February 22, 2025

His Word – Our Light, Our Lamp


Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105 NLT

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The simplicity of this verse astounds me.  So easy to say!  Yet often, it is very difficult to do.  According to Bible.org, the “Word” /(imrah) denotes anything God has spoken, commanded or promised—His thoughts, His commands, His promises give guidance and instruction for our lives.  The Word of God can make our steps clear.

The Bible should be used to help us walk the way God wants us to walk and live the way He wants us to live.  When we choose not to use His Word, our path becomes unclear.  We aren’t sure if our next step will be on a firm foundation or down a dangerous alley.

For a command is a lamp, teaching is a light,
and corrective discipline is the way to life.
Proverbs 6:23 HSCB

His Word shows us not only where to step but where NOT to step.  It doesn’t always light the whole path but it does provides direction for the next step or two.

I was pondering this verse during my morning walk.  As I started to pay attention to the path, I noticed it wasn’t always clear. Sometimes it was cluttered with leaves, making it hard to determine where the edges were. Other parts were shaded by tall trees blocking the sun.  And sometimes the path wasn’t clear because I had forgotten to remove my sunglasses.

My spiritual path is like that as well.  Sometimes it is cluttered with the junk I allow in my life.  Other times it is shaded by worldly views or my opinion. Often I cannot see it clearly simply because I have forgotten to spend enough time in His Word.   Then I begin to wonder things like:

  • Why do I neglect to consult His Word throughout the day?
  • Why do I only seek His guidance sometimes?
  • Am I too busy?
  • Do I trust my judgment more than His?

I don’t know; it could be all of the above.  But I do know that, when I neglect His Word, my steps falter.  The more time I spend in His Word, the more I study His Word, the more it will become an ingrained part of me.  Job 29:3 tells us “He lit up the way before me and I walked safely through the darkness.”  My path will be smoother because He will be directing my steps. And surely there won’t be nearly as many wrong turns, dark alleys, or so much time spent going in circles.  I know I need His Light but sometimes I forget to turn it on.  How about you?  Is your path well-lit?

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Let’s use Psalm 43:3 HCSB as our prayer:

Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me.
Let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to Your dwelling place.
– Amen, it is so!