February 23, 2025

What Would You Have Given Him?


They entered the house and saw the child with His mother, Mary,
and they bowed down and worshipped Him.
Then they opened their treasure chests
and gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:11

In manger scenes, either on coffeetables or mantles, there is Mary and Joseph, the baby Jesus, a few animals, the shepherds, and the wise men.  As we know, though, Jesus was around one or two when the wise men found Him.  Herod was king then and he had called a meeting with his religious leaders.  He wanted to know where Jesus was to be born.  “In Bethlehem of Judea” they told him.  “For it is written by the prophet: for from you shall come a Ruler…Who will shepherd My people.”  Herod was threatened.  He told them to go and search for the child, and come back and tell him so he could worship Him.

And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah,
are not least among the ruling cities of Judah,
for a ruler will come from you
who will be the shepherd for my people Israel.
Matthew 2:6

The wise men went on their way, guided by a star in the east, and they were filled with joy.  The wise men brought gifts and worshipped Jesus for Who He was.  These gifts were extremely valuable and each one stood for something:

  • Gold – a gift of royalty
  • Frankincense – a gift for deity
  • Myrrh – a spice used to anoint a body for burial

The wise men were so excited to meet the Christ-child that they were willing to part with these gifts, out of love and respect and just joy.   They were honoring Jesus for Who He is and they worshipped Him because He was and is perfect.

There is much more to this story and I encourage you to finish reading the whole story of Herod and the wise men. (Read the whole account here.)  But for now, let’s search our own hearts.

What would you have been willing to give Him?

What is most precious to you and would you have  been willing to lay it at the foot of the manger on that cold night in Bethlehem? I would like to think that I would. And what about today?

Sometimes the things that we hold onto aren’t really so precious yet we have a hard time giving them to Jesus.  Sometimes our own ideas of how our life should go are hard to give over to God, and to wholly trust Him with it.  Even though we know in our heart of hearts it is the best thing for us and that God is our Sustainer and He does know what is best for us.  Yet we hold onto it.  Some days we lay them at His feet, only to pick them up not too long after.  We may not have a star to follow like they did, but we have the Spirit of God guiding us and directing us.  We owe Him so much…we can never ever repay the debt.  But on that night, so long ago, the wise men didn’t have a debt to pay. They just wanted to give all they had to the Baby Jesus.

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Oh, friends, we too have so much to give Him!  It may not be gold, frankincense, and myrrh but we have our praise and we can honor Him with our lives every day.  Do you know this Jesus?  I really want you to.  He is so in love with you already, even if you aren’t yet.  But you will be once you get to know Him.  Why not start today?

Pray this simple prayer with me:

Dear Lord, I know I am a sinner and I need a Savior. I need forgiveness for my sins. I believe that Jesus is Your Son, Who was born and lived here on earth and died to save me from my sin. He rose again and is preparing a place for me.  I ask You to come into my heart and be Lord of my life.  Guide and direct me.  In Jesus’ Name, amen.

He Will Always Provide


When Abraham took Isaac up on that mountain, I can only imagine the heartbreak he must have felt.  That only son of his…talking to his father like he did most every day. He probably talked about his day, asked some questions, maybe he even hummed on the way up. The one thing we KNOW he did ask was, “Where is the lamb for the offering?”  Abraham’s response: “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

“When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from Heaven,”Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am”, he replied. “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” Abraham looked up and there in the thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called the place The Lord Will Provide.”

Genesis 22: 8-14

What if we named all that we have provision? Isn’t that really what it is? The food that is in your pantry…the clothes that you put on daily…the warm bed… the table where you share laughs—all provision from Him. And all He really asks of us is to walk with Him, to love Him, to trust Him, and to accept His only Son Whom He really did sacrifice for us.

Yes, it is the season of tinsel and lit trees with beautiful ornaments. It is filled with baking and wrapping and giving and togetherness, but it can be hard. Instead of visions of sugar plums, you have visions of not having enough. You may be feeling like you are the only one who God forgot this season. You just knew that this one would be better than the last one, it just had to be! You want to turn on the Christmas music and smell the apple cinnamon candles and feel the joy that you felt once before.

Well, my friend, hang on—because God does see you. He knows when you are sleeping and He knows when  you’re awake!  He knows when you’re sad and He knows, too, exactly what you need. He loves you so much that He wants to give you blessings upon blessings.  And the very first one of those blessings was Jesus.

His Son did climb with a cross on His back and because of that, you are going to be okay.  Can you put your trust in Him today?  Let all worry and stress fall away, and let His grace rain on you. He is everywhere, and His provision is everywhere and so is His love.  God can always find a ram!

“Now I know.  Now I know.  Since You did not spare Your only Son, how will You not also graciously give us—even me—all things You know I need?  (Romans 8:32)” *

*The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas;  by Ann Voskamp

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Do you know Him?  Do you know that He really did die for you?  If you need hope this season, Jesus is waiting to give you all you need.  If you do, then I encourage you to pray this prayer with me.

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Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I need forgiveness. I believe that You loved me enough to send Jesus, Your Son, to die in my place. I accept You, Jesus, today as my Lord and Savior. Walk with me and be my Lord. In  Jesus’ name. Amen.

Worthy Is The Lamb


Thank You for the Cross, Lord
Thank You for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came and gave amazing grace

Thank You for this love, Lord
Thank You for the nail-pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace

Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the Throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious

High and lifted up
Jesus, Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

 Singer/ Songwriter: Darlene Zschech along with Hillsong United

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While we sit around our tables filled with family, food, and just pure joy, are we thinking of the Blesser? So many times, I know, I take it all for granted. And He, with all His mercy and grace, forgives me because He knows my heart and He knows yours, too. And because He lives, we can face anything and we can praise Him in the midst.

But before He could rise from the grave, He had to carry that heavy, wooden cross along a treacherous path. All the while knowing that the end result would be His death. Our sins are forever forgiven and all our debt is paid. There is nothing more worthy of thanks, and no One more worthy of praise.

Does it hit you sometimes, out of nowhere? Tears fall, chill bumps cover and my spirits soar, and I really want to take my hands off the steering wheel and just all out praise Him. Today was one of those moments. I see His handiwork all around, the beautiful sound with calm waters and pelicans flying and the sun is high with few clouds and I am humbled.

The Creator of all of this loves me!
His Son loves you!
And, yes, we have so much to be thankful for!

He came as a baby, He lived the same life that we do, preparing the way for us to be victorious, and ultimately to live with Him in Heaven. Aren’t you amazed? I know I am. We serve an amazing God! Will you sit still today and let this really sink in? Let His love wash over you and His grace rain down on you and just enjoy Him loving you?? Join me today as we end the Thanksgiving week and begin the month of His birth day. Prepare your hearts to just receive all He has for you…blessings upon blessings…for you..from Him.  Do you believe?

They told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in His hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound on His side.”

Eight days later the disciples were together again, and this time Thomas was with them. The doors were locked; but suddenly, as before, Jesus was standing among them. “Peace be with you,” He said. Then He said to Thomas, “Put your fingers here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!”

“My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed. Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me.”
John 20:25-29

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Let us pray:

Oh Lord, You are so much more than we can ever imagine.  You are awesome and all mighty and full of love and kindness.  Your grace amazes me and Your love fulfills. You made the ultimate sacrifice for us—Your own Son—to suffer with each nail that pierced Him…all for us, Your children.  How can we really ever thank You enough? Truth is we cannot.  Help us remain faithful and steadfast.  Give us the endurance that we need to withstand all the hard things on this side of Heaven. For this is not our permanent home, but help us to leave a legacy here for others to see and to know You personally.  Thank You for this time with our families.  And for those that are lonely this season, keep them ever so close.  Wrap Your arms around them and let them feel Your presence.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

The One That Thanked Jesus


And as He went to Jerusalem, it just so happened that He went through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as He entered into a certain village, ten lepers met Him, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, pity us.” And seeing them, He said to them,”Go show yourselves to the priests.” And it happened, as they went, that they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back and glorified God with a loud voice. And he fell down on his face at His feet, thanking Him. And he was a Samaritan. And answering, Jesus said. “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were none found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him,”Rise and go, your faith has cured you.”

Luke 17:11-19

This story is quite simple to understand… As Jesus was passing between Galilee and Samaria, He saw ten leper coming toward Him, begging Him for mercy and healing.  So Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priests (which was a prerequisite to be declared clean and free from leprosy).  And, as the ten of them ran off, they were healed!  But, can you believe out of the ten, only one—a Samaritan—came back and praised Him.

Aren’t we guilty of this?  God blesses us a thousand times and we forget to thank Him and we find something to complain about.  Something He didn’t get quite right and we want a do-over.  Friend, until we begin to thank Him and praise Him, even in the hard times, we will never be fully filled with joy. Praising and thanking Him  and naming each gift reminds us of how much He has blessed us and how much He loves us…and that we serve a good God Who can only give good things.  It may not look good on the outside, but there is good to come of it or from it.  If we let Him in and allow Him to work in those times, He will  make it all worth the ride.

In the story of these lepers, we see that Jesus healed each one physically.  But the one leper that came back actually received far more for his faith; for not only was he cured physically—he was cured spiritually.  His soul was saved and he received a real relationship with God.  Nine lepers received a partial healing.  A temporary blessing for their time on earth.  The grateful Samaritan received an eternal blessing.  All he did was give thanks—he praised Him for the healing.  See, they all had the faith to trust Jesus, come close to Him, be heard by Him, and ask for His mercy. But only one had the humility and the honesty and character to say, “Thank You.”

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Who are you today?  Are you one of the nine…who has just enough faith to ask something of the Father and take it for granted?  Are you one of the nine… who really didn’t care about a real relationship with Jesus, and left right after the blessing?  Or are you the Samaritan…that not only had enough faith to ask for complete healing, but returns time and time again to the One Who wants so much more for us and longs for a real relationship with us.

Friends, I pray that you begin to really thank Him for what He has done for you.  All the small ways that He loves you.  And yes, of course the biggest way—when He sent Jesus to come and go before us.  And then to pay the ultimate sacrifice with His life so that we may live.  He continues to give us grace and mercy even when we fail Him over and over again.

Do you know Him?  Today can be the day that everything changes.  Your life can truly be one of joy and blessings.  All you have to do is ask.  I encourage you to pray this prayer with me.

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Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I need You to come into my life and change me.
I believe that Jesus is Your Son and He died on the cross to pay for my sins.
Thank You for this free gift. Help me on this journey to seek You.
In Jesus’ name, amen.

Once Again


Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice
You became nothing
Poured out to death
Many times, I’ve wondered at Your Gift of life
I’m in that place once again
I’m in that place once again

And once again I look upon the Cross where You died
I’m humbled by Your mercy and I’m broken inside
Once again I thank You
Once again I pour out my life

Now You are exalted to the highest place
King of the Heavens, where one day I’ll bow
But for now, I’ll marvel at Your saving grace
I’m full of praise once again
Oh, I’m full of praise once again

Thank You for the Cross
Thank You for the Cross
Thank You for the Cross, my friend

Singer/Songwriter ~ Matt Redman

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How can we say Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice of Your life?  I know it’s a season to ponder on Your birth, and with that glorious occasion comes the inevitable…the whole reason You came…the Cross.  You made a way for us to go straight to Your Father in prayer  and the veil was torn.  And now God gives grace instead of punishment.  There is mercy and forgiveness when we totally surrender and confess our sins and shortcomings.

At the cross, You were covered in every sin that we would ever commit.  You had jealousy yet You were never jealous.  You had gossip and the spirit of negativity, and yet You never committed either.  And the list goes on.  So this Thanksgiving, I pray that we really give gratitude to the One Who deserves so much more.  And may our lives be emptied of ourselves, so that we can be filled with You.

As the song says, ‘You are exalted’ on high, and You wait in Heaven for that day.  The day that You come here, and the trumpet sounds, and all who have breath bow and proclaim that You are Lord!  And You are worthy of our praise, every day!

Here are some amazing praise verses in His Word.  I encourage you to read and pray these back to Him. Write these down and place them all over and this Thanksgiving season, give Him thanks.

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Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3

Now, our God, we give thanks and praise Your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13

I will praise You forever for what You have done;
in Your name I will hope, for Your name is good.
I will praise You in the presence of Your saints.
Psalm 52:9

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Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to thank You for Your goodness and grace and mercy.  They are never-ending. Your gifts to us are so lovely and amazing and so full of love.  This time of year, we are reminded of the greatest gift of all—You let Your Son come here to earth, in the form of a baby, to live among us and feel pain like us.  He went before us and taught us how to live.  And as predicted in Your Word, He died on the Cross, so that we could live forever free.  Thank You.  IN Jesus’ name, amen.

He Still Has Compassion


When Jesus saw His mother there,
and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby,
He said to His mother,
“Dear woman, here is your son,”
and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.”
John 19:26-27

Can you imagine being there and witnessing this scene—of a mother watching her Son up on the Cross?  He is struggling to even breathe…and His mother is struggling even more.  A friend gets His attention and compassion pours out like rain.  He begs them to love and support each other, as He hangs there dying.  And in His dying He gives them hope.

He has that same compassion for His children of today too.  Just think, His death on that Cross secured salvation for whoever would believe in Him and would call upon His name.  At that moment, the enemy was defeated and no longer had the power to completely destroy believers. He had so much sin on Him that His own Father had to look the other way.  His death was the most defining moment of our lives.

Yes, His mother wept…and yes, His disciples were so distraught…and oh! the tears…but nothing compared to the salvation that came that very day.  Yet His mother and His friend couldn’t see past His death to see the beauty that would come from it.  He told them that it wasn’t forever but still they could only see what was in front of them.

How many times do we do this, too?  We feel like what is in front of us or what we are going through will last forever and we can’t see Him because of the mountain in front of us.  There is a purpose in all of it and nothing is wasted.  We may not ever know on this side of Heaven the why’s of some of our sufferings, but we do KNOW there is a greater purpose and a much bigger picture that we cannot even imagine.

What if Jesus had climbed down off the cross because they wanted Him not to die and because they didn’t want to suffer after He was gone? Just imagine that for a minute.  Of course, we don’t want to….  But I want you to know that He has compassion for you just like HE did that day for those who watched Him die.  He doesn’t think we are silly for wasting tears on earthly things knowing there is Heaven on the other side.  No, He is the Man of Sorrows and He understands; and He wants us to share it all with Him.

Jesus knew that everything was now finished and, to fulfill the Scriptures,
He said,”I am thirsty.”
A jar of wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge in it,
put it on a hyssop branch and held it up to His lips.
When Jesus had tasted it, He said, “It is finished.”
Then He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
John 19:28-30

Friends, He wants to know your hurts.  He wants to catch your tears in His nail-scarred hands and He wants to carry you through it all until that glorious day that He comes back to get us! Don’t lose hope in whatever is in front of you, whatever cross you are bearing has a  purpose and, if you could actually see, you wouldn’t change a thing.  Even if we could write our own story, we wouldn’t change any of it.

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Do you know this Savior that I wrote about? Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth and lived as a man and died with your sin on Him so that you would be forgiven.  All you have to do is ask Him.  I would love for you to pray with me today…

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner,and I need forgiveness and I cannot do this life alone.  I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son and that You sent Him to die in my place.  I don’t know all there is to know yet, but I know that I want You to walk with me through the rest of my life.  Thank You for being Lord of my life.  I can’t wait to get to know You better!  In Jesus’ name, amen!

Nothing Compares

I’ve heard all the stories
I’ve seen all the signs
Witnessed all the glory
Tasted all that’s fine

Nothing compares to the greatness of knowing You, Lord
Nothing compares to the greatness of knowing You, Lord

I see all the people
Wasting all their time
Building up their riches
For a life that’s fine

I find myself just living for today
‘Cause I don’t know what
Tomorrow’s gonna bring
So no matter if I rise or fall
I’ll never be alone, oh no

Singer/Songwriters:   Johnny Mac Powell, Bradley B. C. Avery, Mark D. Lee, David Carr, Samuel Tai Anderson  ~ Third Day

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As I listen to this song, I’m taken into His Word, in the Book of Psalms, chapter 40, verse 5:

Many, Lord my God, are the wonders You have done,
the things You planned for us. None can compare with You;
were I to speak and tell of Your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Have you ever sat and just thought about all the Lord has done for you?  From the day you were born, and really before, He made plans for your life.  Full of blessings and hope for great things.  And look in the Bible, way before our time, how many times He saved His people from destruction.  And then there’s the most amazing gift that He gave us—Jesus.  And so many blessings in between.  I encourage you to read the Old Testament and just see all the ways He loved and all the ways He cared.

As the song says, I, too, have heard all the stories. I have witnessed miracle after miracle in my own life and the lives of others.  I have been blessed with food to eat,  shelter, clothing and so much more.  But without Him…none of those things matter. Knowing God and having a relationship with Him is all that is important.

We are on this earth such a short time in comparison with how long we will live with Him in eternity.  This is our temporary home.  Let me ask you a question: When you go on a trip to the beach or the mountains and you have rented a condo, do you unpack your stuff and maybe put them in the drawers (depending on how long you are planning on staying.)?  Do you use their plates and cups, and you sleep on the beds that are provided?  Even if the decor isn’t what you would have picked, you accept it. You don’t go to target and get new curtains and towels that match your taste, do you? You don’t take down the drapes and replace them with something more ‘you’, do you?  and you definitely don’t go out and buy new paint colors.  Why?  Because it is temporary!  You won’t live there permanently.

Friends, we won’t live here permanently either. Your real home is in Heaven with Jesus.  So yes, we do live in this world, but our focus should be on the things of Heaven—leading others to Him, giving to the needy, nurturing the children, and guiding them in the ways of  Jesus.

You can’t take your boats and planes and not even your savings account to Heaven. I’m not saying those things are wrong.  And, of course, you need money to live, but take your focus off of worldly possessions and look to Him to fulfill you.  He is all you need.  Things come and go.  Houses get foreclosed on and cars break down.  But God loves you…and He is forever!

Friends, we are only guaranteed this moment.  We have no idea what tomorrow holds.  So please, I encourage you to put Him first!  If you have strayed, run home to Him. He is waiting and will never turn you away!  And remember, in Him, you will never be alone!

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.
Isaiah 40:8

And the Lord will be King over all the earth.
On that day there will be one Lord—His name alone will be worshipped.
Zechariah 14:9

Oh!  What a day that will be!  But until then, seek Him, praise Him, give Him thanks for all He has done and will do in your lives and spread His love to the world.  Nothing will ever bring you more joy!

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Let us pray…

Dear Lord, You are awesome and amazing.  You love us so much, even when we don’t love ourselves.  Even when we continue to place other things above You, You are patient and continue to bless us.  Open our eyes to those around us that need You.   Give us the courage to step out in Your name, and to lay up our treasure in Heaven with You.  Oh Lord, You are all that matters, You alone fulfill our every need.  Help us to live in today and to have our affairs in order, so that, when You do come and the trumpet sounds, we will be ready!  Thank You for being FOR us.  In Jesus’ name, amen.



Heaven is Home


But our citizenship is in Heaven,
and we eagerly await a Savior from there,
the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians 3:20

Days are long here and sometimes so hard to bear.  As His children, on those hard days, we think and dream of another place.  We long for our other home, with Him. Jesus is our real desire, to just stand at His feet and worship Him.  Can you imagine? I’ve known Him for a long time, and dreamed since I was a little girl, about what my home would look like. Are there streets of real gold and pearls…and is Peter really standing at the gate? And then there’s Andrew, James, and John!

But what about the things we have grown to love here on earth?  I do love a walk on the beach, to feel the breeze and smell the ocean.  I love when my husband holds my hand and tells me he loves me; and when my sweet children sit close and watch a movie with me.  All those things are dear to me!  I am sure you have some things, too, that you want to hold on to.  Do you picture trading this familiar setting for the unknown Paradise?  Are you riding in chariots?

In Heaven, we will feel ground beneath our feet and we will have touchable bodies. However, we will not have wings and become angels.  In Heaven, we will finally be complete.  We will be perfected and we will be truly His and in His Home.  Heaven is a place where everything becomes clear—no more trials and tribulations and no more confusion between what is right and wrong.  W will fellowship together and  worship together like never before. I don’t think we can even fathom just how joyful it will be. And those things that we do love about our earthly homes will be way better in Heaven.  We aren’t giving up anything!  Well…except sickness, sadness, hard seasons, and stress, that is!

In John 14:2. Jesus said,”I am going to prepare a  place for you.”   He is preparing a home for you and me.  A place where we all belong and feel good enough.  We will sit at the feet of Jesus and, because of His death and resurrection, we will be worthy.

Do you know about this place?
Do you know about Jesus Who died so that you could go there when you die?
Do you know that God loves you enough that He wants you there with Him?

Oh, He does love you!   He wants all to know Him and to love Him and worship Him. He wants to bless you beyond measure.  Your real home is with Him.  If you are ready to know Him then I urge you to pray this sinners prayer with me:

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Dear God, I know I am a sinner.  I know I need forgiveness.  I believe that You love me and You sent Jesus, Your Son, to die for my sins.   Because of this, I will spend eternity with You in Heaven.  Fill me with Your Spirit.  I don’t know everything there is to know about You…but I trust You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hide Them In Your Heart


Jesus answered,”It is written: ‘Man does not live by bread alone,
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”
Matthew 4:4

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been (or soon will be) in a confrontation with the enemy.  At times it can seem like the confrontation will never end.  Because you are His—the Lord’s—there is a target on your back and the only way to go into  combat against the enemy is with the Word of God.

In Ephesians 6:17, the Bible is called the “sword of the spirit.”  And since we don’t live in medieval times, we are highly unlikely to have a sword at our disposal.  And though His Word IS our sword, sometimes we don’t have a Bible with us either.  However, if we memorize it…no one can take it from us.

Remember Jesus in the desert alone for forty days and nights…?  He was tired and hungry and vulnerable.  The enemy came at Him on all sides.  Jesus didn’t have a Bible with Him, did He?  Psalms 119:11 says,”I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”

After you have memorized Scripture, you must learn how to apply it.  Jesus answered the enemy with specific Scripture—actually He quoted from Deuteronomy 8:3 the verse that we started off with today.  The enemy was tempting Jesus while HE was fasting and praying.  He tried to tempt Him with bread.  Jesus had an answer.  You, too, will have to respond to the enemy. He is the father of lies and he will have many for you.  You will need Scriptures that pertain to whatever he is throwing your way, and you must stand boldly on God’s  Word.  Don’t just let it collect dust on your coffee table or sit your nightstand by your bed.  Open it and read it!  It is one way that He speaks to us.

And if the enemy isn’t backing off, don’t give up!  If he wasn’t afraid of Jesus the first time, he won’t be afraid of you at first.  But if you’re persistent, and you draw your sword, then you can rebuke him in Jesus’ name.  He will flee, I am certain. Remember, there are seasons of spiritual warfare and there is always victory in Jesus.

I remember the story of Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian who hid Jews during the Holocaust.  While she was growing up, she, her sister and her father would learn Scriptures.  When she and her family were taken to the concentration camp, she had His words to lean on and remember.  She would say them out loud some days, just to make it through. She would pray Scripture to God and wait on Him to deliver her, and He did.

You have a story, too!  A story of hope and redemption and grace.  What does it look like?  I encourage you to journal today.  Write about the things you have gone through…and what or Who got you through.  And find some verses that you can rely on the next time you feel the attack of the enemy!

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him.
Psalm 62:5

Let us pray: Dear Lord, You are all-powerful and all-knowing. Your love is unshakable and Your patience is never ending. You know our every thought and You know what we are going to do next. You save us from ourselves. We thank You for all that You do in our lives. You go before us and make our paths straight. Thank You for giving us Your Word. It is sharper than a two-edged sword and it never comes back void.  Lord, help us to desire to learn Scripture and to read it daily so that we know what You have said to us. We are so blessed by Your words.  And for the times that You speak to us alone. And when the time may come that we don’t have the luxury of having the Bible with us, we will have Your Word memorized and hidden in our hearts. In Jesus’ name, amen.

I’ve Always Loved You


I don’t know how to explain it
But I know the words would hardly do
Miracles and signs and wonders
Aren’t enough for me to prove to you

Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
Even before there was time
Though you turn away
I tell you still
Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
And I always will

Greater love has not a man
Than the One who gives His life to prove
That He would do anything
And that’s what I’m gonna do for you

 Songwriter: Mac Powell / Performed by Third Day with Josh Wilson

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This song was more than words to a dear member of my family.  It was as if God was speaking directly to her.  On her worst days, this song would come on the radio and she would smile through tears.  How encouraging that when the whole world is crumbing at your feet and everything that you held dear is gone, that the Creator of the universe is wildly, madly in love with you. He always has been and always will be.

Sometimes He has to really work at making us believe it—that no matter what we do or don’t do, He will never stop pursuing us.  Miracles and blessings come our way, and yet on a hard day, we question.  Why do we still have so much doubt?  We hear all around us that if God loved us that ___ wouldn’t have happened, or that divorce wouldn’t have gone through, or that your child wouldn’t have become sick, or even worse, died.  We will never know the answers to those hard questions. Not on this side of Heaven.

What we do know is that He is Sovereign and His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  We know that even if we could rewrite the story, we would choose His way.  We only see what is in front of us.  There is a bigger picture and all of the things we trudge through  do have a purpose.  Maybe one person was saved through your example. Jesus stopped for the one, right?  And even if just one person asked Jesus into his or her heart, wasn’t it worth it?

All of this life is doable, simply because He does love us. There is so much hope in those four letters…and joy and peace.  I challenge you today to find all the ways He loves you.  Write them down and look at them when those bad days come (and believe me, they will).  But your hope is in Him.  And He is really all you need.

Here are some verses that I encourage you to write on index cards and place them where you will see them and be reminded that He has always loved you.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

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For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13

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The Lord your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

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Let us pray: Dear Lord, You are amazing, wonderful, and loving.  You are Sovereign and You are good.  You have always loved us, even when we feel we do not deserve it.  You sent Your Son to die, so that we don’t have to work to be saved, we just are when we ask.  The veil was torn and now we come to You as we want.  No temples, no walls, no harsh judgment… only sweet love and forgiveness and grace.  Remind those who forget often.  Let them know that they are loved by You!  We thank You and we praise You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.