February 22, 2025

Strong Faith


Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them.
Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd,
they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it
and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man,
“Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Mark 2:3-5

Faith is one of the strongest weapons we have as humans when it comes to facing the different trials of the world.  It can carry us through the toughest times and can give us joy during the good times.  Faith is the best tool we have to face evil in a world that is changing before our eyes. Faith is what gives us the strength to keep on searching for answers.

Many people are sick and dying.  Other are living in constant pain or even unable to move.  Yet, for many in this world, medical advances are the only hope that they see as a way to keep living.  They put all their faith in hoping that the medical community will find a cure.

Others, though, put their faith in God. Through prayer to God and their belief in God, some who are sick or disabled have faith strong enough to live their lives while fighting their trials.

The paralyzed man and his companions (mentioned here in Mark chapter 2) had great faith in Jesus.  The four men had to have faith that Jesus would heal the disabled; otherwise, they would not have been willing to bring the man to be healed by Jesus.  Jesus recognized that the men had faith that he would heal the disabled man.  By the power of their faith in Jesus, the paralyzed man was healed.

Jesus can see if we have faith in Him.  He lives in our hearts providing us with the strength to go through good and bad days.  Jesus is the pillar of our faith.  Without Jesus we cannot have faith in God.  As long as we are in a relationship with Jesus, our faith will only grow stronger.

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Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You for Your healing powers and for allowing us to have faith in You.  Without you…we are nothing.  The stronger our faith, the stronger we are.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.