February 22, 2025

Crazy Love: Week 2 / Chapter 2 – “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” (Brooke’s Story)

“You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age.”

— Brooke Bronkowski —


I will be honest with you. When I read through this section of the chapter, at first I felt a sense of hopelessness. How does someone so young inspire so many? How does someone so young preach the gospel to her peers, hand out Bibles, and share the love of Christ without fear? And, how does someone so young, who could have done so much more, die at such a young age?

At her funeral service, at least 200 students came forward and accepted Christ. 200 students. God used the life of a willing servant, who happened to be just 14 years old, to transform hundreds of lives while she was alive as well as through her passing.

What am I doing to have an impact? What could I ever do that would have that great of an impact? If I take a good, long, hard look in the mirror, can I truly say that I am a willing servant?

(Stay with me here. . . I know we are digging through a lot of deep stuff in this study!)

God has divinely placed each and every one of us where He wants us to be. You are uniquely female for a reason. You are in your family unit, married to a certain person (or single), raising particular children, all for a purpose. You are in your job not by chance, but because God willed you to be there. If we believe that the Lord is ruler of all; that He orchestrates all things and directs our every step, then we know the following to be true—our daily interactions with store clerks, salespeople, neighbors, and family are placed in our path for a reason. Not one thing is by chance. Every moment of our lives comes from above.

I am sure that each of us has experienced a divine appointment with someone in this world. It could have been a stranger (did someone pay your toll? hold the door? smile at you for no reason?) or someone who we know well (a spiritual mentor, a family member, or friend). God places people in our lives at certain times to serve a need that we have. He shows His love and faithfulness to us in this way.

On the flip-side…have you ever thought about God divinely using you in someone else’s life to help them meet a need that the Lord knows that they have? It could be as simple as a friendly smile or holding a door. It could be more-–buying coffee or lunch for the person in the drive-thru behind you or starting a conversation. Are you actively looking for these moments? Do you go through your day seeking God and waiting for Him to speak to your heart?

The differences we make in this life do not have to be extravagant. We are all wired differently to serve a specific purpose for our Lord. Just because you do not hand out Bibles or share the gospel with everyone you meet does not mean you are not of worth or of value to God. We are difference-makers by actively seeking our Lord, listening to what He says, and looking for opportunities to do His Will in this earthly world. God wants a willing servant. When He has your heart, He will direct your steps. And all of our steps are different.

So, although at first I felt a sense of hopelessness and condemnation reading the author’s words in this section, because that is what Satan wanted me to feel…now I know that God is using me in the way He knows He can. He used Brooke in the way He knew would work in HER life, based on her divinely created personality and attributes. And He will use YOU, too…as long as you listen and let Him. Brooke’s story is amazing…but so is yours.  Amen?


Father, as we reflect on the life of young Brooke, let us not lose heart for what we are not doing; yet, let us look forward to what we can still do while we are here. Help us to lay the past down and to forgive ourselves for any missed opportunities. Continue to work in and through us as we go about our daily lives, showing us who we can serve and how we can serve them. Let us become willing servants for You, oh Lord. In Jesus name, we pray–Amen!


Leave a comment and answer this question: How can we live differently knowing that the next interaction we have with someone, even a stranger, is one that is divinely orchestrated by the Lord?


Would you like to read a bit more about Brooke? I found a link to this news article discussing her accident where her friends talked about her deep faith. An incredible young girl.

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If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at: Jennifer@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.