February 22, 2025

Be Humble


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 5—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’   Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the meek (those who are humble) for they will inherit the earth. 
Matthew 5:5

The meek are those who are humble and submissive before God.  They are more concerned about God’s Word and God’s people than about what might happen to them personally.  The meek, rather than the aggressors, ultimately inherit the earth.

But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.
Psalm 37:11

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4

Humility is a selfless regard for the needs and desires of others over your own, and maybe even at the expense of your own.  It is first and foremost looking at others as more important, more worthy, and more significant than yourself.  Instead of saying “I deserve this,” say “Why should I deserve this more than someone else?”  Paul continues on in Philippians 2 to put Jesus forward as the ultimate example of humility and selfless sacrifice.

This attitude doesn’t mean we never try to achieve goals, or advance in the world.  I believe God blesses people with material advancement so that they can be a blessing to others.  Wealthy Christians and successful Christian businesses are in a position to use their wealth and resources for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, and the nurture and encouragement of the Church.  So humility doesn’t mean “not getting on in the world,” but it dictates how we get on—not at the expense of others.  And, of course, our humility must always be in the context of our relationship with God.  We must always humbly recognize God’s ways as superior to ours, and accept our place in God’s decrees.

Another underlying meaning for humble is “the oppressed”—i.e., those who have been humbled.  In this sense, this beatitude mirrors the first (verse 3): the poor in spirit receive the Kingdom of heaven…the humble (or humbled) inherit the earth.  God promised Abraham that he and his children would be heirs of the world through faith (see Romans 4:13), and clearly God had a greater plan than merely the spread of His people over a piece of land. Rather it is the spread of the gospel amongst every tribe, tongue, and nation, where countless numbers of people will receive an eternal inheritance unconstrained by national boundaries.

Think of it in this way: those who humble themselves before God and embrace the gospel…who then consider others more important than themselves…show their willingness to become servants in obedience to the gospel…will become co-inheritors with Christ of eternal life and the Kingdom of heaven.  Does that include you?

Father, we thank You for the right Word at the right time.  Make this Word be alive in our hearts.  Make us conscious of our weaknesses and quick to give credit to You, Father, and others for what we accomplish.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Blessed Are They — Matthew 5:3


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 6—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’  Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. 
Matthew 5:3

~ Songwriter: David Haas / Accompanist: Jon Sarta / Vocalist: Janet Flores ~

Fully Dependent on God

SeekingHimLogoWe have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 6—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’  Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:3

In the same sense that we can be rich in many areas—money, family, friends, love, etc.—we can also be poor in other areas of our life aside from finances.  I think for people who strive for excellence, the terms poor and weak are not words we take lightly or accept willingly.  When in reality they are not as negative as we think. When we are poor in spirit we are fully dependent on God.  Now this doesn’t mean that we need to be at the lowest place in our life or depressed or unhappy but it does mean that we acknowledge that without God we have nothing.

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities,
that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

When we say we’re weak, it doesn’t mean that we can’t handle where our lives may be or that we can’t deal with what we currently have on our plate.  What it does mean is that we are able to acknowledge that without God…we have no strength; because He is our strength, and in our weakness and dependence on Him…His strength prevails.

How wonderful is it to know and accept that we can be weak?  That we can be poor and still be covered by His love?  That we can be these things and be carried by our Heavenly Father?  That we don’t have to worry about our own strength and love carrying us through life because His strength and His love are far more than we need.

Let’s Pray:  Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to accept our weakness, our poor spirits, because when we accept these, Lord, we embrace Your Strength instead of trying to grow our own.  And when we accept Your rich love, instead of our own, we will experience a freedom like no other.  Thank You Lord for Your loving strength.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Be Like Children


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 6—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’  Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:3

My daughter is full of spirit.  Nattie is a pistol.  She chases after lights during cosmic bowling.  She jumps on the trampoline.  She jabbers at 90 miles a minute.  I can understand her almost 80% of the time.  She runs around the house like she is running a race.  Plus, she has a temper to match.  Needless to say, at the age of three, my Nattie Grace is a very spirited child.  But, like all children, she still needs me, and she knows how to get my attention.  She grabs my hand and pulls me to where she wants me, or she tells me to stop what I am doing because she wants something.

Yet, remembering that she is only three, I also know that she is poor in spirit because she does not have the ability to understand who Jesus Christ is.  As children of God, we should be like our own children—looking to God like children do their parents.

“Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said.
“Don’t forbid them, because the Kingdom of Heaven
belongs to people like these children.”
Matthew 19:14

As the children of God, we should also act like children looking for the love and protection of their heavenly Father.  We should humble ourselves before the Lord and seek Him as a child does their parents.  We are instructed to act as children seeking their father.  This is because that is what we were created to do.  We were created to be the children of God and to continually seek His Presence.

If we become like children and constantly seek God, we will be rewarded as the children of God.  We will live in the Kingdom of Heaven with God for eternity.  We must humble ourselves and tear ourselves from earthly desires.  As the children of God, we should constantly be seeking Him, His riches, and His glory.

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Dear Heavenly Father:  As we enter the season of Easter, please help us remember that Jesus died for us so we could be like children and constantly seek You.  Thank You for the sacrifice.  It is with this sacrifice that we can live with hope to see You.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Poor In Spirit


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 6—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’  Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:3

Jesus was teaching the lost on the side of a hill.  As He was speaking all kinds of people surrounded Him—rich, poor, healthy, sick, loved, hated.  His teaching was for all who would seek Him and His Father.

In researching and thinking about what “poor in spirit” is, I came acoss a study which stated,

“Being ‘poor in Spirit’ is to have a humble and broken/contrite heart
that constantly seeks help and forgiveness
from God for their very existence.”
(Biblesco: Free Inductive Bible Study Lessons)

From the beginning of time, God has wanted a unique relationship with His people. When the people of Israel kept refusing to follow God’s leading, He would bring punishments upon them.  Sometimes these were very painful and then He would show mercy.  The people would repent and turn back to Him for a period of time but would fall back into the old familiar patterns of behavior.

Then God decided it was right for His Son Jesus to come and live among us for a period of time.  The life Jesus lived among us was fantastic.  He obeyed His earthly parents, His Heavenly Father, and learned at the feet of His local teachers.  When it was time for Jesus to begin His ministry, He sought to give it to the Jewish people.  The Pharisees and Saducees had hardened hearts and rejected God’s truth, but Jesus did not stop sharing.  They were more about revenge and keeping rules than in showing grace and mercy toward others.  These people had long since forgotten what it was like to have a ‘humble, contrite heart’.

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As we prepare our hearts for the Easter season let us try to remember the sacrifice He made for us.  Let us remember to be humble and obedient to God’s word and leading of the Holy Spirit.  He will honor us when we honor Him and His Son.

God’s Help Is Needed


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 6—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’  Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:3

Have you ever gotten to where you knew that only God could help you?  If you haven’t, you should.  Even when you are dealing with a tragedy or crisis, realizing your need for God’s help is a good thing!  For you know that nothing or no one else can step in and save the day—no one, that is, except Jesus!  Many tears have fallen when pride has had to be broken.  Then, the help that God brings shines brightly amidst the dark clouds of despair that have wanted to hover in life’s most difficult seasons.  God’s help always matters and always makes a difference!  Do you realize you can’t do life well without Him?  Life is always better with Jesus!  Not only will you have the wonderful Presence of God walking with you daily in whatever you may encounter, but He will bless you and promises you the Kingdom of Heaven, if you are “poor in spirit” (recognizing your need for God’s help).

So, what are you waiting for?  He is waiting for you.  Simply ask for His help.  I cannot understand why anyone would not.  If pride is standing in your way, ask God to help you trample on it!

Within every heart there should be a sense of needing God’s help.  I look at my own life. My every day should be in His Hands to guide me.  Without God’s Presence and help, my days would not have meaning for this life or the life to come.  I have no problem admitting that I need God’s help daily.  And each day I seek Him in prayer.  That is where I verbally express my dependency on Him and where my relationship with Him grows.  The Bible, God’s written Word, should not be far from my reach at some point on any given day either.  From His Word, I receive His help through reading: His commands, His promises, and of stories of how others lived life with God reigning and about those who lived without Him as Lord and did not call out to God for help.  The problem is always the same: everyone needed God’s help!  The difference is that some chose it and some did not.  The choice is easy for me: I need God’s help!  I will tell the whole world in hopes that they will see that they need His help, too, and that they need a Savior!

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Dear Lord, I praise You for being the wonderful loving and caring God that You are.  I don’t know what everyone who reads this prayer is presently going through…but You do.  Please let them see that You can help them with their trials and the circumstances that come their way.  If they don’t already know You as Savior, please let that be the most important decision they make before they go any further.  I hope they ask for forgiveness of sins and, then make You Savior, King, and Lord by allowing You to transform their lives as they live their lives focused on You and desire to bring You glory.  In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Life’s Healing Choices – Chapter 1 Review

I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable.  “Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor.”

Matthew 5:3

Wow!!   Ouch!!  Yikes!!  Ugh!!  And many other exclamations of dread, fear, sadness, frustration, pain, weak, I can’t.   All of those we have thought of and even said throughout this week.  Having gone through this study before, let me assure you – this is the hardest week.  Actually having to sit back and begin thinking of the hurts, habits or hang-ups we have endured is difficult.  But also, let me say – admitting that we are weak and He is strong will bring a freedom to your life that will be worth every moment of this study.   

Day 1: We talked about our tendency to do wrong – even when we don’t really want to.  What do we do when we realize our lives have become unmanageable? We put on a mask – after all, no one will really know, right? We control our image, others and our problems.  “I can handle it.” Wrong!! That didn’t work so what do we turn to? We become superhuman and believe we can fix it all by ourselves – only to find out that our issues just get worse.  I loved the part in the book that had us visualize God saying, “Hi, I’m God and you’re not.”  We need to get to the point where we realize He is God and we are not.  Say to yourself, I am not God, I need God.  The God that made the universe and everything within it, He sees all, knows all and heals all.  We simply have to admit and ask. 

Day 2: Once we realized our issues were controlling our lives we discussed the consequences to these issues.  Many of us said we identified with more than one of the f’s: fear, frustration, fatigue and failure.  They all really fall one after the other, don’t you think?  We are fearful that someone will find out who we really are which is frustrating. Then I don’t know about you, but all of the games I played and trying to keep my “secret life”  secret was extremely tiring.  Then when I realized I could not control things anymore, I felt as a failure.  It is a vicious cycle.  One we all need to jump off of.  You need to ask yourself are you going to let your past fears, frustrations, fatigue or failures to determine your future?  Or are you going to turn them over to the One who can heal.

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  

Philippians 3:13-14

Day 3:  Wow, I don’t know about you but sometimes when I look at finding the cure for “ME,” it stands right up there with finding a needle in a haystack.  “We have to take that first step to freedom and admit we are powerless over EVERYTHING ……I can’t, He can, I think I’ll let Him.”  Love this saying and have said it since Kim wrote in her blog. Simple, isn’t it?  We make it so hard – He really wants for us to admit our hurt, habit or hang-up, humbly come to Him and allow Him to manage our life.  This week we have learned that we are powerless of our past, we cannot control others and have you really been good at coping with your hurts, habits or hang-ups?  I know I have not. 

When I was in Celebrate Recovery after leaving the gay lifestyle behind, one of the first images I got was that of laying down that life and moving into being recovered by Christ.  Imagine when you have an old couch or chair, you recover it.  The dirty, tattered and torn is gone and replaced by a beautiful, fresh and new piece.  That is what God will do.  When we admit we cannot control our tendency to do the wrong thing and truly ask Him to manage our lives, He will give us that beautiful, fresh and new start.  We no longer have to look in the mirror and see a dirty, tattered and torn image – but we can see the image of Christ in us, a reflection of Him!! We move out of recovery into VICTORY!! What a joy to receive His healing

I hope you will enjoy this song by Michael W. Smith   






Let’s Pray:

Father, I come to You today and stand with every woman who has made the decision to take this study.  Father, we know there are areas in our lives that we need to surrender to You. We have made the decision to lay down our control and ask You to manage our lives. Heal our hurts, help us to walk away from those past issues.  Lord, as we continue this weekend in preparation to learn about Your hope, fill us with Your love, let Your healing rain wash over our lives.  You are an amazing God and we love You.  We give all the glory and honor to You. In Jesus Name, Amen.


How do you think admitting you are powerless will help you?  Share one of the statements or areas in the book or blog that helped you through this week. 

If you are interested in joining us for this Online Bible Study, and becoming a member of our online discussion group, please click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, we will email you further details.

If you would like to send a private message to Laurie in regards to this blog, please email her at: Laurie@girlfriendscoffeehour.com