February 22, 2025

He Still Speaks to Us


Then Moses said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up there.”
Exodus 33:15

In one translation (TLB), the verse actually says, “For Moses had said, “If you aren’t going with us, don’t let us move a step from this place.”  Moses had a great relationship with God. In fact, the Bible says that He would speak to Moses ‘face to face’.  Moses did not actually see God’s face, but He and Moses were extremely intimate.  They spent a lot of time with each other, like real good friends.  Exodus 33:11, “The Lord would speak to Moses…as a man speaks with His friend.”

I am sure that Moses had the utmost respect for God.  I’m sure that Moses didn’t talk to God like we talk to each other.  Yet it says that God was speaking like a friend.

Do you know that He still does that today? And let me ask you this: Are you so in love with Him that you don’t want to take a step without God?  {I am.}  Every morning I ask God to go  before me.  To go to the store before Me and guide my every move.  I need His Presence. For in His Presence there is peace and hope and love and joy!  And the list goes on….

God still makes promises to us today, just as He did to Moses. God also sent mighty angels to go before Moses and the Israelites and show them the way to the place that God had promised them—the Promised Land.  God promised Moses that He would succeed.  Moses wanted more of God.  See, Moses didn’t just want the victories that God was giving Him.  He wanted God more than anything.  To me, this is a challenge for all of us today.

See, sometimes, we focus on what God can do for us instead of what we can do for Him and how much we love Him.  Instead, we should want more of Him and His closeness.  Would you give up those victories for communion with Him?  Think about that for a minute….  I would trade it all for the relationship and the talks we have and the closeness I feel with Him.  He is our Creator and He is our everything.

Do you know Him?  Or perhaps have you moved away from Him and are having a hard time finding your way back?  Let me guide you today in a prayer that will change your life forever.

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Dear Heavenly Father, I know I am a sinner.  I know that I need forgiveness. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for me and for taking my sins away.  I know that I will live in eternity with You.  Help me to open my ears and eyes to more of You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you prayed that prayer with us today, will you let us know in the comment section?  We would be honored to pray with you and for you; and answer any questions you may have!