February 23, 2025

Are You Taking Care of Your Spiritual Wellness and Spending Time with God?

Last week I shared there are three components of Wellness—social, spiritual, and physical.  This week, let’s discuss spiritual wellness.  You may be thinking, “I got this one!  I am a believer in Christ.”  But if you are honest with yourself, are you taking the time to focus on your spiritual wellness by spending time with God?

As a Fitness and Food Designer for busy women, I create fitness and nutrition plans for women.  What has always amazed me is that most women want not only to have time for exercise, but to have time with God each day; but it can be a struggle .

Women of today, myself included, can get overwhelmed at times with all there is to do, even when things that are good.  It can seem impossible to balance all of our different responsibilities and daily tasks, great and small.   However, I believe and know from personal experience, that the only way to have true peace and balance is to focus on your spiritual wellness every day.

If things have gotten so busy for you, take a minute to remember why spending time with God each day is a necessity of life to be spiritually well.

1. To Honor God

What if your husband, a close friend, or your child said, “I love you,” yet they never took the time to listen or have a conversation with you?   I am guessing you would question their feelings by their lack of interest in you.  We bring honor to our Creator by just showing Him He is important.

2. To have a life of peace and balance

Having a life of peace and balance does not just happen.  We cannot wake up, rush out the door, stay busy all day, fall asleep to television each night, and then expect to find a sense of peace and contentment in our life. One of my favorite scripture verses is Psalm 34:14 which says,  “Seek peace and pursue it.”  We have to find the time to seek it out in our daily walk with God.

3. To have less stress and anxiety

Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God.”  Daily quiet time with God will reduce anxiety and stress.

4. To discover our sense of purpose

We can get so caught up doing so many “busy” things that keep us from being what God intended us to be.  A sense of purpose is found when we take the time to seek God and discover our personal gifts and talents.  It cannot be found when we busy our self trying to find it.

How do you find time to focus on your spiritual wellness?

1. Begin by realizing it is ok to start with 5-10 minutes a day.  Find a quiet place that is designated as your “quiet place.”  Have your Bible study and Bible in a basket ready to go so that you do not waste valuable time or become discouraged.

Bible basket

2. Start a daily journal.  Yes, I know it can be scary.  What if someone finds it and actually reads it?  There are many ways to journal, but I would recommend two of the following ways:


First,  journal your thoughts and feelings about the events in your day.  This can help get out all of the mental clutter that may cause stress and preoccupy you from taking time to focus on God and what He may want to tell you.

Secondly, journal your day to include all of your responsibilities and activities that can take up time in your day.  As you read it and reflect, you may find that you are spending your time on things that are not a priority.

And finally, if you are unsure how to focus on your spiritual wellness, take a moment today and read the vision you have for your life as I suggested in One Step to a Consistent Healthy Lifestyle .  When things get unbalanced for me, I know it’s time for me to revisit my vision and see how my time with God plays out in my day.

To be completely healthy and balanced, I ask you:  “Are you taking care of your spiritual wellness and spending time with God?”  If not, what is one step you can do today to make that happen?

In Good Health,
