February 22, 2025

Ten Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program #4 – A Workout Schedule

“I will try and workout tomorrow.”   “I think I can this week.”  Those are the words of someone with great intentions attempting to start an exercise program.  However, when other things “pop up,” exercise is usually the first thing to go.  If you can relate, have you ever thought about writing a workout schedule for a week, as you would other appointments, and then place it on your calendar?

Let me give you a few examples. To ensure you do not forget, do you place the following on your calendar?

  • Lunch with a friend or business associate
  • Meeting with co-worker, boss or direct report
  • Hair cut or manicure
  • _______ (You fill in the blank)

Because they are important appointments and can’t be missed, you probably write them down somewhere so that you do not forget.  Exercise can be the same.  If it’s something that you really want to do, it may need to be planned out, scheduled and written down to keep that appointment.

Proverbs 21:5 says, The plans of a diligent lead sure to his advantage.

Proverbs 16:8 says, Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.

What this says to me is that God will honor those who are hard working and diligent with their plans and if we commit them to God, we will succeed.

#4 Number four this week in our top Ten Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program is to make a workout schedule and then put it on your calendar.

I’m curious, have you ever thought of this and how do you think it may work for you this week?  Keep me informed.


 In Good Health,
