February 22, 2025

Mercy Seat


In the darkness, where everything is unknown
I faced the power of sin on my own
I did not know of a place I could go
Where I could find a way to heal my wounded soul
He said that I could come into His Presence without fear
Into the Holy Place where His mercy hovers near

I’m runnin’, I’m runnin’, I’m runnin’ to the Mercy Seat
Where Jesus is calling, He said His grace would cover me
His blood will flow freely, it will provide the healing
I’m runnin’ to the Mercy Seat, I’m runnin’ to the Mercy Seat

Are you living where hope has not been
You’re lost in the curse of a lifetime of sin
Well, underneath the illusions, they never come true
I know where there’s a place of mercy for you
He said that you could come into His Presence without fear
Into the Holy Place where His mercy hovers near

Come runnin’, come runnin’, come runnin’ to the mercy seat
Where Jesus is calling, He said His grace would cover me
His blood will flow freely, It will provide the healing
Come runnin’ to the Mercy Seat, come runnin’ to the Mercy Seat
He said that you could come into His Presence without fear
Into the Holy Place where His mercy hovers near

Come runnin’ to the Mercy Seat
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy on me

I know Your grace is greater than my sin!
You said that Your grace would cover me
Your blood would flow freely it will provide the healing
I’m runnin’, I’m runnin’, I’m runnin’ to the Mercy Seat
Where Jesus is calling, He said that His grace would cover me
His blood will flow freely, it will provide my healing
I’m runnin’, come runnin’, come runnin’ to the Mercy Seat

~  Listen while you read!  ~

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What a great question to ask ourselves today: ‘Are you living where hope has not been?  Are you lost in the curse of a lifetime of sin?  Underneath the illusions, they never came true.’  I KNOW where there is a place of mercy for you…. Sisters, I KNOW this to be the Truth in my own life.

The definition of the word illusion is “…a thing that is, or is likely to be, wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.”  It is the lie that is believed.  A lie I once believed that there was NO hope for my past choices…until I discovered the Truth!!  Are you believing the lie?  The lie that there is no hope for you??   As Proverbs 13 :12 tells us “Hope deferred makes the heart sick….”  Sisters, let me assure you there is ALWAYS, ALWAYS HOPE in JESUS!!!  His grace is greater than my sin!

Sisters, come running to the Mercy Seat where Jesus is calling.  His Blood has provided for your and my healing.

He went once for all into the [Holy of] Holies [of heaven],
not by virtue of the blood of goats and calves
[by which to make reconciliation between God and man],
but His own blood, having found and secured
a complete redemption (an everlasting release for us).
Hebrews 9:12 AMP

I love Matthew Henry’s commentary on Hebrews 9:15-22.

The solemn transactions between God and man, are sometimes called a covenant, here a testament, which is a willing deed of a person, bestowing legacies on such persons as are described, and it only takes effect upon his death. Thus Christ died, not only to obtain the blessings of salvation for us, but to give power to the disposal of them. All, by sin, were become guilty before God, had forfeited every thing that is good; but God, willing to show the greatness of his mercy, proclaimed a covenant of grace. Nothing could be clean to a sinner, not even his religious duties; except as his guilt was done away by the death of a sacrifice, of value sufficient for that end, and unless he continually depended upon it. May we ascribe all real good works to the same all-procuring cause, and offer our spiritual sacrifices as sprinkled with Christ’s blood, and so purified from their defilement.

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Heavenly Father, I pray for each and every woman reading this blog that they would not believe the lie that there is no hope for their situation.  But, instead, receive the Truth that there is ALWAYS Hope in You!!!  Thank You for the blood sacrifice so that we may obtain grace and healing.  In Jesus’ name! AMEN!!!