February 22, 2025

When You Need Rest


Then, because so many people were coming and going
that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them,
‘Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’
Mark 6:31

I love rainy mornings and lit candles and quiet moments with just me and Him. The world quiets, cell phones and all screens are turned off, and I am His. I read His love letter to me and we talk endlessly.  I catch Him up on my week (like He doesn’t already know).  I tell Him how great and amazing He is. And He pours into me, and I know I am loved.  My own prayer retreat right here.

In the verse above, Jesus’ disciples had been preaching and driving out demons and healing people all day.  They anointed people with oil in His name.  They were pumped up, can’t you just imagine?  Yet Jesus knew they were exhausted and needed some downtime.  He told them to go with Him to a quiet place and rest.

Now, rest can look different to all of us. It can be quietly reading a book, or running on your favorite path, or putting your feet in the sand.  Just a retreat with your Maker. It must be important to Him since the word ‘rest‘ in mentioned 585 times in the King James Version.  Here are just a couple of the ones I found:

Psalms 55:6, 7
Oh, that I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness.

Exodus 33:14
The Lord replied,”I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest-everything will be fine for you.”

I feel so refreshed and so loved by God right now.  His words are so comforting, ‘everything will be fine for you’, He means you!  He wants you to be with Him and we are the ones that benefit. Psalm 4:8 tells us, “I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

What do you need rest from today?  Have you been struggling with a stronghold that has overtaken your life?  It started out as fun but now it is out of control.  Or maybe you’re the only one fighting for your marriage and you’re exhausted and ready to quit. Maybe you’re a single mom and you love your children but you just need one minute to yourself…or you could very well lose it.  Even the bathroom isn’t private enough.  Maybe you just need to get back in to having that quiet time alone with Him everyday. Whichever situation you are in today, He is calling you to lay at His feet and leave all your baggage at the foot of the Cross—at the feet of Jesus.  There is nothing in the world more important than spending time with Him…reading His Word, and listening to what He has to tell you, and just talking together.

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Do you know Him?  Is He Lord of your life?  If your answer is no, I encourage you to ask Him today to come into your heart.  Would you pray this prayer with me?

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I need forgiveness. I believe that You sent Your Son to die on the Cross to save me from my sins. Please, Jesus, come into my life today to be my Lord and Savior.  Walk with me through this life.  I don’t know all there is to know about You but I’m ready to be Yours.  In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

10 Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program – #3 Set Specific and Realistic Goals

When I am tempted to quit or lose focus, I find encouragement from one of the greatest men in the Bible who demonstrated determination and a passion to complete a job—Nehemiah.  He had a vision to rebuild a wall of protection around the city of Jerusalem and set specific and realistic goals to get it done.  He did not roam around aimlessly, but took his time to get a clear and realistic plan, as described in one of my favorite books by Andy Stanley, Visioneering.

My favorite verse that so well describes Nehemiah’s determination is his response when others tried to distract him from his vision of rebuilding the wall.  “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down (Nehemiah 6:3).   He was completely focused on the end result and not ready to give up.

A Vision

Before setting specific and realistic goals, the first step is to create a vision for your health. A vision is something you are continually working toward…not a check off.  Without it, you will be tempted to fall off course by letting other things distract you and you will eventually quit.  Let me give you a personal example.

My Wellness vision states:

“I am feeling and looking fit (not perfect) by exercising 4-5 days a week and spending daily quiet time with God and my family.”

By having this as a statement for my life, it is easy for me to say yes or no to certain things that support my vision.  My vision is a priority and focus for me.

Set Specific Goals

Just like Nehemiah’s plan, specific goals must be set that support your vision. When I hear someone say, “I am going to exercise more,” I reply with the following questions:

  • “How much more exercise?”
  • “What type of exercise?”
  • “How many times?”

Without knowing the answers to these questions, it is like roaming around in the wilderness with your eyes closed thinking you will eventually get out. It won’t happen. Your exercise goals must be defined specifically, for example:  “I will walk for 30 minutes three days a week.”

Be Realistic

Let’s not forget goals have to be realistic and fit your busy lifestyle.  My husband loves bike riding and trains for a couple of biking events a year. During training season, it usually consists of several hours each Saturday morning. I have been asked why I do not train with him.  The reason is it does not fit within my vision nor is it realistic for me and the schedule I want to keep.  Trying to bike would only cause me frustration, which would lead to quitting because of an unrealistic fitness goal.  Maybe one day when my life has a different schedule and a different vision, I will ride with him.  For now I will concentrate on other goals and be his biggest cheerleader.

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 What is Your Vision?

If you want to stick to an exercise program, take a few minutes to create a vision of what you want to be, look and feel like.  Once you have that vision, set specific and realistic goals around it that fits your busy lifestyle.

I believe you can do it.

In Good Health,
