February 22, 2025

CHRISTLife – Twelve: Reality’s Negative Side

Christlife graphic wk3_2

Oh, boy…so, we KNEW that eventually we would get to this subject—the sinful flesh. If only Satan hadn’t deceived Eve and Eve hadn’t convinced Adam and Adam hadn’t eaten that rotten apple!  But, that DID happen.  And so all mankind has the problem of indwelling sin to deal with.  It is important, as Mrs. Myers points out, that we do admit and acknowledge it.  To ignore sin in our hearts means we will never deal with it…and there will be no opportunity to bring glory to God.  By God’s glorious grace and MERCY we have been given a new nature and a new life through Christ!!!

This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,
that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness,
we lie and do not practice the truth;
but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light,
we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves
and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.
1 John 1:5-10

What hope, what comfort, what encouragement we can each receive from this passage of Scripture!  So, tell me…are YOU encouraged?

It breaks down fairly simply:

  • I sin. You sin. We all sin.
  • But if we confess our sin, He forgives and cleanses us.
  • Don’t say ‘I don’t sin’—you are deceived.
  • Jesus’ blood cleanses us from all sin.

Mrs. Myers writes, “But we’re also to remember that this sinful nature is now only our false self; it is no longer the ‘real me!’ It’s our former self parading as our true self…Our true self is the new person we are in Christ…cleansed, enriched, and enabled to please and glorify our risen Lord. Having been born of God, we have both a new nature and a new heredity” (page 51). As you consider these Truths, my sisters, how do you communicate this in your ‘inner identity album’?

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Dear Lord, we are SO encouraged!  Yet more Truth to hold in our hearts!  How thankful we are to know, Lord, that while You are clearly aware of our sinful, fleshly, ‘old man’ nature that sins…You have given us this precious, unfathomable gift through Jesus’ blood of cleansing from all sin.  You, Father, are oh-so-very good to us!  May we remain not only thankful but humble recognizing yet again our GREAT NEED for You, Lord!  Please help us, Lord, to never become blasé about it but that our hearts are always concerned and yearn to sin less and less…to bring You more and more honor and glory!  We pray and ask these things in Jesus’ name.  Amen. <3