February 22, 2025

I Keep Falling In Love

I am found in Your embrace
Covered by Your love
You’re my deepest dream I know
Your love so strong, Spirit come
You lift me up to heaven’s door
You restore my soul
I come here without Your touch
I need You so much, I need You more
You’re my Rock and my Redeemer
The Rock on which I stand
I keep falling in love with You, Lord
Every beat of my heart, breath that I take
Through the seasons that change, Your love remains
My hiding place, my home…falling in love

Songwriter: Scott Haslem / Performed by Hillsong 
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God is the husband to those who are not married.  He is the husband of those who are widowed.  God is the ultimate mate for us.
He knows what we want and need before we ever speak it.  Remember our words are what will happen.  If we speak positive over our lives, it will be be positive. If we speak negative, only negative will occur.  And, oh, how we struggle with our tongue.
Most of our lives we are not admonished on what we say. It is hard to break habits and begin to always speak positive words to ourselves and to those around us.  We often speak of where are are in our life.
When we allow God to be our Rock and our Redeemer, our words will change.  Even if we have been a believer we can sink back into our old ways.  We are so blessed to have a Father, Husband, Friend who loves us more than any human ever could.
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Father, help us to keep our focus on You. Forgive us for taking our eyes off of You—as Peter did when walking on the water with Your son Jesus.  Help us keep on track to seeking You.  Help us to forget the wrongs we imagine or even those things that are real.  Unforgiveness keeps only us captive, not the one who wronged us.  Help us become free to truly love as You made us to.  Help us to love You more deeply while developing our trust.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!