February 22, 2025

Resolution for Women: The 3% Difference

“Blessed are those whose way is blameless”  

Psalm 119:1


As I read this chapter, I just couldn’t stop thinking of Girlfriends Coffee Hour and how much of what Priscilla was saying about us needing friends to hold us and keep us accountable to living a life of integrity, just fits with what GCH is all about!!

But, before I go there, I want to discuss the 3% difference.  All I can say is OUCH!  This is a tough chapter!  I’ve had to look at myself with a magnifying glass this week, so I could find everything that was keeping me from living a life of Integrity!!  I’ve had to look deep into what my life really is like behind closed doors, and not just what I put out there for everyone to see.  Again, OUCH!!

The information that Priscilla shared about the rat poison and how just 3% of the whole ingredients of rat poison is what actually kills the rat….while the other 97% is what draws the rat to the poison!

What draws you to the poison?  Is it television shows, books, music, gossip, lying, stealing?  Is it what you look at on the computer?  Is it that glance at work with your co-worker?  What is it that is drawing you closer to the rat poison?

Integrity to me means doing the right thing even when others are not looking.  It means doing the right thing….period.

When you leave Wal-Mart, do you park your cart next to your car, or do you put it in the cart rack?

Do you gossip about others in your life?  In your church?  At work?  In front of your children?

Do you talk mean about others?  In front of your kids, and then expect them not to bully others?

Do you stand aside while someone is digging for extra change to pay their grocery bill?  Or do you offer to help them by giving them the extra change they need?

Do you hold the door for others as they enter a building at the same time as you?  Or do you walk through as if they didn’t even exist?

What do you watch on television?

What do you look at on the computer?

Every one of these things fit into the 97% category that entices you to get to the 3%!  Did you know that?  If not, now you do!  What are you going to do about it?

There are so many things satan uses to try and trip us up; to taint our integrity.  Sometimes we don’t even realize it…until it’s too late.

We are Christians.  We are to be the light of the world.  We are to bring honor and glory to the name of Jesus.  We are to be on our guard, so that our minds are not dulled, as it says in Luke 21:34.

We are to protect our minds, our hearts, our homes, and our walk with the Lord.  We are to stand up and ask for accountability if we are struggling with a certain area in our lives.  We are not to allow even a hint of immorality, impurity or greed enter into our lives. (Eph 5:3)

Even a hint…. Just 3 % is all it takes to kill a rat.  Just 3%.  Think about that for a minute.  Out of 100% of the rat poison….all it takes is just 3% to kill the rat!  The other 97% is what tastes good, looks good, and feels good to the rat.  But it’s the 3% that kills him….  Just 3%.

We could stand all day and look at just that small tiny little 3%, but ask yourself about the other 97%.  What is it in your life that is drawing you, feeding you, enticing you, and making you “feel” good?

You know it’s there.  You’ve known it was there for quite a while now.  You’ve tried your best to get rid of it…to tame it….to stop it…to put it aside….but it just keeps coming back to entice you.

That’s where accountability comes in.  After you’ve made the choice to step away from these things and start living a life of integrity, confess this to the Lord, and then reach out to someone you trust who can hold you accountable to that choice you have just made.

Girlfriends Coffee Hour is a great place to do just that!  A group of Christian women who love the Lord; who strive to live their lives to bring honor and glory to our Lord; who strive to encourage one another; lift each other up in prayer; and support one another along this journey.

GCH is a place where you can come to let your hair down….to get real.  To laugh.  To cry.  To pray.  To fellowship with women all across the world, who are in this journey together!

GCH is a place for others to hold you accountable.  We won’t coddle you.  We won’t baby you.  We’ll give it to you just the way you need it.  Straight up and in truth!

For some, it’s just what they need.  For others, it’s a good kick in the pants.  For even others, it’s just what God has called them to.

If you are looking for a place to call home; a place to come for fellowship; a place for accountability; a place to pray for and encourage others and to be prayed for and encouraged, we want to be here for YOU!

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend”.  That is the scripture the Lord gave us for this ministry.  We want to help sharpen you to be the very best that you can be for our Lord and Savior!

We love you!  I hope today’s lesson sinks down deep into your heart. I hope it brings you to a place where you will give your ALL to the Lord, so you can become your very best for Him!  That’s what we pray for you!

Let’s pray:

Father, as I lift each woman who reads this blog today, I ask that You reveal Yourself to them in ways they’ve never seen before.  Help them, Lord, to dig deep and really search their hearts for things that are prohibiting them from walking in integrity.  Help us help them, Lord, as we walk alongside them today and every day, to bring You glory and honor!  We love You Lord, and we constantly want nothing more but to bring You honor in all that we do, and say!  In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Your assignment:

Describe below in our comment section how we can help hold you accountable to what God is doing in your heart this week.  What would that look like, and would you be willing to submit to it?

Now head on back to our Online Bible Study Facebook Group for the Daily Activity, and be sure to let us know today what this chapter has said to you!  If you don’t belong to our OBS FB Group, and would like to, simply send us an email at: GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to send you the details you will need to get started!

…don’t forget to read what the men are up to over on Craig’s blog…


Have a BLESSED Day!!!

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  1. Back to that Facebook thing. Drat! I can't give it up all together because it is a fantastic tool and te Lord is using it to teach me and grow me through this ministry. One this that Robin Has done is suggested that each of us on the prayer team take shifts, if you will, to answer the prayer requests that come up. That could be the perfect thing for me as it gives me specific times to be on and then I have no "reason" to waste the rest of my day. Not that I don't pop on from time to time but I can't make myself feel guilty for limiting my time. 🙂

  2. OUCH! This made me take a hard look at myself. I never even considered the little things like putting a cart away or holding the door for someone just those little acts of kindness say a lot. There are 2 things that came to my mind as I read this – my negativity/criticism & my social behavior. I tend to think negatively of others & criticize them when they don't behave as I would. I have been working on this but really need to try harder. As for my social behavior I am not what would be considered outgoing & sometimes let peer pressure affect me in order to fit in. I need to stand my ground while still being able to have fun – again, not an easy task. Thanks Christi!

  3. Beverly McCormick says

    WOW I did some calculating to see what is actually 3% percent of our week used to "kill" stuff….and if I calculated it correctly that would come out to 5 hours per week….I don't like knowing that much of my time is spent on those things that are killing things inside me or killing others by my actions…I want to be sure that I stay on top of what I say, what I do, how I act and react…take those 5 hours of lost time and give to God so he can teach me even more…and through teaching me and leading me then others will come to know Him as Savior….thanks Christi for helping me look deep into this time frame and thanks God for helping me to see I still have work to do….so let's get going Beverly and submit those hours to God so u don't kill others or yourself…

  4. Donna Slaten says

    My big 3% -ers are Facebook and TV. I had alot of time on my hands over the last year, and haven't used it for good, I've used it for Facebook. As far has being held accountable, I find that being a member of this site and study have been doing a great job of doing that. The Holy Spirit quickens me to these things, and this teaching is doing an awesome job of keeping those things before me. So for now, I am good and my BGCHF has a way of nudging me whether she realizes it or not. Love you GB!!

  5. Christi thank you for the good word……so much truth has been shared here today. I love how the 97% – 3% ingredient rat poison compares with the things of the world that draw us to it. It's like 97% is the bait and the 3% is hook line and sinker. We must always be on our guard.

  6. My big 3%-er is taking apart in Gossip at work with ladies I work with. A big eye opener was when I heard a couple ladies talking about me behind my back and God convicted me right then there to not participate in gossiping with the girls and not to say anything that will get back to whoever I am talking about. God is still working with me on that,

  7. Ladies, thank you for checking in today! Im glad to see that you recognize the areas that need work! Thats a huge step! Now lets hold each other accountable in these areas, so we can truly be the BEST we can be for our Amazingly Awesome, Lord & Savior! AMEN!!!

  8. 3%, it truly doesn't take much to let the enemy in…. how scary is that?! We think we are doing good, living a life God wants us to but the enemy is so sneaky!!! We are surrounded by so many things He would not approve of but since it is so abundant it can be hard to discern that it is wrong. Tv has got to be the worst for me! I have had to stop watching many of the shows I used to watch, the sexual innuendo is the worst…. or shows where everyone is ugly to each other for the sake of laughs-God doesn't want you belittling your husband, why would I want to watch that on TV? Shows with alternative lifestyles that are not biblical. The enemy can make all seem so normal, the whole "everyone else is doing it, watching it so it must be okay." I don't want that for my life! I don't want to care what others think, that they may think I am a prude! I will wear that title with pride if it means being the best for my Savior!!! It is the very least I can do for Him!!!