Over the past 20 years in the fitness industry, I have seen so many who start out with good intentions to exercise and eat healthy, but quickly throw in the towel when it seems to be too much. If that sounds familiar, have you ever felt:
- Overwhelmed because it feels impossible to work for your schedule?
- Frustrated because you cannot maintain a healthy weight when things get too busy?
- A lack of confidence in making the right food choices because you follow a prescribed “diet”?
- Unclear of HOW to take the knowledge you have and actually do it?
- A lack of peace and balance because this one area of your life is affecting so many other areas?
If you ever felt that way, I would like to share three mistakes to avoid which can lead to a consistent program and give you results. This week, we will focus on:
Setting Unrealistic Goals and Expectations
It is too much of a shock on your body and lifestyle to go from no exercise to attempting to exercise 5-7 days a week; nor is it realistic to try and change everything in diet.
Before writing an exercise plan for my clients, we look at their schedule to assess what type, intensity, and duration would be best for them to meet their fitness goals as well as accommodate their lifestyle. Do you evaluate your goals and plan to assess if they are realistic and doable for your schedule as opposed to setting out to exercise with no rhyme or reason? For example, you may have been able to work out at the gym every day at one time in your life, but now it is more realistic to exercise at home 3 days a week. With the appropriate type and intensity, you can still get results.
Instead of trying to eliminate everything you think is unhealthy from your diet all at one time, consider making minor changes that are doable and will build your confidence to continue. Small changes may look like:
- adding 2 servings of fruits and vegetables a day,
- preparing a healthy lunch to take to work instead of eating out,
- cutting out just one unhealthy choice
Be realistic and avoid this mistake in your exercise and eating program by setting realistic expectations that fit into your schedule. You will see that you can have CONTINUOUS success.
This week, I challenge to you think about how you can set realistic expectations for yourself. Next week, I will share the 2nd mistake to avoid to have a consistent program.
In Good Health,