February 23, 2025

You Are My Healer


 Then they came, bringing a paralytic to Him, who had been picked up and was being carried by four men.  And when they could not get him to a place in front of Jesus because of the throng, they dug through the roof above Him; and when they had scooped out an opening, they let down the [thickly padded] quilt or mat upon which the paralyzed man lay.  And when Jesus saw their faith [their confidence in God through Him], He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven….”

Mark 2:3-5 AMP

*  ~  ♥  ~  ✞  ~  ♥  ~  *

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

I trust in You
I trust in You

I believe You’re my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe, Lord

I believe You’re my portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus, You’re all I need

For nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

Singers ~ Aaron&Amanda Crabb / Songwriter ~  Michael Guglielmucci