March 31, 2025

The Word is Our Light


Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105

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Life is filled with choices that can either make you or break you.  At different stages of life you are presented with a variety of choices.  And to make such decisions without errors you need proper guidance—which only God’s Word can provide.

In John 1:9 the Bible says the Word of God is the True Light.  It is the Sword of the Spirit with which you pierce your way through the darkness of life.  If the True Light dwells richly in you then fear, defeat, failure, and all other results of darkness won’t have any place in you.  You won’t fear because the True Light will show you that God has not given you the spirit of fear.  You won’t be defeated because you will see that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.  You won’t be sick because you will discover that by His stripes you were healed.  The Word of God will reveal to you what God sees you to be.

The unfolding of your words gives light it gives understanding to the simple.
Psalm 119:130

It’s your responsibility to invest the Word of God in yourself by studying it regularly. If you can feed your mind with it and store it in your spirit, the Word of God will produce great results in you and you will glow with the glory of God.  You will have a clear direction in life and others will acknowledge that you are different.

We can live victoriously if we keep the Word of God in our hearts.  If there is any darkness in your family, academics, or business just take hold of the light of God’s Word and pierce through the darkness in the name of Jesus.

The Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths.

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Dear Lord, thank You for who You are to us.  Your love for us is so great…we bless You, dear Lord.  Thank You for the portion of Scripture this week that we need to walk in the understanding that it is only by Your Word we are given guidance. Thank You that You direct our paths in Jesus’ name.  We pray that You do not leave us alone;  guide and protect us always in Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen!