January 22, 2025

Mary’s Little Boy Child


Long time ago in Bethlehem
So the Holy Bible say
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ
Was born on Christmas day

Hark now–hear the angels sing
A new king born today
And man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day
Trumpets sound and angels sing
Listen what they say
That man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day

While shepherds watch their flock by night
They see a bright new shining star
Then hear a choir sing
The music seemed to come from afar

Now Joseph and his wife Mary
Come to Bethlehem that night
Then find no place to born the Child
Not a single room was in sight

By and by they find a little nook
In a stable all forlorn
And in a manger cold and dark
Mary’s little Boy was born

 Songwriter: Jester Hairston ~ Singer: Mandisa

*   ♥  ~  ✝  ~  ★    *

This song really makes me think about things from Mary’s perspective.  How she must have felt the night the angel told her should would become pregnant with Jesus.

Upon entering, Gabriel greeted her: Good morning!
You’re beautiful with God’s beauty, beautiful inside and out! God be with you.
She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind a greeting like that.
But the angel assured her, “Mary, you have nothing to fear.
God has a surprise for you: You will become pregnant
and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus.
He will be great, be called ‘Son of the Highest.’
The Lord God will give Him the throne of his father David;
He will rule Jacob’s house forever—no end, ever, to His kingdom.”
Luke 1:28-33 MSG

I wonder if she was afraid of what people would think…. Or if she thought, ‘Why me, Lord?’ Yet honored and overwhelmed that God had chosen her to be the one. Those are some of the things I wonder; and yet Mary received the task before her and trusted God in it.

He went with Mary, his fiancée, who was pregnant.
While they were there, the time came for her to give birth.
She gave birth to a son, her firstborn.
She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger,
because there was no room in the hostel.
Luke 2:5-7 MSG

What an honor it is when God chooses us for Kingdom work to be used for His glory to shine through us! The unthinkable becomes possible when we receive the task before us and allow Him to work through us.

Jesus looked at them intently and said,
“Humanly speaking, it is impossible.
But with God everything is possible.”
Matthew 19:26 NLT

*   ♥  ~  ✝  ~  ★    *

Heavenly Father, what an honor it is when you choose us for the unthinkable, unimaginable tasks. May we receive the task before us without question and boldly trust in You as we allow You to work through us. To You be the Glory!! In Jesus’ Name!! AMEN!!!

Mary’s Little Boy Child


Mary’s boy child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.
And man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day.
Long time ago in Bethlehem—so the Holy Bible says—
Mary’s boy child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.
Hark, now hear the angels sing ‘a King was born today!’
And man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day.
Mary’s boy child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.
While shepherds watch their flocks by night,
They see a bright new shining star,
They hear a choir sing a song, the music seemed to come from afar.
Hark, now hear the angels sing, ‘a King was born today!’
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day.
Now Joseph and his wife, Mary, came to Bethlehem that night,
They found no place to bear her child, not a single room was in sight.
And then they found a little nook in a stable all forlorn,
And in a manger cold and dark, Mary’s little boy was born.
Hark, now hear the angels sing, ‘a King was born today!’
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day.
Mary’s boy child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day.

Mary’s Little Boy Child ~ Mandisa

Aren’t we just so thankful for those words: “…and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day….”?  I remember when I first heard this song, and the thankfulness I felt in my heart because of Jesus’ birth as a Savior…a Savior for you and for me. A baby born in the humblest of circumstances. Humble in a sense that He was born in a stable full of animals and yet His birth radiated Glory!  It was revealed to shepherds in a field by angels.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men
Luke 2:14

From the manger to the Cross… Oh, how thankful I am for that (and I bet you are too…)!
As we enter this Christmas season, may we keep our eyes focused on The One Who came in the humblest of circumstances to then endure the Cross to save you and me.


♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥

Hark, now hear the angels sing ‘a King was born today!’
And man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas!