February 22, 2025

I Love the Lord — Psalms 116:1-7



I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications.
Because He has inclined His ear to me,
Therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.
The cords of death encompassed me and the terrors of Sheol came upon me;
I found distress and sorrow.
Then I called upon the name of the Lord: “O Lord, I beseech You, save my life!”
Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate.
The Lord preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.
Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.

Psalms 116:1-7 NASB

I Love the Lord Because….

I love the LORD, because He has heard my voice and my supplications.
Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.
The pains of death surrounded me, and the pangs of Sheol laid hold of me;
I found trouble and sorrow.
Then I called upon the name of the LORD: “O LORD, I implore You, deliver my soul!”
Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yes, our God is merciful.
The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.
Return to your rest, O my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.
Psalms 116:1-7

  • I found trouble and sorrow…then I called upon the name of the Lord.” How great of a feeling is this!?  Knowing that we can call on His name. Knowing that He is there…He is righteous, He is merciful.  Knowing He will save us.  I think back and I try to count how many times I call out for God’s help during the day.  From the morning when I pray for patience with my kids, to the workday when I pray for guidance when interacting with people, to the evening when I pray for energy to finish my tasks of the day.  I know I can call on Him.
  • The pains of death surrounded me,”  When I read this line of the psalm, my mind began running through all of the areas in life that we face a type of death: physical death is the first, of course; but we also face emotional death, loss of relationships, loss of jobs and income, loss of belongings. All of these can feel like a type of death, and pain accompanies all of them.
  • I was brought low, and He saved me.”  When I call on Him, He saves me. When I feel loss, He saves me.  This may not look how I expected it to, but it is always what I need.  This passage ultimately says two things: we are going to feel pain in life and we are going to feel loss, but despite this we will always be able to call to Him and He will always be there to hear our voice.

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Let’s Pray: Dear Heavenly Father, ‘thank You’ doesn’t begin to express how appreciative we are of Your love, and of the fact that You hear us at our lowest times.  Not only do You hear us but You step in and help…You intervene and do what is best for us.  Thank You, Father.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.



I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. 
Because he turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live. 
The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me; 
I was overcome by distress and sorrow. 
Then I called on the name of the Lord: “Lord, save me!” 
The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. 
The Lord protects the unwary; when I was brought low, He saved me. 
Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. 
Psalms 116:1-7

God’s love knows no bounds!  He is there when we call out to Him and He hears our plea for ourselves and for others.  This past week was such a test for some friends of ours.  It is rather a long story, but the unfortunate side effect was that a teenager took his life.  No one this side of heaven knows why, but I am sure there are theories. He loved the Lord and people loved him.

We can use this situation to minister to others and let them know that it is okay to feel sad.  As Christians we are taught, or believe, that we should not feel sad, depressed, or helpless.  That is a lie from the evil one.  We are capable of sinning and, when sin creeps in, we are vulnerable to thoughts of suicide.  Please be aware, dear sisters, that here you can find rest, love, acceptance, help, and healing as well as hope.


noun 1. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

This—compassion— is what God has for us. If only…..they would see; they would seek me; they would pray more; they had paid more attention.

Mighty to Save by Hillsong is such an appropriate song for us today.  He is so mighty to save us and help us know that we are forgiven and loved.  We may face desperate times, but it is not to define who we are in Christ.  Rules are made to protect us and guide us, but not to rule us.

We must remember to love the way that God loved us and everyone would be better.

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Father, thank You for loving us unconditionally.  Thank You for those who would love on us, even when we are unlovable.  You are a great and wonderful God that we mostly do not deserve to have in our lives, but You love us anyway.  Help us to be strong enough to share Your Word with others and with those in our own families. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Cry Answered


I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live.
The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me;
I was overcome by distress and sorrow.
Then I called on the name of the Lord: “Lord, save me!”
The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
The Lord protects the unwary; when I was brought low, He saved me.
Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.
Psalms 116:1-7

As a mother, I can only imagine the anguish that Mary must have felt as she watched her Son and Savior die on the Cross on that Easter Friday.  She was down on her knees crying and praying for a miracle.  What she probably did not realize was that she was witnessing the greatest miracle known to man.  She knew that when she gave birth to Jesus that He was destined to save mankind.  At the moment of His death and resurrection, Jesus was answering the silent cry of help from mankind.

Of course, Mary was overcome by distress and sorrow at the death of her son…just as  any mother would be.  However, I would agree that her distress and sorrow turned to joy when she realized that Jesus died for her and the rest of us so that we may live eternally with God in worship and praise.  Jesus would not stay in the anguish of the grave. He would rise from the dead three days later to seal the deal of redeeming man back to God.

Mankind had to have a way to get past sin to be with God.  The Lord showed His graciousness and mercy by shedding His own blood for His children—those who believe by faith that Jesus died on the Cross for them.  Before Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, man had to depend on different rituals performed by the high priests for forgiveness and assurance of forgiveness.  Jesus’ death wiped this away. We only now have to believe that He died on the Cross for us to know that we are saved and to spread the word of this wonderful gift.

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Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wonderful gift of eternal life by showing faith that we believe that Jesus died on the Cross for us. I no longer have to show distress or feel anguish over dying. I know that when it is time to meet You that I will be among the other believers who are waiting to see You.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.