March 10, 2025

Crazy Love: Chapter 3 Reading Assignment

We have delved into some pretty deep stuff in the first two weeks of our study. Needed stuff. Necessary stuff. Have you done any pruning? I know I have! The study continues as we move into chapter three and discuss our earthly “dad” and our heavenly “DAD”. Do you approach God like your DAD, like a child approaches his earthly daddy? Take a look at the brief video below to get a taste of this week’s assignment. I’m so excited to dig into to this chapter!

Week 3 Schedule

Monday: Chapter 3 “Crazy Love” pgs. 53-56 (dad and DAD) (Megan)

Tuesday: Chapter 3 “Crazy Love” pgs. 56-57 (In Love with the One I Fear) (Martha)

Wednesday: Chapter 3 “Crazy Love” pgs. 57-60 (Wanted) (Donna)

Thursday: Chapter 3 “Crazy Love” pgs. 61-63 (A Strange Inheritance/Do I Have a Choice?) (Jennifer)

Friday:  Chapter 3 “Crazy Love” Weekly Review and Chapter 3 Study Video from YouTube (Megan)


Father, as we being a new week, let Your presence fill each one of us in this study. Show us what Your crazy love is all about. Let it resonate deep within our heart and soul. Help us to truly know and feel Your deep and abiding love for us. Open our hearts and our minds as we study this week. Let our conversation be pleasing to You. In Jesus Name, Amen!

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up.

Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Love Letters From God

My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!


The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them, He delivers them from all their troubles. 

Psalm 34:17 



One night, one very dark, painful, terrified night I cried out to the Lord….

Dear God,

I am crying out to You right now for lack of any better ideas.  I do not know if You will hear me.  You are probably so mad at me and You probably do not want to talk to me ever again.  I know that I have made a mess of everything.  I know I should not go back to my sinful ways but I cannot stop.  I do not want to go back to the things that cause so much hurt and pain in my life.  Is there anything that will not cause me pain?  Is there anyone who will ever love me?  If my sorry is worth anything at all, I am sorry.  If my love is worth anything at all, I love You.  I am desperate, I am at a loss.

These feelings bottled up inside are toxic, Lord: I am being used, I am being taken advantage of, I do not have a voice in these trials or an open door to walk away.  I am miserable.  I am in pain.  I am choosing wrong over right and do not know how to stop.  I am going back to someone who is trying to kill me.  Please Lord, just DO IT FOR ME, I CANNOT DO IT.

That night, the Lord did it, He did it all! (I cry every time I remember that night and remember these words He spoke directly to my heart…)

Love Letters from God

Precious Daughter of Mine,

I not only hear your cry, but I feel the pain behind each and every one of your tears.  I am here; never will I leave you, NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU.  You are weak, but I am strong.  I will do it all for you.  My love is worth it all and I love you, Diane.  My forgiveness covers your sins.  You are forgiven, Diane.

I never stopped loving you; I will never stop loving you.  I will take all of the weight of your burdens in My hands, where they belong.  You are mine, and I will not let anyone harm you.  I will give you EVERYTHING you need to fight temptations.  I will open your eyes to the door that has been here all along, waiting for you to walk through out of your past and into My abundant future for you.

I am holding your heart.  I have been waiting patiently for you to give up so I could step in and give you My all.  Please, promise to always accept My love in every situation you encounter in your life.


Dear Lord,

There are no words this side of Heaven to thank You enough for what You have done in my life.  You have turned my painful tears into happy ones.  You have saved me from a life of sin and have prepared the most abundant life for me to live out with You by my side always!  You have waited for me to turn to You. You healed my broken heart.  You fixed my mess.  You did it all and I am forever thankful.  I wish there was a word I could use to express this feeling of complete adoration I have for You—but every time, I come up empty.

I promise to love You with my words, with my actions, with my WHOLE LIFE.  Thank You for giving me the most beautiful love story with You; one my soul has been longing for ever since I was born.  My heart will continue to long for You until that glorious day when You will finally give me the words I have been searching for, all for You!

With Love,

Your Free Daughter


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  Have you ever cried to God out of complete desperation?  Did you believe He would hear you?  Are you scared to for fear that He will not care or hear you?  The Lord is waiting patiently to speak the words you need directly to YOUR HEART; will you let Him?
  2. The Lord wants you to give up so He can give you what you need.  Is there an area in your life where you are in desperate need of God’s healing touch?  Pray to God, letting Him into this area.  See what happens when you live constantly surrendered to God.  (Do not get discouraged if you have to continuously surrender…sometimes I have to give the same thing over to God many, many, many times a day!)
  3. One of my favorite verses is Galations 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  Memorize this verse and remember that God offers you His freedom so you can live out the life He has perfectly planned for you.  It is your choice and I pray you choose His freedom always!

Love and Prayers, my dear Sisters,


© Diane Meyers

If you are interested in sending a private email to Diane in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Crazy Love: Week 2 / Chapter 2 – “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” (Brooke’s Story)

“You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age.”

— Brooke Bronkowski —


I will be honest with you. When I read through this section of the chapter, at first I felt a sense of hopelessness. How does someone so young inspire so many? How does someone so young preach the gospel to her peers, hand out Bibles, and share the love of Christ without fear? And, how does someone so young, who could have done so much more, die at such a young age?

At her funeral service, at least 200 students came forward and accepted Christ. 200 students. God used the life of a willing servant, who happened to be just 14 years old, to transform hundreds of lives while she was alive as well as through her passing.

What am I doing to have an impact? What could I ever do that would have that great of an impact? If I take a good, long, hard look in the mirror, can I truly say that I am a willing servant?

(Stay with me here. . . I know we are digging through a lot of deep stuff in this study!)

God has divinely placed each and every one of us where He wants us to be. You are uniquely female for a reason. You are in your family unit, married to a certain person (or single), raising particular children, all for a purpose. You are in your job not by chance, but because God willed you to be there. If we believe that the Lord is ruler of all; that He orchestrates all things and directs our every step, then we know the following to be true—our daily interactions with store clerks, salespeople, neighbors, and family are placed in our path for a reason. Not one thing is by chance. Every moment of our lives comes from above.

I am sure that each of us has experienced a divine appointment with someone in this world. It could have been a stranger (did someone pay your toll? hold the door? smile at you for no reason?) or someone who we know well (a spiritual mentor, a family member, or friend). God places people in our lives at certain times to serve a need that we have. He shows His love and faithfulness to us in this way.

On the flip-side…have you ever thought about God divinely using you in someone else’s life to help them meet a need that the Lord knows that they have? It could be as simple as a friendly smile or holding a door. It could be more-–buying coffee or lunch for the person in the drive-thru behind you or starting a conversation. Are you actively looking for these moments? Do you go through your day seeking God and waiting for Him to speak to your heart?

The differences we make in this life do not have to be extravagant. We are all wired differently to serve a specific purpose for our Lord. Just because you do not hand out Bibles or share the gospel with everyone you meet does not mean you are not of worth or of value to God. We are difference-makers by actively seeking our Lord, listening to what He says, and looking for opportunities to do His Will in this earthly world. God wants a willing servant. When He has your heart, He will direct your steps. And all of our steps are different.

So, although at first I felt a sense of hopelessness and condemnation reading the author’s words in this section, because that is what Satan wanted me to feel…now I know that God is using me in the way He knows He can. He used Brooke in the way He knew would work in HER life, based on her divinely created personality and attributes. And He will use YOU, too…as long as you listen and let Him. Brooke’s story is amazing…but so is yours.  Amen?


Father, as we reflect on the life of young Brooke, let us not lose heart for what we are not doing; yet, let us look forward to what we can still do while we are here. Help us to lay the past down and to forgive ourselves for any missed opportunities. Continue to work in and through us as we go about our daily lives, showing us who we can serve and how we can serve them. Let us become willing servants for You, oh Lord. In Jesus name, we pray–Amen!


Leave a comment and answer this question: How can we live differently knowing that the next interaction we have with someone, even a stranger, is one that is divinely orchestrated by the Lord?


Would you like to read a bit more about Brooke? I found a link to this news article discussing her accident where her friends talked about her deep faith. An incredible young girl.

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up.

Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at:


Crazy Love: Week 2 – You Might Not Finish This Chapter pages 45-47


This question should get us thinking. I would like to think I would be like Stan, ready to meet Jesus with His name on my lips if these were my last words. But am I really? None of us knows how long we have here; God is the only one who plans that. We are not in control.

Now that concept makes me feel a little uneasy, being a bit of a control freak. I like knowing the next move; I like routine; I like everything falling into place. So I have learned over the years to roll with the punches and leave it in God’s very capable hands. When you have a husband or children, you know (or quickly learn) life is not always going to be set. You can make plans, but they sometimes have to be changed on the fly. I have learned this lesson the hard way at times.  Then again, it is somewhat freeing to know that we have a big God who has our steps counted out and has a plan for our lives. Especially when we think about lasting things.

Do we take every opportunity to share Jesus with people we know are lost? I’m guilty of not taking advantage of those times. Sometimes I’m in a hurry and think I don’t have the time. Sometimes it’s my own selfishness that hinders me; and other times it’s been because I worry what they will think of me, if they’ll think I’m some kind of crazy person.

About 10 years ago I worked at a “Coffee Cart” in our local library. It was just a small cart that served snacks, Latte’s and Cappuccino’s. It was tucked away in the back corner of the bottom floor of the library. I worked there for over 5 years til they closed down. During that time, I felt God giving me a new way to look at people. All walks of people came through the library. Most of them would stop and get a snack or something. I saw hurting, lonely people and my heart went out to them. So I prayed that God would give me boldness to share Jesus with them. I’ll tell you I was never so blessed in my life! I was able to encourage and share Jesus and sometimes they even let me pray for them! It’s so amazing how God works that out when we move ourselves out of the way and let Him take over. I don’t know if I left lasting memories of myself, and I don’t care. I just pray that they had an encounter with Jesus and hopefully changed their lives.

Have we taken the time to ask God to give us boldness in our everyday lives? To our co-worker who needs a kind word or to that waitress who is so tired and has had a bad day? How about our own family members who we know are lost?

Never in a million years would I think that one of my children, who was brought up in the truth, would not be serving God today. I have a 21-year-old son who has fallen away from God and chosen not to serve Him, at this moment. I haven’t lost hope though. I pray for him on a daily basis and trust God for his salvation. I also know it’s my son’s choice. He knows the truth. All I can do is pray for him, love him unconditionally, and leave little nuggets of Jesus in him every time I see him. He knows I pray for him, I’ve told him that. And I am the first person he calls when life gets tough. We have a good relationship in spite of his choice. I pray though that what he remembers most about his mom is that she loves Jesus. I want Christ to be my legacy. And someday I hope he will take it to heart and accept Jesus Christ for himself.

As Mr. Chan says on page 46, ” in fifty years, give or take a few decades, everyone we know will be gone.”


What will we leave behind?

In Christ,


Let’s Pray:

Oh God help us today to be bold, to see people as You see them. To love them with YOUR heart. Give us opportunities to share Jesus with someone and then let You work. For the glory of God. In Jesus’ name we pray-Amen

Your Assignment:

What kind of legacy are we leaving for the next generation to see? Would you be brave and ask God for boldness to share His message with people you meet?  He will give you the right words and people in your daily path if you just ask Him. Let us all know what you think you can do and then let’s pray for one another as we leave our legacies of faithfulness.

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up.

Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Donna in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Life’s Healing Choices: Week 2 – Plugging In To God’s Power


“Believe it or not, things work better when they’re plugged in.”

–John Baker, Life’s Healing Choices


A couple of months ago, I had a sink that would not drain—a sink full of yucky smelling water. I flipped the switch up and down on the disposal…and nothing. Being the fixer that I am, I bought three Rubbermaid containers and filled them up with this stinky sink water so that I could wash dishes.

I have a big family.  Four kids and a husband equals many, many dishes and utensils. To add to the inconvenience of this, we live on the 18th floor of a high-rise condominium.  In order to dump these containers took a dolly and manpower. After going to all this trouble, I finally called Maintenance up.  He took one look under my sink and said, “The disposal works better plugged in!” Are you kidding me? It was that simple? Imagine the trouble I could have saved myself if I had just known to plug it in.

It’s like that in our spiritual life, as well. Can you imagine the pain and heartache we could have saved ourselves from, if only we had just stayed plugged in to Him. His power is ours if we just stay connected to Him.  Believing in Him is not enough to get rid of our hurts, habits and hang-ups.

For me it wasn’t enough to keep me from taking that bottle of painkillers or taking that drink or running headfirst into an eating disorder.  I was saved, but I wasn’t satisfied; and salvation without satisfaction is a stronghold just waiting to happen. To be satisfied with God, we must really get to know Him, to read His word, and stay connected to Him. He gives us all we need to live this life that He has given us. John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” Again, we have to come to the end of ourselves and allow Him to do the very thing we cannot do alone. Truly that means anything. I love John Baker’s statement about how when we stop trying to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, that we’ll find Christ will stand us up on our feet!

Now that we believe, we must receive! Believe He is who He says He is, and then cry out to Him for help. Tell Him what He already knows. He just wants to hear you say it. A simple yet extremely difficult four letter word—HELP!!! He will come to your rescue, but you must be ready for change.

Ever heard the saying that God loves you just for you, but too much to leave you that way? It’s so true. Change is hard; change is scary; but change is good when we serve a good God. We must pray for the willingness to change and His answer will always be “Yes, child! Here is the willingness you asked for and the need for my power!  Here’s the plug…just use it.” Philippians 2:13 says, “It is God Who is at work within you, giving you the will and the power to achieve His purpose”. The first choice we talked about was admitting we needed Him.  The second choice—the Hope choice—is getting the help we need. What freedom we will find from our pain! We can breathe again, right?

Remember His promise? Oh how I do love this verse! “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze” (Isaiah 43:2). Whatever you are dealing with today, please know that He wants to take it from you. He is able, and more than willing, to help you change whatever needs changing. His power is readily available to you. You just have to say the words, “Help me, Jesus!  I cannot do this on my own!”

Let’s Pray:

Dear God,  we praise You today for the loving God that You are. Your patience with us and Your love for us is beyond our comprehension and so undeserved. Please help those today who need to lay some things down at Your feet to have the willingness to ask and the power to change. And for those that aren’t quite ready, again I ask for Your loving arms to protect them and keep them safe until they are. Thank You for this freedom from addiction and our own human nature. Keep us connected to You so that we may be Your hands and feet to others. We love You, and thank You for giving us Your Spirit. For it’s in Your Son’s Precious Name I pray, Amen.

Your Assignment:

In what area of your life could you use God’s triple power surge and how? Remember, comments made here are public. You do have the option of signing in anonymously.

If you are interested in joining us for the online Bible study, click HERE.
Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you would like to send a private message to Kim in regards to this blog, please email her at

GCH:decaf – Friends are IMPORTANT! and so is FAMILY

We have been having a most AWESOME time getting to know each other these last three months.  We began our Teen Ministry with the hopes that we would be able to reach young women all over the world with the love of God and for them to see how much they are worth to the Father.  In the process, we got to know many new hearts and smiles.

Yesterday Diane shared with us about her friend, Jesus.  How many of you truly think of Jesus as a friend?  Does He have a place in your heart like your best friend does?  When bad stuff happens to you, who do you run to?  Is Jesus first, or do you go to a friend, or a parent?  Sometimes Jesus is the LAST person we go to – and only because we couldn’t figure it out on our own.  That’s not cool.  That is not how Jesus wants us to think of Him.  How long would we have a best friend if we only talked to them when we were bored or in danger?  Not long, I think.  Friends need to be cared for even when things are fun and good.

It is a FACT that bad things will happen in our lives.  It is a FACT that we need other people to walk along side of us for support.  It is a FACT that Jesus wants to be that person that we go to FIRST…even before our friends or our parents.

Through this teen ministry of GCH:Decaf I have met some pretty amazing women, teens and friends.  We have been introducing you to some of the girls that responded to our interview questions.  Today, I would like to introduce you to a pair of sisters who I met while doing the first study and preparing for things to come.  It is truly amazing how God works miracles in our hearts and lives when bad things happen to us.  Some things girls go through are just too awful to survive, let alone use that terrible thing as a ministry opportunity.

These sisters reminded me of the scripture in Psalms 34:18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”   Through our online study group I met Trinicia and Carlia.  They answered my interview questions very honestly, just like the other girls did.  I love these girls so very much that I want to get to know them in person.  I want to watch their ministry unfold as they walk out the path God has laid before them.  The events in older sister’s life affected the life of the younger sister.  That is the way we were designed to be.  We bear each other’s burdens and joys.  I love that they are sisters and support each other.  I love that they have a heart for God.  Here is their story:

CarliaI first want to introduce you to Carlia.  She is 13 years old and lives in Memphis, Tennessee.  She likes the group One Direction (much like many of our girls here at :decaf) and this girls LOVES LeCrae.  I have to say that I am loving me some LeCrae myself these days.  I got a new CD for Christmas.  J  Her favorite movie is “Home is Where the Heart Is” and her favorite TV show is House of Payne.  By these choices alone you can tell Carlia values “home”.

 Carlia loves to dress eccentrically and to do that she needs to SHOP with her friends. When asked about food, she responded that all things “Rafferty’s” was her fave.  I have eaten at a Rafferty’s and I would have to agree that they have good food.

 Now here is the answer to the question:  What is one thing that changed your life?

“The day my oldest sister told my Mom that my dad had been touching her in a bad way.  It was hard because that was my dad and he was a part of me, but so was my sister and she was a girl, so I could feel what she was saying and it was hard for me to deal with.  It still is sometimes.  It did bring us closer as a family and it has made all of us stronger and more protective of each other.  I love her!”

Carlia loves her big sister, Trinicia.  God truly came close to these brokenhearted sisters, daughters and friends.  He has begun to heal the wounds that have crushed their spirits and out of these precious hearts, a ministry has been born.


Let me introduce you to 19 year old, Miss Trinicia.  She goes to college in Nashville, Tennessee.  Her favorite singer is Beyonce and her favorite Christian artist is also LeCrae.  Oh, yeah, and he is CUTE, too.  Trinicia said that Disney’s Pete’s Dragon is her all-time favorite movie and she likes to watch Criminal Minds and Cold Case on TV.  Don’t mess with her, she’s analytical.  LOL  Trinicia likes to be casually dressy.   She sounds pretty classy to me.  Her favorite thing to do with friends is go out to eat and her favorite is Chinese food.

 So here’s the kicker for me; when Trinicia was asked about one thing that changed her life she responded:  “Meeting my best friend Devin at a time when I had to disclose to my mom that my stepdad… had been molesting me and raped me.  God has used that horrible time in my life to help other girls and women get through such a horrific moment in their life.  God has really given me a ministry!  He has used something bad and is using it for His good!”

Trinicia could have said that the action was the thing that changed her life, but what really changed her was the friendship of Devin who stood by her when she needed support to talk to her mom.  Do bad things happen to good people?  Absolutely.  Is it fair?  I don’t think so, but life isn’t fair.  The thing that matters is how Trinicia responded to the bad thing that happened in her life.  She gave it over to God to use as He saw fit and now Trinicia has a ministry helping other girls and women recover from these crushing blows of life.

Did you notice that not only did the bad stuff affect Trinicia, it affected Carlia?  Did you notice that Carlia said that their family is “closer” now than before they found out about the “bad stuff”?  How can that be?  I can understand how these sisters were reluctant to join us in our study “A Daughter’s Worth”, but getting to know them I see that they know the Father loves them and they return that love.  They have turned their pain into ministry to others who are hurting.  I truly love these young ladies.

In Matthew 22:37 it says, “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’”  That verse sums up what we were trying to learn in our last Bible study.  We want to seek God with everything in us, make HIM a part of us that we cannot live without.  We would be lost without our HEART, our SOUL or our MIND.  Make it a point to get to know Jesus this year like Trinicia and Carlia have.  Make 2013 the year you become a true FOLLOWER of Jesus!

I love all my girls,

Mama T


 If you are interested in sending a private message to Teresa in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Crazy Love – Week 2 / Chapter 2: “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” Reading Assignment


We made it through week one! And what a week it was! There is so much to dig through in this book! This week’s chapter will really get your wheels turning and make you think about how you are spending the time you have on this Earth. So, let’s get right to it!


Chapter 2: “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” Reading Assignment

Monday: Chapter 2 “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” pgs. 39-40 (Megan)

Tuesday: Chapter 2 “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” pgs. 40-45 (Justified Stress) (Martha)

Wednesday: Chapter 2 “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” pgs. 45-47 (Thank God We Are Weak/Are You Ready) (Donna)

Thursday: Chapter 2 “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” pgs. 47-51 (Brooke’s story through end of chapter) (Jennifer)

Friday: Chapter 2 “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” Weekly Review and Chapter 2 Study Video from YouTube (Megan)

Lord, we come before You this Lord’s Day and ask that You prepare our hearts and our minds as we read the next chapter in our study. Convict us where we need convicting; teach us where we need teaching; guide us where we need guiding. Father, show us how to live our lives here on Earth to the fullest, following your lead, and doing Your will. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen!

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up.

Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at:


Crazy Love – Week 1/ Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” Weekly Review


Can you believe the first week of the incredible study is coming to a close? I am in shock! What an awesome week! Not only have the blogs been amazing, but I have enjoyed reading all of your comments and insight so much! God is so good! Please join me as I take a brief look back on week one…

Monday you and I were urged to stop praying and start exploring how we are coming to God in our quiet time. Mr. Chan asked us to take some time to dig deep and really take a look at our posture as we come into the presence of Our Lord and Savior.

Martha took a deeper look at God’s vast creation with all of us on Tuesday and she also had us think back about our relationship with our earthly father. We were asked to meditate on God’s greatness and wonder.

Donna took us on quite a journey on Wednesday as we explored the many attributes of God. We were asked to take a look at what holds us back from acknowledging God for who He is.

On Thursday, Jennifer worked through with us how so many aspects of God are bigger than anything we can even comprehend. We read about Isaiah and John and we were urged to again to be quiet and still before our Creator as we focus on His greatness in awe.

Francis Chan has a video for you as we complete chapter 1. I would love for you to watch it now….

In this video, Mr. Chan talks about asking God to create something new for you… not to repeat great quiet times you have had with Him in the past but a NEW awesome time with Him and in His presence! A new fire… a new passion! Let’s take a hard, real look at our prayer life where it maybe has become routine and breathe new life into it TODAY!

Let’s Pray….

Lord, thank You for all of the wonderful insight given to us this week about our prayer time with You. Thank You for so faithfully meeting us right where we are, and Father we thank You for breathing new life into our souls today! Help us to be contagious, spreading your light to all the lives we interact with today and may our passion for You be evident to every life we touch. We love You in a crazy way, Father, and we ask You to keep stoking this fire that is growing within. We crave to be forever changed by You and Your Word. In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, Amen <3

Your Assignment:

Remember yesterday when Jennifer asked you to really think about what the first words out of your mouth would be when you are in the presence of God…. if you literally saw Him right in front of you?  You KNOW it is TIME to fall CRAZY in love with God, ladies……. How will you NOW incorporate THIS new posture and language into your prayer time with God? Leave me some comments below all about it!


Megan 🙂


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Megan in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” pgs. 29-34

I love what Francis Chan says on page 29 of our study today: “Most of us know that we are supposed to love God; that we are supposed to read our Bibles and pray so that we can get to know Him better; that we are supposed to worship Him with our lives. But actually living it out is a challenge.” I was so blessed when I read that! To actually have that said, out loud, was a relief to me, because some days it IS a challenge. Life just seems to get in the way:  husband, kids, school, job, dishes, just everyday life. Hard things we can’t understand too, like divorce, betrayal, death. Wow! Those things pull us away from reading, praying and worshiping. That “amnesia” flares up and we forget!

Let’s go over the defining attributes of God that Francis Chan pointed out to us in this section.

God is Holy: In Exodus 3:14 we read: “God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am’.” No one can change that. And yet it is so hard to fathom! So, in other words, He is everything. He is our all. We just can’t brag on Him enough because He IS all that and even more!

God is Eternal: Francis points out that we would probably all agree to this, and yet we don’t really comprehend it because we are limited to time, beginnings and endings. God has always been and always will be. Psalm 102:12,17 says “But you, O Lord, sit enthroned forever, your renown endures through all generations….. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.” We, however, are here only for a short time.

God is All-Knowing: YES in the deepest part of me that I hide from everyone else, God knows me! Hebrews 4:13 says “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.” That is sobering. I like that “He doesn’t have to know us so well, but He chooses to.” In spite of my sinfulness. So why do we question? Do we know more than the One who created us? He sees the whole picture from beginning to end. He is not obligated to explain Himself, we just need to trust Him.

God is All-Powerful: Psalm 115:3 says: “Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever pleases Him.” If He wanted He could destroy us in a second. He could create a whole new world and not even blink an eye. And He can take care of every little thing we have on our plates if we yield it to Him.

God is Fair and Just: One definition Of justice, Francis tell us, is reward and/or penalty as deserved.  God never excuses sin. We must let God decide and mete out justice and judge what is fair. He is always consistent. And thank God He does it!  I don’t want that responsibility!  As Francis Chan says, When you get your own universe you can make your own standards.

Let’s put it all into perspective as much as I can: When life gets in the way, when the hard times come, when we struggle sometimes to just keep it together – remember God. Don’t let the amnesia take over or you will miss out.

God is Holy and you can’t change that. Even if you think He’s far away, He’s not. And He is working it out for us.

Because He is eternal, He is not limited by anything.

Because He is all-knowing He sees us and knows the deepest parts of us that we keep hidden from everyone else. He knows your doubt and your lack of faith. He chooses to know us well.

Because He is all-powerful He’s got it under His control; we need not question, we just need to trust.

Because He is just and fair He has to punish sin. But because He loved us, chose to know us, and is concerned for us, He made a way. He sent His son to be spit on, laughed at, beaten and killed to pay the penalty of our sin that we could know Him.

Because He is GOD He knew it was the only way.

He loves you – worship, praise and adore this God who is our Father and loved us that much.

When you can’t see His hand, trust His heart.


Let’s pray:

Father we are so humbled that You love us. We thank You that you have all of these attributes that we can count on. Help us to trust You. To keep in perspective that You are GOD. Let us not forget to worship and pray and adore You. Be with every woman today reading this. Pour Your love out over them and let them bask in your Holiness. In Jesus name we pray-Amen

Your assignment:

Name some of the things that hold us back from acknowledging God for who He is? What steps can you take to not let the amnesia set in and live a full life in Christ? Then let us pray over these for you and bless you.

In Christ,


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Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” (pgs. 25-26)


Were you shocked by Mr. Chan’s 1st chapter title…. STOP PRAYING?

I think it is one majorly BOLD statement….. so you KNOW I love it! 😉

I pray with all my heart that it made you stop for a minute or two in order to fully understand why THAT would be the first thing he would ask you to do.

The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing,” but Francis wants us to STOP praying. So what does he mean??? Well….

For some of us, our relationship with God has turned into only coming into His presence when we have a grocery list of demands from Him. Ouch. Now is a good time for a heart check and really understand the place we are in with our relationship with Him. Are we just wanting to take and take and take but not give Him our time and devotion in return?

I urge you to stay with this thought for a little while today and really dig deep into your heart and soul to see what your heart condition is like as we begin this journey to be OVERWHELMED by our relentless God.

Francis Chan asks us to view this video from his website. If you haven’t been able to view it yet, please do so now…

Our God is sooooo big! This presentation is certainly overwhelming and awe-inspiring! I know that I have been through seasons where I have been so boastful as I have come to the Lord…. full of “me me me” talk and so conceited in my language to our Creator. If that sounds like you today, please repent and quickly make this right. Your heart condition is so important and we all need this reminder now and then…….

We are here to serve God…. He is not here to serve us. He loves us and truly wants us all to have the desires of our hearts, but we need to strive to want those desires to line up with His. The more we grow closer in our relationship WITH Him, the more our will and His will fall in line together. So awesome! What an incredible promise from our Lord and Savior!

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning asking for forgiveness if we have come to You in any way at all except full or awe and adoration. Search our hearts today, Father, and help us to see where we need Your supernatural cleansing in our souls. Help bind any condemning thoughts but give us a strength in our spirit that can only come from You to know that we will be changed from this day forward. We love You, Lord, and we thank You for bringing us together for this study. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen <3

Your Assignment:

In the grand scheme of life, you ARE insignificant…… but to God, you are EVERYTHING and you are VITAL to fulfilling His purposes on this earth. Let’s begin today exploring in a deep way HOW we really are coming to God. Is it with humility or entitlement? Are we BOLD or timid? Is it with adoration and thanksgiving or pride? Please share your thoughts with us in a comment or two here on our blog…


Megan 🙂


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to send Megan an email in regards to this blog, please send it to: