March 4, 2025

Seeking Him – Love with All my Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind

Each Saturday in our current series, Seeking Him, we have been looking in-depth at some important aspects of having a dedicated, purposeful, intentional, devoted quiet time. This week we are continuing to look at the joy and privilege of our relationship with our heavenly Father—our quiet time alone with Him. And talking about love.

Perhaps I am thinking about the love part ‘cause we have just celebrated the love holiday—Valentine’s Day.  Or perhaps I am thinking about the love part due to currently reading Crazy Love by Pastor Francis Chan.  (Have you read it?  I do know a few of you who are studying/discussing this incredibly convicting book.)  I am sure that both of those have greatly influenced my thinking.  But perhaps the most compelling motivation has been my consideration and meditation of something that Jesus said:

LOVE  the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your strength,
and with all your mind
Luke 10:27

I have been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now.  “Love the Lord your God with ALL….”  That is what Jesus said, right?  “…ALL?”  All means entirely, completely, wholly, vital, foundational, necessary, everything.

My friend, I could not even begin to tell you what loving God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind looks like in your quiet time.  Really, how could I?  But I do know Who can!  May I strongly suggest that you express your desire to your Lord to do just that—love. with. all. heart. soul. strength. mind. And just watch and see where the holy spirit leads you.  Praying for you that your heart will be thrilled and joyful as you love Him with your all!

With All My Heart sung by Babbie Mason

link to lyrics:


Keep seeking Him and enjoy your quiet time with your Lord!  As you seek Him, He will be found…He promises!

Jeremiah 29:12,13
Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me,
and I will hear and heed you.
Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity]
and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

Praying for each of you!  I know that the Lord will answer your heart’s cry as you are seeking Him with all your heart!

♥  coleen

Crazy Love: Week 1 Reading Assignment

Hi there friends! Are you as excited as I am to journey through this Crazy Love study?! The time is finally here!

This book was very difficult to section off into daily reading assignments. So if you have any questions about what to read and when, please leave a comment or email me at

On tap for today is reading the Foreword written by Chris Tomlin and the Preface written by our author, Francis Chan. There are so many convicting things just in these few pages. I practically highlighted every word! I thought about sharing some passages here with you, but I want you to read it for yourself first and soak in every word. Read through the foreword and preface a couple of times. Let it marinate. Ask the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and speak to you. Be open and willing to change; to think differently. This book very well could change your life.

So, without further ado, here is the rest of our week one reading assignment!


Sunday, January 6th: Foreword/Preface/Chapter 1 Reading Assignment (Jennifer)

Monday, January 7th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 25-26 (Megan)

Tuesday, January 8th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 27-28 (Martha)

Wednesday, January 9th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 29-34 (end at Before the Throne) (Donna)

Thursday, January 10th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 34-38 (start at Before the Throne) (Jennifer)

Friday, January 11th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” Weekly Review and Chapter 1 Study Video from YouTube (Megan)

Let’s pray: Father we bow before you, hearts and minds open and alive in hopeful expectation for what You have for us in this study. Please reveal to us each, individually, the crazy, powerful, immense love that You have for us. Help us to release our doubts and fears to You and receive this love that You so freely give. Show us how to live boldly for You and allow You to do amazing things in and through us. We are at your feet, Lord. In Jesus holy and precious name we pray, Amen!

Your Assignment: Tell us one part of the Foreword or Preface that tugged at your heart. It can be one line, one paragraph, or more. I’d love to know what the Lord brought to  your heart as your read these pages. Once you comment here, head on over to our Facebook group and let’s talk some more!