February 22, 2025

Nothing Compares

I’ve heard all the stories
I’ve seen all the signs
Witnessed all the glory
Tasted all that’s fine

Nothing compares to the greatness of knowing You, Lord
Nothing compares to the greatness of knowing You, Lord

I see all the people
Wasting all their time
Building up their riches
For a life that’s fine

I find myself just living for today
‘Cause I don’t know what
Tomorrow’s gonna bring
So no matter if I rise or fall
I’ll never be alone, oh no

Singer/Songwriters:   Johnny Mac Powell, Bradley B. C. Avery, Mark D. Lee, David Carr, Samuel Tai Anderson  ~ Third Day

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As I listen to this song, I’m taken into His Word, in the Book of Psalms, chapter 40, verse 5:

Many, Lord my God, are the wonders You have done,
the things You planned for us. None can compare with You;
were I to speak and tell of Your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Have you ever sat and just thought about all the Lord has done for you?  From the day you were born, and really before, He made plans for your life.  Full of blessings and hope for great things.  And look in the Bible, way before our time, how many times He saved His people from destruction.  And then there’s the most amazing gift that He gave us—Jesus.  And so many blessings in between.  I encourage you to read the Old Testament and just see all the ways He loved and all the ways He cared.

As the song says, I, too, have heard all the stories. I have witnessed miracle after miracle in my own life and the lives of others.  I have been blessed with food to eat,  shelter, clothing and so much more.  But without Him…none of those things matter. Knowing God and having a relationship with Him is all that is important.

We are on this earth such a short time in comparison with how long we will live with Him in eternity.  This is our temporary home.  Let me ask you a question: When you go on a trip to the beach or the mountains and you have rented a condo, do you unpack your stuff and maybe put them in the drawers (depending on how long you are planning on staying.)?  Do you use their plates and cups, and you sleep on the beds that are provided?  Even if the decor isn’t what you would have picked, you accept it. You don’t go to target and get new curtains and towels that match your taste, do you? You don’t take down the drapes and replace them with something more ‘you’, do you?  and you definitely don’t go out and buy new paint colors.  Why?  Because it is temporary!  You won’t live there permanently.

Friends, we won’t live here permanently either. Your real home is in Heaven with Jesus.  So yes, we do live in this world, but our focus should be on the things of Heaven—leading others to Him, giving to the needy, nurturing the children, and guiding them in the ways of  Jesus.

You can’t take your boats and planes and not even your savings account to Heaven. I’m not saying those things are wrong.  And, of course, you need money to live, but take your focus off of worldly possessions and look to Him to fulfill you.  He is all you need.  Things come and go.  Houses get foreclosed on and cars break down.  But God loves you…and He is forever!

Friends, we are only guaranteed this moment.  We have no idea what tomorrow holds.  So please, I encourage you to put Him first!  If you have strayed, run home to Him. He is waiting and will never turn you away!  And remember, in Him, you will never be alone!

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.
Isaiah 40:8

And the Lord will be King over all the earth.
On that day there will be one Lord—His name alone will be worshipped.
Zechariah 14:9

Oh!  What a day that will be!  But until then, seek Him, praise Him, give Him thanks for all He has done and will do in your lives and spread His love to the world.  Nothing will ever bring you more joy!

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Let us pray…

Dear Lord, You are awesome and amazing.  You love us so much, even when we don’t love ourselves.  Even when we continue to place other things above You, You are patient and continue to bless us.  Open our eyes to those around us that need You.   Give us the courage to step out in Your name, and to lay up our treasure in Heaven with You.  Oh Lord, You are all that matters, You alone fulfill our every need.  Help us to live in today and to have our affairs in order, so that, when You do come and the trumpet sounds, we will be ready!  Thank You for being FOR us.  In Jesus’ name, amen.