March 31, 2025

Finish What He Started


You take two steps forward and three steps back
On a journey of a thousand miles
And you cry and you pray
But you know at this pace you never will arrive
Well I know in your heart you believed from the start

God had a purpose He knit you together for
But life has pulled at the seams
And you’re unraveling
And you can’t hold it together anymore

But God will, He will finish what He started
No thread will be left unwoven
Nothing will be left undone
Every plan and every purpose
That He has will be accomplished
And God will finish what He’s begun

And it may feel like 40 long days in a hard driving rain
Or 40 years in a dry desert sand
But when He’s finished we will see
A beautiful tapestry
And know that nothing has been wasted in the end

And we’ll stand as the ones completed
By the miracle of His love
We’ll sing of His goodness and sing to His glory
As we tell the story of how

God has, He has finished what He’s started
Not a thread will be unwoven
And nothing will be left undone
Every plan and every purpose
That He has will be accomplished
And God will finish what He’s begun
I know that God will finish what He’s begun

Singer/Songwriter ~ Steven Curtis Chapman

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And I am certain that God,
Who began the good work within you,
will continue His work until it is finally finished
on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6

How many times do you say to yourself: “One day I will be a better ____.” or “One day I will finish____.”?  How hard we can be on ourselves.  Yet God is so very patient and He sees us, His masterpiece, as beautiful.  But He is far from finished with us.  And as the song says, God will finish what He has begun!

There are days that I feel like I have got it all together.  I have done my quiet time and used kind words with my children and put my husband’s needs before my own.  Then there are the days that my words crush spirits and I haven’t paused long enough to even say,”Dear God…” and the last thing I want to do is praise Him.  I am just being honest.  Have you had those days?  The truth is that we will take steps forward and steps backwards. And it is all okay because Jesus paid the price and so there is grace.

From the time that you entered this world, God has been sewing a beautiful tapestry of your life.  And all the pieces will one day fit all together and you will see the big picture. You will know the whys and hows of His beautiful plan.  But until then, we keep trusting and praying and worshipping His Holy name.  And we keep believing that, one day, He will be finished and He will say…”well done.”   It will all be so worth it!

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Let us pray: Dear God, You are so loving and merciful.  You are our Provider and Creator.  Thank You so much for planning this life out for us.  Your patience and grace meets us right where we are.  I love that You don’t expect us to be perfect ever. Jesus did that for us.  And until the day that He comes for us, You will still be working in us and through us; we are so grateful!  Progress, not perfection!  We love You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.