February 23, 2025

Resolution for Women: No More Circles

Is this where we find ourself each day?   Is our life haunting us?  Sometimes no matter where we are today, our past, our yesterdays or our years ago seem to crop up in our thoughts and sometimes in our actions because we never truly dealt with the “burdens of unforgiveness” that are buried in the crevices of our heart. The memories are always near the surface.

Do you know what the word burden means?  Websters defines it as something that is carried, a load, something oppressive or worrisome.   Priscilla describes it on Pg. 137 as something that weighs you down, it sits on you, restricts you from enjoying the new phases/freedoms that each season of life brings your way.

This is exactly what unforgiveness does in our life.  It brings a burden upon us. It forces us to stay one dimensional.  It keeps us repeating the same things round and round in circles and never allows us to move past “that place” because we can’t or won’t get rid of unforgiveness within us.

Why do we want to hold on to unforgiveness?   Is it because we still want others to know we haven’t forgotten the hurt they caused us?  I don’t know the answer to that question for everyone but each of us could answer it for ourselves.   Maybe part of the reason is pride, maybe we feel if we forgive that person we are saying that person had the right to do wrong to me.  Does that really matter anymore? Don’t we want freedom from it?  After all we are the ones who are miserable from it not them.

Our lesson today has taught us three ways that forgiveness is reached through a combination of actions:

  1. We must refuse to store up or harbor grudges–don’t hold a debt over someones head or keep records of their wrongdoings-clear the decks and stop counting.
  2. We must leave room for God to act on our behalf —refuse the urge to retaliate, trust God to handle  the issues.
  3. We must pray—pray for God to empower you to forgive, you can’t do it on your own strength.

I want to expand a little more on why we should forgive.

  • Forgiveness is a pleasurable experience—did you know God designed forgiveness as a powerful blessing for us who have been hurt-did you know truly forgiving others can make us “more happy” than if we’d never been hurt.
  • Forgiveness removes us from being entangled in the thing that hurt us—it sets us free from being bogged down or carrying baggage around-it gives us a terrific feeling-it helps us understand how God feels when He forgives us.
  • Forgiveness allows us to open our self to the spectacular possibilities for a happy life-to open the curtain on what was dark and hurting to light and life and peace—aren’t we ready for some peace?
  • Forgiveness allows us to LOVE again—to love and be loved—forgiveness is tough – but love is more valuable than the pain of unforgiveness.
  • Forgiveness will set a prisoner free and we will discover that prisoner is us.

Let’s FORGIVE and leave all the rest to God to deal with.

Instead of continuing to re-hash old wounds/old hurts,  instead of going around in circles let’s come full circle and do as God’s Word instructs us:

Colossians 3:13 “Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.

We learned in this lesson that being a woman resolved to forgive can do the following:  save friendships, rescue marriages, restore relationships, rebuild lives, refurbish businesses, help us to regain our very own self, allow us to live FREELY, LOVINGLY and WITH JOY!    — This is the mission of this resolution, this is its purpose, for us to offer and extend “forgiveness” just as He has so wonderfully, abundantly and outlandishly poured out “forgiveness” for each of us.

  • Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, not something you do for someone else.
  • To refuse to forgive means you are choosing to remain the victim – the hurts won’t heal until you forgive.

*****Let’s resolve to be forgiven as well as forgive*****

Your assignment:   As you move forward with answering the questions in your study on Pg. 143 to be able to sign your resolution for this week – please take note that this is a journey that may take time and some counsel even – be willing to seek help so you fully understand and experience the benefits that “forgiveness” is designed to give and when you are ready (prayed up and committed) sign your name in the resolution box.

Let’s Pray:   Thank you Lord for your special gift of “forgiveness”, help us not to continue going in circles in this path of unforgiveness but help us to release all that we are holding onto so we can begin to experience the freedom that “forgiveness”  brings.

Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!

Love to all,


Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here:www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

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About Beverly McCormick

Beverly McCormick - Blog Contributor
Beverly lives in South Carolina with her husband of 34 years. She is the mother of two children - a daughter who is 25 years old and married to a youth pastor; a son who is 22 years old and a senior in college. She looks forward to becoming a grandmother someday as God allows. She works outside the home, teaches Sunday School at her church, sings, leads women's conferences/retreats. She loves to read and study God's Word in addition just loves to read. She loves to travel and see this beautiful world God gave us. She accepted Christ as Savior on April 17, 1979 and has a passion since that day for ministering to others needs.


  1. Homerun Beverly!!!!!! Forgiveness is a command that the Lord wants us to do. How do we expect to be forgiven if we don't forgive others? Also forgiveness is a choice that we must make whether to be the victim (be in bondage with the burden of hurt, pain, mistrust, anger and bitterness) or to be free. I choose to be free!!!! I love the way you say, "forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, not something you do for someone else." Thank you for this word of encouragement.

    • bevannemac says

      Thanks Merol, this has been a great week of study and a lot of stuff to help us learn to be FREE!

  2. hi there, beverly…forgiveness IS such a journey. how thankful i am that the Lord has not only given us His encouragment and comfort through the holy spirit at work in our hearts but also has given us brothers and sisters to walk and help on that journey. "oil and perfume rejoice the heart; so does the sweetness of a friend’s counsel that comes from the heart" (proverbs 27:9). <3

    • bevannemac says

      Coleen, I am so thankful to have not only God's Word that help to keep me in check in these areas but I have some awesome friends like you to help me on this journey too…Thanks so much

  3. Great post. Forgiveness is hard but possble. I know unforgiveness causes so many problems through relationships, health issues and just plain carrying a weight that wasn't ours to carry. Love the book and the groups. God Bless

    • bevannemac says

      Angie, I am so glad you are enjoying the study and our groups…It is wonderful to have you with us and great that we are learning these truths together and encouraging each other to get better thru what God is teaching us. Thanks for sharing with all of us today.

  4. When I lived with an unforgiving heart I literally was stuck God had an incredible mountain for me to climb with a fabulous view of the valley and I could only climb so high. When I laid down foregivess my life changed, my circumstances improved and I became whole with an opportunity to heal. God wants you to have a full life. He doesn't promise us a pain free life but He does promise us an abundant life. By forgiving I can now help ours and disciple as I am called. When people ask me how I can forgive I tell them how could I not. My Father in Heaven forgave me and the transformed me into a woman who can l love. What a gift!!! At this stage in my life I want to enjoy today because tomorrow is not guaranteed!!! Let Go and Let God you will be glad you did!!!

    • bevannemac says

      thanks for sharing Anne. I am so encouraged by your words and I look forward to this being my life as I too lay this down.

  5. GREAT Post, Beverly!!! I am praying women GET this message this week…how important it is to FORGIVE!!! It may mean they may need to set up an appt with their Pastor, or a Counselor, or whatever it takes to learn how to forgive, or to sort through the muck that may be in their life. But it is so very important that we strive for total forgiveness!! THAT is when we will walk in His full abundance and love! AMEN!

  6. I agree forgiveness is a command from God
    For me this week with this chapter has been very frustrating for me. I cannot make heads or tails of where to begin. I just don't get it!!!

    • Beverly McCormick says

      Michelle, thanks for sharing. I will be lifting you in prayer and ask God to show you clarity on this weeks lesson and what He has to teach you and show you..if there is more I can help you with please let me know in the meantime I will be praying…

  7. Gwen Smith says

    beverly this was an awesome week of learning to forgive I agree with Merol you hit a homerun . You know God has forgiven us and if we carry the burden of unforrgiveness in our hearts then we are robbing ourselves of the blessings of
    joy God has instore for us. When Satan brings up our past and what others have done to us remind him of his future and where he will spend eternity.

  8. Thank you Beverly. This was amazing. I never thought of forgiveness as being pleasurable or a blessing. Nor did I think of it as a journey. I guess I was hoping for something a little easier, a one time only, it's over & done kind of thing. I am so ready to begin this journey, to be happy & live a life of joy.