February 22, 2025

Children of God


As of this past Saturday, I officially have a five year old son.  We have tried to instill knowledge of God in his life since he was old enough to talk and attend children’s Sunday school.  My husband informed me that our son saw the Bible we used at our wedding (it is considered the family Bible), and it has our names and wedding date are on that Bible.  Our son has requested his own Bible with his name and birth date only printed on the front.  My, my!  He is only five and already asking for a Bible.  Where does the time go?

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Psalms 19:2-3

Time flies…and life flies.  We are busy with work, school, family, etc.  Yet, a five year old boy can stop and ask for a Bible.  Every Saturday night and Sunday morning, a five year old boy can stop and ask if we are going to church.  If a five year old can stop and ask if he is going to church today or for his own Bible then so should we.  We should seek the Lord so we have knowledge of Him. We should pass this knowledge on to those who do not believe.  We should help God place a yearning for Him in our kids and those around us.  Pass the word along.  It spreads the knowledge of God to the ends of the earth.

We should seek God daily.  Noah and Moses looked for His guidance during their trials.  The prophets listened to God, and spread His message upon command.  Jesus commanded his disciples to spread the word and the knowledge of Jesus to the world.  Thanks to the Internet, telephone, airplanes, cars, boats, trains, Skype, etc., we can spread the knowledge of God to every language, nation, and culture in the world.  We can use our knowledge that was passed down from the disciples to spread the knowledge of God.

But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

My son has asked for his own Bible.  I know that is mainly because of having his own name on there, but I also know that he yearns for God.  It never fails that he asks on Saturday nights if we are going to church tomorrow.  I hope that when he gets his own Bible in four and a half months that we can continue to help his yearning grow to the point he becomes a child of Jesus.  We are not going to hinder him or his sister from becoming a child of God.

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Dear God, please give us the strength to spread Your word.  Bless us in our work for You.  Be with us as we spread Your word.  Thank You for the tools You have given us to finish the mission You have given us.   Amen.