March 31, 2025

Here’s My Heart, Lord


Here’s my heart, Lord
Here’s my heart, Lord
Here’s my heart, Lord
Speak what is true

‘Cause I am found, I am Yours
I am loved, I’m made pure
I have life, I can breathe
I am healed, I am free

‘Cause You are strong, You are sure
You are life, You endure
You are good, always true
You are light breaking through

Here’s my life, Lord
Here’s my life, Lord
Here’s my life, Lord

Speak what is true

You are more than enough
You are here, You are love
You are hope, You are grace
You’re all I have, You’re everything

David Crowder Band
written by Jason Ingram, Chris Tomlin, Louis Giglio

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This song says the same verses over and over again…as if the writer knows that I am a slow learner.  Today, as I was putting the last of the dishes away, I turned on my playlist and this is what played.  Oh, how I love when God reminds me in subtle yet profound ways that I need to surrender it all to Him.

See, lately, I have allowed my brain to be hijacked with worry.  The enemy knows that if we are preoccupied with other things that we will not be quiet enough to hear our Lord speak to us.  So I’m confessing that I need a time out.

Proverbs 23:26 says,”My son {daughter}, give Me your heart and let your eyes keep to My ways.” So when we are frustrated and we let the things of this world control us, we are not completely giving Him our whole heart.  I’m not saying that we aren’t saved or that we don’t love Him; I am saying that we are seeking other things above Him.  The worry over finances…the rifts in your marriage…the bitterness and resentment you’re holding onto against that one friend….  These are all symptoms of a bigger issue—we are putting Him after _____ (you fill in the blank).

At our small group study that I lead, we were asked a question that I would love for you think about and answer to yourself:

What keeps you up at night?”

If your answer is anything but ‘God ‘, then it is time for a change.
And if you don’t know the answer…ask God.

Psalm 26:2 says, “Test me O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.”  What I do know is this: It’s time to seek Him first and all the other problems will just fade.  Repeat the words with me: “Here’s my heart Lord, speak what is true. Here’s my life Lord, speak what is true.”  And then really let the words sink in…”I am found, I am loved, I’m made pure, I am healed“!

Oh friend, He is so good.  He is so patient with us when we are slow learners.  He proves Himself over and over, and yet we still wake up with that elephant on our chest.  He never gets tired of loving you.  He never stops working in your life.  If you are reading this today, I pray that this speaks to you right where you are…know that God will meet you there.

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Pray with me: Dear God, You are so awesome and so full of love.  You are so patient with us when we doubt.  Thank You for Your healing hand and for Your constant provision.  Thank You that no matter how many times we fall down, You never tire of picking us up and putting our feet on a firm place.  Lord, with You, we will not be shaken no matter what comes our way.  I pray that we will seek You above it all.  We love You.  We praise You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.