders and in marriage ministry. Crystal loves spending time with her family and friends, running, teaching and coaching her daughter’s softball team.

To learn more go to www.yourfitnessdesigner.com and/or follow her on www.facebook.com/yourfitnessdesigner . For a personal Fitness and Food Design, you can email her at crystal@yourfitnessdesigner.com to schedule a free telephone consultation.


  1. Crystal, thank you for sharing these tips. I know for myself, they will come in handy! Plus, I think this is a great reminder that we just need to just decide which kind of exercise we want to incorporate into our lives, and at what level…even if it means just casual walking for 30 minutes a day! It all starts with a DECISION! Thank you!