March 31, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 6 Weekly Review – “Becoming a Warrior”

Click Here for Next Week’s Reading Schedule

Welcome to Campground USA

Log Cabins, Nature Trails, Canoes,

Paddle Boats, Bikes, Fishing

Here we are again – -continuing our study in Girlfriends With Swords, by Lisa Bevere. Tonight, we will try to grab hold of what Becoming a Warrior means.  But, first let’s play a game with Chapters 1-5.

You might say these chapters took us through Basic Training, preparing us to be a warrior in God’s army.  In an effort to make sure their groups are spiritually fit for the front line of duty, Amy, Christi, Laurie, and Kim devised a Girls With Swords Trivia Game.

Here’s how it works:  Christi made cards with words or scriptures taught in Basic Training. A contest is going on between Group 1 and Group 2 to see who can be the first to answer all the questions on the cards.

If you missed the games, take a minute and play.  On your mark!  Get Set!  Go!










Wasn’t that fun?  I need to review several of those scriptures.  I think I’ve been grazing and not feasting on the Word.  (Ugh)  Time to head over to the bonfire. I’m anxious to hear Teresa, Jennifer, Tonya, and Diane speak on Becoming a Warrior.


Lisa gives us words a WARRIOR would understand:  strategy, intuition, vision, wisdom, patience, persistence, tenacity, a unified voice, and concerted effort. This requires us to develop Maturity as a Spiritual Warrior.

The Apostle Paul spoke to people in Hebrews 6 about becoming mature Christ followers. 

“So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God.  You don’t need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.  And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding.”  (NLT)

The basic teachings are very important.  Once a new believer understands the basic lessons, it is time to practice what was learned and “move forward” toward maturity. 

We have a CHOICE to believe, a CHOICE to mature,
and a CHOICE to live in a way that brings Honor and Glory to God the Father.


Girlfriends, warriors are not hired; they are called. David had an elite group of men fighting with him. They were not soldiers, hired to do a particular job. They were called to the task.

As Lisa said:  ”You are at once a daughter and a warrior.”  There is no separation between the two. If you are a part of God’s family—a part of His army—then you are one of His warriors.

I think many of us are scared to be warriors.  We want to just “get by.” But, I am challenging you today to rise up!

Face Your Fear Today and
Put Your Trust in God!


All soldiers are trained, but in addition to being trained, a warrior will be tempered.  For example:

  • A warrior isn’t quick to teach a lesson; they aren’t quick to avenge a wrong done.
  • They are compelled to offer grace and compassion, and to show God’s love.
  • They are led by God to do what is needed when it is needed, whether it is to offer grace, or to stand up and fight.
  • Warriors seize the opportunity to make a difference in an area where they can bless others and where God’s love can shine through them.

Lisa said: “the processing of tempering may not be pleasant or quick,”  but the outcome is this:  “the warrior woman, not only sees what our enemy is doing, but can follow God’s lead into battles with His promises in our hearts.’”

Are you ready to sign on to be
more than a soldier?


Have you opened your ears and heard the Lord call your name?  Are you covering your ears with fear of the unknown after you hear Our Mighty King whisper His warrior-princess’s name? 

  • Fear will always be a part of our lives, but it does not have to be the driving force behind our actions or lack thereof. 
  •  Fear, when placed in the right manner, will only drive us closer to God Himself.
  • We must fear God and keep His commandments.  We do this by coming to a revelation of Who God truly is and what He has truly done for us.  This revelation drives us to be obedient because of the deep love we possess for our One and Only King. 

All of us have a perfect will for our lives, and also a perfect love that drives out any fear that tries to prevent us from living out God’s perfect will for us. 1 John 4:18 says:  There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.

As warrior-princesses-in-training,
we all possess God’s perfect love in our hearts.
Where God’s love is, fear doesn’t stand a chance.


After Diane spoke, praise and worship lasted into the midnight hour under the glow of the heavenly lights. 

Something else very exciting has been taking place at our meetings.  Word has gotten around the campground about “those women” who gather nightly at the bonfire.  First there were one or two outsiders who visited the meetings, and now a big crowd has joined us.  Lisa said:  “Warriors will lead and irresistibly compel others to join the cause.” 

You go, girlfriends!  MIGHTY WARRIORS YOU ARE!

Let’s pray:  Father God, I thank You that You have called us to be warriors.  May we not take Your calling carelessly, but serve You with honor, and free of fear.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 Weekly Review – “You Might Be A Hero”

Click Here for Next Week’s Reading Schedule

What a road trip this has been for the five girlfriends—Jennifer, Teresa, Tonya, Diane, and Martha—who started out going to a women’s retreat!  As they traveled down the road toward their destination, their “side-splitting giggles,” suddenly came to a halt as they saw a road sign that read:

Prince of Darkness


Voting unanimously to continue their journey, despite knowing they were a TARGET, they realized the key to being victorious in battle against the enemy was choosing the right WEAPON.  To get their thoughts together, they pulled over at a rest stop.

It was here that they had a surprise visit by approximately 125 women.  “We’ve heard about your decision to enter into the Prince of Darkness Territory, and we want to join forces with you,” Christi said.

Much discussion went on between the two groups about the choice of weapon, ranging from the purchase of  heavy artillery guns to God’s Word.  The five girlfriends stood their ground about their choice of weapon—God’s Word.

Finally, Christi stepped up on top of a picnic table, and gave a roaring speech:

“We should be seeing the sick healed, the lame walk, the blind see, cancers falling off of people, lives miraculously changed because of Him!!  We should be laying hands on the sick and through the power of the Holy Spirit, see them become whole again!  We should be spreading the gospel so much more than what we are.”

It was then that the two groups were united and a choice of a weapon was decided upon:  God’s Sword (God’s Word).

After a time of worship under the moonlight in that roadside park, these two groups, who had met as strangers in the night, realized that this had not been a chance meeting. It was as though God, Himself, had ordained this meeting, and they all felt that their previous plans should be canceled, and they were to spend an extended time together.

It was decided that they would check into a nearby campground, and study Lisa Bevere’s book, Girls With Swords, which some of them had brought along with them on their trip.  The others, whipped out their Kindles, and quickly ordered it.

And so it was, on the first night they gathered around the campfire at the campground,  their discussion centered on Chapter 3 in Lisa’s book, You Might Be a Hero. Lisa defined a female hero as:  superwoman, champion, conqueror, star, protagonist, lead, and brave woman.

Jennifer started the discussion off by giving her own personal testimony:

“At age 24, I was told I would never bear a biological child. Too stunned to form a coherent thought, the next eight years of my life went by in a haze of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I was lost, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. My lifelong dream was to have a baby who looked like me with my husband who loved me. I had plans! I had dreams! I had hopes! In an instant, all seemed lost.  But, He alone rescued me the moment I turned my burden of infertility over to Him, and decided not to carry it on my back anymore.

Just as Lisa says: “Your journey toward becoming a hero begins when you simply grant God permission to have His way.”

Ladies, I share my story with you because I need for you to know something very important:  “Right now, where you are, you are living part of God’s story.”

Teresa:  I don’t know about you, but when I read Hebrews 11 and recount the heroes of the faith, the last thing I see is ‘nobodies.’

Each of the people listed in the Hall of Faith died not even knowing the impact their life would have on the world.  All they knew was that they were chosen by God to go wherever He asked, do whatever He needed them to do, protect whomever He needed them to protect, feed whoever was hungry, build what He said build, stand when He said stand and FIGHT when God said fight.

THESE are our ancestors.  They passed the torch on to us normal people of God to continue the fight.  This mild-mannered Jesus girl may look ordinary on the outside, but I have a HERO living inside me that needs to save the world.  We cannot lead people spiritually where we have not gone. 

Tonya:  What does it take for us as women to feel like heroes?  Is it our ability to multi-task throughout our day, our ability to utilize the sixth sense that women are said to possess?

It all boils down to this:


Yes, we are called to be heroes in our day, to wield swords, to be superhuman, and to be brave. This can be terrifying. But, our superhuman abilities come from—His Spirit, the power of our sword comes from—His Word and, in times of fear, we need to remember who we can run to, who we answer to—the Lord.

Diane:  Each night before I close my eyes for the day I am reminded of these words: TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, FAITH, and SALVATION  with the words, “live by these, apply these” underneath.

Some days I imagine myself with the prettiest pink, bedazzled sword you could ever imagine.  I picture my perfectly pink armor filled with sparkles, and I get this joy deep down in my heart because I imagine so clearly God’s words and actions of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation covering every inch of that bedazzling pink armor and weaponry He has handpicked for me to use.

Ephesians 6 says:

  1. God is strong, and He wants His daughters to be strong.
  2. His weapons are supreme.
  3. With these weapons in hand, nothing the enemy throws at you will knock you off your course.
  4. You are in a spiritual battle between life and death.
  5. If you prepare now, you won’t be caught off guard.
  6. You can’t do this in your own human strength.
  7. True, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are life’s applications.
  8. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon.
  9. Prayer is not optional.

I picture all of us: swords in hand, shields in place, bedazzled in GOD’S TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, FAITH, AND SALVATION; standing tall, shouting prayers of all kinds to our Holy God in Heaven, as we leave behind all of Satan’s lies that kept us tied down from the something we have been craving:  God Himself.

 After Diane spoke, other women in the group spoke up:

  • What I loved about Jennifer’s story was that, not only are our lives a gift, but also the story that we are in.  God has already written us into the story of faith heroes—we all have a story He can use.
  • I liked what Lisa said about having to fight a battle more than once to win. Most of us want to give up when we don’t succeed the first time.
  • Tonya’s words were spoken like a true hero.  Sometimes it is hard to remember that we do have the source and strength to be superheroes if we would just ask.
  • I’m not going to be able to envision putting on my armor again without it being pink and bedazzling!

And on into the night, as these women sat around the campfire, many women spoke out about their desire to be a hero. They agreed to meet back the next night to continue their study. This group who were once strangers in their natural habitat, had now been united “in one accord as sisters in Christ.”


Let’s Pray:  Father God, we are so grateful that You have united us together. As we study Your Word, may we become “doers of Your word, and not just hearers.”  As we do, we rest with assurance that we can quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 “Heroes Are Superhuman” – “Heroes Are Brave” (pgs 47-48)

What does it take for me to feel like a hero, for us as women to feel like heroes?  Is it our ability to multi-task throughout our day?  Our ability to utilize the sixth sense that women are said to possess?  No. It’s not even the yummy caffeinated aroma wafting in from my kitchen that, in my opinion, allows me to accomplish tasks like a superhuman—“instant human, just add coffee,” or in this case, instant superhuman.

No, it’s none of these.



I know that there is one thing that keeps me going; one Person that I depend on for the strength to operate on a daily basis; one Person that gives me, gives us, the superhuman ability to be heroines and  to wield our swords against the devil’s attacks.


“Superheros are able to help the endangered and frightened because they understand that they answer to a higher power.”

Alone, I know that I cannot hold my own sword.  Alone, I know that I cannot be the mother I need to be, the woman I need to be.  Alone, I know that I can’t lift up other women. Alone, I know that I cannot be brave for the 5 extra minutes it will take me to become that hero.  Alone, I know that I cannot fight the battles and fight against the attacks that are thrown against me every day.

Yes, we are heroines!  Yes, we are brave!  Yes, we wield swords!  And, yes, we are a threat to the enemy’s plans.  But it is vital that I remember, that we remember, that we are not who we are of our own accord, “but by my spirit says the Lord.”  He is the power that sustains us in our battle. He is the One that makes us heroes. Brave heroes.

Brave is never a word I would use to describe myself.  To be honest I tend to allow fear and anxiety to stop me from acting at times. As usual, I try to pull one or two lines from the text that really speak to my heart. Today it was this line:

Life is filled with terrifying moments, and we cannot stop the onslaught of fear anymore than we can hold back the wind… Allow fear to drive you toward God.”

We are called to be heroes in our day.  We are called to wield swords.  We are called to be superhuman, and we are called to be brave. This can be, and is at times, terrifying. But we need to remember where our superhuman abilities come from—His Spirit. We need to remember where the power of our sword comes from—His Word and, in times of fear, we need to remember who we can run to, who we answer to—the Lord.

Ladies, we are called to be braver five minutes longer, and we are given the power to answer this calling.



Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for entrusting us with such a great responsibility, and thank You for the power and tools to accomplish the tasks You have given us. In times of fear remind us that You are there for us to run to; You are there to give the superhuman abilities we need to wield our sword against Satan’s attacks. Lord, please give us the strength and courage to be braver for five minutes longer, to be the heroines You have called us to be.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.