February 23, 2025

Your Physical Wellness…It is Not All About You


“I need to exercise. I know I should, but I just can’t make myself do it.”  Do these words sound familiar?  A busy life, lack of motivation, or fear of the unknown can all be reasons exercise is not a priority in a woman’s life.  However, taking the time to focus on one’s physical well-being through exercise is necessary to have a life of complete wellness, our third component of Wellness in this series.  It may be tempting to quit reading this now, but as you may have heard me say before,  your physical wellness is not all about you….so hang with me for a minute.

There are many benefits to exercise; however, one of the greatest benefits for women, in my opinion, is higher self-esteem and positive body image.  It is NOT about being a size 2 or 22. It is about feeling good with who you are as a woman and taking control of your health and fitness.  Most of us, want to feel good about who we are inside and out, but have you ever stopped to realize how we feel about our self affects other areas of our life and those around us?

For example:

  1. Our Relationship with our Spouse

Our relationship with our husband is greatly affected when being intimate with him or participating in his favorite outdoor activities become uncomfortable because of the way we may feel about our body.  The truth is looks may just be our issue, not his.  He just longs to have his wife do the things she once did with him.  Taking care of our health through exercise can give us confidence to meet his every need.

  1. Our Relationship with our Children

Staying physically active can provide the energy needed to participate in activities that children long for us to do with them.  Not only does it enable us to stay fit, but manage  the daily stress with the hustle and bustle of children.

  1. Our Relationship with Others

I have seen so many women shy away from participating in social activities with others or avoid putting themselves in situations to meet new people because of a poor body image.  It is very sad to think relationships and a deep connection with others are being missed because of a lack of security.

  1. Our Career

Recently, I had a client express to me that for years, she had turned away the opportunity to apply for a higher position at her job.  Although she knew she had the knowledge and experience, she was insecure about the way she looked and felt she would be judged by her appearance.  She was ready to start exercising and take charge of her health to gain the confidence she needed to apply for her dream job.

God wants you to know that you are wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).  It is not about being a certain size.  It is about feeling confident in who you are so that you are able to be the woman God created you to be.  Think about it: taking care of your physical wellness is not just about you.  It is a way to bring honor to God and be the best friend, wife, mother, volunteer, employer, or employee.

family hike

In Good Health,
