February 22, 2025

The Resolution for Women – Intelligent Design

Click HERE for a Quick Message From Christi


Memory Verse:

You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit.

John 15:16


I have to be honest and tell you that today’s chapter really spoke to me in so many ways!  I can’t even tell you what an impact it has had on me!  I struggle with my value, like many of you do.  I always have.  It’s like I know in my head that I am valuable, but it just hasn’t reached my heart yet.  I can tell you how worthy you are, to God, and I do mean it.  I just need to take my own medicine.

Last week, I was on the phone with my Life Coach.  We discussed this very issue:  the feeling of no value.  Just after that call, I opened this book and read today’s chapter, and just about fell over!  I said, “Wow, God!  You know just how to get Your message across, don’t You!!?”  It was amazing!  But that really shouldn’t surprise me because God is always listening, and He is always ready to talk to us, when we are willing to actually sit down and listen!!

Today, I want to show you who you are in Him.  I am taking my own medicine in this lesson, also.  I pray that this scripture speaks to you, as it did to me when I read it.

1 Peter 2: 9-10 (MSG)

But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

Let’s look at those two scriptures just a little bit closer.

  • You are chosen by God
  • You are chosen for the high calling to do God’s will
  • You are chosen to be holy, set apart, sanctified
  • You are His instruments to speak for Him
  • You are to tell others what God has done in your life
  • You have been changed from being a nothing, into being a “something!
  • You have gone from being rejected, to being accepted!

Did you see that?  We have such a high calling on our lives because HE CHOSE US!  He chose US because He knew we would do what He called us to do!

He did not reject us!  He accepted us!

He turned us from being a nothing, into being a something!!

Wow, Ladies!  What more do we need to see here!?!

We should never allow others, or things, to control our thoughts about who we are, and what our value is!  God says it right here….WE ARE CHOSEN TO DO HIS WORK!  That is VALUE!  He would never choose us if He didn’t think we couldn’t do what He is calling us to do!

Whether your job is as a homemaker, a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, or a ….. the list could go on and on…..  HE CHOSE YOU to be that person!  He chose you.   Therefore, He will equip you.  If He will equip you, He will be with you all the way….  All the way, my dear Girlfriend!  He sees your worth to do His work; to spread His word; to spread His love!  And if He has chosen you, this means He thinks you are worthy and valuable enough to do what He needs you to do!

I don’t know about YOU, but I am about to jump up and down and shout, “Hallelujah!!!”  Can I get an AMEN out there???!!!

As Priscilla said on page 53, “this resolution is important – this commitment to assign genuine value to who we are based on our God-given worth, talents, gifts, and abilities.  Because once we’ve settled this issue (in our own hearts … my emphasis here), everything else can begin falling appropriately into place.  We’ll have the freedom to build our lives on what really matters, discarding all the things that don’t.”

Wow!  I don’t know about you, but I am ready to discard my stinkin’ thinkin’ and start focusing on what God’s word says about me!  I’m ready to stop owning those negative thoughts, and start taking back my life, and my value, for God!!

Remember, “The life you are renovating has far too much God-given potential for you to plant its roots in something so menial.  Dig deep and lean in to the truth – the truth of who you are and what He’s created you to offer to the world – and then orbit your life around that steadfast knowledge.”  That steadfast knowledge!  That knowledge that will never let you down, no matter what!  AMEN?


Let’s Pray: 

Oh Father, we come to You today with open arms, and tears of repentance for the times we have doubted our worth; for the times we have not chosen to believe Your word, and allowed our stinkin’ thinkin’ to take first place over You.  Lord, please forgive us!  Cleanse us of all that junk that keeps us so bottled up inside.  Cleanse us from the pity-parties that we throw for ourselves!  Cleanse us from all the lies that we have told ourselves, and have allowed ourselves to believe.

Lord, I give You praise for all that You have shown us in this chapter today!  Thank You for opening our eyes to see who we truly are, in You Lord!  May we stand in that knowledge today, and allow it to sink down deep into our hearts, so that we know that we know, that we know!  Thank You Lord for revelation knowledge!  May we never go back to that stinkin’ thinkin’ again!   In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!


Today’s blog assignment: 

Name some things in your life that you have allowed to shape your self-worth or self-image?  When you have completed this assignment here on the blog, return to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group for today’s FUN Activity!!  You just never know what we have in store for you!! 


If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com




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  1. Great blog today, Christi!
    I used to base my worth on my popularity. I was never popular in school. I was probably even less popular in boot camp, if that were possible. I got to my first school and looked in the mirror and saw a body that I had never possessed before! My stomach was flat for the FIRST TIME EVER!!!! That was a huge thing for me. (At the young age of 9 or 10 I was asked by one of the older boys in school if I was pregnant. That one still pops up from time to time.) So I went out and bought clothes to show off this new body. I was one of a few females on the base. (about 10% of the population was female.) And I looked GOOD! So I got the attention that I had never had before. I'll admit I had fun taking advantage of that fact. I put myself in some incredibly dangerous situations that I look back and thank the Lord that He was watching over me. It took many years to figure out that what guys thought of me was not what I am worth. The power I held over them is also not what makes me important. I still struggle with my body image (as most of us do) but that does not make me less important.

  2. Great Post,Christi! This chapter spoke volumes to me,also.. I highlighted, took notes and kept rereading!! I often wonder what my value is .. especially in this season of my life. What is my purpose… why am I here? I never realized before that to me my value was wrapped up in how many people came over or called or needed my help or wanted to do something…. I was always in the middle , involved, feeling God using me… Suddenly nada… But reading this chapter , i realized it was the hoopla I was missing.. I have always been the type of person that definitely could say no, BUT still would get so wrapped up in life. Suddenly, there is a quiet a lack of business doing so much… He wants this season in my life for a purpose.. ( I still wish I knew His plan and where He is taking me) LOLOL Although, I feel calmer, I just want to press in to HIm more and be with Him.. allowing Him to open doors and lead me.. allowing Him to teach me and draw me even closer to Him … 🙂

    • Maybe that His purpose for now Tracey for you to " know " Him better than you ever have before….because of what He has in store for you…..

      • janet jackson says

        I think this is where i am too. I can see the negative things i cant do but am struggling to see the positive things i can do!

  3. Oh my gosh, there are so many. I was not raised in church, Jesus was a cuss word, so I had to learn a lot when I accepted Christ in my early 20's. I am just now starting to get it right (at 60). My father was an alcoholic and said mean things, I was born with a cleft lip and palate, (I was not made whole at birth), then my weight problems starting at the age of 10, a perfectionist mother, (nothing was good enough), my struggles with reading during school (I learned in college how to comprehend the words). God taught me to overcome all of these and the side effects ~ low self-esteem, victim mentality, and never being good enough. If I doubt God and his plan I am calling him a liar and I cannot do that. (Bill Gothard seminars). I am a work in progress!

    • You are fearfully & wonderfully made Jackie…no matter what anyone else has EVER spoken to you!!! God LOVES you & as you said…doubting anything but this is calling God a liar. You are Beautiful!!!!

  4. Awesome words Christi!!!! Last week I shared a little about how people, the church and myself have hurt me. I had allowed and believed what they said to define me and because of that backed myself up into a corner. I suppressed, questioned and doubted what I believed God told me to do. Some of the hurtful scares remain. This study is opening a jar that I put on the shelf. It is good because it is time to heal completely and not camouflage the healing. God chose me for which I'm so grateful. My heart pains so much because I want to be used by Him.

    • Merol you ARE being used by Him in so many ways!!! Wife…mother….Pastor's wife….Women's Ministry….Encourager for GCH!!! I think sometimes the reason we dont feel like God is using us is because WE don't see the VALUE in each one of those roles. Ask God to show you just how valuable these roles are…and whatever you do dont wait for "man" to tell you how valuable you are!!! MAN will let us down…whereas God NEVER will!!! Love you Sweetheart!

      • Thank you Christi. I will ask the Lord to show me the value in each role. Thanks 🙂

        • Oh Christi, I believe you have hit the nail right on the head! Merol, you do so much and are a blessing to so many people! <3
          We all should ask HIm the same thing… great wisdom.. 🙂

  5. carol costello says


  6. Beverly McCormick says

    this study is truly opening up closets in my life that I wanted to remain shut forever so that I didn't have to think about them anymore….I have never felt good about myself…never felt I was worth a dime…just someone to be thrown away until I met the Lord and even then it took many years to see and know that I am worth something to my Lord….I still struggle with issues like my weight, how my hair looks, what clothes I wear…but I was never really taught how to do any of that stuff…so it's just little old' me doing the best I can…and I discovered that God likes little ol' me just as I am….yep there are areas that I have done in my life that He is not proud of and that I had to bring to Him to ask forgiveness for and He did….but that was me being authentically me not some person I am trying to be like….I want to be like Him and yet be open and authentic and when I am that vulnerable with Him that is when He can change me….thanks Lord for Helping me to SEE ME…it's then when The real Beverly stands up before You and can then say Yes Lord you are seeing Authentically me!

    • One thing I was thinking of Beverly as I was reading your comment is my Mary Kay consultant. She has been a doll in teaching me how to apply makeup. Maybe if you want to…we could find a good one in your area & see if she can come teach you a few tricks??? I personally like the natural look. But only a few can pull that off! YOU are one that can do that!!! I like the way you look! 🙂

  7. thanks, christi, for the greeting of your beautiful, smiling face…and bandaged-up hand. as with all of us, many hurtful messages and even simple misconstrued communications have made well-worn paths in my heart. i know ("i" know, i KNOW) that only by allowing TRUTH to make its own righteous path, and choosing to follow that path when i am struggling, will i bring glory to my Father by being the coleen that He has made&enabled&anointed me to be.
    i love this statement: "this resolution is important – this commitment to assign genuine value to who we are based on our God-given worth, talents, gifts, and abilities…." and i am working on this being part of the truth settled in my heart. this is hard but maybe (yes, Lord?!?) this time i'll get it. i have a joyful hope and expectation that, by God's grace and my commitment, my worth&value are becoming defined by God not anyone, anything else. <3

  8. Words for one. My father was a joker, I was a very independent little one. As I started to get older, say pre-teen, he would tease me about things, one in particular is that he would call me a half-back. Then there was the 'trying to fit in" stage more than anything. I was perceived as a very confident person, and I still am. In many ways I am confident, but the lack of confidence that I have cuts me to the quick!! I too am a work in progress, aren't we all?

  9. This is a message I need to read over and over – I agree this is SO easy for me to convey to others but to believe it about myself is where the struggle sets in.

  10. I must say my WEIGHT (since I was a child) is what gauged my self-worth! Always the last one picked in gym class, not able to do everything that everyone else can do – then as you get older, your body starts hurting, feet hurt when you stand on them, just can't do the things you could before now with the extra weight – you don't feel good about life, you get in a pit of despair – and for me it all boils back to my weight…….there are lots of times I felt useless – thank goodness I know my Heaveny Father and know my worth – because as I said in a past blog – He makes no junk! We are all WORTHY!!! We are all works in prgoress! all imperfect – but we are not unworthy! Ever – Thankful that today I know this!

    • Weight was never an issue when I was young but it sure is today! BUT….I am working on a new ME!!!! AMEN!! With God's help I will no longer be unsuccessful in my weight loss journey!!! I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR & SO ARE YOU GIRLFRIEND!!!!!

  11. I have let my past shape who I am.

    • One beautiful thing about our past Michelle is that it's behind us!! God has given us TODAY as a way of releasing the past & reaching into the present and allowing Him to take that mess in the past…and turn it into a message for today & for the future. Allow God to break those chains that continue to hold you to the past!!! Allow Him to set you FREE from that awful prison you have been living in called "your past"!! He LOVES YOU!!!! UNCONDITIONALLY!!!!

  12. This was so gooooooood Christi. I have read your blog twice….I need to print it out and keep it close. I have felt for years I have no value (all brought on from not meeting my days expectations of how I should look on the outside) which caused me all kinds of head issues. I do know I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I am valued by God. But there are days that I may not feel that way and your blog was such a great reminder that everyday I am valued by God. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  13. Carol Bruntlett says

    Wow Christi this blog is just what I needed to read , there is so much first of all I work in an environment with just guys and wow that's a tuff place to be , because sometimes I feel like they don't really care for a woman to be there so I want to value or feel valued, another thing is I was never brought up in a church my dad was an achololic he nev was home and when he was he was by abusive, only towards me I had 2 brothers but they were always protected.my mom and dad divorced when I was 12, I pretty much just raised myself because I was always pushed away by both parents, so sometimes I feel like nobody values me so I am so thankful that you took time out if your day to post this blog. Because I really needed this.

  14. Great Job, Christi! I guess I'm taking a little bit of a different twist on this. Don't get me wrong but I have allowed my weight and other things to affect how I think about myself. The important thing is that I have accepted circumstances that the Lord has put me in to shape me and mold me to be more like him. I have a long way to go but I'm allowing God to work on me and trying to continue to praise him in all circumstances.

  15. I used to based my self worth on my job and how mich money I could earn!!!! Selfishness at its finest. I missed out on so much and it added to the demise of my marriage. I have an opportunity for a do over praying for God's guidance.

  16. Cynder60 says

    In school I was not pretty or popular so I got my value from being smart. Now in this season of my life I look to my husband for my value. Unfortunately, after being betrayed & discarded by the one you love the most, my value & self esteem are sadly lacking. Thank you Christi for reminding me that God chose me to do His will & He thinks I am worthy & valuable enough to do what He needs me to do! I'm with you, I'm going to discard the stinking' thinking' & start taking back my on life for God

  17. Kathy S. says

    Sorry, I am a bit behind here. I believe God rearranged my schedule this morning, just so I would have enough time to read this before I go to work! This was a great chapter and great post. I have so much in my past that bogs me down, mostly rejection. So as an adult, I have become hyper-sensitive to even the remotest possibility of being rejected, even if the other person didn't mean it! (i.e. being invited to social events, things like that). Through the years of being a Christian, I have had a difficult time REALLY believing that God chose ME…because of all the rejection in my life. But I am "getting" it more and more each day. My life verse is 2 Cor 5:17; and I know I am a new creation in Him – and I thank and praise Him for that!

  18. This chapter was especially interesting to me given some more recent revelations I have had concerning myself. I remember, when I was about middle school age, realizing that I didn't fit into any "group" I wasn't popular but neither was I unpopular, I wasn't gorgeous but neither was I considered ugly, etc.. I got the feeling that I was just "stuck" in the middle. I don't know if it was then or sometime after that I started chasing after the image of the woman I thought I wanted to be. And we've all seen them. The women that stay at home with their children because their husbands have good paying jobs, they shop at places like Old Navy and the Gap. They have the latest hairstyles, clothes and accessories, drive a minivan and drink Starbucks daily, LOL ok so maybe that's a little too specific but in honesty, that was what I was spending so much of my time and effort chasing down. I even know a few women that I feel are the models of this lifestyle and tried for the longest time to fit in.
    Recently however, it has occurred to me that I am trying to fit a square into a round hole. This is not the person God created me to be and by spending so much time trying to be her, I was insulting His creation. This revelation has brought about new challenges as I have realized that I have spent so much time trying to fit this mold that in the process I have misplaced the one I truly fit. My daily prayer has been for God to help me realize once again who I am, who HE created me to. It's been the most freeing event in my life to date.

  19. Great blog today, I have always had trouble thinking I had value. In school I was called names and I have always felt down on myself. I was never taught really that God did value me! It wasn't until I was married that i really started my relationship with Christ. I definitely have ups and downs and still consider myself a baby Christian (at 50) but reading this chapter really shows me that God can show me who I am in Christ in Him and that He has Chosen Me!!!! It Is time for me to find out what he has chosen me for!!!