February 22, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 6 Weekly Review – “Becoming a Warrior”

Click Here for Next Week’s Reading Schedule

Welcome to Campground USA

Log Cabins, Nature Trails, Canoes,

Paddle Boats, Bikes, Fishing

Here we are again – -continuing our study in Girlfriends With Swords, by Lisa Bevere. Tonight, we will try to grab hold of what Becoming a Warrior means.  But, first let’s play a game with Chapters 1-5.

You might say these chapters took us through Basic Training, preparing us to be a warrior in God’s army.  In an effort to make sure their groups are spiritually fit for the front line of duty, Amy, Christi, Laurie, and Kim devised a Girls With Swords Trivia Game.

Here’s how it works:  Christi made cards with words or scriptures taught in Basic Training. A contest is going on between Group 1 and Group 2 to see who can be the first to answer all the questions on the cards.

If you missed the games, take a minute and play.  On your mark!  Get Set!  Go!










Wasn’t that fun?  I need to review several of those scriptures.  I think I’ve been grazing and not feasting on the Word.  (Ugh)  Time to head over to the bonfire. I’m anxious to hear Teresa, Jennifer, Tonya, and Diane speak on Becoming a Warrior.


Lisa gives us words a WARRIOR would understand:  strategy, intuition, vision, wisdom, patience, persistence, tenacity, a unified voice, and concerted effort. This requires us to develop Maturity as a Spiritual Warrior.

The Apostle Paul spoke to people in Hebrews 6 about becoming mature Christ followers. 

“So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God.  You don’t need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.  And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding.”  (NLT)

The basic teachings are very important.  Once a new believer understands the basic lessons, it is time to practice what was learned and “move forward” toward maturity. 

We have a CHOICE to believe, a CHOICE to mature,
and a CHOICE to live in a way that brings Honor and Glory to God the Father.


Girlfriends, warriors are not hired; they are called. David had an elite group of men fighting with him. They were not soldiers, hired to do a particular job. They were called to the task.

As Lisa said:  ”You are at once a daughter and a warrior.”  There is no separation between the two. If you are a part of God’s family—a part of His army—then you are one of His warriors.

I think many of us are scared to be warriors.  We want to just “get by.” But, I am challenging you today to rise up!

Face Your Fear Today and
Put Your Trust in God!


All soldiers are trained, but in addition to being trained, a warrior will be tempered.  For example:

  • A warrior isn’t quick to teach a lesson; they aren’t quick to avenge a wrong done.
  • They are compelled to offer grace and compassion, and to show God’s love.
  • They are led by God to do what is needed when it is needed, whether it is to offer grace, or to stand up and fight.
  • Warriors seize the opportunity to make a difference in an area where they can bless others and where God’s love can shine through them.

Lisa said: “the processing of tempering may not be pleasant or quick,”  but the outcome is this:  “the warrior woman, not only sees what our enemy is doing, but can follow God’s lead into battles with His promises in our hearts.’”

Are you ready to sign on to be
more than a soldier?


Have you opened your ears and heard the Lord call your name?  Are you covering your ears with fear of the unknown after you hear Our Mighty King whisper His warrior-princess’s name? 

  • Fear will always be a part of our lives, but it does not have to be the driving force behind our actions or lack thereof. 
  •  Fear, when placed in the right manner, will only drive us closer to God Himself.
  • We must fear God and keep His commandments.  We do this by coming to a revelation of Who God truly is and what He has truly done for us.  This revelation drives us to be obedient because of the deep love we possess for our One and Only King. 

All of us have a perfect will for our lives, and also a perfect love that drives out any fear that tries to prevent us from living out God’s perfect will for us. 1 John 4:18 says:  There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.

As warrior-princesses-in-training,
we all possess God’s perfect love in our hearts.
Where God’s love is, fear doesn’t stand a chance.


After Diane spoke, praise and worship lasted into the midnight hour under the glow of the heavenly lights. 

Something else very exciting has been taking place at our meetings.  Word has gotten around the campground about “those women” who gather nightly at the bonfire.  First there were one or two outsiders who visited the meetings, and now a big crowd has joined us.  Lisa said:  “Warriors will lead and irresistibly compel others to join the cause.” 

You go, girlfriends!  MIGHTY WARRIORS YOU ARE!

Let’s pray:  Father God, I thank You that You have called us to be warriors.  May we not take Your calling carelessly, but serve You with honor, and free of fear.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 5 Weekly Review – “The Cross as a Sword”

Click Here for Next Week’s Reading Schedule


Welcome to Campground USA

Log Cabins, Nature Trails, Canoes,

Paddle Boats, Bikes, Fishing

Yep, that’s the sign entering our campground where we gather around the bonfire nightly to discuss Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere. 

How about that meeting we had last night discussing Chapter 4!  The Holy Spirit moved upon Christi, and it was as though fire came down from heaven as she spoke about taking back all that Satan has stolen from us. Didn’t we have a Hallelujah time dancing on top of the old devil’s head! 

And speaking of a fire within them—Jennifer, Teresa, Tonya, and Diane did as they answered the questions:  “Where is the Battle?” and “Who is my Enemy?”  

  • Jennifer put it to us straight!  Our war is not with each other; it is with Satan.
  • Teresa laid out God’s plan of Redemption: “One Heart, Vision, Purpose, Name, Kingdom, Mandate.  We could be the answer to Jesus’ prayer He prayed for us at The Last Supper by becoming ONE. 
  • Tonya reminded us that we must battle to become ONE, using the tools God has given us in Galatians 5:22-26. 
  • Diane told her testimony of how the thief had come to steal, kill, and destroy her. But, Jesus came to give abundant life, and she didn’t listen to the lies of the enemy.
  •  Praise and Worship ended the meeting with Heaven’s angelic choir joining in.

 I just gotta tell you about a childhood memory I had as I was walking back to my cabin after the meeting.  I began thinking about the cattle farm I grew up on in Georgia.  I loved watching Daddy’s herd of cattle grazing out in the field.  The old cows would fill their bellies full of hay and then lie down under the shade trees and wait until it was time to get up and graze some more.  It was as though they lived only “to be fed.”

A thought suddenly hit me as I recalled that memory, and I stopped and prayed: “Father God, help me not to just graze on the things I am learning.  May I feast upon your word, and really ‘get who I am in Christ.’ May I not lie down like Daddy’s old cows after feasting.  Instead, may I rise up and use my Sword as a weapon in my daily life.”

Well, the sun has gone down here at the campground.  It’s time to make my way on over to the bonfire.  Tonight we are discussing Chapter 5—“The Cross as a Sword.” 

Teresa pinpoints the Crossroads.

Lisa says: Just as Adam stole the fruit of a forbidden tree and caused all within him to die, Jesus died on a barren tree and thus became its fruit that all in Him might live.”  

You and I are part of the fruit of Adam, and if we accept Jesus’ gift on the cross, we are His fruit as well. Because we are Adam’s fruit we have a sinful, hurtful part of us.  Many of you have been hurt.  Your hurt is holding you back from the freedom and abundant life Jesus Christ has to offer.  If you have buried secrets, living in shame and regret, you are at a crossroads. 

  • One path leads to…loneliness, embarrassment, shame, pride, just getting by. 
  • The other path leads somewhere new and scary, feels vulnerable and shakey.
  • It requires us to walk one step at a time lighted by faith, trust, hope, and love.
  • But,it binds us to other travelers who are ready and willing to share their life story.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17).

Could we get together, talk, and share our stories?

Jennifer spoke on Transformation.

Isaiah and David prophesied that God’s chosen people would kill His only Son. The religious leaders thought that by killing God’s Son they would get to steal His inheritance.  “None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified The Lord of glory” (1 Corinthians 2:8). 

Lisa asks the questionWhat blindsided each and every ruler of that age? They could not see the transforming power of The Cross.”

What about you?

  • Do you see the transforming power of The Cross?
  • Do you live a transformed life?
  • Do you live fully believing that Christ died for you?
  • It is one thing to know about The Cross and what happened that day on Calvary.
  • Do you live in a way that your life represents this knowledge?

We were saved, forgiven, healed, loved, graced, empowered, and restored “in Christ” at the Cross.  It was the dead tree that brought us all back to life. 

You were already transformed because of the Cross.

The question is – Have you accepted it? Are you living it?

Tonya spoke on the power of The Cross.

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity” (Ephesians 2:13-16).

Lisa said:  “On the cross God leveraged all that He was for all that we could be.”

  • Jesus died on the Cross, so that we could one day fulfill our potential.
  • The Cross brings us together.
  • The Cross lifts us up above any attack used against us.
  • Christ created the bridge needed between our neighbors and ourselves, between races, between genders, between ages, between classes.

The Cross has the power to unify all who are willing to embrace it.

In Christ the far-off and the wandering come near.

Diane spoke on the Scapegoat.

Everyone’s journey to The Cross is different.  We can all relate with the scapegoat in different areas as we journey to The Cross.   

Guilt     Lonely nights     Oppression     Rejection

Jesus knows the pain and the hurt behind each and every word used to describe what a scapegoat represented.  Yet, this pain was all taken with Jesus on the Cross as He became the ultimate sacrifice. Lisa is right:  The Cross is a Sword of Love.

“Yet it was our weakness He carried; it was our sorrows that weighed Him down.  And we thought His troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for His own sins!  But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins.  He was beaten so we could be whole.  He was whipped so we could be healed.  All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.  We have left God’s paths to follow our own.  Yet the Lord laid on Him the sins of us all” (Isaiah 53:4-6).

“Ladies, we must pick up His Sword and follow Jesus to Heaven!”

After Diane spoke, many women shared their painful past as Teresa had suggested.  Suddenly, a woman spoke out boldly:  “Let’s lay hands on these women that God would restore the years that the locusts and canker worm has eaten up!”

This lady has “got it.”

She knows who she is in Christ and is applying the Sword to the hurting.

Praise and Worship followed with old hymns of the church flowing throughout the campground: Near the Cross, At the Cross to name a couple.  

The smell of s’mores roasting nearby filled the air, and what’s that other smell I smell?  Could it be the aroma of Christ?  (Ah, how sweet it is!)

Let’s Pray:  Father God, may we become a living testimony of who we are in Jesus and know that, because of the Cross, You have equipped us to walk in You and defeat anything the enemy might throw at us.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 4 Weekly Review – “The Battleground”

Welcome to Campground USA

Log Cabins, Nature Trails, Canoes,

Paddle Boats, Bikes, Fishing

That’s where we are – over 125 women – camping at Campground USA, studying Girls with Swords by Lisa Bevere. During the day, women huddle in small groups throughout the campground, becoming “doers of the Word.”

  • They have grabbed hold of Lisa’s statement:  “We are a TARGET of the enemy, not because of something we have done, but most likely because of something satan knows we are going to do.”  (Do I hear an “AMEN”  to that!)
  • A sight to see that will “bless your socks off, is women walking the nature trails quoting God’s Word from their Pink Bedazzled Sword(Diane, the devil doesn’t stand a chance when he sees PINK coming at him!)
  • Excitement has filled the campers’ hearts with Teresa’s urging to become a HERO in this battle, and join Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rahab listed in the Hall of Faith.  (After all, they are cheering us on!)
  •  Tonya put to rest any fears the women had of becoming a superhero:  “It’s not by my might, nor by my power but by His spirit.”   (You got that right, Tonya!)
  •  PRAYER is really shaking things up!  Would you believe I saw Coleen, Erin, and Merol doing cartwheels?  It excites them seeing women putting their armor on everyday and linking it up with prayer. (Check’em out behind Cabin #4 – -woohooo!) 
  •  PRAISE AND WORSHIP at the end of each nightly session is just out of this world. Even the “city girls,” who would never set foot inside a campground think they are in heaven!  (Let’s don’t tell them any different.)   

As night approaches, they gather around the bonfire to discuss the assigned chapter.  Tonight, Chapter 4,  The Battleground, is the topic of discussion. My girlfriends will answer the questions “Where is the battle?” and “Who is my enemy?”


What I have to say may sound harsh, but I’m going to give you 8 points that are a reality!  

  1. We spend our time and energy fighting each other.
  2.  Our war is not with any political party, alternative lifestyle, social issue, family member, pastor, President of the United States, or any other worldly circumstance.  
  3. Our war is with Satan.
  4. When he sees us fighting with each other, he laughs; when he can cause division and strife, he wins.
  5. Unbelievers are watching Christians. They are trying to see if we live our lives differently than they live theirs.
  6. We cannot have a negative spirit toward anyone and be right with God.
  7. We must take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
  8.  We must model our leader, Jesus Christ, who tells us to:

This, girlfriends,  is the answer to how we defeat the enemy.


 Did you know that there is a prayer that Jesus prayed that has not been answered YET?  How can that be? In John 17:20-23, at The Last Supper, Jesus prays for you and me:

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word that they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in me, and I in You, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that You have sent me.  The glory that You have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and You in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that You sent me and loved them even as You loved me.

God’s plan for redemption includes: One Heart   One Vision   One Purpose   One Name   One Kingdom   One Mandate

 I submit to you that we would then become the answer to the prayer Jesus prayed.


Jesus fought a battle larger than any we could imagine.  He died on the cross and won that battle so we could handle the battles He knew would follow.  This means, that sometimes we must battle to become ONE.

Satan uses adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, and revelries to divide and separate us from our Heavenly Father (Galatians 5:19-21).

But, God created a list of tools to fend off these attacks: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-26).

There are times where we have to hold up our swords to protect our joy and peace.  As Lisa says:

“You don’t set up camp in hell…you journey through it.”

 All of a sudden, Christi, jumped to her feet.  Ladies, I feel on FIRE tonight! God WANTS you to hear this!

Never be afraid to enter the enemy’s camp and take back what he has stolen from you!! God has already won this battle, and He will restore the years the locusts has eaten!!! Do not fear! We serve a Mighty God!!! He will never ask you to stand for something if He thought you were not able to!

Enter the enemy’s camp, get mad, put the enemy under your feet, and take back what he has stolen from you!! It is yours!! Stomp on his head and tell him NO!!!! No more satan!!!! You are defeated!!! You have not won this battle, God has, and I am standing with my God with the sword in my hand, and I send you back to the pit of hell where you belong!!

Ladies, please get this!!!! You have ALL authority, not just some authority, but ALL authority over the enemy!!! Don’t let him lie to you any longer and tell you that you are defeated!!! You are not!! You have victory in the name of JESUS!! Please get that!!! Take your marriage back, your rebellious children back, your health back!! Stand in victory with your sword in hand, and dance on the enemy’s head!!!

Oh baby, I’m preaching myself happy!!! Dance with me on satan’s head tonight!! I stand with you as you take back what he has stolen from you…what is rightfully yours!!!!

 I (Martha) am a very conservative person, but something got a hold of me! I heard myself saying: “Preach it, Sister Christi, preach itCome on ladies, let’s dance.”  And with that, such dancing like you never witnessed went on around that campfire as we danced on satan’s head, and took back what he stole from us.  They all began to sing “Look What the Lord Has Done”:  

 Diane finished the chapter with her personal testimony.

I would like to focus on the following TRUTH.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).

This reminds me of my past. At one point in my life it was easy for me to blame the someone who robbed me of my innocence and even easier for me to blame myself. I learned that the roots of my problems were not people or my own thoughts; they were the lies Satan was feeding me.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10)

Jesus has come so that WE MAY HAVE ABUNDANT LIFE.  Satan will try to bring back the pain and memories of people who hurt you.  BUT

The more you grow in your relationship with God, the stronger defense you will have against Satan.

And so it was – -Diane, through her own experience, had been able to join Jennifer, Teresa, and Tonya in answering the questions:  “Where is the Battle?” and “Who is my Enemy?” 

Women lingered by the bonfire and continued to worship the Lord.  The sounds of other campers filtered in and, what’s that other sound I hear?  Could it be Heaven’s Angelic Choir joining us in Praise and Worship?  (Breath-taking.)


Let’s Pray:  Father God, we are so grateful that You have taught us where our battles are and who the real enemy is.  May we realize Your Word equips us for this battle.  You and You alone are our strength, our shield, our strong tower.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 Weekly Review – “You Might Be A Hero”

Click Here for Next Week’s Reading Schedule

What a road trip this has been for the five girlfriends—Jennifer, Teresa, Tonya, Diane, and Martha—who started out going to a women’s retreat!  As they traveled down the road toward their destination, their “side-splitting giggles,” suddenly came to a halt as they saw a road sign that read:

Prince of Darkness


Voting unanimously to continue their journey, despite knowing they were a TARGET, they realized the key to being victorious in battle against the enemy was choosing the right WEAPON.  To get their thoughts together, they pulled over at a rest stop.

It was here that they had a surprise visit by approximately 125 women.  “We’ve heard about your decision to enter into the Prince of Darkness Territory, and we want to join forces with you,” Christi said.

Much discussion went on between the two groups about the choice of weapon, ranging from the purchase of  heavy artillery guns to God’s Word.  The five girlfriends stood their ground about their choice of weapon—God’s Word.

Finally, Christi stepped up on top of a picnic table, and gave a roaring speech:

“We should be seeing the sick healed, the lame walk, the blind see, cancers falling off of people, lives miraculously changed because of Him!!  We should be laying hands on the sick and through the power of the Holy Spirit, see them become whole again!  We should be spreading the gospel so much more than what we are.”

It was then that the two groups were united and a choice of a weapon was decided upon:  God’s Sword (God’s Word).

After a time of worship under the moonlight in that roadside park, these two groups, who had met as strangers in the night, realized that this had not been a chance meeting. It was as though God, Himself, had ordained this meeting, and they all felt that their previous plans should be canceled, and they were to spend an extended time together.

It was decided that they would check into a nearby campground, and study Lisa Bevere’s book, Girls With Swords, which some of them had brought along with them on their trip.  The others, whipped out their Kindles, and quickly ordered it.

And so it was, on the first night they gathered around the campfire at the campground,  their discussion centered on Chapter 3 in Lisa’s book, You Might Be a Hero. Lisa defined a female hero as:  superwoman, champion, conqueror, star, protagonist, lead, and brave woman.

Jennifer started the discussion off by giving her own personal testimony:

“At age 24, I was told I would never bear a biological child. Too stunned to form a coherent thought, the next eight years of my life went by in a haze of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I was lost, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. My lifelong dream was to have a baby who looked like me with my husband who loved me. I had plans! I had dreams! I had hopes! In an instant, all seemed lost.  But, He alone rescued me the moment I turned my burden of infertility over to Him, and decided not to carry it on my back anymore.

Just as Lisa says: “Your journey toward becoming a hero begins when you simply grant God permission to have His way.”

Ladies, I share my story with you because I need for you to know something very important:  “Right now, where you are, you are living part of God’s story.”

Teresa:  I don’t know about you, but when I read Hebrews 11 and recount the heroes of the faith, the last thing I see is ‘nobodies.’

Each of the people listed in the Hall of Faith died not even knowing the impact their life would have on the world.  All they knew was that they were chosen by God to go wherever He asked, do whatever He needed them to do, protect whomever He needed them to protect, feed whoever was hungry, build what He said build, stand when He said stand and FIGHT when God said fight.

THESE are our ancestors.  They passed the torch on to us normal people of God to continue the fight.  This mild-mannered Jesus girl may look ordinary on the outside, but I have a HERO living inside me that needs to save the world.  We cannot lead people spiritually where we have not gone. 

Tonya:  What does it take for us as women to feel like heroes?  Is it our ability to multi-task throughout our day, our ability to utilize the sixth sense that women are said to possess?

It all boils down to this:


Yes, we are called to be heroes in our day, to wield swords, to be superhuman, and to be brave. This can be terrifying. But, our superhuman abilities come from—His Spirit, the power of our sword comes from—His Word and, in times of fear, we need to remember who we can run to, who we answer to—the Lord.

Diane:  Each night before I close my eyes for the day I am reminded of these words: TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, FAITH, and SALVATION  with the words, “live by these, apply these” underneath.

Some days I imagine myself with the prettiest pink, bedazzled sword you could ever imagine.  I picture my perfectly pink armor filled with sparkles, and I get this joy deep down in my heart because I imagine so clearly God’s words and actions of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation covering every inch of that bedazzling pink armor and weaponry He has handpicked for me to use.

Ephesians 6 says:

  1. God is strong, and He wants His daughters to be strong.
  2. His weapons are supreme.
  3. With these weapons in hand, nothing the enemy throws at you will knock you off your course.
  4. You are in a spiritual battle between life and death.
  5. If you prepare now, you won’t be caught off guard.
  6. You can’t do this in your own human strength.
  7. True, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are life’s applications.
  8. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon.
  9. Prayer is not optional.

I picture all of us: swords in hand, shields in place, bedazzled in GOD’S TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, FAITH, AND SALVATION; standing tall, shouting prayers of all kinds to our Holy God in Heaven, as we leave behind all of Satan’s lies that kept us tied down from the something we have been craving:  God Himself.

 After Diane spoke, other women in the group spoke up:

  • What I loved about Jennifer’s story was that, not only are our lives a gift, but also the story that we are in.  God has already written us into the story of faith heroes—we all have a story He can use.
  • I liked what Lisa said about having to fight a battle more than once to win. Most of us want to give up when we don’t succeed the first time.
  • Tonya’s words were spoken like a true hero.  Sometimes it is hard to remember that we do have the source and strength to be superheroes if we would just ask.
  • I’m not going to be able to envision putting on my armor again without it being pink and bedazzling!

And on into the night, as these women sat around the campfire, many women spoke out about their desire to be a hero. They agreed to meet back the next night to continue their study. This group who were once strangers in their natural habitat, had now been united “in one accord as sisters in Christ.”


Let’s Pray:  Father God, we are so grateful that You have united us together. As we study Your Word, may we become “doers of Your word, and not just hearers.”  As we do, we rest with assurance that we can quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 2 Weekly Review – “A Sword is Born.”

Click Here for Next Week’s Reading Schedule

Last week, “the 5 girlfriends on their road trip,”  voted unanimously to continue their journey into The Prince of Darkness Territory, despite knowing they were a TARGET.  However, they realized the key to being victorious in battle against the enemy was choosing the right WEAPON.  To get their thoughts together, they pulled over at a rest stop. 

While they were standing there in the moonlight, two bus loads of women pulled into the parking lot, and about 125 women made their way over to where the five girlfriends were gathered. Four women stepped up and introduced themselves as Amy, Christi, Laurie, and Kim, the leaders of the group.  “We’ve heard about your decision to enter into the Prince of Darkness Territory, and we want to join forces with you,” Christi said.  

The 5 girlfriends welcomed them, and told the women that they were in the process of choosing the weapon they would use for the battle ahead.  A murmur could be heard among the crowd of women at the mention of a weapon for self-defense.  The consensus of the crowd seemed to be that “heavy artillery guns” should be bought before driving any further into enemy territory.

But, knowing this was not the answer, Jennifer hopped up on top of a picnic table nearby.  With her Bible lifted up toward heaven, it was a sight to behold, as the moonlight beamed down on her as she spoke very eloquently and simply about the only weapon to use.

“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:1-5, NLT).

“So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son” (verse 14).

His Word (The sword) stands alone. Nothing I can add to it will make it better!

A hush swept across the group of women gathered.  It was obvious many of them were thinking,

“Are you saying that God’s Word can be used as a Sword?”  

Teresa was the next one to step on top of the picnic table to address the crowd. 

“Ladies, we have been handed a sword—a God Sword.  Ephesians 6 addresses the Armor of God that we are to put on daily to protect ourselves from spiritual attack.  Verse 17 says this, “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”  The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God—my Bible

In her book, Girls with Swords, Lisa Bevere says she had a revelation that “…many of God’s daughters in this generation are unarmed, ill equipped and unprepared.  This means they are at risk and incredibly vulnerable to deception.”

I proclaim tonight that:  “As Christ-followers we need to be properly equipped with the whole Bible, not just the pieces we like and disregard the rest.”

Next, Tonya, addressed the crowdShe admitted something about The Sword in her life that all the ladies seemed to relate to: 

“There have been times in my life where I have felt beaten down, like I was unable to pick anything up; times where I have felt I couldn’t read the word of God; times where I felt I couldn’t even pray.” “But, I also know what it feels like to have the sword renewed in my life—to pick up the Bible and have God lead me to the scripture I needed to read that day, to say a prayer, and to feel His presence.

As Lisa Bevere said in her book, Girls With Swords, it is time for the church to know what a girl with a sword can do, it’s time for Satan to know what a girl with a sword can do, and it’s time that we believe this ourselves—that we take up our swords and declare what God has said in His Scriptures.

Next, Diane hopped on top of the picnic table.  “Ladies, these are the words that I know God wants YOU to hear tonight.”

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

Do you believe these words spoken by Jesus is God’s Living Word?  No matter how badly Satan attempts to discourage us, these words will always remain true.  I have found the more time I spend in God’s Word; the more I feel the truth of these words.  The more I learn the power of the “sword” God has given me to deter Satan’s attacks, the more thankful I become that God has already fought my battles for me. 



After Diane spoke, a murmur could be heard among the 125 plus gathered at this rest stop.  I, Martha, did a little eavesdropping just to hear some of their comments.  Here are some of the things I heard them saying.

“I totally believe the Word of God!  It’s the flesh that gets in the way!”

“Everything we need or we will need is hidden in His Word, and we search it out like buried treasure.” 

“I need to pick up the whole word and start really listening to His Word, not just reading it.”

“You wouldn’t go into battle without being extremely familiar with your sword, right?  We wouldn’t make it out alive.  Same with this world.  These battles can kill us spiritually and defeat us if we aren’t in His word. So lets prepare. Lets really get in His word. Ahead of time is so much better than in the midst.”

“When the word is alive in us, we can weather any storm knowing that Jesus is with us and is greater than the one who is in the world. The sword is our weapon. Lets declare the victory.”

“For the Word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow.  It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart” [Hebrews 4:12].

Finally, Christi, the lady who appeared to be in charge of both groups on the buses, stepped up on the picnic table, and with a voice of authority proclaimed:

 “We should be seeing the sick healed, the lame walk, the blind see, cancers falling off of people, lives miraculously changed because of Him!! We should be laying hands on the sick and through the power of the Holy Spirit, see them become whole again! We should be spreading the gospel so much more than what we are.”

And with that, such shouting like you never heard broke out all over that rest stop.  And then—with their Swords lifted up toward heaven, the women began to worship the Lord as the moonlight from above beamed down on them. 

They had united and settled on their weapon for battle—God’s Word!


Let’s Pray:  Father God, we are so grateful for your Word.  It is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path, a light into our path.  Help us never to use it in pieces, but make use of the fullness of God.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 1 Weekly Review – “You Are a Target”

Next Week’s Reading Schedule

Picture this scene:  The long awaited girlfriends road trip had begun. The five girlfriends had been planning this get-away together a whole year.  It was to be a time for studying the Word of God with other believers at the women’s retreat, plus a time of rest and relaxation from their busy lives being a wife, mother, and the many other hats they wore throughout the year.  They were riding down the road giggling so hard that their sides were splitting. 

Then all of a sudden, they saw a road sign up ahead that read: 

Prince of Darkness

The laughing stops as Jennifer, the driver of the car, pulls over to the side of the road. They all sat quietly for a few minutes, each absorbed in their own thoughts as to what they should do now. 

Finally Jennifer spoke up: 

Girlfriends, let’s face it!  We did not even have to leave our homes to know that a battle is waging. Satan is desperate.  He tries to discourage us and make us doubt our God and His goodness.

It is time to recognize that, as Christians, we are automatically targets of the enemy. Satan will stop at nothing to tear apart our relationship with the Lord. He wants to keep us away from reading the Bible. He wants to prevent us from fully participating in a Bible/Book study by distracting us. He does not want us to be in fellowship with other believers. If he sees a spot to weasel his way in, he will try to do it.

The Bible says that I have a weapon against any attacks from the enemy. That weapon is the Word of God.   I believe we can be a hero in God’s army. When we tuck God’s Word into our heart, we are able to defeat the enemy the same way Jesus did in the wilderness. He refuted Satan’s attempts at trickery by repeating the truth from God’s Word.  

We now have a choice to make.  We can choose to be a hero in God’s army of warriors or not. As for me, I choose to keep going. Who’s with me?

Teresa spoke up next. 

Look, at it this way, girls.  We must have something of value Satan wants to steal from us, kill us, and destroy us.  Personally, I think a  few of the reasons Satan puts a TARGET on us are:

  1. We are a target simply because we are human.
  2. God loves us and created us for a relationship with Him.
  3. Satan cannot fix his problem himself and be returned to a relationship with God.
  4. If he can’t have a relationship with God, then neither can we. NAH! NOT! Whatever!
  5. Satan knows that every soul close to God is capable of great and wondrous things.
  6. Satan knows how the story ends.
  7. Satan is fighting to keep God’s precious creation distracted, distressed, and demoralized so that we don’t experience the fullness of our place with Him in heaven.

You know, Lisa Bevere says, “I believe that the attacks on your life have much more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past.  That statement made me realize that God created me for a purpose in this time.  I have a choice to fulfill that purpose and live a rich and satisfying life that God wants to give me or I can let Satan steal, kill, and destroy me. 

I choose to be a HERO!  I’m with you, Jennifer; let’s keep going!

Tonya spoke up next.

Okay, girls, the reality of the situation is that we, do, indeed, have a target on our backs. We are women, we are Christians, and we are determined to take up our swords and fight back. These three combined make us a very real threat to Satan and he will do what he thinks he can do to throw us off of our path.

But, there is a bigger reality than this onethe reality that we have God on our side, the reality that His promises are stronger and more powerful than any threat Satan has made. “There is no way we can or should fight this battle alone.” We don’t have to, we don’t need to, and we can’t. We NEED God’s heavenly support.

We as women are faced with a choice, “Will we be an unarmed civilian, victim, prisoner of war, or a hero”?

There is a target on our back, but the swords we hold are bigger and stronger than the weapons being thrown at these targets. Our swords, our prayers must not be influenced by what is around us; they need to be powered by looking to the One who created us to be warriors

“I’m with Jennifer; let’s move forward!”

Diane spoke up next:

“Hey girls, you know what just occurred to me?  Hebrews 12:1 says that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, which is the faithful followers of God whom we learn about throughout the Bible.  They were people just like you and me throughout the Bible who have run their race and won!  Each one of these people had one thing in common—they lived by faith and not by fear.  They let God control their lives, and not fear.

Satan will never be able to live for God.  He has no choice but to live by fear.  His fear drives Him to attempt to destroy God’s chosen ones.   That is what he is trying to do to us now—implant fear in us to keep us from going ahead with our journey.

I’d say we must follow the examples of the faithful followers of our heritage, put on the full Armor of God, and trust that God has a plan for our lives, one in which we are a Hero for God.

I’m with you, Jennifer.  Let’s keep going.

I, Martha, was the fifth girl on that trip.  I had sat silently while my friends were discussing our options for continuing our journey. I now had to make a decision.  As I saw it, I must decide if I wanted to enter this territory where I was marked as a target, or get out and walk back the way our car had come from—alone!  These gals were determined to go forward.

As each of my friends had spoken from their hearts, I saw something different in them. No longer were they just friends, giggling on a road trip; they had caught a glimpse of who they were in Christ, and were not afraid of facing an enemy who had already been defeated anyway. They had convinced me that we were warriors!

Without a speech, I just said to Jennifer:  “Crank her up, Jen.  Let’s keep moving.”

Let’s Pray:

Father, God, we thank You for each lady who has signed up for this course.  Having read their comments this week, I know that, they, too, are ready to move forward using the sword that You have given us, defeating all the attacks the enemy tries to throw at them.  I pray Your blessings on each of them as we continue our journey together.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Crazy Love: Chapter 9 – “Who Really Lives That Way” (pgs. 153-157)

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:1

Using this verse as the basis for this chapter in Crazy Love, Chan tells the story of people who sought to live their lives fully surrendered to God.  Let’s take a brief look at the examples on pages 153-157.

Marva J. Dawn: Marva’s life is a reflection of her belief that small acts of faithfulness can have a profound and significant impact on the world.  She has written many books and all the profits of her books go to support charities.

Rich Mullins: A talented musician with much success in the music industry, Rich moved to a Navajo reservation to teach music to the children who lived there.  Rich never knew how successfully his albums sold because the profits from his concerts and albums went directly to his church, who paid him a small salary and gave the rest of the money away.

Rings:  Rings is an ex-convict, ex-addict, and ex-alcoholic.  Since he turned his life over to Jesus, his home is the cab of his pickup truck.  He uses his monthly check to buy food, then drives to the beach and makes meals for the homeless.

Rachael Saint: When Rachel was eighteen, a wealthy woman offered to make Rachel her heiress if she would be her companion for the rest of her life.  Rachel knew she couldn’t accept the offer of a comfortable life spent sipping tea and conversing.  After many years, Rachel finally went to live with the Waorani people, and translated the New Testament into their language.


Just reading about those people inspired me.  Without a doubt, they lived their lives following the example of Christ as they served others.  They are now being read about in Mr. Chan’s book all over the world.

If you are like me, you personally know people who radically lived their lives for Jesus, and impacted their generation, yet their names never made it inside the cover of a book that has sold over a million copies. 

Would you bear with me as I pay tribute to a couple of  people who played a big role in my salvation and spiritual growth?

Edgar Bethany: It was under his ministry that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. One never forgets their moment of salvation, nor the person who lead them to the Lord.

Paul Radke: A man of wisdom, who taught me the importance of accepting people of all backgrounds in order to share Jesus with them. 

David Berkeheimer: You might say it was under his ministry that I began the process of becoming healed emotionally and spiritually.

Melbab Berkeheimer: She was my mentor that paved the way for me to begin a teaching and writing ministry.

Sylvia Thompson: A lady with the gift of prophesy that spoke many encouraging words into my life during trying circumstances.

Yes, because of these five people giving of themselves, my life was changed.  They did it without wanting any recognition, but I have always wanted to honor them publicly in some way.  Never have I dreamed that I could actually send their name to the other side of the world. But, because God had been preparing one woman to make this possible, I have been able to do just that! Christi Wilson, the Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour opened the doors for me to reach across the globe through my writing.  

Christi Wilson: A woman with a heart for online Bible studies that encourages women across the globe to develop a deeper walk with the Lord by studying His word.  She radically lives her life for Jesus to be a vessel that is impacting this generation.


My prayer is that I will be an influence to others in some way and when I get to heaven, someone will say to me: “Thank you for giving to the Lord! I am a life that has been changed.”

Be Blessed, 




Let’s Pray: 

Father God, we ask that You open our hearts to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to show us where we can best serve You and impact our generation.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment:

What legacy would you like to leave?



Our next Online Bible Study

“Girls with Swords” by Lisa Bevere begins March 24th.  

To join us for this amazing study, click on the picture above!

Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details!


If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog,

you may email her at: Martha@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


Crazy Love: Chapter 8 – “Profile Of The Obsessed” (pp 134-138)

In this chapter of Crazy Love, Chan gives us a profile of being obsessed with Jesus.  Keep in mind that obsessed means ‘to have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic.’ 

On pages 134-138, Chan lists three more ways in which we should examine ourselves to see if we are obsessed with Jesus to the point that we are faithfully living out His word. 

  1. Friends of All – People who are obsessed with Jesus live lives that connect them with the poor in some way or another.  Obsessed people believe that Jesus talked about money and the poor so often because it was really important to Him.  (1 John 2:4-6; Matthew 16:24-26) 
  2. Crazy Ones – Obsessed people are more concerned with obeying God than doing what is expected or fulfilling the status quo.  A person who is obsessed with Jesus will do things that don’t always make sense in terms of success or wealth on this earth.  (Luke 14:25-35; Matthew 7:13-23, 8:18-22; Revelations 3:1-6)
  3. The Humble – A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle.  Obsessed people know that you can never be “humble enough,” and they seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known.  (Matthew 5:16)

May I share my heart with you as each of us begins to examine ourselves in view of these three ways.  It is my belief that we go through seasons of our lives where the Holy Spirit is nudging us to be more obsessed with Him, and even points to the door He wants us to enter to make that happen. 

For me personally, there was a particular season of my life when, I indeed, looked pretty Crazy to those around me for following Jesus down the path that I felt He was leading me.  Some even called me by that name!   In fact, there were even times when I felt a little crazy myself because I was traveling down a road with Jesus that was completely out of my comfort zone of faith.  We were on a road together that was, shall I say, “not my normal way” of life.  Believe me, it would have been much easier for me to turn around and go back than to face the opposition that I encountered.

But, I learned some very valuable lessons during that season of my life:

  • If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)
  • His grace was sufficient enough to carry me through that season of my life, despite the opposition. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
  • Probably, the most important lesson I learned during that time period was:  I had to “let go and trust Him” for the outcome of where He was leading me.  After all, isn’t that what faith is?

As for being Humble, there was one season of my life when I had to face being humbled.  Come to think of it, there were two seasons of my life—no, make that three.  Oh, my gosh, numerous  times are flooding my memory now as I write this blog when I had to face the big H.  I am beginning to see that it is  just like Chan says:  “the sin of pride is always a battle.”  So I might as well look for it to come around and around again until I reach heaven’s door.

I said all of this to show you where I’ve been and where I am at in this present season of my life ;and that is “Friends of All,” as it pertains to giving to the poor.

“Do you have a problem with giving to the poor?”  you might be wondering.

My Answer:  I don’t have a problem with giving to the poor at allit is because of the season of my life that I am in at the present time that I am a little hung up.  You see, I am retired, and though my husband and I have a comfortable income coming in, it is certainly not like it once was when we had big salaries, plus bonus checks coming in that took care of our family’s needs.  There was also enough money left over for fun and recreation, long vacation trips, and even care-free spending at the mall.

As a result of this decrease in salary, I feel a strong need to be a good steward of MY MONEY.  Wait!  I don’t believe I just said that.  “MY MONEY?”  “Lord, forgive me; it’s YOUR MONEY.”

Oh yes, I believe God wants me to be a good steward in regards to money. But, quite honestly, out of my desire to feel “secure,” I find myself “hoarding my money,”  (excuse me, God’s money) after I give of my tithes to the church. 

Right now I feel the nudge to become Friends of All and give to those who don’t even have an income coming in like I do, that is “if I want to be obsessed with Jesus.   

And that’s my story on these three.  What about you?  What is God speaking to you about?




Be blessed,



Let’s Pray: 

Father God, first of all, we open our hearts to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to show us where we are not being obsessed with You. Help us to make changes in our life as You would have us to. In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment: 

Where do you feel you need to make changes in your life in view of these three areas to become more obsessed with Jesus. 


If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

Crazy Love: Chapter 7 – “Your Best Life … Later” (pp 117-119)

As I read the two pages that I was assigned to blog on in this chapter, I counted six Scripture references that Chan had used.  My first thought was, “How in the world am I going to write a summary on these Scriptures, and keep it to a minimum of words?”  

  1. Philippians 2:6-11
  2. 1 John 2:6
  3. Matthew 25:42-45
  4. Matthew 22:37
  5. Matthew 22:39
  6. Matthew 25:37-40

Yes, Chan uses all of these Scriptures on these two short pages, and they cover our current life all the way up to the coming Judgment.  Whew!!  Tons could be written on each one of these, so “Which one am I going to expand on?” was my thought.

But, I began to see that what Chan was doing in these Scriptures was bringing us to the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:45:  “I tell you the truth, whatever, you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”  Jesus is referring to “these” as those who are hungry, thirsty, in need of shelter and clothing, those who are sick, or in prison and need someone to visit them.

It was a sentence Chan wrote on page 119 that caught my eye.  Ask yourself this:  “If you actually saw Jesus starving, what would you do for Him?”

Truthfully, when I read that sentence, I didn’t literally think of food when I saw the word starve.  Why?  Because in America, chances are we might not encounter starving hungry people on a day-to-day basis, as we would in other countries. 

However, after looking up the definition of the word “starve” in Webster’s Dictionary, I believe we do encounter a type of “these” that Jesus IS referring to in our everyday life.

 Starve:  to hunger; to suffer great need

To suffer great need is the one I want to emphasize.  Take a look at this chart that I began to picture in my mind concerning that word starve as it pertained to suffering great need.

Mankind’s Basic Outward  Needs   Mankind’s Basic Inward Needs

Food                                                     Companionship
Water                                                    Love and Affection
Shelter                                                  A Sense of Belonging
Clothing                                               Esteem, Respect of Others                                                              A Listening Ear

Back to Chan’s question:  WhatWouldYouDo


Personally, I pray I have enough plain old moral values in me to give a starving person his four Basic Outward Needs of food, water, shelter, and clothing. 

But, do I have enough love for Jesus in me that would propel me to give a starving person his Basic Inward Needs?  Or would that take up too much of my time and effort?

It’s food for thought.


Let’s Pray: 

Father God, first of all, we open our hearts to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to show us where we are not being Your servant to those in need.  Help us to make changes in our lives as You would have us to. In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment: 

Where do you feel you need to make changes in your life in accordance with feeding those who are hungry, thirsty, in need of shelter and clothing, those who are sick, or in prison and need someone to visit them.

Be blessed,


If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com 

Crazy Love: Chapter 6 – When You’re In Love (pp 101-103)

Don’t Try so Hard is the topic of conversation on pages 101-103 in Crazy Love.  Don’t try so hard to do “whatis the question we might be asking.

Mr. Chan answers that with:  “God wants us to crave a relationship with Him as we crave all genuine love relationships.  He wants believers to desire Him and not be slaves who serve Him out of obligation.”


Chan then quotes Galatians 5:13, 14:  “You, my brothers, were called to be free.  But, do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather; serve one another in love.  The entire law is summed up in a single command:  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

From this scripture, Chan points out that when we love, we’re free.  We don’t have to worry about a burdensome load of commands.  He then ask the question, “Do you feel free in your Christian life?”

Before, we can answer Chan’s question, I think we must take into consideration what Galatians 5:1 says:  “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

The word in that verse that is blaring out to me is entangledMy handy on-line dictionary defines entangle as:  ‘to twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; snarl, to complicate; confuse, to involve in a tangle.’

Now back to Chan’s question:  “Do you feel free in your Christian life to genuinely love and desire God, and not serve Him out of obligation?

I believe before we can answer that question, we must first take a look at things that might have entangled us.  May I suggest a few:

  1. Pay God Back:  Straight to the point, and excuse my English:  “It ain’t even possible to pay God back for what His Son, Jesus, did for us.”  No Scripture is needed as a reference.  If ever we should need a reminder, take a look at a picture of Jesus on the Cross; that should quench that little lie.
  2. False Guilt: A failure to trust God to forgive their sins may cause some people to try to serve God in order to work off their guilt, as in works of penance.  But, this is contrary to God’s promise of complete forgiveness to all who confess their sins.  (Colossians 2:13; 1 John 1:9)
  3. Inability to say No: Are you one who says “yes” every time someone from the church calls and ask you to fill a certain position?”  “Do you feel obligated, even though you don’t feel right for the job?”  “Are you left with feelings of guilt if you say, ‘No’?”  I fell into this category until I learned that God had placed within me certain gifts as to how He wanted me to serve Him. (Ephesians 4:11)  My pastor sums it up well:  “Our gift is the one we use with minimum effort, maximum effectiveness, and a maximum of joy.” Believe me, that took a load of guilt off me as I began to serve Him in love with the gift He had placed within me rather than out of obligation.

And the obligation list could go and on into more areas, such as:  legalism, self-seeking, performance-orientated, to name a few.

Sir Walter Scott, noted novelist and poet in the 1800’s said:  “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

If we are serving God out of obligation, we have woven a tangled web, and we are the ones being deceived.  Let’s get untangled, so we can move forward and be free to serve God out of our Love for Him.  

Be blessed,



Let’s Pray: 
Father God, first of all, we open our hearts to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to show us where we have felt obligated to serve You.  Help us to replace those motives and lies, so that we are free to love YOU with a genuine love as You desire.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment: 
Do you feel obligated in any way to love and serve the Lord?  If so, what has entangled you?


If you would like more information about Crazy Love Bible study, click HERE to sign up.  Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com