February 22, 2025

Love Letters from God by Diane Meyers – “Renewed”

My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings, and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!


Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will it—His good, pleasing and perfect will. –Romans 12:2


Dear God,

Some days I feel like an alien.  I feel so disconnected from this world.  I spend so much wasted time trying to fit in, and it just never seems to work out well for me.  It is like vinegar and water; I just don’t mix well with the rest of what this fallen world has become.  I always craved to be different, but not at the cost of others not liking me or thinking I am weird.    Why do I even care so much what others think of me?  I struggle with this feeling of trying to stand out in Your love but not finding the courage to stand up all the way.  I lack confidence in my differences.  There is a part of me that still wants this world to accept me.  Why, Lord, do I feel this way?  I desire to stand out in Your life.  I know this world is not for me.  I know You have made me new!  Please show me Your way and give me Your courage to find what I am missing.

Love, Wishy-Washy Diane

Love Letters from God


Dear Precious Child of Mine,

Believe it or not, I am happy to hear that you feel like an alien.  I am pleased that you feel disconnected from this world.  This makes Me smile.  This means you are living in line with My desires for you.  You were not created to fit into this world; you were made to stand out in My love.  When people see you, they should be drawn right to your heart, where I am found.  Reaching towards the empty dreams this world has to offer will only leave you further away from standing in My truth.  In order for you to feel like you belong to Me, you must let the thoughts of who you truly are reign in your mind.  The best parts about you are the ones I give you daily, if you only ask.  Ask for My strength and you shall receive, ask for My cleansing and you shall receive.  Ask for My confidence and you shall receive, ask for my courage and you shall receive.  I have created you for a purpose you must not let anyone try to convince you otherwise.  I can guarantee that you will feel weird and out of place in this world, but I can assure you that the more you feel out of place, the more you will feel My perfect love for you.  Do not lose heart, stand firm in the life I have created you for, not the one you may find more convenient living in this world.  This world has nothing for you.  This world will only bring you down.  I am the perfect example of how to live in the world just not of the world.  Focus on Me and renew your thoughts with My truth so you are able to stand all the way up reaching toward Heaven for every little thing that you need to stand out with confidence in a world that so desperately needs My love.

Love, Your Perfect Creator



Thank You.  Two words that do not seem enough for all You do for me day by day.  Are there any words that mean more than ‘thank You?’  All I can do is express my gratitude through my actions.  You are alive in me!  I want to make sure I am showing YOU off through my interactions in the world all day long.  You are the best part about me, and I desire to share that best kept secret with everyone I come into contact with.  Lord, let my love for You be so strong that it never fails.  I know now that I do not want this world to accept me.  I pray this world accepts You, and I am praying that You give me Your strength to be a vessel for others to find acceptance from above in You.  Thank You for all that You do, Lord.  Thank You for understanding.  Thank You for helping me get rid of the lies and hold fast to Your truth!  I love You so much, Lord.  May You see my thankfulness and love for You through the times I am not conforming to this world, but standing out and up completely!

Love, Your Alien

© Diane Meyers 2013


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  Do you sometimes feel out of place in this world, as I do?  How does this make you feel?
  2. What is holding you back from feeling accepted from God above?  Is it lies that are cluttering your mind?  Practice renewing your mind moment by moment. Focus on God and His truths throughout your day.  Journal about the impact this action has on your life.

Love Letters from God by Diane Meyers

My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read, I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!


Why is it that I still have no one to hold my hand through this life?  I don’t have any idea how I am going to have that family I have always desired so strongly to have with no husband in sight.  I know the truth that You are all I need…that You hold me by Your right hand.  I know that You will give me the desires of my heart.  I do not mean to sound ungrateful for these promises because I most certainly am NOT.  In fact, these promises have dried my tears on several occasions.  But there are several more occasions, God.  More occasions where I may know the truth but my dateless nights and single looking future have me believing otherwise.  How do I do it, Lord?  How do I constantly find hope and comfort and satisfaction in You alone and not in my desire to have a husband one day?  Please, Lord; open my heart to the truth You have prepared for me.  I so desperately need to hear from You.


Your discouraged single daughter, Diane


Dear One,

Your honesty is what I have been waiting for.  I was waiting for you to admit to yourself, and to Me that you put your ideals over My plans for you.  Until you give up control of your non-existent love life, I simply cannot work in your life to bring you My love.  I will bring you another love, the love of the man I have hand-picked just for you to hold your hand one day.  BUT, first you must accept My love in your life.  I know you have accepted me into your heart.  I know you have written down those truths and promises that I have given you in the past all over your bedroom and bathroom mirror.  I know you have stored them up in your house, but what does your heart look like?  Are they there, too, when you need them the most?  On a snowy night when all you want to do is cuddle up with a man and watch a movie, do you reach into your heart for My promise to be the one to comfort you when you are all alone on that snowy night; or do you reach to your phone to contact that not-so-good-for-you guy that you are willing to settle for if these lonely nights continue much longer.  The thing you are learning is when you choose Me over everything that tempts you so much as a single woman in this world, that is when I will make those promises shine through your life.  Surely then, you will feel them!  I will bring you comfort and you will grow even closer to Me!  There is nothing wrong with you because you are single.  You are single because I am still molding you into the princess I have created you to be.  There will be a man one day, someone who spots you out of a crowd because he sees that you are living a life reflective of what is in your heart.  Don’t waste these moments and miss out on a chance to fill your heart with My blessings from above—the very thing your husband desires to see.  There will never be a man who will replace what I am for you.  There will only be a man who will add to the beauty and love I have given you.  When you become discouraged, reach out your hand to Me; I promise I will always grab on and comfort you no matter what the pain is you may feel.

Love Always,

Your Knight in Shining Armor


Heavenly Lord,

Thank you for this time I have to grow closer to You.  You have opened my eyes to something huge!  I do not want a man to want me; I want a man to want what He sees through my heart: YOU.  I pray that I make the most of this single time to seek You.  Show me Your ways, guide me in Your truth.  Lord, I completely trust that when I get to my ‘aha!’ moment with You; the moment where I know and feel Your truth running through my soul, that is where I will be found in You-nothing else will matter.  This single life is all about teaching me to get to that moment.  No one else can bring me to that moment, not even a man.  I know You are my only Hope in this lesson of learning to feel You more.  I am sorry for sulking in this singleness.  I choose from this moment forward to embrace the time I have to grow closer to You.  Give me Your perfect strength to help me get through!  Thank you , I love you!

Love, Your Princess in training

©Diane Meyers 2013


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  Meditate on Psalm 25:4 and 5.  Shift your focus onto God and off of the desire to have a husband one day, even if just for a minute.  Journal this experience.
  2. Are you ready to be boldly honest with God?  He knows your heart more than you do, get out the honesty He has been waiting to hear from you.
  3. Let your heart’s desire to be living for and with God.  Get rid of all other hopes and dreams.  Let God fill your heart, for then you will find what His hopes and dreams are for you.

Love Letters from God: Restore All of Me

My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs hold of your heart and fills you with hope!

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.  Philippians 3:20, 21

Dear God,

Restore my heart, O LORD.  Restore all of the broken pieces of my life.  I am desperate.  Please, I need You!

Yours, Diane

Simple but powerful prayer I spoke to God one day.  I could sit here and describe to you every broken piece my heart and life once were, but I would rather fill this empty page with what God has taught me about restoration.  As you read these words God has filled into my life, I pray that you picture Him speaking them directly to you.  Think of the area of your life that needs some serious restoration.  Take heart, because God is in the restoring business.  He not only fixes, He replaces the old with the new—the broken with the whole.  Open your ears to God’s powerful truth.

Dear Broken and Shattered,

Yes, dear one, you most certainly do need Me.  Truth be told, I am in the center of all of your brokenness.  I know the pain in every break.  I know the tears you have shed because of this shattered mess.  I am here, in the middle of your mess, waiting for you to reach out of your brokenness and experience ME.  I truly am all you ever need.  I am the reason you can have hope in this.  I am the reason you do not need to suffer through this alone.  Listen for My soft voice, calling you closer and closer to Me: for then you will find inexpressible joy and My peace that passes all understanding.  What is it that you want?  Is it a quick fix?  Is it even a fix at all?  You know I can do all things, right?

Are you ready to let Me in to make something beautiful out of your broken mess?  It is time let go of the broken pieces and grab onto My hope, love, and grace to fill your entire being.  I promise to be here to restore these broken pieces into the most beautiful masterpiece you can ever imagine.  This will not be an easy process, but I will be there always; I will not leave you.  You may not like the process but you will learn to love Me the whole time.   It may not be a quick fix, but My timing is BEST.  You only know a sliver of what I could possibly do.  I want to do something better than you could ever imagine.  I am going to make you a new creation, in Me.  I will restore even the most unimaginable pieces.  The ones that you may not know are there or choose to ignore I will replace with pieces of Me that I created you to possess.

My Spirit will dwell in you.  Why you may ask, would I do this for you?  Honestly, the love I have for you drives Me to create in you a new spirit, My Spirit.  My love for you is so deep and so wide and knows NO BOUNDS.  This love desires to bring restoration to your life so you may live the life I created you to live.  At the end of this process you will find it is truly just the beginning.  The beginning of a new journey with Me.  This does not promise that you will never break again, but it does promise that you will never break beyond what I can mend.  You will find the purpose for your life—to share this love you have received with every single person you encounter in this life, drawing them to Me.  You will pray for these people to find Me.  You will have eyes to see the brokenness in lives of the hurting, but you will know My Beauty in that brokenness.

You will not only help others find My beauty in their lives, but you will find more of My blessings in your own.  There will be a day when the attempt of brokenness will no longer exist.  The day I take you up to Heaven to spend eternity with Me, will prove to be the day you know in your heart that all of the pain and hurt behind each moment in your life that left you broken was well worth it all to see Me in all of My glory.  For this, my dear, is the day you will be found in Me.

Until the day we are face to face in My Heavenly Place,

Your Mighty Savior


Spend time writing your prayer back to God.  Write whatever is on your heart.  Make this from your heart to His.

God Bless You!


©Diane Meyers 2013

If you would like to email Diane in regards to this blog post, please send it to: Diane@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com

Love Letters from God: I Surrender


My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Dear Heavenly Father,

There is this one sin that I cannot seem to get rid of in my life.  I do not like it.  I know every time I fall back into this sin trap it takes me further and further away from You.  I feel silly for asking for forgiveness for the same sin over and over again.  I fear You will get tired of me falling backwards into disobedience.  On top of that I have asked so many times for help getting rid of this, but my poor choices are getting in the way of Your help.  I do not know what to do.  I want to overcome and live in victory.  I have done this before with several other things in my life, but this area just seems impossible to overcome.  Lord, I know I need You please show me what my eyes are clearly missing.


Love Letters from God



Dear Precious Daughter of Mine,

It is true that I will not let anything happen to you that will cause you to break completely.  You may fall back from time to time, but every time you do My grace will catch you.  It is impossible to live a sin free life in a fallen world, but it is not impossible to live with Me in victory!  Once you conquer one area of your life, there will be another and another and another that will creep up on you and try to steal OUR victory again.  It is your choice to choose obedience or disobedience, joy or sorrow, freedom from sin or dependence on sin.   I am waiting to give you My strength moment-by-moment so that you can boldly choose ME over everything in your life that hinders you.  Please do not be afraid to confess your sin to Me.  I already know what it is.  When you come to Me with your sin and ask Me to forgive you, I take it one step further by forgetting it all.  Do not get discouraged when you have to ask again for the same sin, to Me it is like the first time.  You do not know the life that I have planned for you.  All you know is that it is better than your wildest imagination.  The choice of living My life for you is up to you.  You must choose to follow Me and get rid of your hindrances.  I cannot help you until you let Me into that sin that feels so impossible to have victory over.  How badly you want victory will reflect how badly you depend on Me instead of depending on yourself for victory.  I am the only One that gives you victory.  Stop trying to fight this sin that entangles you and start giving it all over to Me to help you.  I promise when you let Me in, I will be there fighting for you.


Your Dependable God



Dear Lord,

Thank You for opening my eyes to see that I will never be able to live a perfect life free from sin; all I can do is live through YOUR perfect life!  I can live through YOUR strength, YOUR love, YOUR victory!  Thank You for sharing with me.  Thank You for forgiving me.  Thank You for covering me in Your grace.  I know You hate sin more than I hate sin.  I surely do want to keep my eyes focused on You so that I may get rid of all that hinders me.  I desire to live out the life You have planned for me.  I am throwing off everything that hinders me.  I am living a life dependent on YOU.




Questions for Reflection:

  1. What is the one area in your life that seems impossible to overcome?  Do you believe all things are possible with God?  What is stopping you from letting God into that area of your life?
  2. When temptations come, I started repeating Stay True to God over in my head.  God has never nor will He ever let me down, I must stay true to Him.  I do not want sin in my life to replace God in my life.  We must remember who we are held accountable to, God not our sin.
  3. If there is an area of your life that you are struggling with and you are simply tired of fighting, why don’t you try surrendering it to God?  Why don’t you stop and let His grace be sufficient for you.  Choose to let Him in and follow Him today.
  4. Meditate on Hebrews 12:1- Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  I suggest memorizing this verse and truly applying it to your life!

God Bless you!

©Diane Meyers 2013