February 23, 2025

Faith To Believe


Faith that’s forever
Faith to believe
Faith that moves mountains
Faith for my dreams
Faith that’s forever
Faith to receive
(I’ve got faith)…Faith to believe 

Now faith is the substance
Of things hoped for
And the evidence
Of things I can’t see
It’s my faith that moves mountains
Of doubt and uncertainty

I’ve got faith…faith to believe

Down through the years
Through every test and trial
I’ve learned down on my knees
By faith I can live out what I’ve heard
He won’t go back, back on His word

I believe, I believe, I believe
It’s possible
I believe, I believe, I believe
I’ve got faith…faith to believe 

Sheri Jones-Moffett

 *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

How faithful is our God!  When we doubt, all we have to do is look toward our Father for support and guidance along our way.  He will not answer when we want…not always in the way we want…but He will always answer.

Our thoughts follow what is in our hearts.  And what we say brings life or death.  What is in your heart?  Do you believe, do you have the faith to trust that God will be there to catch you no matter what?  As our faith grows, our words should follow. We should speak words that encourage each other and instill hope in our God.

As you sing along with this song, think on the words.
Consider what you believe.

Faith To Believe


Faith that’s forever
Faith to believe
Faith that moves mountains
Faith for my dreams
Faith that’s forever
Faith to receive
(I’ve got faith)…Faith to believe 

Now faith is the substance
Of things hoped for
And the evidence
Of things I can’t see
It’s my faith that moves mountains
Of doubt and uncertainty

I’ve got faith…faith to believe

Down through the years
Through every test and trial
I’ve learned down on my knees
By faith I can live out what I’ve heard
He won’t go back, back on His word

I believe, I believe, I believe
It’s possible
I believe, I believe, I believe
I’ve got faith…faith to believe 

Written and Sung by Sheri Jones-Moffett

 *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

How faithful is our God!  When we doubt, all we have to do is look toward our Father for support and guidance along our way.  He will not answer when we want…not always in the way we want…but He will answer.

Our thoughts follow what is in our hearts.  What we say brings life or death.  What is in your heart?  Do you believe, do you have the faith to trust that God will be there to catch you no matter what?  As our faith grows, our words should follow. We should speak words that encourage each other and instill hope in our God.

As you sing the song, think on the words.

Consider what you believe.