February 22, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 11 – “The Beginning of Song” (pgs. 168-170)

I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; He has hurled both horse and rider into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; He has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise Him – my father’s God, and I will exalt Him!

(Exodus 15:1-2, NLT)

Music feeds the soul.  I think the Lord designed us that way.  I never really thought about the origin or beginning of song until I read this chapter. In my Life Application Study Bible, the study note for Exodus 15 says the following:

Music played an important part in Israel’s worship and celebration.  Singing was an expression of love and thanks, and it was a creative way to pass down oral traditions. Some say this song of Moses is the oldest recorded song in the world.  It was a festive epic poem celebrating God’s victory, lifting the hearts and voices of the people outward and upward. After having been delivered from great danger, they sang with joy! Psalms and hymns can be great ways to express relief, praise, and thanks when you have been through trouble.

Do you know why the Israelites were so joyous?  The Lord had just parted the Red Sea, allowing them all to cross while the Egyptians chased after them.  Once every Israelite had crossed, the water rushed back into place, sweeping the Egyptians away with it.  The Lord gave them victory over their enemy – I am pretty sure I would be dancing and singing for joy, too!

Music draws us closer to our Creator. When we are praising and worshiping Him through song, our hearts are open in anticipation and excitement. Singing to the Lord invites Him into our space and allows Him to work. The Holy Spirit is alive and active during times of song; when we are truly one with the Lord.  Have you ever felt a time like this?  I would love to hear about it!  I have had several occasions of pure worship through song when I felt the Holy Spirit so acutely that I did not want to move for fear of breaking the spell.  It is as if I was transported to another time and place.

As we sing, God is magnified. His dominion is declared over our situation. As he inhabits the praises of His people, we are before Him even as He is within us. Our hearts begin to swell with Him courage as they overflow with gratitude (pg. 170).

Songs provide a means of coping with a difficult life situation. The Lord always provides the most perfect song at just the right time. He knows our every need. I cannot count how many times that I was struggling with something, only to get in my car, turn on the radio to our local Christian music station, and the most perfect song begins to play. God speaks to me through music all the time. I am sure He does to many of you reading this, too! As we lift our voices with the words of these songs, we are declaring our trust in the One who is trustworthy; the One who loves us beyond comprehension; and the One who seeks to meet our every need, in His perfect timing.

Lift your voice to the King today. He is waiting to hear your voice!

Let’s Pray: Lord, we thank You for the pleasure of music. We so enjoy singing and listening to songs. We love lifting Your Holy Name in worship and praise as we sing, too, Father. Today, Lord, I ask that You provide the most perfect song for each lady reading this blog. You know all the needs present here today. Give them comfort through Your Word and the joy of song. In Your Son’s matchless name, we pray, Amen.