March 15, 2025

By Thee, O God, Invited


Therefore, since we are justified (acquitted, declared righteous, and given a right standing with God) through faith, let us [grasp the fact that we] have [the peace of reconciliation to hold and to enjoy], peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
Through Him also we have [our] access (entrance, introduction) by faith 
into this grace (state of God’s favor) in which we [firmly and safely] stand.  And let us rejoice and exult in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God.

Romans 5:1 and 2

(click here to listen…and sing along…to this beautiful old hymn)

By Thee, O God, invited
We look unto the Son
In whom Thy soul delighted
Who all Thy will hath done
And by the one chief treasure
Thy bosom freely gave
Thine own pure love we measure
Thy willing mind to save
O God of mercy—Father
The one unchanging claim
The brightest hopes we gather
From Christ’s most precious name
What always sounds so sweetly
In Thine unwearied ear
Has freed our souls completely
From all our sinful fear
The trembling sinner feareth
That God can ne’er forget
But one full payment cleareth
His memory of all debt
When naught beside could free us
Or set our souls at large
Thy holy work, Lord Jesus
Secured a full discharge
No wrath God’s heart retaineth
To us-ward who believe
No dread in ours remaineth
As we His love receive
Returning sons He kisses
And with His robe invests
His perfect love dismisses
All terror from our breasts