February 22, 2025

Cast My Cares


When fear feels bigger than my faith
And struggles steal my breath away

When my back’s pressed up against the wall
With the weight of my worries stacked up tall
You’re strong enough to hold it all

I will cast my cares on You
You’re the Anchor of my hope
The only One Who’s in control
I will cast my cares on You
I’ll trade the troubles of this world
For Your peace inside my soul

This war’s not what I would’ve chosen
But You see the future no one knows yet

And You’re still good when I can’t
See the working of Your hands
You’re holding it all

I’m finding there’s freedom
When I lay it all on Your shoulders

Cast my cares, I will
Cast my cares, I will
Cast my cares on You

Finding Favour
Writers: Blake NeeSmith, Casy Brown & Sam Tinnesz

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Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you;
He will never let the righteous be shaken.
Psalm 52:22

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
1 Peter 1:7

Why is it that we still worry and doubt, even when He has proven to us over and over again that He will always come through for us and that all the resources that are our Father’s are ours, too?  I can look back, week after week, and see His hand in my life and His provision; yet I can still get myself all worked up and anxious.

I have areas in my life that are so easy to hand over to God…

  • my children’s safety
  • protection over us
  • my parents well-being
  • …and the list goes on.

But there is one that I continue to give Him…and then take back (and it is on-going).  But God is always faithful and He reminds me over and over again in His Word that His promises always come true (Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Corinthians 1:20) and that if He cares about the birds in the air, how much more does He care about us (Matthew 6:25-34)?

What are you holding onto today that is keeping you from the joy that is yours?  Our God is so capable of handling all of our problems all at once. He is everywhere and He is so close to you.  His love reaches to the ends of the earth and knows no end.  Today I challenge us all to make a list of three things that we need to give to Him and let Him handle.  Journal them and see if your load is a little lighter and your smile is a little brighter!  And look in the Bible and seek those verses on just this topic, casting it all on God!

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Let us pray: Dear God, You are so loving and so true.  You are always the same even when everything around us is changing.  You are so capable of holding all of our burdens on Your shoulders.  Oh Lord, we are Your children and we need You.  Help us to love You more each day and to remember to give You all our problems, believing that You will take care of it.  We love You and we trust You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.


Empty Vessels


Three days later there was a wedding in the village of Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there. Jesus and His disciples were guests also. When they started running low on wine at the wedding banquet, Jesus’ mother told Him, “They’re just about out of wine.”  Jesus said, “Is that any of our business, Mother—yours or mine? This isn’t My time. Don’t push Me.”  She went ahead anyway, telling the servants, “Whatever He tells you, do it.”  Six stoneware water pots were there, used by the Jews for ritual washings.  Each held twenty to thirty gallons.  Jesus ordered the servants, “Fill the pots with water.”  And they filled them to the brim.  “Now fill your pitchers and take them to the host,” Jesus said, and they did.  When the host tasted the water that had become wine (he didn’t know what had just happened but the servants, of course, knew), he called out to the bridegroom, “Everybody I know begins with their finest wines and after the guests have had their fill brings in the cheap stuff.  But you’ve saved the best till now!”  This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of His glory. And His disciples believed in Him.

John 2:1-11 MSG

Jesus performed many miracles during His time here on earth yet the one He performed at Cana is still the most awesome wonder of them all.  For Jesus filled the empty vessels with only good.

Nothing destroys life like emptiness.  Those hollow places, holes really, inside of us never lay dormant for long.  They just keep sucking the life out of us and out of anything that gets close to us.  And left to our own device, we will self-destruct.  Even believers struggle with this and battle those feelings of emptiness.  We can know that eternal life is ours, and yet never be actually filled with the love of God.  You may have a whole lot of knowledge of who He is yet not really know Him personally.

Please listen close…If Jesus has not been asked to fill all the empty spaces in our lives, we may be saved but, friend, we are not safe!  There is nothing in this world that can satisfy you and truly give you the abundant joy that Jesus came to give!  If we are honest with ourselves, we can probably list a few things that we have tried to satsify and fill ourselves with.

But today, let’s do something different.  Let’s take action!  Like this:

  • Being filled starts with being honest with yourself about what is missing.  Just as Mary told Jesus that there was a problem with the empty pitchers, we must also tell Him what is missing in our lives.  Tell Him every attempt you have made to fill the emptiness with other things, aside from Him.  Name people and things that have left you disappointed, feeling neglected, and unloved.  And tell Jesus what it cost you to keep looking for love and acceptance and healing in all the wrong places.
  • Then, when you have told Him all your needs, ask Jesus to fill you with His love and to overflow into those hollow places with the Holy Spirit.  Not just today but every day from here on out!

When we let Jesus have it all, fill us up with His love, others will see and they, too, will want what you have.  Just like those empty jars at the wedding, Jesus can fill us up with the good stuff!  He only has good stuff to give.  And you know what? He will never be surprised at your needs! He is so willing to be yours, all you have to do is ask…

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Do you know Jesus?  Are you trying every way that you know how to fill the emptiness in your heart?  You don’t have to anymore.  I ask that you pray this simple prayer with me:

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I am in need of a Savior.  I believe that Jesus is Your Son, and You sent Him to die for my sins and He is the Savior of the world.  I ask that You come into my heart today to be my Lord and Savior.  Help me to grow and learn more about You each day.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Day One

Well, I wish I had a short-term memory
Wish the only thing my eyes could see
Was the future burning bright right in front of me
But I can’t stop looking back

Yeah, I wish I was a perfect picture of
Somebody who’s never not good enough
I try to measure up but I mess it up
And I wish I wasn’t like that

I wish I wasn’t wishing anymore
Wish I could remember that nobody’s keeping score
I’m tired of throwing pennies in a well
I gotta do something
Here goes nothin’

It’s day one of the rest of my life
It’s day one of the best of my life
I’m marching on to the beat of a brand new drum
Yeah, here I come
The future has begun
Day one

Well, every single day Your grace reminds me
That my best days are not behind me
Wherever my yesterday may find me
Well, I don’t have to stay there

See my hourglass is upside down
My someday soon is here and now
The clock is tickin’
And I’m so sick and tired of missing out

It’s day one
And here comes the sun

Every morning, every morning
Every morning, mercy’s new
Every morning, every morning
Every morning, I will fix my eyes on You
Every morning, every morning
Every morning, mercy’s new
Every morning, every morning
Sun’s coming up, the beginning has begun

Starting over, I’m starting over
Starting over, I’m starting over, starting now
I’m starting over
Starting over, I’m starting over
Starting over
Starting over, starting now
I’m starting over

Matthew West
Written along with Pete Kipley

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There is something to starting over—the past is the past and there is a new day to try again.  Our God is the God of second (and third) chances and so much more.  He has so much grace and mercy to shower on us freely and promises that we can cling to when we are struggling.

On the day that we cross over from death to life, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Day in and day out we are guided in our words and actions, but there are times that we do not choose to obey those nudges and we make choices that we aren’t happy about.  God forgives always and He asks us not to go back there—the past, that is.  We are to go forward with joy and know that something good will come out of it and that your Father erases them, over and over.

His Word is so full of hope and promises to claim. Here are a few:

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is His faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT

For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5 NKJV

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Let us pray: Dear God, You are our joy and treasure.  Your love is neverending and Your promises always come true.  You give us fresh starts over and over and You never turn us away.  Oh Lord, thank You for Your mercy and grace.  Thank You for wiping our tears and giving us a new hope for the future.  Give us strength and courage to keep walking in faith and to never lose hope.  We love You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lift Me Up-The Afters


You lift me up with Your love
You lift me up with Your love
You lift me up with Your love
You lift me up

Waiting for the sunrise
Waiting for the day
Waiting for a sign that I’m
Where You want me to be

You know my heart is heavy
And the hurt is deep
But when I feel like giving up
You’re reminding me

That we all fall down sometimes
When I hit the ground

You lift me up when I am weak
Your arms wrap around me
Your love catches me so I’m letting go

You lift me up when I can’t see
Your heart’s all that I need
Your love carries me so I’m letting go

I know I’m not perfect
I know I make mistakes
I know that I have let You down
But You love me the same

And when I’m surrounded
And when I lose my way
And when I’m crying out and fallen down

I can see the dawn is breaking
I am feeling overtaken
With Your love, with Your love
I don’t know what I can offer
In this moment I surrender
To Your love, to Your love

The Afters
Matt Fuqua, Josh Havens, Jordan Mohilowski, Daniel Ostebo

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How many times do you question if you are where God wants you to be?  The hurt and heartache are too much.   And you think that if this was His will, it would be so much easier.  That’s so not the truth!  Nowhere in God’s letters to us in His Word does He say that we are to be happy.  Rather we are to have joy and the peace that passes all understanding.  And that the storms are never too strong that He can’t still quiet them.

We are so blessed to have a Father Who is there to pick us up when we are tired and Who lifts us above the circumstance so that we can see the way.  The path may seem dark but His light shines so bright in those times and He meets you right where you are.  You don’t have to be good enough or smart enough, you just have to be willing to follow Him through it all.

And when God’s loving arms wrap around you tightly, it is time for you to let go and let Him take over.  He is capable and so willing to take your burdens.

It is the Lord who goes before you.
He will be with you;
He will not fail you or forsake you.
Do not fear or be dismayed.
Deuteronomy 31:8

I have set the LORD continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 16:8

Peace I leave with you;
My peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:2

 Why not let this song be your prayer today?

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Let us pray:  Dear God, You are so amazing!  You love us so much and You truly care about each problem we have, big or small, and You want to lift it from us.  Lord, help us to be able to let go of the things that are keeping us from moving forward and let Your capable hands take over.  And, today, give those who really need to feel Your Presence an extra special moment that can only come from You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Let It Go


I am of the opinion that there is no comparison
between the pain of this present time
and the glory which we will see in the future.
Romans 8:18 BBE

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Spring seems to be a time of deep cleaning and emptying out the places that only you can really see.  You know the ones, right? Everything seems to be in order on the outside, but if we really go into cabinets and drawers, there’s stuff that needs to be thrown away and papers that need to be shredded…and so on and so on.  ‘Organized clutter’ that’s what I used to call it.

Same with our lives sometimes.  There are so many things we are holding onto and our minds are so cluttered that we have a hard time just enjoying the present. And if you are sentimental, like I am, it is hard to let it all—the good and the bad— go.  When we think of the phrase ‘let go and let God,’  we tend to lean toward thinking about letting our past mistakes and sins go, and  not to dwell on them…and that is definitely right!  But…we also need to let go of the days that we loved so much, the awesome times that we cherished, so that we can truly enjoy the life that is ahead of us.  For me that means the house that I loved so much—the one where I strolled my babies around the lake, and had picnics in the park.  It can still be a good memory but it cannot be what I dwell on and long for.

God has so much more for us here and now.  Our lives are full of purpose and meaning.  We are His children and every day of our lives is His beautiful masterpiece.  The past is the past.  The future is the future.  And today? It is the “present”…the gift that unwraps minute by minute, so full of His blessings and joy and opportunity to share Him with so many.

I have lost a lot in the past and for a while I truly yearned and mourned for those things; so much so that I couldn’t even look at pictures from that time.  God heals those broken places and redeems them with so much more than we could ever imagine or hope for!

And we know all things work together for good
to them that love God,
to them who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

My prayer for us today is that we don’t want what we have lost so much that we miss what we have.  And that we will always see the blessings in each day as well as all the ways He loves us today. What do you need to let go of?  Is there pain in the hidden places?  Or maybe there are so many good memories you long for that you can’t see the beauty in today?

God knows your heart and He is willing to help you in anyway you need.  He is the Healer of our hearts and the Lover of your soul.  He is so good at helping us clean out the clutter so that we can see more clearly and hear His voice above all.  If anxiety is haunting you today, here are some verses for you to claim:

When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought me joy.
Psalm 94:19

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Matthew 6:34

Trust in Him at all times,
pour your heart out to Him,
for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:8

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And if you don’t know Him, and you want Jesus to be your Lord, would you pray this simple prayer with me?

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I need a Savior. I believe that Jesus is Your Son and You sent Him to die for me and to forgive my sins.  Thank You for what You are about to do in my life.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

I Will Lift My Eyes

I will lift my eyes
God, my God, I cry out
Your beloved needs You now
God, be near, calm my fear
And take my doubt

Your kindness is what pulls me up
Your love is all that draws me in

I will lift my eyes to the Maker
Of the mountains I can’t climb
I will lift my eyes to the Calmer
Of the oceans raging wild

I will lift my eyes to the Healer
Of the hurt I hold inside
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes
To You

God, my God, let mercy sing
A melody over me
And God, right here, all I bring
Is all of me

‘Cause You are and You were and You will be forever
The loving I need to save me
‘Cause You fashioned the earth and You hold it together God
So hold me now

I will lift my eyes to the Maker
Of the mountains I can’t climb
I will lift my eyes to the calmer
Of the oceans raging wild

I will lift my eyes to the Healer
Of the hurt I hold inside
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes
To You
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes
To You

God, my God, I cry out
Your beloved needs You now

Bebo Norman
written by Jason Ingram, Jeffrey Norman

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Close your eyes and listen to the words; make them your prayer today.

What is it that you need God to be today for you?  He is your Creator and the Lover of your soul.  He created you with a purpose and He longs to spend time with you because He loves you.

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come?
Psalm 121:1

When the sea is raging all around you, and the storms of life are so loud and strong, He is your Calmer.  Lift up your eyes and see His heart for you.  When you are hurting or sick, either spiritually or physically, He is your Healer.  This world is full of so much hurt and He is truly the only One Who can take it all away.  You are His beloved!

I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine,
He who pastures his flock among the lilies.
Song Of Solomon 6:3

From the beginning of time God has longed to walk with us, His children.  And we were created with a void that can only be filled by Him.  So when the longing in your heart is too much, it is not the world that you are wanting—it is Him.  He truly does hold it all together in His very capable hands.  There isn’t much that stays the same and time brings so many changes that sometimes are hard.  But God is the always the same…He never changes.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

Friend, your life may not be what you are wishing, but God is all you need.  Lift up your eyes today and find your hope in Him!

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Let us pray: Dear Lord, You are our Maker, our Healer and our Calmer.  You are the same today and everyday; You never change. You love us so very much.  Thank You for sending Jesus to take care of all the sins we will ever do and for erasing all the pain and replacing it with joy.  All we have to do is read Your promises and know that You will always come through.  We love You and we worship You today.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hearing His Voice


Meanwhile, the boy Samuel served the LORD by assisting Eli. Now in those days messages from the LORD were very rare, and visions were quite uncommon.  One night Eli, who was almost blind by now, had gone to bed. The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was sleeping in the Tabernaclea near the Ark of God. Suddenly the LORD called out, “Samuel!”  “Yes?” Samuel replied. “What is it?”
He got up and ran to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?”  “I didn’t call you,” Eli replied. “Go back to bed.” So he did.  Then the LORD called out again, “Samuel!”
Again Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?” “I didn’t call you, my son,” Eli said. “Go back to bed.” Samuel did not yet know the LORD because he had never had a message from the LORD before. So the LORD called a third time, and once more Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?”
Then Eli realized it was the LORD who was calling the boy. So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again, and if someone calls again, say, ‘Speak, LORD, your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went back to bed.
And the LORD came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”
Then the LORD said to Samuel, “I am about to do a shocking thing in Israel. I am going to carry out all my threats against Eli and his family, from beginning to end. I have warned him that judgment is coming upon his family forever, because his sons are blaspheming God and he hasn’t disciplined them. So I have vowed that the sins of Eli and his sons will never be forgiven by sacrifices or offerings.”
Samuel stayed in bed until morning, then got up and opened the doors of the Tabernacle as usual. He was afraid to tell Eli what the LORD had said to him. But Eli called out to him, “Samuel, my son.”
“Here I am,” Samuel replied.

1 Samuel 3:1-15 NLT

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Samuel was only 12 when he heard the voice of God.  God spoke so clearly to him, but only after he had positioned himself directly outside the Holy of Holies.  Have you heard God’s voice lately?

One thing I know for sure is that God wants to speak to us.  He meets you exactly where you are, no matter what you have or haven’t done. And He wants you to know His will for your life.  But you have to be in a position to listen.  There are so many distractions today and we can get so busy with the mundane that we cannot hear above the noise of life.

In the Bible, when God did speak to His people, He usually waited until they showed that they were ready to listen and to receive it.

For example,

  • He called Mary’s name after His resurrection, but only after she came to the tomb, seeking her Savior’s body (John 20).
  • He gave David advice on many important issues when he “…inquired of the Lord” (1 Samuel 23).
  • He spoke directly to the woman with the medical issues, only after she, oh so forcefully, made her way through the crowd to just touch Jesus (Luke 8).
  • And He spoke (in this record) to Samuel, a young boy who is so ready to hear His Heavenly Father.

Are you ready to hear from Him? Maybe you’re holding on to something that is taking up all your time and energy because you just can’t let it go. Maybe there is sin that you haven’t asked forgiveness for that is getting in the way of His message to you. You can start today fresh by clearing all the distractions and preparing your heart for complete worship. Seek Him and quiet your soul and wait on Him to meet you. Then ask—knowing and believing wholeheartedly that He will answer you, at just the right time.

And if this time in your life is quiet, don’t be distressed. Just keep worshipping this awesome God of ours and remember all He has done for you and keep telling Him how much He means to you. He will respond…are you ready?

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Do you know this God we are talking about? Do you know that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to live as we do, to experience all that we have to, so that He could be the model we can go by in this life? He died for you and me so that we don’t have to. If you want to have Jesus, I invite you to pray with me.

Dear Jesus, I am sorry for all the things I have done wrong.     I want to thank You for dying on the Cross for me.  I want to live a new life with You.  I ask that You come into my heart and be my Savior.  Walk with me and guide me.  Teach me more about You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Letter From Your Father

Many of you have gone on Spring Break or are anticipating taking a vacation this summer.  It is a time to refresh spirit, soul, and body.  Over the next couple of weeks, our faithful bloggers will be taking a ‘spring break’ from writing so that they can come back to us refreshed and freshly anointed.
However, Girlfriends’ Coffee Hour website won’t ‘go black’!  We will be revisiting some of our favorite blogs and daily devotions which have blessed us in the past.  We pray that each of you, our faithful friends and readers, will continue to start your day meditating on the devotionals and songblogs, and be encouraged and blessed.

Let’s give each of our bloggers a big round of applause, a hug,
and the rest they so deserve.  
God bless you, ladies!


The Spirit you received does not make you slaves,
so that you live in fear again;
rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.
And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15

Adoption…God has searched you out and adopted you for His own.  Before you knew you even needed Him as your Father, He had already filled out the paperwork and made you a room in His House.

For God knew His people in advance,
and He chose them to become like His Son,
so that His Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
Romans 8:29

He will never leave you fatherless in this world…after all, He wrote your name in His family tree.  And He paid a huge price for you too!

God sent Him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law,
so that He could adopt us as His very own children.
Galatians 4:5

We didn’t pay for our adoption, we only have to accept it.  The minute we do, we go from orphans with nothing to heirs with everything.  We are adopted into a new family…but we are not home yet.  We know our Father’s name, but we haven’t seen Him face to face yet.  He has claimed us but He hasn’t come for us yet.  But we know He will.  But until that day, we live as His.

You are no longer wandering alone.  You are loved so much by a King! Someone actually paid for your freedom in full with His own life!  All the sins you have committed and ever will have already been erased by His blood.  You can never do anything to make Him love you any more or less.  And, though this world may be hard, He will never let you flounder alone.  He wants so much for you, His child.

If God were to write you a letter, it might sound like this:

Dear ______,

I love you more than  you will ever understand.  I bought you and I complete you.  I will always comfort you and I will never fail you.

I know all that you have done, all the regrets and shame you feel about your past.  I want you to know that My grace is sufficient for you and I have put them all behind Me.  I have the ability to actually forget them and, of course, forgive them.  You have been washed clean, like new.  Please come to Me, for I have truly set you free.  I broke the stronghold of the enemy.  You have a home with Me in Heaven and all glory. There you will have no more sorrows, no more sadness or crying and no more death and pain.

I see that you are worried about so much that you cannot control.  But I can.  Please put your trust in Me and I will rescue you every time from all your trials.  Cling to me in your struggle and know that I will give you the strength you need to get through what is in front of you.  Don’t ever give up.  I will give you the help you need and I will give you courage.

Just trust me with all that you have.  I will never leave you.  I never sleep and I am always looking out for you.  I will go before you and make a way.  I have planned every detail of your journey here and until I come again and bring you home, I will give you what you need daily.  I love you, my precious child.

Keep pressing on toward the finish line, never losing momentum.  I will see you soon!

Your Father

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Do you know Jesus?  He is waiting on you with open arms.  I encourage you to pray with me today and ask Him into your life, to be Lord.  Pray with me:

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner.  I need a Savior.  I believe that Jesus is Your Son and You sent Him to die in my place.  I ask that You come into my heart and be my God.  Please go with me and help me to grow in You.  Thank You for this life You have given me.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

The One Who Thanked Jesus


And as He went to Jerusalem, it just so happened that He went through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. And as He entered into a certain village, ten lepers met Him, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, pity us.” And seeing them, He said to them,”Go show yourselves to the priests.” And it happened, as they went, that they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back and glorified God with a loud voice. And he fell down on his face at His feet, thanking Him. And he was a Samaritan. And answering, Jesus said. “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were none found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him,”Rise and go, your faith has cured you.”

Luke 17:11-19

This story is quite simple to understand….  As Jesus was passing between Galilee and Samaria, He saw ten lepers coming toward Him.  They were begging Him for mercy and healing.  So Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priests (which was a prerequisite to be declared clean and free from leprosy).  And, as the ten of them ran off, they were healed!  But, can you believe out of the ten, only one—a Samaritan—came back and praised Him.

{Aren’t we guilty of this?}  God blesses us a thousand times and we forget to thank Him and we find something to complain about.  Something He didn’t get quite right and we want a do-over.  Friend, until we begin to thank Him and praise Him, even in the hard times, we will never be fully filled with joy. Praising and thanking Him  and naming each gift reminds us of how much He has blessed us and how much He loves us…and that we serve a good God Who can only give good things.  It may not look good on the outside, but there is good to come of it or from it.  If we let Him in and allow Him to work in those times, He will  make it all worth the ride.

In the story of these lepers, we see that Jesus healed each one physically.  But the one leper that came back actually received far more for his faith; for not only was he cured physically—he was cured spiritually.  His soul was saved and he received a real relationship with God.  Nine lepers received a partial healing.  A temporary blessing for their time on earth.  The grateful Samaritan received an eternal blessing.  All he did was give thanks—he praised Him for the healing.  See, they all had the faith to trust Jesus, come close to Him, be heard by Him, and ask for His mercy. But only one had the humility and the honesty and character to say, “Thank You.”

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Who are you today?  Are you one of the nine…who has just enough faith to ask something of the Father and take it for granted?  Are you one of the nine…who really didn’t care about a real relationship with Jesus, and left right after the blessing?  Or are you the Samaritan…who not only had enough faith to ask for complete healing, but returns time and time again to the One Who wants so much more for us and longs for a real relationship with us.

Friends, I pray that you begin to really thank Him for what He has done for you.  All the small ways that He loves you.  And yes, of course the biggest way—when He sent Jesus to come and go before us.  And then to pay the ultimate sacrifice with His life so that we may live.  He continues to give us grace and mercy even when we fail Him over and over again.

Do you know Him?  Today can be the day that everything changes.  Your life can truly be one of joy and blessings.  All you have to do is ask.  I encourage you to pray this prayer with me.

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Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I need You to come into my life and change me.  I believe that Jesus is Your Son and He died on the cross to pay for my sins.  Thank You for this free gift. Help me on this journey to seek You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Follow Me


Jesus’ first words to Simon Peter were “Come, follow Me” (Matthew 4:18-19).  Jesus’  last words to Simon Peter were “Follow Me” (John 21:22).  Every step of the way between these two challenges, Peter never failed to follow…though he often stumbled.  When Jesus came into Peter’s life, this everyday fisherman with nothing special about him, grew into  a new person with new goals and new priorities.  He was far from perfect but he was always himself.

What did Jesus see in Peter?  Only Jesus knew.  He even gave him a new name—Peter the rock.

Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’) and upon this rock,
I will build My church, and all the powers of hell  will not conquer it.
Matthew 16:18 NLT

He didn’t always live up to that name, and he was quite impulsive sometimes. But Jesus wasn’t looking for perfect…He was looking for real. And Peter was a real follower of Jesus.

Peter was known for a lot of things but the one we think of at this time of year was his part in the Crucifixion.  First he defends Jesus when they come to get Him to arrest Him.  He cuts off the ear of one of the officers with his sword. Then Jesus tells Peter that he will deny Him three times before the rooster crows.  Of course Peter says there is no way he would do that. (But he does.)

Meanwhile, Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard.  A servant girl came over and said to him, “You were one of those with Jesus the Galilean.”  But Peter denied it in front of everyone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.  Later, out by the gate, another servant girl noticed him and said to those standing around, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.”  Again Peter denied it, this time with an oath. “I don’t even know the man,” he said.  A little later some of the other bystanders came over to Peter and said, “You must be one of them; we can tell by your Galilean accent.”  Peter swore, “A curse on me if I’m lying—I don’t know the man!” And immediately the rooster crowed.  Suddenly, Jesus’ words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.” And he went away, weeping bitterly.

Matthew 26:69-75 NLT

Can you imagine how Peter felt after he realized that he not only had denied knowing His leader, the Messiah, but he turned away from knowing his friend.  Jesus had loved him and taught him and believed in him before he ever believed in himself.  But Jesus never turned away from Peter.  Peter knew he had failed.  But Jesus knew, when He asked Peter to follow Him, that this would happen.  But it didn’t stop Him from asking.

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He is asking you today, too.  He is saying, “Will you follow Me?”  He knows you will make mistakes and you may even live a little like Peter.  You may not tell all you come in contact with that Jesus is your Lord, but He always will love you and He will always forgive you and He is your friend.  So if today you want to answer the call, I ask that you pray this simple prayer with me.

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner.  My life isn’t what I want it to be and something is missing.  I need a Savior.  I believe that Jesus is Your Son, and He came to die for me.  I ask that You come into my life and be my Lord.  Forgive my sins.  I don’t know all that I need to know about You but I want to know.  Please walk closely with me.  Thank You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.