February 22, 2025

Martha Shows Her Faith


Recorded in the Gospel of John, our Lord made seven statements referring to Himself as I AM

I AM The Light of the World
I AM The Bread of Life
I AM The Door

I AM The Good Shepherd
I AM The True Vine

I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life
I AM The Resurrection and The Life

Each week during this season of Lent and into Easter, here on the Seeking Him blog, we will be focusing our devotionals on a different aspect of Jesus’ revelation of Himself as I AM.  The aim of Lent should be to prepare our hearts for the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice—His trial and torture, the Crucifixion and His death…and above all, the celebration of His Resurrection from the dead.  We pray that this will be a great encouragement to each of you who read them.  And that all of us will consider the significance of Jesus’ words and, through them, be helped as we remember and are thankful for all Jesus went through during the last few weeks of His life on this earth.

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And even now I know that, whatsoever Thou shalt ask of God, God will give Thee.
Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
Martha saith unto Him, I know that he shall rise again

in the resurrection at the last day.
Jesus said unto her, I AM the Resurrection, and the Life:
he that believeth on Me, though he die, yet shall he live;
and whosoever liveth and believeth on Me shall never die.
Believest thou this?
She saith unto Him, Yea, Lord: I have believed that Thou art the Christ,

the Son of God, even He that cometh into the world. 
John 11:22-27 ASV

Lazarus had passed away.  Mary and Martha were heartbroken that Jesus had not made it back in time to heal their brother.  Little did they know Jesus knew Lazarus had passed and was going to use his death as a way to minister to the sisters and to test their faith.

Martha was the first to meet Jesus.  She ran out to meet Him and gently asked why He had not been there earlier.  Jesus knew she was going to ask and was not hurt or angry.  Jesus explained that He would raise Lazarus up and He meant now, not later in the last days.  As He told her, “I AM the Resurrection, and the Life: he that believeth on Me, though he die, yet shall he live….”  Upon telling her these things—and that we would never die—He asked her if she believed what He said.  She stated ‘yes’, and declared that He was the Christ, the Son of God.

She would not deny who He was, even in deep sorrow.  She had probably seen many of His miracles and was counting on Him to perform another one.   That somehow, someway, He would help her and Mary.  And then, when He called forth Lazarus from the grave, many believed on him. For who could call the dead to life, unless they were of God!

Even Jesus wept about Lazarus’ death.  When He asked where they had laid Lazarus’ body, He went to the tomb, asked for the stone to be removed and called Lazarus out of the grave. He called Lazarus by name…out he came, still wrapped in his grave clothes. Everyone was astonished! Mary and Martha were grateful to Jesus for bringing their brother back to be with them.

Jesus wants us to trust and love him as Martha and Mary did. To have faith that Jesus would help in our times of sorrow and fear. He will always be beside us, comforting us, and showing us how to be brave and face our fears. We are to be overcomers and doers of His word. He is an example of what we can do and accomplish in His name.

Do you believe on Jesus?

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Father, thank you for sending your son Jesus to be an example for us. Help us when we doubt, when we fear. Help us be overcomers and seek in your word how we can be imitators of your Son. Thank you for your grace and mercy present each and every day. Protect from the attacks of the evil one. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!