March 6, 2025

Resolution for Women — Chapter 6 Overview

Weekly Review

Our Memory verse this week was Luke 6:45

“out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”.

This has been an eye-opening chapter for me.  I realized this week just how much I talk, and just how little I listen!  I also learned just how much I talk “over” people…in other words, how much I interrupt others!  As much as I do not like others doing that to me, I realized I do that to others, too!  This is certainly something I need to work on!!

So, what did you think of this weeks chapter?  What were your ah-ha moments?

Where did the Lord gently nudge you and say “We need to work on this?”

I think I highlighted the whole chapter.  I think I needed to highlight the whole chapter!  I know I have so much more to learn in this area, and it will truly be a chapter that I re-read over and over again!

So, let’s take a look back and see what the Lord was showing all of us this week:

Monday:  Priscilla shared her words with us on the art of listening and edifying others, and the importance of both.  She talked about the importance of “learning” how to listen to others.  The art of really intentionally putting aside any our own thoughts, the distractions, and whatever else may prevent us from intentionally listen to another.  Intentionally listening to others shows them they are important to us; they are valued; they are worthy of our time.  It builds them up and encourages them.  It feeds their self-worth.  The art of listening is a discipline that we all need to work on.  Listening is the most valuable gift we can give anyone.

Wisdom has two parts:

One part is learning what to say.

The second part is learning when to say it.

Tuesday:  Megan talked to us about the gift of intentionally listening to others.  The chapter also shows us how the gift of intentionally listening can lead into other gifts — the gifts of self-worth, significance, personal satisfaction.  The kind of gifts that we all want to be known for.  We learned how to bless others by really leaning into what they are saying, and forgetting about anything and everything else around us and giving our “all” to that person at that very moment.  It is truly our gift to them, and a blessing!

The Gift of Listening

is the most valuable gift you can give someone.

Wednesday:  Kelley shared with us about the habit of talking too much and how that can get us into trouble.  Proverbs 10:19 says “Too much talk leads to sin.  Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.”  Pretty much puts it all in to one nutshell, huh??  The art of listening enables us to think before we speak.  Weighing out our words before they are spoken.  Waiting for the right time to say the right thing.  Not sitting while someone is talking and contemplating what you will say next.  Or not allowing the other person to express their own opinion, and thinking our opinion is the only one that counts!  

 Listen.  Learn.  Contemplate.  Consider.

Weighing our words.  Waiting.

The Blessing of Silence!

Thursday:  Beverly shared with us the importance of the power of our tongue and guarding our hearts.  Our heart is our inner being (the foundation)….the place where our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs are kept.  A reservoir for every thought, attitude, belief we’ve either placed there, or allowed to hang out there!

What are we allowing to hang out in our hearts????  Our heart is the essence of who we truly are, or who we are becoming.  Out of the abundance of our heart, our words flow.  Are we quick to offer an opinion?  Are we constantly critical or demeaning to others?  Do we frequently argue with others?  Do we gossip?  Do our words often speak of negativity, doubt, and skepticism?   These are all conditions of the heart.  The foundation of our being.    So we have to ask ourselves what we are putting inside?  What treasures are we storing in our hearts?  Insecurity?  Anger?  Judgmental attitude?  Low in faith and belief?  No peace?

The author of the this book, Priscilla Shirer suggests that if we don’t know the answer to these questions, we need to just listen to ourselves for a couple of days.  Listen to our topics of conversations.  Then ask the Lord to forgive you for the words you have spoken, and to help you guard your hearts, making sure that you do not allow your heart to become filled with anything that will hinder you from being conformed into the likeness of Christ.  Stay in the word.  The more you stay in the word and in His truth, the more your words will then be filled with wisdom, kindness, and humility!

A woman whose heart is full of gratitude and humility, who is certain of God’s favor on her, and who genuinely prizes the worth of those around her will release a steady stream of graciousness that will refresh others through her conversation.  Others will desire her company.  She will invite the opportunity to listen to others.  She will humbly offer wisdom that comes from a treasure box filled with a wealth of good things!

It’s not all about watching your mouth….

It’s about watching your heart!

Are you ready to sign this weeks resolution?  Before you do, picture the people in your life who most need to receive this gift from you.  Consider what changes you can make to become a person who is “quick to listen and slow to speak.”  Be willing to make some of these practical and necessary adjustments so this resolution doesn’t just “sit on a shelf” in your life and become reality.  THEN, when you’re ready, prayerfully read the statement below and sign your name.

Resolution #6

My Blessing

I will be a woman who is quick to listen and slow to speak.

I will care about the concerns of others and esteem them more highly than myself.

Signed: ____________________


Next week, Priscilla walks us through the art of forgiveness into a resolution to release others from the prison of our hurt and anger.  I can’t wait! Another AWESOME WEEK ahead of us!!!



Be Blessed & Be a Blessing to Someone Else Today!

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  1. I also am in the terrible habit of interrupting and talking over people. I've noticed it's pretty prevalent in society. We all have the most important thing to say and manners be darned we're going to say it and be heard. I think this is one of my biggest hurdles for this particular resolution. Lord, help me to realize that I am NOT the most important person in the conversation and that a conversation involves more than one person.

  2. hi there,
    beautiful summarizing, christi! thank you! including this quote from p125: "a woman whose heart is full of gratitude and humility, who is certain of God’s favor on her, and who genuinely prizes the worth of those around her will release a steady stream of graciousness that will refresh others through her conversation…"
    oh Lord, may i be such a woman, your woman! please continue to help me with the state of my heart so that out of these treasures—gratitude, humility, peace, acknowledgment of Your favor, grace, trust in You—will flow grace&love&joy. i love You! <3

  3. I started this resolution before I knew it was going to be a resolution. Our daughters will not cut each other any slack. They are very critical and judgmental towards each other. My hubby and I have tried to fix it and we get accused of "taking sides". In most cases, the flare up was caused by one of them. Well, the last one was both of them and we resolved that we are no longer going to try and salvage it. They are hell-bent on destroying the unity of the family that we have spent so many years working on, that we have decided to let them. We are tired. So, I am quick to listen, extremely slow to speak (like not at all right now). I am however having trouble with the esteem part because it hurts so much to see what they are doing. When this is over, I will be able to do that.

    There is flare-up #846 going on right now. Help me Lord to keep from getting hurt or angry.

    • One thing that my husband and I did Jackie when we had kids at home who liked to argue with each other, is we came together as husband/wife and said "PEACE will cover our home at all times. STRIFE is not allowed in any way, shape, or form." When the kids began to argue with each other, we told them to take it outside of our home and resolve it, and don't come back into OUR home until it was resolved. Trust me, it worked pretty good!!! As the parents, it is YOUR RIGHT and purpose to maintain peace in your home, and not allow satan to get a foothold to stir up strife. Take that authority back again, and tell the kids to take it outside until it's resolved. And do it EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY ARGUE!!! Trust me, it won't be long and they'll figure out how to resolve their issues quickly!! Especially when winter hits! Matthew 5:9 — Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

  4. I also have a habit of interrupting before someone is finished speaking and I am trying hard to break this very bad habit. I get excited about a subject and jump in without waiting for someone to finish speaking…. I pray for humility that I will realize that everyones opinion and what they are saying is just as important as mine and I need to be respectful of them. May I also say that the Lord has helped me in many areas of my speech and the condition of my heart already! I grew up in a household with a Dad who was verbally and emotionally abusive to my Mom and us kids (we have 8 kids in my family) My Dad has a way of speaking that can be so condescending and hurtful, like you and your opinion doesn't matter, like you are stupid. All of my brothers & sisters have a tendency to talk like that without realizing it, the sins of the father…. And all my adult life I have strived (but fell short) not to be like that towards anyone, to talk like that, even enlisting the help of my family, asking them to tell me if I sound like Dad. I was able to control it somewhat before but after finding and accepting Jesus and praying about this, it has become easier and easier to do. Praise God, Praise Jesus for helping me in this area, while I still fail, I fail a lot less. I could not have come this far with You my blessed Savior!

    • Break the curse of the generation over your family, hon, and then ask the Lord to put a guard over your tongue. A very good book that I read a while back is by Sharon Jaynes, "The Power of a Woman's Words". It is AWESOME!!!!! Check it out.

  5. I am one that thinks I can "multi-task" and work on the computer while listening to someone. Well, this week, when one of my friends came into my office before Bible study at church, I intentionally turned away from my computer and faced her – and we had a great conversation for about 10 minutes. I need to do that more often. With my husband, oftentimes, I think I know what he is going to say, so I contemplate my answer based on that…and I jump in before he is finished talking. So…..I need to work on that as well.

    • Multi-tasking is familiar with me, as well, Kathy. I, too, have to literally walk away from some things in order to give others my full attention! But, NOW you know how good that felt that give someone your complete attention and what a pleasant conversation came out of that!! Something good came out of it, so it should be easier to remember next time! 🙂 Great job!

  6. My aha moment is just stopping and listening to what is being said and being slow to speak!

    • Sometimes life can have us so busy that it's hard to do that…but when we realize how awesome it is to take that time to just stop, and reallllly listen, it is amazing! We miss so much because of the busyness or distractions!

  7. Judy McMillin says

    Only by the grace of God can my tongue be controlled. I am an interrupter and a person quick to give advice. My husband is humble, spiritually strong and quiet. He has tempered me some. Signing this resolution humbles me. I pray it will be so.

  8. I wish I had found and joined this site from the first chapter. I have read Resolution before but I am enjoying this site and FB group so much.