March 31, 2025

My Beloved


You’re My beloved, you’re My bride
To sing over you is My delight
Come away with Me My love

Under My mercy come and wait
Till we are standing face to face
I see no stain on you My child

You’re beautiful to Me
So beautiful to Me

I sing over you My song of peace
Cast all your care down at My feet
Come and find your rest in Me

I’ll breathe My life inside of you
I’ll bear you up on eagle’s wings
And hide you in the shadow of My strength

I’ll take you to My quiet waters
I’ll restore your soul
Come rest in Me and be made whole

 Singer/Songwriter: Kari Jobe along with Klaus Kuehn

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Have you ever been to a wedding?  The way the groom looks at his bride is beautiful…almost like he is seeing her for the first time, and she is his. She has left her old life behind and is now stepping into a new one with him forever. A ring is given, a circle with no beginning and no end.

God has no beginning and no end.  Did you know that He looks at you just like the groom looks at his bride?  With so much love and affection…unconditional and forever.  Jesus is the Bridegroom and we are the Bride.  When we accept Him into our lives, we leave our old life behind and take His hand and walk with Him into a new life forever.  He is beautiful and so is the life He will give us.

He takes all our worries and cares and bears them for us.  Nothing is too much for Him.  He says to us,

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:26

He rejoices over us with singing,
Zephaniah 3:17

We are His beloved and He is ours. This is truly a beautiful love story.

He doesn’t see our sin anymore for we have been forgiven.  Psalms 23: 2 says,”He makes me to lie down in green pasture; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His names sake.” Oh, the places He leads us. Peaceful, beautiful places where we are washed clean by His blood and free.  We are living a life of abundance and blessings fall down like rain.  Don’t you want to come with Him?

As you listen to this song, just imagine being with your Savior.  Picture yourself in His arms safe from everything.  Peace is yours because He has already won the battle.  And today, remember that you are His and He loves you!

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Let us pray: Dear God, You are worthy to be praised.  Thank You for loving us so much and for taking our lives and making them so beautiful.  You really do rejoice over each one of us.  You love each one of us and nothing we can do will make You love us less.  We are forgiven and free.  Be with the ones who don’t know You yet or who haven’t given their lives completely to You.  Gently nudge them and bring them to You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.